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A post-mortem on rituals and a re-emphasis on faith, meditation, introspection and dispelling ignorance

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Dear All,


Appended are some priceless things Shri Mataji spoke about, such as the power of

Sahaja yoga being about the organising power that is within and without - and it

works best after Self-realisation, after which we can have an enlightened faith

in our Self/Spirit. Shri Mataji contrasts this enlightened faith with the blind

faith. But even people who are not SYs can have faith and they will be healed.

(You will read about that in the appended).


Apart from the first quote, the rest all come from one Puja Talk, but i have

separated them into individual quotes, to better highlight some of the things we

might otherwise miss, when they all run together. What i am saying, is that

there is just so much knowledge that Shri Mataji has given, and we want to

imbibe as much as we can.


One thing i do notice, is that Shri Mataji says meditation and introspection and

faith in one's Spirit/Self is very important. i do not see Her talking the

SYSSReligion. There is a Spirit of a difference to the way Shri Mataji teaches

things, and the way the SYSSReligion teaches things. Whereas the emphasis of the

SYSSReligion is on rituals, Shri Mataji emphasizes on meditation, introspection,

and faith.


i know that we were all brought up with rituals in Sahaja Yoga. With Shri Mataji

it was never about rituals. With the SYSSReligion it was without a doubt about

rituals. According to them, without these rituals you cannot have your

salvation/spiritual liberation. They will always argue that you need this, or

that, ritual before this, or that, will happen. But what about one's faith in

their Spirit/Self? What about one's faith in the Divine?


Looking back, i can see how the SYSSReligion has confused the issue, i.e., while

we were surrounded/steeped in rituals, we were also having our

salvation/spiritual liberation. Maybe that is why we identified the two as going

together, i.e., we were being taught by the SYSSReligion that we couldn't have

our salvation/spiritual liberation without the rituals. But this is not the

reality, really.


Because, when i look back, i received my salvation/spiritual liberation in spite

of the rituals. i received my Self-realisation on my faith in the Divine -

" Otherwise, how can so many still be doing the rituals and not having their

salvation/spiritual liberation and being great yogis? " Like Shindy said to

Jagbir, they are still waiting to be great Sahaja Yogis!


Without our realizing it, we were brought up in SY on the SYSSReligious system.

It is a system that is not exactly in the same Spirit that Shri Mataji taught

about things. It is a system that has emphasized the subtle system knowledge,

but there is very little, to no emphasis at all, on faith; enlightened faith. A

person can do all the subtle system clearing and cleansing rituals they want,

but if they don't have that enlightened faith, it does not lead to

salvation/spiritual liberation.


Perhaps, so many people were not having faith in themselves, in their Spirit,

that in desperation Shri Mataji had to give them external rituals to get them

motivated, to get them moving, to budge them. After all, She first worked with

many drug addicts and other psychologically damaged people, who probably had

lost all faith in themselves and others - not to mention, faith in the Divine.

They maybe had to work hard at even having faith in themselves again, never mind

having faith in their enlightened Spirit! Perhaps they couldn't reach that goal

without external help, to even budge them!


But things are different for us, here. We are appealing to those from the

different 'strict' religions and non-religions. That is whom we are appealing

to, with the Message of Resurrection. So, there needs to be a re-emphasis on

faith in our Self/Spirit and in the Paramchaitanya. If we have the faith in God,

in the Divine, in the Spirit/Self, we can create miracles in our lives and

others'. The emphases that Shri Mataji gave are faith in our Self/Spirit,

meditation, introspection and the dispelling of ignorance. As Jagbir says, we

cannot promote rituals at all, because it will not attract the Christians,

Muslims, Jewish or Sikh! We have to face this reality in a practical manner,

therefore. That's the simple facts of the matter.


So, for all the above reasons and more, to those who have been brought up on the

SYSSReligious rituals ------- lets shift away from that madness of 1001 rituals

and tell people about the need to have an " enlightened faith " in the Spirit, in

Kundalini, in Mother, in Paramchaitanya - without the need for rituals, instead.

