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The Truth will stand on its own merit - Part 4

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Part 3 concluded Mr. Benjamin H. Freedman's 1961 speech in Washington, D.C.,

with the following:


" The Jews at that peace conference, when they were cutting up Germany and

parceling out Europe to all these nations that claimed a right to a certain part

of European territory, the Jews said, " How about Palestine for us? " And they

produced, for the first time to the knowledge of the Germans, this Balfour

Declaration. So the Germans, for the first time realized, " Oh, that was the

game! That's why the United States came into the war. " And the Germans for the

first time realized that they were defeated, they suffered this terrific

reparation that was slapped onto them, because the Zionists wanted Palestine and

they were determined to get it at any cost. "




Here now, is part 4.






The Truth will stand on its own merit - Part 4


Now, that brings us to another very interesting point. When the Germans realized

this, they naturally resented it. Up to that time, the Jews had never been

better off in any country in the world than they had been in Germany.


You had Mr. Rathenau there, who was maybe 100 times as important in industry and

finance as is Bernard Baruch in this country. You had Mr. Balin, who owned the

two big steamship lines, the North German Lloyd's and the Hamburg-American

Lines. You had Mr. Bleichroder, who was the banker for the Hohenzollern family.

You had the Warburgs in Hamburg, who were the big merchant bankers -- the

biggest in the world. The Jews were doing very well in Germany. No question

about that. Now, the Germans felt: " Well, that was quite a sellout. "


It was a sellout that I can best compare -- suppose the United States was at war

today with the Soviet Union. And we were winning. And we told the Soviet Union:

" Well, let's quit. We offer you peace terms. Let's forget the whole thing. " And

all of a sudden Red China came into the war as an ally of the Soviet Union. And

throwing them into the war brought about our defeat. A crushing defeat, with

reparations the likes of which man's imagination cannot encompass.


Imagine, then, after that defeat, if we found out that it was the Chinese in

this country, our Chinese citizens, who all the time we thought they were loyal

citizens working with us, were selling us out to the Soviet Union and that it

was through them that Red China was brought into the war against us. How would

we feel, in the United States against Chinese? I don't think that one of them

would dare show his face on any street. There wouldn't be lampposts enough,

convenient, to take care of them. Imagine how we would feel.


Well, that's how the Germans felt towards these Jews. " We've been so nice to

them " ; and from 1905 on, when the first Communist revolution in Russia failed,

and the Jews had to scramble out of Russia, they all went to Germany. And

Germany gave them refuge. And they were treated very nicely. And here they sold

Germany down the river for no reason at all other than they wanted Palestine as

a so-called " Jewish commonwealth. "


Now, Nahum Sokolow -- all the great leaders, the big names that you read about

in connection with Zionism today -- they, in 1919, 1920, '21, '22, and '23, they

wrote in all their papers -- and the press was filled with their statements --

that " the feeling against the Jews in Germany is due to the fact that they

realized that this great defeat was brought about by our intercession and

bringing the United States into the war against them. "


The Jews themselves admitted that. It wasn't that the Germans in 1919 discovered

that a glass of Jewish blood tasted better than Coca-Cola or Muenschner Beer.

There was no religious feeling. There was no sentiment against those people

merely on account of their religious belief. It was all political. It was

economic. It was anything but religious.


Nobody cared in Germany whether a Jew went home and pulled down the shades and

said " Shema' Yisrael " or " Our Father. " No one cared in Germany any more than

they do in the United States. Now this feeling that developed later in Germany

was due to one thing: that the Germans held the Jews responsible for their

crushing defeat, for no reason at all, because World War One was started against

Germany for no reason for which they [Germans] were responsible. They were

guilty of nothing. Only of being successful. They built up a big navy. They

built up world trade.


You must remember, Germany, at the time of Napoleon, at the time of the French

Revolution, what was the German Reich consisted of 300 --- three hundred! --

small city-states, principalities, dukedoms, and so forth. Three hundred little

separate political entities. And between that time, between the period of. . .

between Napoleon and Bismarck, they were consolidated into one state. And within

50 years after that time they became one of the world's great powers. Their navy

was rivalling Great Britain's, they were doing business all over the world, they

could undersell anybody and make better products. And what happened? What

happened as a result of that?


