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GSM: The reality, the truth is that this world is One...

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[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was the White Buffalo Calf Woman. This

knowledge highlights the significance of the Chiefs and

Members of the Gabrielino/Shoshone and Tongva Nations' choice of the sage plant

as the gift presented to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1993.]


Violet writes:

" Re the appended quote you have in pending, i had just re-read on the GSM how

the White Buffalo Calf Woman had given a branch of Sage

Leaves to the indigenous people. And here you cite that the

indigenous people are giving Shri Mataji a Sage Plant. It sent

shivers up my spine, to say the least! "


Excerpt from:


Brings The First Pipe

As told by: John Fire Lame Deer, in 1967


.... " Early one morning the chief sent two of his young men to hunt for game. They

went on foot, because at that time the Sioux didn't yet have horses. They

searched everywhere but could find nothing. Seeing a high hill, they decided to

climb it in order to look over the whole country. Halfway up, they saw something

coming toward them from far off, but the figure was floating instead of walking.

From this they knew that the person was wakan, holy....

This wakan stranger was Ptesan-Wi, White Buffalo Calf Woman. In her

hands she carried a large bundle and a fan of sage leaves... "





" During Her 1993 tour, Shri Mataji met Native American Indians from

the Gabrielino/Shoshone and Tongua Nations. She received gifts from

both groups, which included a sage plant. This is used as a sacred

healing and ceremonial plant of all native peoples. "



posted by carolyn vance



[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's meeting with Chiefs and Members of the

Gabrielino/Shoshone and Tongva Nations in 1993 has tremendous

impact as we read Her powerful messages concerning such pressing world issues as

land ownership, problems of racialism, violence, aggression, materialism,

hatred, all desperate struggles that are as relevant today as in yesteryear.


In response to the Indigenous question, " How do we come together, so

many dispersed peoples, now so few? " Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,

Incarnation of the Holy Ghost come to give Her children the gift of

Second Birth, answers simply, " Hold out your hands, feel, easily you

just get it. You are very close to God. " ]



Lakota Instructions for Living

(passed down from White Buffalo Calf Woman)


Friend do it this way - that is,

whatever you do in life,

do the very best you can

with both your heart and mind.


And if you do it that way,

the Power Of The Universe

will come to your assistance,

if your heart and mind are in Unity.


When one sits in the Hoop Of The People,

one must be responsible because

All of Creation is related.

And the hurt of one is the hurt of all.

And the honor of one is the honor of all.

And whatever we do affects everything in the universe.


If you do it that way - that is,

if you truly join your heart and mind

as One - whatever you ask for,

that's the Way It's Going To Be.





[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi addresses difficult Indigenous issues:]


The Great Spiritual Leader and Founder of Sahaja Yoga, Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi Met with Chiefs and Members of the Gabrielino/Shoshone

and Tongva Nations in 1993.


Notes taken by Geoff Godfrey, an English Sahaja Yogi who traveled

with Shri Mataji on Her tour of 1993 to the USA.





During Her 1993 tour, Shri Mataji met Native American Indians from

the Gabrielino/Shoshone and Tongua Nations. She received gifts from

both groups, which included a sage plant. This is used as a sacred

healing and ceremonial plant of all native peoples. After this the

meeting began. Shri Mataji recounted how when She first visited the

Americas, She had asked to meet with indigenous peoples. She was

shown museums where even there, the faces were white American faces,

dressed up. " The bureaucracy has to be challenged, " said Shri

Mataji, looking directly at the guests, " the people in America are

all immigrants. This is your land, you are the native peoples. The

issue should be made global, brought to the notice of the United

Nations. "


In discussion Shri Mataji also said: " These invaders are cruel and

aggressive, " and posed a question. " Why did these immigrants from

Europe leave their own country? " It was agreed by all present that

the Europeans had come with the 'Bible and Gun' and 'Sword and

Cross.' Shri Mataji was informed that the Europeans used Native

Indians as slaves to build missions, forced them to work in such

missions, and once freed, they were not entitled to any land. They

had no rights, no title or deed. Shri Mataji suggested that land

should be given to the native Americans, or immigrants will suffer

more for their karmas.