As mentioned before, rituals can confuse/blur the real issues that need to be

addressed. Rituals can entrench people in the SYSSReligion, never to recover,

believing themselves to never reach the goal of salvation/spiritual liberation,

of never having faith in their Self/Spirit. And therefore never being free of

rituals, because of the conditioning itself, or because of the conditioning of

others who swear that you must engage in rituals for the rest of your life to

gain salvation/spiritual liberation.


In that Spirit, i ask you to read and imbibe what Shri Mataji has said. But

please take off your SYSSReligious spectacles first, so that you can see all the

more clearly, Her Vision for the spiritual emancipation of humanity, through Her

Message of Resurrection!


regards to all,






" They got their realisation so quickly. And when they told me how they were

thinking and what has happened to them, I was amazed! How this seeking was

working within them, and pushed them towards Sahaja yoga [spontaneous Union with

Divine]. Also in the meanwhile, I must say so many got lost into the clutches of

false gurus. Despite that, today we have so many Sahaja Yogis. You are just

representing your country, but there are so many more in your countries. Even in

India we have many more. You have just come here to represent them.


So, multiple of this number, I do not know how many would be there. So many

asked me how many Sahaja yogis there are. I said " I don't know! " " You don't

know? " " I said " No. We have never kept any recall " . So they can't understand. I

say we have no office, no recall, no secretary. I don't know how to type, I

don't know how to write even My cheques. They can't understand a person like Me

existing in these modern times. But every thing gets done somehow! Despite My

modern ignorance, every thing gets absolutely done in the most perfect manner.

Like a remote control.


Now all this thing I never said a word about it. I must tell you - nothing.

Never I gave any idea as to how it should be. I didn't even tell them how many

we are expecting. But see how spontaneously every thing has worked out, because

you all have commitment, and that commitment gives you all this organising

capacities. So many things you have seen get organised because also this " Param

Chaitanya " has come into " Puta Yoga " where it is working it out exactly. And

this activity also is absolutely supporting to you. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Birthday Puja, Delhi India

21 March, 1993




" We all have gathered here on top of this beautiful mountain to celebrate the

resurrection of Christ. It's very significant for Sahaja yogis to understand the

great event of his resurrection by which he showed that the spirit does not die.

He was; he was the Omkara, he was the Logos and he was the Spirit. That is why

he could walk on the water. And also we have now made a film where we have shown

how the Mooladhara which shows the carbon atom has clearly, if you see from

right to the left you find a proper Swastika there, and left to the right we see

Omkara. But when you see from downward upward, what you see is Alpha and Omega.

That proves beyond doubt that what Christ has said that: " I am the Alpha, and I

am the Omega, " clearly shows that he was the incarnation of Shri Ganesha. Its a

scientific proof we now have with us and we can tell people that it's a fact. I

don't know if at the time of Christ you'll find that Omega was known to the

mathematicians but definitely to him when he said: I am the Alpha and the

Omega. " His was an incarnation very remarkable and very important for our

ascent. If he had not resurrected, we ourselves could not have achieved our

ascent at all. So it's a great contribution. The resurrection of Christ is now

evident in your own life. What you were before and what you are today. It is

such a change, such a difference, such a transformation. It is his own sacrifice

on the cross and His own beautiful resurrection which has created a way for us

to get into this new transformed state. In this state is a different story for

human beings and different for Christ. Christ himself was holiness or purity. So

His resurrection is nothing but a physical happening, we can say, because he did

not need transformation. He did not have to go through any cleansing. But what

happened in his case is that he became resurrected from death. It symbolises

that the life of human beings without spirituality is like a death. Because they

do everything without any understanding of the totality, about the reality,

about the absolute truth. Whatever they do, ultimately, takes them to their

destruction. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Easter Puja - Rome, Italy

11 April, 1993




" Even the religions which are established by these great incarnations are

absolutely on a decline. You do not find any trace of religious life with all

those people who claim that they are the ones who can represent those

incarnations. If you see in a subtle way, it's very painful, also. That in the

name of all these great incarnations the kind of work people are doing, the

activities to which they take to, it's something impossible, because they have

no fear of God. In the name of God they are doing all these horrible things all

over the world. Of course here the catholic church has been exposed. Everywhere

people are seeing that all these false things have been exposed. But these false

things people have used under a guard of God, spirituality and good. That's the

best way you can hide all the cruelty, all the violence, all the ugliness. This

is how they have worked it out. And it has gone into such a state that you do

not find even the slightest, even a tinge of religious life in these people.

