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Shri Mataji: This is your individual mother within you, this is the Ruh I am talking about.

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, " veni_grig "

<veni_grig wrote:


> JSM!


> Dear Violet and All,


> Thank you so much for the treasure-extracts of Mother's talks

Violet. Yes, we have to become global beings, and for this purpose

> * we have to open consciously our hearts for Pure Divine Love,

> * we have to purely desire to acquire loving brains through which

The Spirit to act,

> * we have to keep our attention in Sahasrara – on The Divine, on

The Spirit, on the vibrations, as our Divine Mother teaches us,

> * we have to desire to be pure and innocent in order Paramchaitanya

> to be able to flow through us and to do Its divine work for saving

of this world from the destruction of the human ego and superego.

> * we have to purely desire The Divine to give us Divine

Realization, and to make us perfect divine instruments.

> As the secret of our spiritual ascend is in The Divine Grace, we

just have to purely desire the right things, and to pull out our

attention from the Maya, from the illusion, and to direct it to The



> Have a day full of Pure Divine Love, joy and peace.


> With unconditional love,

> Veni



Dear Violet, Veni and all,


Without question we have benefited from the treasure-extracts of

Shri Mataji talks. i am grateful for this gem from Violet:


" But arguments are not going to give you realisation. It has to

happen. It doesn't matter, you may be the crown prince or you may be

the king or you may be anything, makes no difference. It's your

individual happening that has to take place. This is your individual

mother within you, this is the Ruh I am talking about. Just by

ritualism you cannot achieve God. You have to be connected with God.


For all the people of the world who understand and who came, it is

important to know that there must be a truth which we can actualize.

It has been promised in all the religions and scriptures, and it has

to happen! "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Confusion: the Subtle Slavery,

Dr. Johnson's House, Birmingham, England, 09/07/82


It is this particular sentence means so much: " This is your individual

mother within you, this is the Ruh I am talking about " , as it fully

endorses our approach to uphold the Divine Feminine of the Quran:


www.adi-shakti.org/ — Divine Feminine (Hinduism)

www.holyspirit-shekinah.org/ — Divine Feminine (Christianity)

www.ruach-elohim.org/ — Divine Feminine (Judaism)

www.ruh-allah.org/ — Divine Feminine (Islam)

www.tao-mother.org/ — Divine Feminine (Taoism)

www.prajnaaparamita.org/ — Divine Feminine (Buddhism)

www.aykaa-mayee.org/ — Divine Feminine (Sikhism)

www.great-spirit-mother.org/ — Divine Feminine (Native Traditions)


" Now, the principle of Mother is in every, every scripture - has to

be there! " Shri Mataji, Radio Interview 1983 Oct 1, Santa Cruz, USA


The preceding quote above also came from one of Violet's post. Yes,

Shri Mataji is telling the truth that the principle of the Mother is

in every scripture. We are continuously extracting evidence to confirm

that the Divine Feminine is entrenched in all the holy scriptures.


So the challenge on the main http://www.adishakti.org is not just a

product of ego or an empty vessel:


" This site is thus also an open book and challenge to all guardians

of religious regimes — priests, pastors, reverends, bishops, popes,

rabbis, clerics, imams, mullahs, shaikhs, ulema, ayatollahs, gurus,

swamis, pandits, brahmins, acaryas, bhagwans, granthis, gianis,

lamas, monks, dalai lamas — to rebut and prove Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi's Divine Message false. Skeptics, atheists or any anti-cult

organization, especially those specializing in busting fake gurus and

false claims, are most welcome.