The Indians explained their philosophy of being caretakers, using

the land as their ancestors did. One such approach was to never take

a decision until its impact on the land for the next seven

generations was considered. " You are a very natural people, " Shri

Mataji continued. " Basically they (the immigrants) are racist. They

are some sort of a dominating, aggressive people. The ego is so

much! My attention is on you. There is so much land, I am sure

something will happen. You should act, and say: 'We want justice, we

want truth.' You should strike again and again. Their aggression has

become subtler, cutting into the earth, destroying plants, the

Amazon as well, everywhere. "


It was explained to Shri Mataji how the Catholic church forced

itself on native peoples. " Did you follow their religion? " Shri

Mataji enquired. " No! " Was the resounding answer. " The Catholic

Church is in trouble, " said Shri Mataji and added, " people have no

respect for Mother Earth. They are gross material people. You have

to raise your voices, say to them: 'You are not spiritual people.'

They`ve been ruling for 2000 years, with no principles, no precepts,

not in their own lives, or in society. So you can say : ´You don`t

understand us, you're not spiritual, you only understand materialism

and money. For us other things are important. You have no respect

for land or the atmosphere. They are just materialist, power and

money oriented.' Just challenge them. "




" They don`t respect their own people, so how can they respect

others? " One man indicated. " Our people were ten thousand strong two

hundred years ago, now we are just three hundred. " " You blatantly

have to challenge them. Americans are not capable of feeling

spirituality. If you can give Jews land in Palestine, promised in

the Bible, what about you? " continued Shri Mataji. " In every way the

suggestion must go, papers, news, letters! I think you people should

start a movement of a very deep dimension. You have all My blessings

and love. In India`s freedom struggle, we had no way out but non-

violence. I`m all with you, all My powers. You are My mediums, the

channels. Thousands in America have so much compassion, thousands in

America have so much concern and thousands in America have so much

guilt. They feel inside they have done something wrong. You just

start, you'll get money, money is never a problem for a good

cause. " " How do we come together, so many dispersed peoples, now so

few? " Shri Mataji was asked. " Hold out your hands, feel, easily you

just get it . You are very close to God. You people are the best

suited. Since you were sitting here, I was just enjoying. You are a

very ancient people. "



posted by carolyn vance



[Appended are stirring Indigenous quotes which coincide with topics Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi has also touched upon:]




" This is your land, you are the native peoples. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala



" America never was their country. And they threw away all the other

Red Indians, took away their land and very nicely they are governors

of America. [..] Now if they are by nature violent, then also this

conditioning of violence comes in. Then they start killing each

other. They have killed ruthlessly so many people, thinking that

they have a right to go into any country and kill everyone and take

the land that is not their own. Actually, land doesn't belong to

anybody as such. "


Krishna Puja 16 August 1998 - Cabella Ligure (Italie)(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi)



Some of our chiefs make the claim that the land belongs to us. It is

not what the Great Spirit told me. He told me that the lands belong

to Him, that no people owns the land; that I was not to forget to

tell this to the white people when I met them in council.


Kanekuk - Kickapoo prophet





The beauty of the trees, the softness of the air,

the fragrance of the grass speaks to me.

The summit of the mountain, the thunder of the sky,

The rhythm of the sea, speaks to me.

The faintness of the stars, the freshness of the morning,

the dewdrop on the flower, speaks to me.

The strength of the fire, the taste of salmon, the trail of the sun,

and the life that never goes away, they speak to me

And my heart soars.


Chief Dan George





The old Indian teaching was:

It is wrong to tear loose from its place on the earth

Anything that may be growing there.


It may be cut off,

But it should not be uprooted.

The trees and the grass have spirits.


Whenever one of such growths may be destroyed,

His act is done in sadness.

With a prayer for forgiveness,

Because of his necessities..


Wooden Leg, Cheyenne






I ask you to Bless the white man,

He needs your wisdom, your guidance.


He has tried for so long to destroy my people

And only feels comfortable when given power.


Bless them with wisdom.

Show them the peace we understand.