It's like all the thieves of the world, all the crooks of the world and all the

intriguers of the world have taken over. It's only because what was written in

all the books, in all the scriptures that you have to seek yourself, was never

done. You have to know yourself was never done. How many times Christ has said,

" Know thyself. " He also said that, " You are to be born again. " So we take a

certificate that: " I am born again, " and start taking advantage of that kind of

certificate. But they don't think that actually what benevolence has it given

them? At the most they might have made some money, at the most they might have

had some superficial powers. But it has done nothing, if you see, from innate

nature. One must pity their insanity, the way they have taken to Christ's life

or anybody else's life of such a noble and a higher value system, and are all

doing very low-graded things. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Easter Puja - Rome, Italy

11 April, 1993




" In Sahaja yoga now, you have transformed yourself. I would say your Kundalini

has done the job. But still between Christ and you there is this. That you are

coming from that environment, that style of life, that kind of thinking which is

all for your destruction. Everything, if you see now, is for your destruction.

So when you are coming out of it, still these things hang over, still you get

affected by it. Even when you are rising higher and higher, suddenly you find

you are pushed down. Some sort of funny situation. Some sort of a degrading

things. Of course, sometimes you are shocked by it. So for a Sahaja yogi it is

very important that after coming to Sahaja yoga he has to be very introspective.

Instead of seeing the bad in others, one should try and see what is bad in

himself. It is very important that you have to know how far you are going

towards your spirituality. Christ did not need this. He did not have to

introspect. He was something which was beyond any corruption and for him it was

just a physical transformation in the sense that he died and then he resurrected

Himself. But for us it is very different. We are now Sahaja yogis, but we were

ordinary human beings. We had no light within us. Now, if the light comes within

us and we see the light, what do we become? We have to become the light itself! "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Easter Puja - Rome, Italy

11 April, 1993




" Christ was the light. He did not have to become [the light]. But we have to

become the light. And now you have to guard, on the way, this light, which might

be disturbed, might be reduced, or maybe completely extinguished. So carrying on

yourself, with this light, the first thing you should know is that if you see

the light it is not proper [because] then you are not the light. You have to

" become " the light [itself]! When you " are " the light, then in that light you

can easily see how your mind works, what ideas it gives, what affects your mind

while you are ascending: 'Is this the worry, or is this the responsibility that

I have, or is this from bad habits that i have, that there is an impediment in

my growth as a spiritual personality?' So, you have to guard yourself all the

time and see for yourself how you are progressing. It's a very beautiful journey

- very, very, beautiful journey. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Easter Puja - Rome, Italy

11 April, 1993




" Yesterday I was very much happy to hear the song of the Russians who describe

about the journey, the journey of Kundalini. This is true, no doubt, that your

are a realized soul. Basically, you were not a realized soul. But now that you

are a realized soul, you are at an evolved state. Now, what is missing is the

idea that we are absolutely alright and nothing can harm us, nothing can bring

us down. If you develop such an egoistical idea [that you are not alright and

something can bring you down] it's not going to help you at all.


What you have to do, is to all the time introspect yourself. That is what

meditation is for. To see for yourself how you are keeping up your spiritual

ascent. No one else can do it. It's your individual work.


Of course, if you go to the collective everyone will know what chakras you are

catching, no doubt. They will not say, they will not refer to it, but they will

know definitely that such and such a chakra is catching and this person has this

problem. But they won't know themselves what they are catching, what their

problem is. So if somebody tells you that I think this chakra is catching, you

should never, never feel bad about it because, by keeping that chakra intact,

you are ruining your whole life.