Should the high priests of organized religions fail to challenge this

site, a forgone conclusion of which we are absolutely assured, they

should refrain from further misleading and dividing fellow beings on

religious, spiritual and mystical issues that are beyond their

present comprehension. The millennia-old rule of the patriarchal

priestly class is definitely over. The religious elite should begin

to realize that the sun is now setting on their evening empires which

are crumbling into sand, and from those ruins is breaking the Dawn of

the Divine Feminine that will awaken the human race from their long

spiritual slumber. "


The gauntlet has been thrown down years ago but till date no one has

picked it up and responded. That bodes well for the future.


i also want to outline the unique, multi-pronged approach that will

always work in the Great Mother's favour, as well as support the

emphasis of Her incarnation Shri Mataji that " This is your individual

mother within you, this is the Ruh I am talking about " :


i) the Divine Feminine's revelations from/about the Sahasrara;

ii) the Divine Feminine's revelations confirming the advent and

message of Her incarnation, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi;

iii) the revelations of Kash, Arwinder and Lalita from/about the

Sahasrara confirming the Divine Feminine within;

iv) Kash, Arwinder and Lalita's revelations confirming the advent and

message of Her incarnation, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi;

v) the collective evidence in the Holy Scriptures about the Sahasrara

confirming the presence of the Divine Feminine within;

vi) the collective eschatological evidence in the Holy Scriptures

confirming the advent and message of Her incarnation, Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi;

vii) the increasing number of authors writing about the Divine

Feminine, Jesus Christ and self-enlightenment, completely unaware

that Shri Mataji plays a central role as the promised Comforter;

viii) the Divine Feminine's unique and unprecedented ability to

trigger the Cool Breeze (of being born of the Spirit/of Qiyamah/

Kundalini awakening) to all who wish to take part in the

Resurrection, irrespective of race, religion or creed;


We are challenging all the established religions and spiritual sects

from a position of great strength and formidable truth that is verily

backed by their own Holy Scriptures. There is thus absolutely no need

now to budge an inch or compromise our conscience as we have done all

that is possible to openly state the Truth without any fear or favor,

exactly as Shri Mataji has done for the last three decades.


One of the many truths She has declared is that " This is your

individual mother within you, this is the Ruh I am talking about. " It

is time to openly enlighten humanity to seek the comfort, guidance

and bliss of the Mother within, the Comforter that Jesus promised

will remain with the believers forever!


The word " comforter " is translated from the word " Paraclete " ( " Ho

Parakletos " in Greek). Parakletos in Greek is interpreted as " an

advocate " , one who pleads the cause of another, one who councils

or advises another from deep concern for the other's welfare

(Beacon Bible commentary volume VII, p.168). In these verses we

are told that after Jesus departs, a Paraclete will one day come,

will glorify Jesus, and will guide mankind into all truth. The

main signs and characteristics of the Comforter are as follows:


i) The Comforter must abide with the believers forever (John 14:16).

This is only possible if the Comforter remains within each and

every human for the rest of the natural lives and beyond i.e., for

all eternity;


ii) The Comforter must testify on the behalf of Jesus (John 15:26).

This is only possible if the Comforter is human too i.e., meeting,

speaking, explaining in detail, as well as answering questions, in

languages humans can understand;


iii) The Comforter must bring all aspects of Jesus teachings to

remembrance (John 14:26). Obviously they must concern unlocking

the deep secrets of Jesus' parables, of which the Kingdom of God

within tops the list;


iv) The Comforter must reprove the world of sin, and of

righteousness, and of judgment i.e., issue warnings of impending

judgment to a world full of sin and ungodliness (John 16:8);


v) The Comforter must at all times guide and speak the truth of

events that are coming (John 16:13). Obviously the truth, directed

exclusively to a world of sin and ungodliness, has to be absolutely

unprecedented, radical and explosive;


vi) The Comforter must glorify Jesus and declare all that the

later wants delivered to humanity (John 16:14). This task of

informing humans on a global scale requires many, many years to



vii) The Comforter -whom the Father will send in Jesus' name, and

teach all things and remind humanity of everything Jesus has said-

will be the Holy Spirit (John 14:26). Thus the personality

enlightening humanity of Jesus' teachings will be both the

Comforter and Holy Spirit sent by God Almighty in Jesus' name.


regards to all,



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