Teach them humility

For I feel they will destroy themselves and all our children

As they have done for so long with Mother Earth.


I plead, I cry.

After all

They are my brothers and sisters.


Sandy Kewenhaptewa, Hopi






The Great Spirit is in all things;

He is in the air we breathe.

The Great Spirit is our Father,

But the earth is our mother.


She nourishes us;

That which we put into the ground

She returns to us...


Big Thunder, Wabanaki






I think that wherever the Great Spirit places his people, they ought

to be satisfied to remain, and thankful for what He has given them,

and not drive others from the country He has given them because it

happens to be better than theirs!







The ground on which we stand is sacred ground. It is the dust and

blood of our ancestors. On these plains the Great White Father is

Washington sent his soldiers armed with long knives and rifles to

slay the Indian. Many of them sleep on yonder hill where Pahaska -

White Chief of the Long Hair [General Custer] - so bravely fought

and fell.


A few more passing suns will see us here no more, and our dust and

bones will mingle with the same prairies. I see as in a vision the

dying spark of our council fires, the ashes cold and white. I see no

longer the curling smoke rising from our lodge poles. I hear no

longer the songs of the women as they prepare the meal.


The antelope have gone; the buffalo wallows are empty. Only the wail

of the coyote is heard. The white man's medicine is stronger than

ours; his iron horse [the railroad] rushes over the buffalo trail.

He talks to us through his " whispering spirit " [the telephone].


We are like birds with a broken wing. My heart is cold within me. My

eyes are growing dim - I am old.


Chief Plenty Coups - Crow






They [The English] are truly industrious, and in general very honest

and upright. But their close attention to business produces, I

think, too much worldly-mindedness, and hence they forget to think

enough about their souls and their God.

Their motto seems to be " Money, money, get money, get rich, and be a

gentleman, " With this sentiment, they fly about in every direction,

like a swarm of bees, in search of treasure that lies so near to

their hearts.


Peter Jones, or Kahkewaquonaby ( " Sacred Waving Feathers " ) Ojibwe







help me always

to speak the truth quietly,

to listen with an open mind

when others speak,

and to remember the peace

that may be found in silence.


Cherokee Prayer




[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi observes that, " They [Red Indians] were

so, I think, spiritual people because they used to worship the

Mother, Mother all the time they worship the Mother. " ]


" So we should also try to cherish our innocence and not to feel hurt

because sometimes such people are cheated, dominated, everything

happens, doesn't matter. They will all suffer who will dominate

innocent people. And the whole world, you see, there is a big uproar

about it, people are talking about it that there should not be

domination of the innocent, simple people. It has happened but it

will all, has to be changed, has to be brought to some last end

otherwise people can not exist, like everywhere they went and

oppressed so many people. In America, I was surprised to see that

there were so many Red Indians, who are called as Indian Americans.

They were all oppressed, oppressed so much that they had to run away

to different places and then I went to this place, Canajoharie. I

found the vibrations were so good. That means they were very

innocent, simple people and Americans that time, who went there,

tried to completely finish them. So they went and hid in places like

Canajoharie but the Canajoharie has such tremendous vibrations that

I said look at this, so many years have passed, still the people who

live there or worked about and were absolutely enjoying this place

were Red Indians, the ones who were Indians, we call them American

Indians. But they are so simple and innocent and they were so, I

think, spiritual people because they used to worship the Mother,

Mother all the time they worship the Mother. Even I have seen in

other countries it has happened, but I was happy to see that in

Australia they are very secular. They have many Maoris and all those

people and they encourage all of them and it's so surprising that

they have so much talent and they are bringing them to this, this

state to show that they are equal in their rights, political rights,

in Australia. It's a very good venture. "


Shri Ganesha Puja, September,25,1999, Cabella Italy (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi)



[Once Turtle Island [America] was conquered after the annihilation of " so many

Red Indians " , Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi says that, although Americans then began

turning to higher values such as freedom and justice, nonetheless " the ideas of

self-destruction started working in them, " because: " I would say that it is

nothing but their Karmas working against them. "


The importance of attaining Self-Realization/Second Birth:


While sharing the knowledge that " Shri Krishna is the ruler of America. He

Himself was a dark person, Himself was on the black side, Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi also informs America that " the karmas of their past, the way they killed so

many Red Indians will not be forgiven by Shri Krishna unless and until they take

to Sahaja Yoga (spontaneous union with the Divine Power of love, the Second




" Shri Krishna is the One who said. 'I come on this Earth when there

is demise of Dharma. " [..]All His potent qualities were expressed

when He came [to America] as Shri Krishna. [..]George Washington,

Abraham Lincoln, they did not allow the nation to be drifted away to

the ambition of gathering other countries. First the Spanish went

there and later others followed. They conquered that country and

settled down there, then that era was over for them. Then they

started talking about freedom, of democracy, of higher values. "


Shri Krishna Puja, August 15, 1993,Cabella, Italy

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" But the Karmas of their past, the way they killed so many Red

Indians will not be forgiven by Shri Krishna unless and until they

take to Sahaja Yoga. Though they did not try to overpower their countries and

spread their empire, though they always stood for justice, they tried to show,

on the face, that they were for uniting the whole world, that they are against

racialism, fundamentalism, some sort of idealism they propogated, but despite

this, the ideas of self-destruction started working in them. I would say that it

is nothing but their Karmas working against them. "


Shri Adi Shakti Puja, June 26, 1994,Cabella, Ligure, Italy

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



[Racialism and Rationalization:]


" In these centuries, rationality at its height, worked through the medium of the

white-skinned races who elaborated a linear area derived from rational thinking

that all other skin colours were somehow not made by God, who, it was tacitly

assumed, was certainly white and most probably Anglo-Saxon, and had bestowed a

different colour upon other races as a kind of Divine punishment. This sort of

ignorance may appear very funny to us, but armed with this special kind of

rationality, or rather with the rationalisations of imperialism and colonialism,

they actually killed thousands and even millions of people, plundering their

land and making slaves of the population. As a result, one cannot find a single

Red Indian in North America living freely and naturally in the traditional way,

because they are all locked up in reservations " generously " given to them by the

invaders. One has to go to the museum to see their pictures painted with the

head dressed as of Red Indians but, strangely, with the faces of Anglo-Saxons. "


(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - first small English book - Chap. 1 - Sahaja Yoga)




[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi discusses the role of ego and conditionings

manifesting in such problems as racialism, violence, hatred, aggression found

throughout the world. She also emphasizes the power of the witness state after

achieving Self-Realization since: " Any person who is in that state, is the one

who brings peace, he brings joy... " ]


" It is a very important thing about the power of Shri Krishna that gives you a

witness state. This is very important also because, in these days of Kali Yuga

and complete confusion of value system, all kinds of turmoil make a very complex

condition to exist.


The state of witnessing is only possible through meditation. You reach the state

of thoughtless awareness. It is combined together. Now the witness state is such

a state where you just do not react. If you react, then the problem starts. It's

a very simple thing to understand that we react through our ego or through our

conditioning. Otherwise there is no way to react....


All our problems of our conditioning are really horrible. For

example, racialism... We have racialism. In America is very much

more, you can feel it, though they don't say. But if you go from

Italy, you feel it; if you go from India also you can feel it. Now

why is this racialism there? What is the reason? Why do we react to

this kind of horrible hatred for another community or another colour

which is only skin-deep.


Now with rationality you might be able to explain: " O God, these

people, they are absolutely useless " , or " They have come to our

country and are just troubling us. " All these conditionings are

there. But if you see, when they talk of immigrants, the Americans

must know they are immigrants all of them. America never was their

country. And they threw away all the other Red Indians, took away

their land and very nicely they are governors of America.


But the reaction is: " Those who are not white-complexioned, they are all to be

condemned, tortured. Now if they are by nature violent, then also this

conditioning of violence comes in. Then they start killing each other. They have

killed ruthlessly so many people, thinking that they have a right to go into any

country and kill everyone and take the land that is not their own. Actually,

land doesn't belong to anybody as such.


Yesterday was the Independence Day of India. And I have seen the

flag going up, our national flag, and the British flag going down.

