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Quran: We make our signs ... manifest .. in the souls and inner beings of Our servants

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> As i said, my comprehension of the Divine Feminine in Islam conforms

> to the advent and message of Her incarnation, Shri Mataji, and it is

> based exclusively on the Qur'an:


> 1. We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power:

> 2. And what will explain to thee what the night of power is?

> 3. The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.

> 4. Therein come down the angels and the Spirit by Allah's

> permission, on every errand:

> 5. Peace!...This until the rise of morn!


> surah 97:1-5 Al-Qadr (Night of Power)

> (Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, 1989.)


> No Muslim can challenge this surah, right down to the angels who

> accompanied the Spirit! In fact the Quran makes it impossible for

> the ulema to deny Shri Mataji's advent and message as both

> spiritual and physical angels were sent to identify the Spirit sent

> by Allah's permission!



" We make our signs and indications entirely manifest in the world and

in the souls and inner beings of Our servants so that it should be

clear that God is the True. " (41:53)



" A Great Prophecy*


[41:53] We will show them our proofs in the horizons, and within

themselves, until they realize that this is the truth.* Is your Lord

not sufficient as a witness of all things?

[41:54] Indeed, they are doubtful about meeting their Lord. He is

fully aware of all things. "


United Submitters International

Email: info

all rights reserved © 2002 masjidtucson.org



" Science enables us to understand the whole universe, how it came

into existence and how it evolved over billions of years. Religion,

on the other hand, deals more with the inner spiritual world than

outer world. Inner world is not less complex than the outer universe.

In Islamic tradition there is Prophet's saying one who understands

ones inner-self can know his Lord. There is great insight in this

saying of the Prophet (PBUH). Thus religion deals with spiritual

universe as science deals with material universe. "



September 2006

by Asghar Ali Engineer



" The Quran also recognizes man's inner world, which it expressed by

the word anfus ( " souls " ), as a source for fruitful reflection and the

discovery of truth. It points out its importance as follows: " We make

our signs and indications entirely manifest in the world and in the

souls and inner beings of Our servants so that it should be clear

that God is the True. " (41:53) " On the face of the earth there are

signs for the possessors of certainty, and also in your own selves;

will you not see? " (51:20-21)


In other words, there is an abundant source of knowledge in the

beauty and symmetry of the human body, with all of its organs and

capacities, its actions and reactions, its precise and subtle

mechanisms, its varied energies and instincts, its perceptions,

feelings and sensations, both animal and human, and most especially

in the astounding capacity of thought and awareness with which man

has been entrusted capacity which still remains largely unknown, for

man has taken only a few steps in studying this invisible power and

its relationship with his material body.


The Quran proclairns that it is sufficient to reflect on and examine

your own self in order to be guided to the eternal, infinite source

that is free of all need, has unlimited knowledge, skill and power,

and a feeble reflection of which is manifest in your being. You will

then know that it is that infinite reality which has thus brought

together in one place so fruitful a compound of elements and brought

it forth onto the plain of existence.


Given the existence of such vivid indications and decisive proofs,

placed at your disposal and within your own being for you to seek the

knowledge of God, no excuse will be accepted from you for misguidance

and denial. "





One day we will challenge more that a billion Muslims to dare deny

and defy Him, His Spirit and the Great News of the Qur'an at www.al-

qiyamah.org and www.ruh-allah.org!



Dear devotees of the Aykaa Mayee,


Namaste - i bow to the Great Spirit who resides in you!


The Divine Feminine's final revelation (to Kash) before declaring " We

have done our job here " was to confirm that the photograph also

captured images of the Divine Angels who took part in the Guru Puja

July 16, 1995. (We will thus celebrate every July 16 as Al-Qadr, the

Night of Power. i will elaborate on this later.)


i did say that " The eschatology of all three monotheistic faiths are

harmoniously fulfilled by Devi " i.e., the religions of Judaism,

Christianity and Islam.


" But, if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in

you, he who raised from the dead Christ Jesus shall quicken your

mortal bodies also through His Spirit who dwells in you. " The divine

agent, then, is the Holy Spirit, in unity with the human spirit "

[1]; " The Messiah will come and the great age of salvation will dawn

(for the pious) " [2]; " He (Jesus) is the Sign of the Hour (of

Resurrection) " - Surat az-Zukhruf 43:61 [3]. [1] F. J. Lambretch,

Resurrection in the New Testament, page 297; [2] Eric Eve, The Jewish

Context of Jesus' Miracles, p. 195; [3] Holy Qur'an


Their common bond is the Resurrection, though this might not be

apparent to the vast majority who have been falsely conditioned over

the centuries to the doomsday scenario of the final judgment - the

fiery end of death and destruction as " graves open up " .


