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Shri Mataji: I don't care for your protocols and rituals. It is nonsense for me.

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Dear Violet and all,


Thank you so much for posting and commenting on a most important talk

by Shri Mataji that blows away to smithereens the very foundation of

the SYSSReligion. Any person with average IQ will be able to

comprehend that the corruption began setting into Sahaja Yoga way

back in the early 1980s. Despite Shri Mataji's detailed explanation

of " The correct foundations and ideals of a SY " , the negativity of

man-made SYSSReligion began to immdetiately penetrate and corrupt the

very ideals She had i.e., to turn humanity towards their own Spirit

during this blessed Blossom Time. (Today this insidious negativity has

almost drained the organization of all life and vitality, and

continues to immediately repel all newcomers. It is as if an evil

entity has succeeding in enveloping and overpowering the very base

from where the Comforter was to deliver Her Advent and Message!)


For leaders and SYs, it has always been an unconscious, collective

lack of comprehension/denial that Shri Mataji didn't care for their

protocols and rituals, that it was nonsense for Her. As far as they

were concerned, the SYSSReligion was all they had to show/convince

themselves and others that they were practising a unique method of

meditation, and the proof was in their protocols (of worshipping Shri

Mataji) and rituals (of clearing and cleansing the subtle system).


All the knowledge about chakras, nadis, location, cures and so forth

that has been gathered by SYs for more than three decades are just

page 1 out of 108. This collective knowledge so prized by ignorant

SYs is just the first letter " A " , the very first letter you learn.

This is just the first week of kindergarten ....... and nothing more.


Page 2, or the letter " B " , or the second week of kindergarten begins

with Silence on Self as you gain pure knowledge of God Almighty while

participating in the Resurrection and Last Judgment declared by the

Comforter sent by Lord Jesus ........... and continue thus for the

rest of your life.


99% of SYs are in the first paragraph above. The remaining 1% are

here in the second .................. and chakras, locations etc.,

are the last thing we want to know as that would mean going backwards

into ignorance, fear, superstition, guilt, confusion, obsession,

rituals, external attention and petty knowledge i.e., the Sahaja Yoga

Subtle System Religion that 99.99% of newcomers have fled over the

last three decades, are fleeing now, and will always flee in the

future. Without question there is no room here for the SYSSReligion

........ absolutely no room whatsoever!


Shri Mataji declares that " I don't care for your protocols and

rituals. It is nonsense for me. " i will not insult myself by including

the Divine Mother.


And for all SYs so conditioned by the SYSSReligion Page 2, or the

letter " B " , or the second week of kindergarten begins with Silence on

Self as you gain pure knowledge of God Almighty while participating

in the Resurrection and Last Judgment declared by the Comforter sent

by Lord Jesus ........... and continue thus for the rest of your life.

The protocols and rituals of the SYSSReligion are nonsense, and you

will follow this entrenched corruption and mindset at your own peril!


" The verses repeatedly stress that " the Kingdom " is within us — and

not, as the Church has insisted, in the heavens barred to the

" sinner " by Saint Peter. One reason for the Curch's vehement

opposition to the Thomas gospel was the inclusion of Jesus' repeated

warning to us not to entrust our spiritual development and well-being

to others, be they priests, politicians or prophets. "


Paul Roland, Revelation: Wisdom of the Ages,

Ulysses Press, 1995, p. 51.


There is little difference between the above repeated warning

by Jesus and mine i.e., do not entrust your spiritual development

and well-being to others, be they WCASY priests, politicians like Sir

C.P. or Kalki prophets named Ishmael and Richard Embleton. And if i

have to repeat this warning hundreds of times over the years i will

most willingly. It is indeed a blessing to enjoy the solitude of a

clear conscience than the collective joy of liars, fools and

hypocrites. Period!


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all,





Note: For the first time ever Shri Mataji is not having a Christmas

Puja. So the 2008 Guru Puja speech is indeed Her last and final

farewell after more than three decades of a life dedicated to a

selfless, relentless and fearless dedication to fulfil Her duty,

pledge and role as the Adi Shakti and Comforter - the promised bearer

of the Great News of the Resurrection. Why should the Divine care

about those who are spreading the nonsense of the SYSSReligion?

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