So what you have to do is to see that if somebody tells your, " I think this

chakra, there is something wrong, " you should thank that person, " Thank God you

have told me. " Like a mirror, if you see in the mirror there is something wrong

with your face you can immediately correct it. In the same way, if somebody

points it out to you, you have to be mature enough to know that it's a great

blessing that such a thing was pointed out to me. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Easter Puja - Rome, Italy

11 April, 1993




" Like the other day there was a quarrel between two leaders. There is always a

problem between two leaders. There should not be. It's like two eyes don't

fight, two hands don't fight, two legs don't fight, but if there are two leaders

there is always a problem. You have to have always one leader; otherwise [there

is] a problem. So they were arguing amongst themselves. Two leaders arguing

amongst themselves, and they came to me.


Immediately I saw one of them was absolutely caught up. I said, " You put your

hands towards me. " When he puts his hands towards me, immediately he puts it

back. I said, " What happened? " He said, " I am getting [a] burning sensation,

Mother. " " Now do you know what's wrong with you? " He said, " I am very hot

tempered, and I know I am very egoistical and should not have made like that. "

But at the same time, he could have felt very bad because I said it to him. He

did not, because he's a Sahaja yogi and he knows what is benevolent for him,

what is good for him. He did not feel bad at all. On the contrary he was so

thankful to me that, " Mother, because of you I have been found out. Otherwise, I

was hiding it within my heart. "


Now the problem with us is that we have achieved lot of development within

ourselves and we have consolidated it. Also we have a great collective force I

can see in every country. We can give realisations to so many and we can really

establish all these great truths in our life. We can do it. All the time we

should establish that. But there is one point on which one should not be very

sure: " that you have absolutely reached the last truth " . You have to be very

careful on this point, very much. I have seen people who go very high in Sahaja

yoga, come up very high, and suddenly go down very low. It makes me very sad,

extremely sad. The reason is that they have no faith. Faith in themselves and

faith in Sahaj. This is the faith which is missing. You have to have faith in

yourself and faith in Sahaj. Sahaj means there is the Divine Power. And this all

pervading Divine power is looking after us. It is now felt also. You have felt

it. It's not that only by saying [that it] is there. You have known it is so!

But even knowing that, it has not become such a faith in you. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Easter Puja - Rome, Italy

11 April, 1993




" But this is the faith about which Christ has talked. This is the faith of the

enlightened mind, not the blind faith. And with the blind faith you might make

mistakes, while with the enlightened one, if you have faith, you become

extremely powerful, extremely powerful. There cannot be any problems if your

faith is enlightened. So now, you see in Sahaja yoga many people who are very

steady, who are upright, who are very well looked after. They are the people who

know they are standing on the rocks. But those who are not yet so steady are the

people - they think they are still dwindling on some sort of a funny waters of

this life. The rocks are there, standing on the rocks, and also, out of that has

come the faith that, nothing can disturb us, nothing can trouble us. As far as

Christ is concerned, naturally He knew everything. He was sure about it. He

never bothered, He never dwindled, never doubted. He knew that He is the Son of

God. That was a fact He knew very well, and He never challenged it never doubted

it, nothing. It is so and that's why He, I say, He was standing on the rocks. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Easter Puja - Rome, Italy

11 April, 1993




" While the other people, even Sahaja yogis, have to become like Christ, as far

as the faith is concerned. This faith is to be understood. This is an

enlightened faith. Like Christ, he went into crucifixion, he went into all kinds

of things just because He knew it was just a drama, and He was doing all this,

just in a drama and there was nothing serious, nothing is going to matter and

that He was going to resurrect himself. He played a drama. To Him it was nothing

very serious. He saw people making fun at Him, mocking Him. He also in His heart

knew everything that these people who were mocking don't know what I am. But at

the same time He was the embodiment of faith. Faith in Himself, and in this all

pervading power. It won't let you down, but you have to have absolute faith.

Supposing I have to have someone on whom I have faith. Naturally I will give him

all the work, I will trust everything [to him]. I will keep the keys with him,

all the money with him. Never doubt such a person. In the same way, if you have

faith, faith in yourself, faith in Sahaja yoga where you are established, you

are surprised how things will work out, how life will improve and you will be

standing on the rocks. You will feel that way that you'll have no doubts, no

problems, no diseases. So, this is such a state, only with faith. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Easter Puja - Rome, Italy

11 April, 1993




" Now this faith, how do you get it? The problem is how to get to this faith.

