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The quality of discretion - Part 8

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Dear All,


In Part 7, Shri Mataji concluded Her speech with the following:


" In everything that we do discretion expresses itself and if you are a solid

Sahaja Yogi or a Sahaja Yogini your discretion is evident and everybody sees it

and knows it, that it is there. So for all of you it is important to develop

your discretion today and to ask me to reside in your Hamsa chakra so that you

are all the time stationed in the power of discretion. With discretion we have

evolved to the human state and to go further we have to develop our innate

discretion which I think is the essence of all the religions, of all the

adventures we have had, of all the lives which we have known, is the discretion

around which everything moves. "


May God bless you all. May God bless you all.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Hamsa Puja, Germany, 07-10-1988



After concluding with " God bless you all. May God bless you all " , Shri Mataji

continued speaking.








The quality of discretion - Part 8


I felt that I've fallen into the depths of joy, into the ocean of joy. So

beautiful it was, that you all could come and give me such a surprise. Of course

I love you very much, no doubt.


My love is not mental, is not emotional, it's existence itself. I exist with it.

It's my innate nature, which I could not enjoy unless and until it is reflected.

It has to be reflected and today I felt the reflection in you people. I was so

overjoyed, so very overjoyed. Everything seems so beautiful.


All these petty problems that trouble you and sometimes try to bother me also

just disappeared. You just felt that everybody is so cleansed and so beautiful,

everybody's ego washed off and the nectar of the beauty of love is just pouring

into them. It's not easy to describe; that was Nirananda, I felt, today,

complete Nirananda. To feel Your own joy reflected is something so boundless

that You cannot put them into the limitations of words. You have given me the

greatest joy today and a very great feeling that Sahaja Yoga now will be

established very well in Germany especially.


I always felt about Germany that it needed a special help and the way you all

have rushed here is something like a place, say in the hand or in the feet, or

there's some pain, so all the attention moves towards that, like that. Germany

is a very strong nation and if you could take them to Sahaja Yoga we'll have

that metal within us. It's very important. Every country has something special.

The metal of Germany is very important and if that comes into us, we'll have

that courage. So may God bless you all for that. May God bless you.


(Later on…….)


All right, one, I'll speak for a five minutes.


In a way our European tour has now come up to Germany, up to Munich and it has

to spread out to other parts of Germany, is very essential. Specially in

Bavaria, as I've heard, there's a lot of orthodoxy and also an influence of the

Catholic Church. So it was necessary to start the German center in Bavaria, in

Munich. But I'm so happy the way you all have come here and the way we have

worked it out, that we have really changed the vibrations of this place. When I

came here I felt the vibrations were not so good, and many other people have

used this place I was told. But I find you all have changed the vibrations and

things are much better here. That's how, the more you travel, the more you go,

the more you talk to people, the better it is, for them, to see how vibrations

change and to feel the goodness of the saints coming in their own glory. And the

saints are recognized by the change of the atmosphere.


Now I was thinking about when you are going to Andorra. So many of you will be

going by buses, and you can, on your buses, have big posters put up or maybe

banners put up. You can have the photographs, you can wear the badges, you can

stop at some village, some place, talk to people, sing the song, all that will

change the atmosphere all the way, wherever you travel. Now the time to keep

quiet has gone. Now we have to talk, we have to sing, we have to show that we

are quite capable people and that we can express ourselves beautifully, in a

dignified manner. For example, it's nice when we are together in privacy under a

beautiful tent like this. We can dance, we can enjoy ourselves. But when we are

outside, facing the public, we have to sing, but with dignity. That's the

discretion part of it. And here we have to all enjoy among themselves, jumping,

laughing, everything is there.


But the outside world thinks that a saint should be a very serious personality.

Even to me they said, " Mother, is there any photograph where You are not

smiling? " I said, " I don't know, maybe some of them, quite angry also

sometimes. " So, I said, " Why? " " Because in America nobody likes a saint to

smile " . I said, " Really? Is it, that all the rest of the people should smile and

enjoy and the saint should sit sulking, is that what they expect a saint to do? "

Saint should be the one who should be smiling and laughing. But they haven't

come to that stage of understanding that the joy is the right of a saint and not

of an ordinary person.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Hamsa Puja, Germany, 07-10-1988

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