But the Devi assures that is not the case, and we know She is telling

the absolute truth:


" Though you can understand that Mother's Love makes it very easy for

you to get to your Realization and that the whole story of Last

Judgment —which looks such a horrifying experience— has been made

very beautiful, and very tender, and delicate, and does not disturb

you. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


But why was the Divine Feminine's final revelation about angels, that

they were present on July 16, 1995 ......... thus meeting all the

precise Sure Signs required of Al-Qadr, the Night of Power? i had no

idea that was the case and thus did not ask Kash to verify it on July

16, 1995. We must understand that 10 days later it was the Primordial

Mother who pointed to Kash that the photograph had captured images of

angels. Only after this confirmation did She declare that " We have

done our job here " . And only today, after more than a decade, can we

begin to see the far-reaching significance of Her priceless parting

revelation. It is as if the Divine Feminine's revelations are now

beginning to blossom into forms and colors never seen before!


It is indeed a priceless parting revelation because in many of the

world religions, angels are spiritual beings who act as intermediaries

between God and humans. However, specifically to the three major

monotheistic faiths of Judaism, Christianity and Islam angels play a

central role. All three faiths believe that angels " reveal to us the

will of God and assist us in reaching salvation " , and that " creation,

revelation, prophecy, events that occur in the world, worship, the

spiritual life, death, resurrection, and the central position of man

in the cosmos cannot be understood without reference to the angels. "


Angels (Christianity)


According to www.christadelphia.org/ " the English word " angel " comes

from the Greek angelos, which means 'messenger'. In the Old

Testament, with two exceptions, the Hebrew word for " angel " is malak,

also meaning 'messenger'. The Creator Himself is so powerful and

glorious that He cannot be approached in person by human beings. He

alone " hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can

approach unto: whom no man hath seen, nor can see (1 Timothy 6:16).

Angels do not have man's shortcomings, and can therefore act for God

and represent Him when communicating with men and women. They bridge

the huge gap between the holiness and perfection of God in heaven and

the shortcomings of dying people on this planet. " (Luke 20:35)


" According to the Holy Scriptures, the angels, human beings, and all

nature were created by God. With the words, " In the beginning God

created Heaven and earth " (Gen. 1:1), we have the first indication

that God created the spiritual world. Here, in contrast to earth, a

substantial world, this world of spirits is called Heaven. The angels

were already present during the creation of the starry skies, which

is evidenced by the words of God spoken to Job, " When the stars were

created, all My angels sang praises to Me " (Job 38:7)...


Angel in Greek means messenger. This word denotes mainly their

relationship to man. They, as our elder brothers, reveal to us the

will of God and assist us in reaching salvation. Man, from the

beginning of his state in paradise, knew of the existence of the

angels. This fact is reflected in many ancient religions. "


The Nature of Angels, www.fatheralexander.org/



Angels (Islam)


" Angels are unseen creatures of light created by Allah to act as

intermediaries between Him and the visible world. The Islamic

concepts of creation, revelation, prophecy, events that occur in the

world, worship, the spiritual life, death, resurrection, and the

central position of man in the cosmos cannot be understood without

reference to the angels.


Belief in angels is one of the six pillars of belief or faith without

which there is no faith. Angels are a part of the world of the Unseen

which we cannot comprehend. Allah has told us about them in many

places in the Qur'an and via His Prophet Muhammad (peace and

blessings be upon him).


Although we cannot see angels, Allah may show them to some humans....

Angels are assigned certain functions. These functions include

delivering the revelation from Allah to whomever He wishes among His

prophets. " www.islamonline.net/


Yes, angels deliver the revelation from Allah to whomever He wishes

among His prophets. On July 16, 1995 they were sent to bear witness

to the incarnation of His Spirit on Earth, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,

to fulfill the exacting Sure Signs of surah Al-Qadr, the Night of

Power. There are many other Sure Signs of the Qur'an that have been

fulfilled, and they are listed at http://www.al-qiyamah.org.


One day we will challenge more that a billion Muslims to dare deny

and defy Him, His Spirit, and the Great News of the Qur'an at www.al-

qiyamah.org and www.ruh-allah.org! We will challenge them to deny

that " creation, revelation, prophecy, events that occur in the world,

worship, the spiritual life, death, resurrection, and the central

position of man in the cosmos cannot be understood without reference

to the angels " ! We will challenge them to deny the incarnation of His

Spirit, Shri Mataji, and Her Great News of Al-Qiyamah! We will

challenge them to deny all the Sure Signs of the Qur'an that Allah

has fulfilled!