There's no course about it, no literature about it, no lecture about it. But

there is an awakening within you which will ask this: " What am I?; this

awakening, " What am I?; what have I achieved? " You see, this you will question:

" What is it that I have achieved? What have I got out of Sahaja yoga? " All these

questions will come to you. But if you have faith, not the blind [faith], but

the enlightened [faith], which is established by many things in life, many

miracles in life. Small, small things you will find, there have been miracles,

small, small things. There have been miracles even in big things, in so many

things, you never have expected this will happen. So now you know [that you are]

very well settled, that you are now very nicely [settled] in Sahaja yoga.


For example, it starts raining. Half of you would get worried about it but they

will know that there is a very beautiful roof, nothing can happen. Let it rain

as much as it likes, and then you will have faith that it is not going to rain,

it's not going to drench us. In the same way, this faith within us has to be

absolutely solid. And that makes you extremely strong, and makes you responsible

for the resurrection of thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands.

This kind of life that we have that only by our own establishment, by our own

understanding, by our own observation, that we settle into ourselves, we settle

into Sahaja yoga.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Easter Puja - Rome, Italy

11 April, 1993




" It's something remarkable that it has happened, it is happening and should

happen to all of you. You all should have the chance to know your Spirit and to

know yourself. So, one has to have faith in one's Self. I've seen some Sahaja

yogis always come and say that, " I am no good, I am useless, I'm doing no good,

I'm an absolutely lazy lump, or whatever " It's alright, you think that way, ask

for it. What do you want? Even if you don't ask it will work out, even if you

don't. Even if you just think about it, it will work out. Even if you pay

attention it will work out. Because this all pervading power is the only real

power. All the rest of the powers are useless. And it's so very efficient, so

compassionate that in the split of a second it can work out. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Easter Puja - Rome, Italy

11 April, 1993




" The other day we had someone from Australia and he was deceived by someone and

made him buy a land or a house at a village for which he had no money, and this

fellow said, " Doesn't matter, even if you don't have money, they will not say

anything to you. " He believed, had wrong faith I should say. And then he said,

" Alright. " He paid all the money he had just to reserve it. Somebody went there.

There was a puja so so many were there. So many pujas, and things happened and

so many people came and saw all this. But this fellow was so upset, so upset. He

could not understand, why it has happened to me why I am placed into such a

difficult situation. And he was deceived and he was really upset and

flabbergasted. He had no ideas as to how he would get out of this mess. He had

put all his money there, everything was involved and if he doesn't pay that

money he would have been in jail. I just wrote to him, " Have faith in yourself,

that's all, have faith. " And what a miraculous thing happened that somebody else

offered a much higher price for that and that fellow said, " Of course I will pay

whatever you have promised. I'll pay you back and I'll pay you all the more that

I am going to pay. " It's something unbelievable. So many went there, so many

wanted to solve the problem, did this, met the fellow and told him that he

cannot pay. Nothing worked out, nothing. Only his faith, and can you imagine now

he's going to become a rich man. He was supposed to go to jail, now he's going

to become a rich man. There are many miracles like that. This is just a

financial side of it, but I know you know many other miracles have taken place. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Easter Puja - Rome, Italy

11 April, 1993




" After realization if you do not have faith, that shows you are a very poor

personality. After realization at least, you should take to faith, that really

is something surprising that people get their realization and everything. Still

they do not have faith in themselves. Those who have had [faith] have really

achieved so much. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Easter Puja - Rome, Italy

11 April, 1993




" Now the difference between us and Christ is that faith was part and parcel of

his being. It was not that He had to have faith, He was faith. Now we have to

have, we have to believe in ourselves. There are so many incidents I can give

you which you can tell me so many incidents where just the faith has helped. If

you were in Romania, I think it happened. One lady came on the stage, she

couldn't walk they had to bring her on a wheelchair, and she said. " Mother, I

know you can cure me, nobody can cure me. I know you can cure me. " She said it

three time. I said, " So, you believe that I am curing you. " She said, " Yes. " I

said, " Then get up. " She just got up, walked out and then she started running

all the way. And everybody started laughing. They said, " But she's not a Sahaja

yogini. " I said, " See her faith. " Because when there is faith all the deities

take it up. They are challenged. They have to do it. They have shown faith in

that person. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Easter Puja - Rome, Italy

