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Quantum Philosophy and the Ancient Mystery School - Part 1

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Quantum Philosophy and the Ancient Mystery School


(Today's New Science Philosophy - Old or New?)


- By Edward F. Malkowski



Responsible for the microelectronic technology that brought us the cell phone,

the computer, and the Internet, quantum physics has proven to be history's most

successful scientific theory. Quantum physics is also the source of a new

understanding of the world around us.


Although the founding principles of quantum physics were developed in the 1920's

and 30's, it wasn't until the 1970's that its influence seeped into our cultural

worldview. In 1975, with the endorsement from one of quantum physics creators,

Nobel Prize laureate Werner Heisenberg, Fritjof Capra explored the similarities

between quantum physics and the Eastern mystical tradition in The Tao of

Physics. Another landmark book was published four years later. Gary Zukav's The

Dancing Wu Li Masters: An Overview of the New Physics. With these books, and

many others that followed a new worldview begun to emerge embracing the

interconnectedness between Man and Nature.


Everything is connected through a universal field of virtual particles, and we

are all part of a single living system. What this new worldview suggests is that

physical form as biological consciousness is a local expression of a universal

phenomenon commonly referred to as 'Consciousness.' The cycle of life and the

evolution of form are natural processes that create a framework for experience

where consciousness is a fundamental aspect of reality just as much as the

spatial dimensions. Consciousness, once thought to be only the product of brain

chemistry, is now viewed as the eternal driving force for all that exists, and

through physical form, manifests itself in order to experience.


Although Mind is very much an enigmatic and highly debatable concept, this new

worldview also suggests that the individual's mind is a process of this

universal phenomenon to experience as opposed to being a separate entity.

Another creator of quantum physics and Nobel laureate, Erwin Schrödinger, views

this problem between one Mind and many minds as an arithmetical problem. For

Schrödinger our perception is scientifically indescribable because the mind is

itself that world picture. Thus, the individual mind is identical to the whole

'Mind' and therefore cannot be contained in it as a part of it. This creates a

problem, because there is a multitude of individuals experiencing consciousness

but there is only one world.


One answer to this paradox is that each of us experiences a unique world, which

Schrödinger summarily dismisses. There is only one other alternative. The

multiplicity of minds is only apparent, in truth there is only a single Mind.

Such a concept brings with it complex ramifications for the definition and

nature of knowledge.



Secret Wisdom - Sacred Science


You might think that since quantum physics is a relatively new branch of science

this burgeoning 'New Science' philosophy is also new. It is not. These new

insights into nature and reality are very old but have been masked by modern

attempts to characterize the ancient Egyptian culture and religion as primitive.

The concepts of Mind and Consciousness, as well as reincarnation and evolution,

were expressed long ago in what historians have labeled the Ancient Mystery

School - what Schwaller de Lubicz termed sacred science. Although shrouded by

the secrecy of the temple and rites of initiation, ancient Egyptian schools

taught this secret wisdom through myth and symbolism, an approach that leads to

an understanding of the world that is virtually identical to today's New Science



In fact, the sacred science of the ancient Egyptians, best described as a

philosophy of Nature's principles, inspired the Hebrews, the Greeks, the Romans,

and the Christians, which led to the emergence of what we call Western

Civilization. But for us, thousands of years later, the founding knowledge of

our civilization is all but lost. Yet there have always been a group people who

have handed down the secret wisdom and the sacred science of the ancient

Egyptians: Kabbalists, Hermeticists, Gnostics, Sufis, Buddhists, and Alchemists.

It is secret only in the sense that this wisdom must be understood through

esotericism and symbol, and it's sacred only in the sense that scientific

investigation inevitably leads to an understanding of Man and Divinity and a

unique knowledge of 'Self.'


Leaving behind modern biases and looking deep into ancient Egypt's civilization

there is brilliance and understanding that rivals our knowledge today. Their

'gods' were of a different order from our Western concept of God. They were not

gods at all, but principles of nature that represented such concepts as

digestion and respiration. They also represented intangible qualities found in

mankind such as knowledge and personality. This ancient view of nature has been

mistaken as religious and cult-like, but is, in fact, technical and



For example, the king's diadem with its serpent and vulture symbolized the

principles of life and form. The serpent represented the concept of the Source

for all that exists and its manifestation as the cosmos; and the vulture, man's

spiritual immortality. Like a spirit, the vulture, soaring high in the sky,

escapes this world to an existence beyond the bounds of Earth. Thus, Pharaoh's

diadem symbolized Man's Kingship in a cosmic sense and the mystery of life's

essence, where the mystery is the reality of Cause and Effect. This mystery,

which defines the human experience is abstract, but operates through the

concrete court of three dimensions to create another abstraction - what we

experience as consciousness and self-perception.


How the ancient Egyptians developed such a refined philosophy is a mystery in

itself. For scholars such as Samuel Mercer, who translated Sakkara's " Pyramid

Texts " during the 1950's, the tenets of this philosophy appear to have emerged

fully-fledged nearly 5,000 years ago without a historical precedent. It is

ironic that ancient Egypt's technical capabilities, so ambitious, so precise,

also appear to have emerged fully-fledged without precedent. Although, we

shouldn't be surprised, since the development of a sophisticated philosophy does

not occur without sophisticated technology.


Such insight into ancient Egypt's earliest traditions moistens the seeds of

doubt for history's linear model of Man and Civilization. Particularly so when

today's emerging 'New Science' philosophy parallels concepts described long ago

in Ramses' Temple of Amun-Mut-Khonsu, so meticulously described by Schwaller de

Lubicz in his two volume work The Temple of Man.


In 1937, alchemist and Hermetic philosopher, René A. Schwaller de Lubicz was

drawn to Egypt by an inscription at the tomb of Ramses where the Pharaoh was

depicted as the side of a right (3:4:5) triangle. For Schwaller de Lubicz, this

meant that the ancient Egyptians understood geometry's Pythagorean Theorem long

before Pythagoras was born. So, intrigued, he moved to Luxor and studied ancient

Egypt's art and architecture for thirteen years, and concluded that the temple

architecture was a deliberate exercise in proportion. The temple, with its

detail, described as a science the nature of Man, a philosophy that Schwaller de

Lubicz termed the Anthropocosm, or the Man Cosmos.



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