There was a conspiracy between England, France, and Russia that: " We must slap

down Germany " , because there isn't one historian in the world that can find a

valid reason why those three countries decided to wipe Germany off the map

politically. Now, what happened after that?


When Germany realized that the Jews were responsible for her defeat, they

naturally resented it. But not a hair on the head of any Jew was harmed. Not a

single hair. Professor Tansill, of Georgetown University, who had access to all

the secret papers of the State Department, wrote in his book, and quoted from a

State Department document written by Hugo Schoenfelt, a Jew who Cordell Hull

sent to Europe in 1933 to investigate the so-called camps of political

prisoners. And he wrote back that he found them in very fine condition.


They were in excellent shape; everybody treated well. And they were filled with

Communists. Well, a lot of them were Jews, because the Jews happened to be maybe

98 per cent of the Communists in Europe at that time. And there were some

priests there, and ministers, and labor leaders, Masons, and others who had

international affiliations.


Now, the Jews sort of tried to keep the lid on this fact. They didn't want the

world to really understand that they had sold out Germany, and that the Germans

resented that.


So they did take appropriate action against them [against the Jews]. They. . .

shall I say, discriminated against them wherever they could? They shunned them.

The same as we would the Chinese, or the Negroes, or the Catholics, or anyone in

this country who had sold us out to an enemy and brought about our defeat.


Now, after a while, the Jews of the world didn't know what to do, so they called

a meeting in Amsterdam. Jews from every country in the world attended in July

1933. And they said to Germany: " You fire Hitler! And you put every Jew back

into his former position, whether he was a Communist, no matter what he was. You

can't treat us that way! And we, the Jews of the world, are calling upon you,

and serving this ultimatum upon you. " Well, the Germans told them. . . you can

imagine. So what did they [the Jews] do?


They broke up, and Samuel Untermyer, if the name means anything to people here.

.. . (You want to ask a question? --- Uh, there were no Communists in Germany at

that time. They were called 'Social Democrats.)


Well, I don't want to go by what they were called. We're now using English

words, and what they were called in Germany is not very material. . . but they

were Communists, because in 1917, the Communists took over Germany for a few

days. Rosa Luxembourg and Karl Liebknecht, and a group of Jews in Germany took

over the government for three days. In fact, when the Kaiser ended the war, he

fled to Holland because he thought the Communists were going to take over

Germany as they did Russia, and that he was going to meet the same fate that the

Czar did in Russia. So he left and went to Holland for safety and for security.


Now, at that time, when the Communist threat in Germany was quashed, it was

quiet, the Jews were working, still trying to get back into their former --

their status -- and the Germans fought them in every way they could, without

hurting a hair on anyone's head. The same as one group, the Prohibitionists,

fought the people who were interested in liquor, and they didn't fight one

another with pistols, they did it every way they could.


Well, that's the way they were fighting the Jews in Germany. And, at that time,

mind you, there were 80 to 90 million Germans and there were only 460,000 Jews.

.. . less than one half of one percent of Germany were Jews. And yet, they

controlled all of the press, they controlled most of the economy, because they

had come in and with cheap money -- you know the way the Mark was devalued --

they bought up practically everything.


Well, in 1933 when Germany refused to surrender, mind you, to the World

Conference of Jews in Amsterdam, they broke up and Mr. Untermeyer came back to

the United States -- who was the head of the American delegation and the

president of the whole conference -- and he went from the steamer to ABC and

made a radio broadcast throughout the United States in which he said:


" The Jews of the world now declare a Holy War against Germany. We are now

engaged in a sacred conflict against the Germans. And we are going to starve

them into surrender. We are going to use a world-wide boycott against them, that

will destroy them because they are dependent upon their export business. "


And it is a fact that two thirds of Germany's food supply had to be imported,

and it could only be imported with the proceeds of what they exported. Their

labor. So if Germany could not export, two thirds of Germany's population would

have to starve. There just was not enough food for more than one third of the



Now in this declaration, which I have here, it was printed on page -- a whole

page -- in the New York Times on August 7, 1933, Mr. Samuel Untermyer boldly

stated that: " this economic boycott is our means of self-defense. President

Roosevelt has advocated its use in the NRA " . [National Recovery Administration]

-- which some of you may remember, where everybody was to be boycotted unless

they followed the rules laid down by the New Deal, which of course was declared

unconstitutional by the Supreme Court at that time.



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