11 April, 1993




" As I have told you, in Sahaja yoga we trust people. We trust. One among hundred

might deceive us, doesn't matter, we trust. That faith you put in that person,

works in his mind. Also, that they have put so much faith in me. But what about

deities? You show faith in them, they work. Immediately they work out. Like

Guido told me that they said there will be heavy rains for these two days. I

said alright, don't worry. It disappeared. You can control anything if your

faith is under control. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Easter Puja - Rome, Italy

11 April, 1993




" And, when we talk of faith, is the challenge to this all pervading power which

organises, which knows everything, which is so intelligent, efficient, above

all, it loves you. And then you show faith. The resurrection in Sahaja yoga is

that your faith is solid. This you have to achieve. Solid faith. They don't then

feel then bad. Supposing I may not meet them. Supposing I may say, " Alright, I

may not be there. " Nothing matters, you see, whether Mother meets us or not

everything is for our good. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Easter Puja - Rome, Italy

11 April, 1993




" Supposing you are lost on the way, know that it has to be that way. If you have

to look at the life, He was to be crucified. He had to carry the cross. He had

to do all this, it's alright, whatever. He's faith, I'll do it. He never

grumbled, he never grudged. He didn't want anyone to share His problems. But

this faith in Him gave Him such a tremendous powers. He could have done

anything. He could have killed all these people were trying to persecute him,

easily, what's the harm, just a glance could have killed them, but no, He knew

He had to go through all that. Ultimately, he's the one who is victorious, He is

the one who won everything. In the same way a Sahaja yogi has to look at ones

own life. It's a very precious life, very precious in this world is this, the

how many there are Sahaja yogis. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Easter Puja - Rome, Italy

11 April, 1993




" In the evolutionary process how many will become Sahaja Yogis I can't say. And

once look at the world you start feeling that most of it is going to be

destroyed, most of the people are not going to be there. Not that we are [not]

going to be available, they are not fated to come to Sahaja yoga. They are not

meant to come to Sahaja yoga. So if you are so fortunate that you have got your

realization, your resurrection. But now have faith in that resurrection of

yours. In your resurrection that is your being and with that you will know how

precious you are for the whole world and with that you are not to think of

material gains, physical gains, or some emotional gains, but spiritual gains. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Easter Puja - Rome, Italy

11 April, 1993




" What have we done for spirituality, of our own and of others. It's the only

thing you have to think about and you'll be amazed, everything will be

organised, everything works out, everything in its own time, shows it's own

time, shows it's own results. Now I am sure at least 80% of you believe in what

I am saying, maybe 90%. There could be about 10% who think that alright, Mother

says so, but why it happened, why that happened. Like the other day I had a

journalist very well known, he said, " I can't believe in God. " I said, " Why? " He

said, " Because how can there be such miseries in this world, how can there be a

blind child, how can this and how can that. " Then he started giving me

instances. I said, " Alright, have you told me everything. " He said, " Yes. " I

said, " Now, supposing we say that you are sitting in the realm of congress

government or your ? government, or whatever you call it. So the situation is

explainable. You have not yet gone into the realm of God. If you go to that

state and if you achieve it and if you settle down, then tell me, " Have you any

problems? " None. I said, " Why do you see to the negative side. " Now if you say

that there is a way out and that there is a solution and that a time can come

where in this race of Sahaja yogis there will be no diseases, no troubles,

nothing, no problems. So why not see this. Why do you want to see one boy who is

blind. But why don't you see that the blind become alright. So this kind of a

negative attitude also Sahaja yogis can have. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Easter Puja - Rome, Italy

11 April, 1993




" I have seen them, someone is sick. They'll say, " Mother, he is sick, I must

bring him to You, You must see them. " There's no need at all. You can cure,

you're faith can cure. You all know about someone's uncle who was sick, who was

not a Sahaja yogi, he went down there to see him and his wife said that you are

capable of praying to Mother, why don't you tell Her to get my husband alright.

