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Sudhir Kakar: Mataji's contributions to this ancient model are not strikingly original.

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Question: " Is Sahaja Yoga your own philosophy, did it exist before

you? "


Shri Mataji: " It's an ancient thing, it's described in all the

scriptures. It's not today's. Sahaja Yoga is not today's thing. Only

the difference between the old Sahaja Yoga and this Sahaja Yoga is

this that I've worked out a method in which en masse Realization can

be. First thing. Secondly, without cleansing you, without making you

work it out I thought of raising the Kundalini somehow. Once the

Kundalini breaks through you get a light and in that light you start

seeing yourself then you correct yourself, I don't have to tell you.


Like supposing now you are holding on to a snake, all right? And it's

all darkness if I tell you it's a snake you may say no it's not a

snake, it's not a snake at all, it's a rope. What's the use of

arguing? The more I argue the more you'll hold on to it till it bites

you, so the best thing is to put little light there so you see, so

this is the difference only we can say that somehow or other now the

Kundalini just rises and gives you a power by which you become your

own guru, your own master and you correct yourself.


Overnight I've seen people have given up drugs, overnight, thousands,

over night people have given up alcoholism, overnight people have

been cured, overnight, so it's something tremendous and this tremendous power

must be harnessed, must be used which is there lying

within you. No amount of answering questions it is going to do, it

has to work out. It has nothing to do with the answering of questions

or my lectures, it's something which has to work out. "


Shri Mataji

Public Lecture (Miami USA '90)



Sudhir Kakar uses the SYSSReligion to brand Shri Mataji a cult leader


, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> " Essentially, Mataji's model of the human psyche is comprised of the

> traditional tantric and hatha yoga notions of the subtle body, with

> its 'nerves' and 'centers,' and fueled by a pervasive 'subtle

energy' that courses through both the human and the divine, through

the body and the cosmos. Mataji's contributions to this ancient model

are not strikingly original: as a former medical student she has

sought to give it a scientific, neurological veneer; as a former

faith healer, she has elaborated upon those aspects of the model that

are concerned with sickness and health; as someone born into an

Indian Christian family she has tried to introduce notions of

traditional Christian morality into an otherwise amoral Hindu view of

the psyche. "


> Kakar, Sudhir (1984) Shamans, Mystics and Doctors: A Psychological

> Inquiry into India and Its Healing Traditions, ISBN 0-226-42279-8




> " The organization has been criticized by writer Sudhir Kakar who

> describes the organization as a cult. "


> Wikipedia



> Note: The Wikipedia article on Sahaja Yoga is probably one of the

> most damaging as it uses many sources, of which Sudhir Kakar is one.

> That it registers highly on Google only makes matter worse. The

> present Sahaja Yoga organization will NEVER ever fulfil the

> emancipation of humanity, far from it. The SYSSReligion has

attracted so much negativity for so many years from so many sources

that it is now almost devoid of life and vitality. All one needs is

to google " Sahaja Yoga " and the chances of attracting are grim and



> And with Shri Mataji's recent final farewell the future is bleak and

> hopeless. The glory days are gone and there is so little to show.

The colossal, collective waste and deliberate disregard of the

greatest of opportunities to declare the Blossom Time of the

Comforter is unprecedented in the annals of history. Those days are

gone and will never come again for those who never had the courage

and vision to rise to the occasion despite all of Shri Mataji's



> It is now left to the devotees of the Great Mother to rise to the

> challenge with the absolute freedom and blessings bestowed by Her

> incarnation, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 20 July 2008. And we

challenge all the Sudhir Kakars of the world to try bend even a

single hair of the Devi now.


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