Again i assure all that they will not be able to lift a finger in

protest, utter a word in anger, or issue a fatwa against www.al-

qiyamah.org and www.ruh-allah.org.


regards to all,







" " You Have Seen Photographs Of Angels Around You "


On July 16, 1995, at about 1:00 p.m. a single photograph (see cover)

was taken by Kash's father of the altar at the Guru Puja held at Camp

Talooli, Syracuse, USA just for remembrance. When developed it showed

four signs:


1. The half face of a child beside Her;

2. Light emitting from the right thumb of Her upraised right

hand (with the Cross of Shri Jesus Christ painted in red);

3. A flame in the offerings of ladoos (round, yellow sweet

offerings) and;

4. Angels who had come to witness the Guru Puja of the Great Adi

Shakti in both the top-hand corners.


The photograph was taken when the Puja was over. None of the 250 or

so Sahaja Yogis present saw any of the Divine Angels who were sitting

right before their eyes and witnessing the entire Guru Puja! This is

all the more remarkable since the whole ceremony took a few hours,

and these Divine Angels were present all the time. At least someone

must have noticed them sitting and meditating, or is it that humans

do not have the eyes to see these Spirit Beings? The photograph shows

them rising into the atmosphere to depart, just as the Sahaja Yogis

were leaving for home. Their number is unknown, as only a few are

visible against the dark background.


On July 22, 1995, at 10:45 a.m. Kash meditated and took the

photograph along with him to show the Great Spiritual Mother. He

emerged through the clouds and reached the Land of Eternal Light. He

slowly floated down into his spiritual body meditating beside Her and

merged into it. He then stood up, bowed to the Great Supreme Matriach

with hands joined in Namaste, and extended his greetings to Her and

all the Celestial Beings sitting around in a semi-circle.


Kash turned and asked the Great Eternal Mother if he could answer

some questions. She smiled and said, " Yes. " He then said to

her, " Shri Mataji, is this a miracle photograph? " He handed over the

photograph to Her. She looked at it and confirmed that it was. Kash

then asked Her, " Shri Mataji, whose face is that? " Shri Adi Shakti

replied that She could not answer that question. As there were no

more questions the Great Divine Mother requested meditation. They

raised their Kundalinis, did their bandhans, and went in Sahaj



After they had finished he bowed to all of them again. He then

requested Her for leave. She smiled and gave Her permission. As he

closed his spiritual eyes he began slowly descending through the

thick layer of clouds in his Sahasrara back to this erotic-neurotic

world of Viagra and Valium.


More than a year later on October 6, 1995, this 'miracle' photograph

was handed to Shri Mataji through SY Manoj in New York, USA, during

Her public program. On December 24, 1995 She confirmed its

authenticity with these words (though probably no one comprehended

the Reality She was talking about, or the silent, subtle, dormant,

multi-faceted chain of events that were taking place to bring Her

Divine Drama suddenly erupting into a thunderous standing ovation):


" You have seen photographs of Angels around you. So try to be simple,

innocent, not reacting, and keep quiet and peaceful because here we

are talking about the global transformation where people will find

their peace in their heart and will establish a new world of peace,

joy and spirituality. May God bless you. "


Shri Mahesvari Shri Nirmala Devi

Christ: Conditioning And Ego, Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule, India —

December 24, 1995


" We Have Done Our Job Here "


On July 26, 1995, at 6:55 a.m. Kash again took the same photo to

further authenticate the signs, as requested by his father. He went

into Sahaj Samadhi, reached the Templum Spiritus Sanctus (Temple of

the Holy Ghost) and bowed to Shri Adi Shakti, and all the Heavenly

Hosts sitting in a semi-circle before Her.


For some unknown reason Shri Kuruvinda-mani-sreni-kanat-kotira-

mandita Shri Nirmala Devi had a golden crown. Kash knew this was

unusual as in all his twenty-one months of spiritual enlightenment

the Great Supreme Goddess wore a crown only when Her Pujas were held

on Earth. But today there was no Puja but he did not ask the reason



Instead he handed the photograph to Her and asked for confirmation.

The Supreme Spiritual Mother took the photograph, looked at it, and

told Kash that it showed Divine Angels (both top-hand corners). She

then handed it back to Kash. All of them then raised the Kundalinis

and began meditating.


After they had finished, Shri Adi Shakti Nirmala Devi looked at Kash

and said these final words, " We have done Our Job here. " All of

Messengers of the Almighty Creator — from Shri Shiva to Christ, from

Shri Buddha to Muhammad — then smiled and slowly disappeared before

his very eyes. He looked around at the silent empty expanse. The

scene was just like his very first day of meditation, the endless

carpet of clouds with the Light shining ever so brightly above, and

nothing else.


For a while he wondered what had happened. Why had the Great Sacred

Spirit and the Divine Unity left him alone? But Her last words were

that they had done their job. He had been given the Supreme

Enlightenment of His Kingdom within himself for exactly 21 full

moons, a priceless treasure of spiritual Knowledge that made the

religious institutions paupers by comparison. It was time for him to

pass this Knowledge to the rest of humanity, " to tell them about

Sahaja Yoga and give them this great Knowledge. " It was time to join

Shri Devesi Shri Nirmala Devi and once again battle the Forces of

Darkness that had enveloped this speck of cosmic dust known as Earth.


Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God, 1999, page 90-93



Kuruvinda-mani-sreni-kanat-kotira-mandita (14th): She is adorned with

a crown bedecked with (Padmaraga) precious stones mined from red

Kuruvinda stones, symbolising various emotions like love and also the

letters of the Gayatri Mantra.


Devesi (607th): The Queen of Devas, i.e., the Ruler of all divine






Muslims will be again challenged to deny and defy evidence of Allah's

Spirit and the Great News of the Resurrection at www.ruh-allah.org


, Isabelle Morgan

<isabelle.morgan wrote:


> Dear Jagbir, Violet and all


> I can't read all your emails on the forum because I'm too busy but

> I try to keep in touch with most of your " discoveries " .



Dear Isabelle,


i do not expect you to read all the posts, especially if you are

already meditating on the Divine Feminine within. You should also

realize that some posts are also meant to highlight the fact that

despite the apparent confusion and contradictions, such ignorance and

misrepresentation is accepted as knowledge and enlightenment. The


Laurence Galian is a good example (appended at end of post).


But i have to agree that Laurence Galian's " paper calls attention to

an unexpected and little explored fact of immense significance in

Islam: at the center of Islam abides the Divine Feminine. " However,

my comprehension of the Divine Feminine in Islam conforms to the

advent and message of Her incarnation, Shri Mataji, and is based

exclusively on the Qur'an:


They ask thee concerning the Spirit.

Say: " The Spirit (cometh) by command of my Lord:

Of knowledge it is only a little that is communicated to you. "

If it were Our Will, We could take away that which We have sent thee

by inspiration:

Then wouldst thou find none to plead thy affair in that matter

against Us.


surah 17: 85-86 Al Isra' (The Night Journey)

Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, 1989.)


The Qur'an confirms that little knowledge is given to the Muslims

concerning His Ruh (Holy Spirit or Adi Shakti). Allah had already

revealed that the Trinity was a false conjectured doctrine. Any

attempt to explain His Ruh would have only confused the illiterate

desert dwellers, and even smack of hypocrisy and falsehood as " there

were quite a number of idols or gods worshipped among the Arabs, and

sura 71.23 bears witness to this. There is also that surprisingly

frank account in the Qur'an of the occasion when the Prophet

apparently made somewhat of a concession to paganism in reciting sura

53.19-20 concerning Al-Lat, Al-'Uzza and Manat, the goddesses of the

Sun, of Venus and of Fate respectively. . . However, it is obvious

that idolatry was rife at the time of Muhammad. He was not going to

have an easy time convincing his people of the existence of one true

God. Worship of Al-Lat was extremely widespread, and her means " the

goddess. " "


Thus whatever was revealed of the Spirit of Allah to Prophet Muhammad

was the barest minimum in order to contain a volatile situation. But

the fact remains that Allah made it a point to mention His Spirit

without revealing anything about it's nature. This seemingly

frivolous act 14 centuries ago today burst forth in all splendor as

the incarnation of His Ruh, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, proclaims and

explains Al-Qiyamah to all humankind. The little information 1400

years ago is now an Oasis of Knowledge for all Believers to drink.

The Holy Qur'an, an indisputable revealed book, literally breathes

with precise prophecies and fulfilled promises for all His children

of various traditions.


As i said, my comprehension of the Divine Feminine in Islam conforms

to the advent and message of Her incarnation, Shri Mataji, and it is

based exclusively on the Qur'an:


1. We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power:

2. And what will explain to thee what the night of power is?

3. The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.

4. Therein come down the angels and the Spirit by Allah's permission,

on every errand:

5. Peace!...This until the rise of morn!


surah 97:1-5 Al-Qadr (Night of Power)

(Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, 1989.)


No Muslim can challenge this surah, right down to the angels who

accompanied the Spirit! In fact the Quran makes it impossible for the

ulema to deny Shri Mataji's advent and message as both spiritual and

physical angels were sent to identify the Spirit sent by Allah's



The spiritual angels can be confirmed at:




and the physical ones at:




The www.ruh-allah.org site will be based primarily on these two Sure

Signs of the Qur'an concerning the Spirit (Divine Feminine), and will


SUFISM by Laurence Galian. Muslims will be again challenged to deny

and defy evidence of both Allah's Spirit and the Great News of the

Resurrection at that site. i assure you that the Blast of Truth at

www.ruh-allah.org will also silence all Muslims, just like www.al-

qiyamah.org. Afterall, both will deal with Al-Qiyamah, the heart and

soul of Islam and the Qur'an.


regards to all,




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