He was a cancer patient, on deathbed. He said, alright, he just bowed down and

he prayed, " Mother, please cure my uncle. " Third day he was out of hospital and

now he is rooming about all over. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Easter Puja - Rome, Italy

11 April, 1993




" Though he is not a Sahaja yogi, still it has worked because now in Sahaja yogis

saying that, the deities have to work it out. Though he is not a Sahaja yogi

doesn't matter. It was the deities who stood by it. And this one has to believe

in oneself, fully, that if these powers are with us, why not we use it, Why not

we develop that complete faith that we are now Sahaja yogis, we are now in the

Kingdom of God and that this power is going to look after us. Then we'll have no

choices. We'll have no hesitation. You'll not bother if you have to go to

Singapore, if you have to go to Africa, anywhere, so what. We are still in the

Kingdom of God wherever we go is perfectly alright. And no worry of any kind. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Easter Puja - Rome, Italy

11 April, 1993




" We are slaves of so many things. We are slaves of our watches, of

conditionings. Everything drops out. Doesn't matter. What does it matter,

nothing is important. As long as you are with yourself everything will be

alright. Like people tell me, " Mother, you travel so much, how do you do it? " I

said, " I never travel. As I am sitting here in the chair I am sitting there in

the chair, that's all. Only the seat is changed. I never think I am travelling.

I am just sitting down in the seat I am not tired. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Easter Puja - Rome, Italy

11 April, 1993




" So when you have complete faith in yourself then you don't bother. Many people

will find out whether I go there, there will be a bathroom or not, there will be

a place to sleep or not, nothing. You are looking for the comfort of your

spirit, if you get well and good, you can sleep anywhere. Nothing can bind you.

Nothing can pull you down, no habit can come back on you because faith will

purify you completely. It will enlighten you, it will nourish you. This faith is

not something that can be put into your heads, can be put into your hearts, it

cannot. It's a state which you have to achieve and which you can achieve through

Sahaja yoga. That's how our resurrection will be complete, would be established,

would be effective, and for the whole world will be a model. "


" May God Bless you "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Easter Puja - Rome, Italy

11 April, 1993





, " Violet " <violetubb



> Dear All,


> We concluded with:


> " Matter and form are the two basic principles then and the whole

universe evolves through the interplay between them. Part of the

dynamic is that matter always tends to dissipate itself, to

disintegrate, to become disorganized. Consequently at the very

beginning of the universe there was an explosion of matter such that

matter was thrown outwards in primordial expansion. It is believed

that this principle of expansion is still operating and that the

galaxies are expanding all the time as matter pushes itself out in

that way. But at the very time that matter expands and tends to

disintegrate, another force, the force of form, comes into play and

begins to structure matter, organising and controlling it. The

understanding is then that there were originally photons, electrons

and other basic particles coming into being and dissolving, and then

gradually forms began to be structured and the simplest atoms, those

of hydrogen and helium, came into being. From that origin of

organisation matter became increasingly more organised as the two

forces were continuously operative, matter disintegrating and moving

outwards and form drawing within, concentrating and centring the

matter. (p.257) So with the galaxies the matter expanded enormously

while the forms began to structure it, forming the stars, the galaxies

and eventually suns, moons, and planets, including earth. We can

understand then that the whole cosmos comes into being by the

interaction of these two forces, one working on the other. "


> A New Vision of Reality (Western Science, Eastern Mysticism and

> Christian Faith) Chapter 12, p.255-257


> Here now, is Part 2.