All that has happened after so much of struggle, so much of

sufferings of the people, because they came to India, landed nicely

there, and became the masters.


So this is also a kind of a conditioning that comes in a collective

way that you go into anybody's country, throw away the people from

there to occupy that place, and become the masters. It's like going

to somebody's house, that belongs to somebody, and throw away the

people who are inside and nicely settle there as the owners and the

masters. Because they have better intelligence perhaps, the cunning

more in them. With that cunning, if the white people think they can

rule the black people, is not where you can develop a witness state.


So this kind of conditioning is like a plague and moves from one

country to another, where some people think they are superior and

make people look inferior. And there are people also who accept this

kind of a situation, accept this kind of a position, where they are

supposed to be equal.


I would say, take the example of America, because this has been

celebrated by Americans and because Krishna is the ruler of America.

He Himself was a dark person, Himself was on the black side. And in

the same country where He rules, another great thing is that they

don't realise that, if all the black get out of that country now, I

don't know what will happen to them!


All their sports are managed by the Blacks. If you want to see any

American sport, 99% are black people. Then if you want to see the

music, because these black people, though they have black colour -

which is all right, as you are white, they have black colour - but

they have a voice which the white people don't have. They can sing

so well that no white people can compete with them. It's a full

justice done to the colour.


Now if you take out all the Asians, all the doctors, all the nurses,

all the architects, all the accountants, all of them will disappear.

Now what will remain?


You have to understand that it is colour which has nothing to do

with your intelligence, with your value system, with your Spirit. We

are here to achieve our spirituality. The Spirit doesn't understand

colour, because it is so superficial and it is so very cruel to

condemn someone for the colour.


The same now is happening as a reaction. Every action has a reaction. So what

happens is that you find the Blacks are reacting.

They are reacting and their reaction can be very dangerous.

Everyday I read the reactions are coming up. So badly! Not in

America but all over, they are now thinking they must rise and

oppose this domination.


But in their own countries, where they have people of different

colours, a little variation I think, they are all black people but

little variation maybe, so they form groups. And they start cutting

each other's throats. I've seen on the television how ruthlessly

they kill. I don't know what is the difference of colour is, but

somehow they have formed groups and this group will go and kill that

one and that group will come and kill this one.


It's not like Kauravas and Pandavas. It's not two types of people absolutely

opposite, it's not that the negative and the positive is

there, it's not. They are all negative, whether they are White or

Black. And they start quarrelling and fighting with each other.


Now this violence is growing so much. I think violence is the only

weapon they use now to express themselves. You see, here something

happens, so somewhere there, you find they explode bombs and kill so

many innocent people. It is very sinful to do that. Even the

slightest violence is sinful and these kinds of violence in the eyes

of Shri Krishna are absolutely to be punished very well.


Now this comes through ego. You think because you belong to one

clan, another clan you can kill. Or something like that, a funny

idea into human mind comes in and you decide that you have a right

to kill another person. So one may say this comes from hatred, but

hatred is an outcome of ego.


When the ego starts acting, it collects all these things like

hatred, also possessiveness, anger, violence, all this starts coming

out of the ego which actually blinds the person. You become blind to

the fact that there is no need to have violence, no need to hate

someone, no need to kill anyone because of this ego that is there.


Now one may say: " Mother, how does this ego build up? " Of course,

mostly this is due to reactions, also it is due to the conditioning.

If the child is told from the childhood that: " You should hate these

people, they are to be hated, they are wrong people, they are bad

people " , they just start when they grow up, they start showing that

hatred. And it is now like a cactus growing very big and is killing

others. There is no justification for this kind of a behaviour by

human beings. If they are human beings, they have to have human

qualities and that is what is possible only if you learn how to just

witness and not to react...


But witness state is not a mental state, it is a state of a

spiritual ascent where you become a witness. The best way to

practise witness state is not to criticise anyone. I've seen people

who are all the time criticising others. They cannot criticise

themselves, so they start criticising others, so much so that

they don't even see what's wrong with them. They don't even see what

wrong they have done to others, because they think they have a right

to criticise others and they enjoy this criticism very much.


