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We need to become universal beings

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Dear All,


Collective consciousness needs to be awakened in the world, in order to obviate

the problems of an uncollective state of affairs--which Paul Craig Roberts

describes very well:


" We are living in the latter time. Financial interests, the military-security

complex, and the Israel Lobby are the powers that rule America. They are

buttressed by neoconservatives and Christian Zionists and by the patriotic

hubris that America is the main force for good operating in the world. The evils

America commits are dismissed as necessary to the service of good. The

destruction of Iraq, for example, is justified as " bringing freedom and

democracy to the Iraqi people. "






Shri Mataji says that the solution is 'collective consciousness' but this

collective consciousness must include the 'principle of love':


" Now people talk of peace. You can not have peace without this new awareness, we

call it collective consciousness. But in that also there has to be the main

tattwa, principle of love. For example now Sahaja yogis, say, from Germany and

Austria are going to Israel. It's very fulfilling. I was happy that they have

chosen for this Puja people from Israel. And then I found Israelis coming to

Egypt forgetting all that Muslims have done to them. It's really remarkable how

people get attracted towards expression of their love to their fellow men, to

other Sahaja Yogis. And once it starts growing, you will be surprised how we can

change this world. Most of the problems, human problems, are due to hatred. And

it is very commonly used: " I hate, I hate " . It's absurd, it's a sin to hate. Why

do you hate someone? You can hate the sin, you can hate the evil. But you should

not hate people just for hating's sake. This hatred that we have is responsible

for all the problems we have had so far. Because one person becomes very

powerful. By dividing people he becomes very powerful.


And these divisive things have really crushed so many countries. For example,

our country was divided by the British. Now they are having the division. This

doesn't stop. By dividing us, what has happened? All the countries who have gone

away from India are suffering very much. Those people who tried to divide the

country, thought that they'll become Prime ministers, this, that. Most of them

have been murdered by their own people. You can see clearly how hatred manifests

itself. It starts from a small point and it manifests all over. Very clearly, it

can be seen in any country being divided. There is no need to divide any

country. That creates more hatred and more trouble. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sahasrara Puja, Cabella, Italy, 04/05/97



Shri Mataji says that we have had enough of 'fighting' and that we have to now

become 'universal beings':


" We have had enough of fights, we have had enough of nonsense. See now what's

happening is this: the Israelis are killing the P.L.O.s and all this. Do you

think by killing them, are you going to achieve God? These false ideas all have

to go. We have to become universal beings--'become'--we have to 'become' that.

Whether somebody's a Muslim or a Hindu or Christian or anything, when you become

a universal being, you can feel the person where he is on your fingers.


Christ has said your hands will speak, 'your hands will speak'. We don't have to

challenge any scriptures, we have to see the inner light in all what is

described. [That] which is making us separated is actually the uniting factors.

The diversity has such a beautiful unity within us, but that only can be seen by

the raising of the Kundalini. There's no way out, because when the Kundalini

rises the integration takes place and you start seeing it as an actual



I hope you have understood what I am saying. But arguments are not going to give

you realisation. It has to happen. It doesn't matter, you may be the crown

prince or you may be the king or you may be anything, makes no difference. It's

your individual happening that has to take place. This is your individual mother

within you, this is the Ruh I am talking about. Just by ritualism you cannot

achieve God. You have to be connected with God. For all the people of the world

who understand and who came, it is important to know that there must be a truth

which we can actualise. It has been promised in all the religions and scriptures

and it has to happen... "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 'Confusion the Subtle Slavery' - Dr. Johnson's House,

Birmingham, England, 09/07/82




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