> Enjoy,


> violet



> Synthesis: Towards a Unifying Plan - Part 2


> (p.257) It is important to realise that matter is always in a state

of disequilibrium. If it were to come into equilibrium it would become

simply passive. It is always in disequilibrium as it moves out into a

new phase, and from that a new form emerges. It is thought that this

is how evolution takes place. There would be a particular form, a

chemical, a plant or animal or whatever, and then something in the

environment disorganises that structure and it has to reconstruct

itself. In so doing a new form comes into being. In this process

certain structures have been identified which Ilya Prigogine calls

dissipative structures. Dissipative structures are found even in

chemicals and still more conspicuously in plants and animals. These

are structures which tend to dissipate their energy, destructuring

themselves and then restructuring again somewhat differently. This, it

is thought, is how development takes place, always a disequilibrium

tending towards the organisation of a new structure. Rupert Sheldrake

has suggested that what, following Aristotle, we are calling forms, or

formal causes, act as morphogenetic fields. These are fields in which

matter is moulded into particular forms. Evolution proceeds in stages

as a new burst of formative energy is released and this takes place on

a large scale. Recent research has suggested that new species come

into being not simply by gradual stages but rather by a kind of

explosion. This indicates that the matter has been prepared for it by

changes having been introduced which make it ready for this explosion

of new species. This is at the moment by no means proved but it does

seem to be the pattern which is emerging.


> There is then a gradual development. (p.258) Atoms develop into

molecules, these develop into cells, cells develop into organisms,

then to simple plants and animals, as organs are produced leading to

the development of increasingly complex animal forms. All this is a

continuous process. What is particularly interesting is that the

elements of each stage, atoms, molecules, cells and so on, are each a

whole in their own right and as they develop they integrate the other

wholes within themselves so that the universe is composed of wholes

within wholes. For instance, an atom itself is a complete whole, with

its electrons, protons and neutrons and other elements. When that atom

enters into a molecule it enters a new whole, and yet it retains its

identity as, say, a carbon atom within the molecule, a smaller whole

within the greater whole. Similarly, within a cell the molecules still

retain their structure within the wider structure of the cell. And

again the cells in the body multiply and grow and each is a whole

within the greater whole of the tissue, the organ and finally the

whole organism. So the whole of nature is composed of all these

structures or processes built up one after another, one into the

other, in such a way that nothing is lost.


> In the course of evolution most processes simply follow mechanical

laws. Rupert Sheldrake puts this down to a kind of force of habit, in

that once a certain pattern of organisation has occurred it tends to

repeat itself and so it gets fixed to a certain extent. This pattern

appears as a kind of mechanical law. But at the same time there are

also continual chance variations and the new form that emerges from

these apparently chance changes integrates the chance elements,

creating a new structure. So form and matter, order and chance, are

working one on the other the whole time. At each stage the organism

becomes more complex and the organising principle more powerful and

more structured. This is what Teilhard de Chardin calls the principle

of complexification. (p.259) An atom of hydrogen is extremely simple,

consisting of one proton and one electron. But then as there arise

more and more complex atoms, and increasingly complex molecules and

cells, at each level there has to be a more complex deep structure to

hold it together and the energy within has to be stronger. This is

Teilhard's point of the within and the without of things. Atoms,

molecules, cells, attain their structure from the outside, as it were,

with regard to their matter but at the same time a force is appearing

within each one which organises and maintains the structure. Matter is

without; form, the organising force, is within. And so the form

organises each thing in a more complex way and becomes more manifest

as it develops, leading to increasingly greater and more complex

formal order.


> This process goes on continually, through plants and animals to

human beings. It appears that the same forces which are at work in

matter and sub-human life operate also in the human person and in

human consciousness. The same principle of matter and form working

together can account for the whole evolution of humanity. But what

happens in human beings is that this organizing power, this form,

begins to emerge into consciousness. We have seen that there is an

organizing power at every level and this organising power has the

character of a mind. Mind, it has been said, reveals itself as " a

pattern of self-organisation and a set of dynamic relationships " . In

this sense it can be said that mind is present in matter from the

beginning. Form in Aristotle's sense of the word is a power of

intelligence. It creates order. It causes the self-organisation of all

organic structures and creates a set of dynamic relationships. So mind

is present in matter, and in plants and animals, and that mind becomes

conscious in us. And so, in a very exact sense, it can be said that

matter becomes conscious in human beings. This process which has been

going on from the beginning of time becomes conscious in us. (p.260)

It evolves into consciousness. We are that stage of evolution at which

the material universe is emerging into consciousness in each one of us.


> A New Vision of Reality (Western Science, Eastern Mysticism and

> Christian Faith) Chapter 12, p.257-260

> Bede Griffiths

> Templegate Publishers - Springfield, Illinois

> ISBN 0-87243-180-0


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