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The quality of discretion - Part 9

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Dear All,


Part 8 concluded with the following:


" But the outside world thinks that a saint should be a very serious personality.

Even to me they said, " Mother, is there any photograph where You are not

smiling? " I said, " I don't know, maybe some of them, quite angry also

sometimes. " So, I said, " Why? " " Because in America nobody likes a saint to

smile " . I said, " Really? Is it, that all the rest of the people should smile and

enjoy and the saint should sit sulking, is that what they expect a saint to do? "

Saint should be the one who should be smiling and laughing. But they haven't

come to that stage of understanding that the joy is the right of a saint and not

of an ordinary person. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Hamsa Puja, Germany, 07-10-1988




The quality of discretion - Part 9


So we need not look sulking and unhappy, but we need not be very exuberant with

our expressions. So this is how things will work out. But I love to see you

dancing and enjoying, your body rippling with vibrations and everything feeling

so nice, it looks so nice and everything you can express through your own body,

the joy that you are feeling. Despite all that sometimes we find that there are

some people who cannot get over their sickening unhappiness, and they look so

funny and absurd in a group of people who are so joyous.


So I have to warn all of you because I had a case of a lady who was from India

and she was married; her husband was a very fine man, very happy person, very

joyous and a good person. But this lady refused to assimilate herself with that

group, with that society, with everything and she just kept out, all the time,

and was trying to show that she was very unhappy, she could not mix up, she

could not be collective. As a result she had to go back. She has created a

problem for me but still she can't get over her stupid ideas about her so-called

unhappiness, so-called separation from her family maybe, or so-called

calamities, which are no more for a Sahaja Yogi.


So I have to request you that - come to your joyous condition. Be happy, that

you are in that condition. Thank God that nonsense of unhappiness is gone. That

is how you can see so many miracles, you can see so many good things happening

in your life. But if you are a crying baby and if you are always complaining and

you look so miserable as if the whole world is falling upon you, then the whole

world will fall, you have asked for it, all right, have it.


You see, all the Ganas are waiting to do what you want. Now, you want misery?

All right, have it. On a plate they'll give you the miseries. But if you want to

be happy they are there to make you happy. So it's important for you to

understand that we have to be very, very happy, joyous people, welcoming what

Sahaja Yoga has given us and not to be serious, unhappy, complaining,

nonsensical. You are above all these things. If we cannot rise above this then,

what will happen is that you'll go down, down, and down, and down.


I love to see all the Sahaja Yogis enjoying music, dancing, singing because you

are in another world. You have got rid of all that was nonsensical, all that is

fallen off now. If it has not fallen, that means you need more maturity, you

have to come up. If you are still serious, thinking " what? This, that, " then you

require some more meditation, shoe-beating, all kinds of things. You have to

treat yourself. But you have to be in joy, all the time in joy.


In joy you do not have unhappiness or happiness; it's just joy, absolute joy. I

cannot keep Myself even serious for more than one minute, I try to be serious

but it's difficult because so much joy is bubbling all the time, that I find it

difficult to show that I'm not very happy or I'm angry.


So I would request you to be completely lost in the ocean of joy. Give up all

your conditionings, all your nonsensical ideas but just be joyous and be happy

with yourself and with all the rest of the Sahaja Yogis and with me.


So this is the greatest discretion, today, we have to learn is to be joyous and

happy. Are we happy, are we joyous or are we complaining? If you are

complaining, if you are sitting like this, then you are not a Sahaja Yogi. If

you don't how to smile and laugh, then you are not a Sahaja Yogi, absolutely,

whatever you may say, you are not a Sahaja Yogi. You must always have a smile on

your face all the time and you should be happy people. Not artificially, but

from within. If you are not felt it as yet better go into meditation, work it

out, see that you don't feel guilty, see that you don't feel unhappy.


Now those who feel unhappy among you please raise your hands (All are laughing,

including Shri Mataji). Thank you for this. Ah, all right.


Nothing like laughing. Laughs is a greatest correction, you'll laugh at

yourself, you'll laugh at others. Don't make others look ridiculous, but just

enjoy the way others are and enjoy each other. They are all very beautiful

people, very beautiful, it's like one beautiful flower is enjoying the fragrance

of another beautiful flower. That's what should be. One should not feel, that,

" Oh, look at this flower, it's so beautiful. " Look at yourself, you are so

beautiful too. But unless and until you enjoy the fragrance and the beauty of

another flower, you cannot know what you are, because you are all just the same

inside, you are all people who's Spirit has come into their attention, wonderful

people, certified Yogis. See, you all have got the light on your head, if you

want to see, we have a photograph to show that you are certified Yogis and on

top of your head, all of you there's the light. So you're already certified by

every camera that you are Yogis. Now whatever you may try it is so, you're

already certified. So for certified people it's not proper to take other



May God bless you all.


(Shri Mataji sings along with Sahaja Yogis for some 6 minutes)


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Hamsa Puja, Germany, 07-10-1988

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