Actually there's nothing to be criticised. You just watch and see

for yourself, that's all is your right. You have no right to

criticise anyone or anything. But some people think that if you do

not criticise, then it will go on like this and it will never stop.

It's not that! Once you watch the thing yourself, only just watch.


Your attention itself is enlightened now. With that enlightened

attention, you can just watch and stop the non-sense that is there.

But we are always conscious that we are something great and we have

to do this and we have to do that. Under these circumstances what

happens is that you become another problem. Because what can you do?

You can't do anything. But what you can do is to watch. By watching

and by seeing things as they are, you really develop a very different state of



Firstly all such people who are just witnessing, what happen to them

is very interesting, that their memory loss is much less, because

whatever they see becomes like a picture to them, they can tell you

even the colour, the folding, everything. Whatever they see is so

much in their mind, like a photo and they can tell you exactly what

they have seen. And your memory is not lost. While if you react onto

everything, your memory becomes horrible...


But this is not the only loss we have. With this kind of people,

when they are formed into a collective, they can be very dangerous

people, because with that kind of a nature, they have to do

something. They must do something because, after all, they are

combined together for a purpose or for some reactions which all of

them have built up. In small things, in big things you'll find

people do like that. And some people who are very much developed in

this kind of behaviour can collect lots of people and do any amount

of harm to others.


I would take the picture of Hitler. For nine years this fellow was

watching what wrongs Jews are doing. He wouldn't watch what Germans

are doing, what wrong they are doing to the society. At that time

the society also was very bad because they were having all kinds of

licentiousness. He was noting down: " These Jews are like this, they

do this, they take money, they are lending money " , all kind of

things he got into his head. As a result of that, he built up a

reaction into him that: " We must, somehow or another, see that these

people go away from Germany. " But then he thought: " Even if they go

away from Germany, they'll prosper again. So why not kill them? " It

went to such an extent that you cannot see such films, you cannot

see anything of that nature that Hitler did. But he did it.


And people who followed him also did it. Without feeling any hitch,

as if it was a matter of great pleasure, or a joy, or maybe it's a

duty. How could they get duty bound to such a horrible thing like

killing thousands and thousands of Jews? What Jews had done to them?

They could have corrected it. But why did they indulge into such

violence? And they wanted to finish all the Jews of the world.

It can be very very dangerous, because once you start losing your

witness state, you can fall into negative collectivity. And thus

this negative collectivity acts in such a bad manner that all the

conflicts of the world, all the problems of the world perhaps are

related with this.


So as Sahaja yogis what should we do? We should not react. If you

see something wrong, all right, you meditate on that, you meditate.

If you find anything wrong happening, all right meditate on that. If

somebody is unkind to you, at that moment do not react! Afterwards

when that person is quieter, you tell him or tell her, because at

that time if you tell, nothing will happen.


Gradually, I don't say always you can win over such people, but

gradually you may be able to make them understand that it is wrong.

It's wrong to do things which they have been doing. In a way, you

see, the reaction to anything which is stupid also can be very



So this power of witnessing, you all should develop. Try to develop

it, that when you are reacting, stop reaction, about everything.

You'll be amazed, you will find yourself a very very powerful

person, in the sense you'll have no ambitions, you'll have no

desires, you'll have no special fondness or anything. But, just

you'll be witnessing the drama...


After some time, you'll be amazed, your witness state will increase, and when in

the collective all of you have that witness state, you can do wonders without

doing anything, without saying anything, without acting. Only your presence

itself can work it out. I don't say that it will have effect on everyone, no I

can't say, but most of the people. Any person who is in that state, is the one

who brings peace, he brings joy...


In Shri Krishna's life, the greatest power He had was that He was a

witnessing personality. Without doing anything, without taking a

sword in His hand, without talking about fighting, He is the one who

has helped Pandavas to win the war. Not only, but through His Gita,

He has tried to tell us what we have to do to win the war over evil... "


Shri Krishna Puja, 16 August 1998 - Cabella Ligure (Italie)(Shri Mataji Nirmala




" There are many people even today who believe that they belong to a higher race

and that they can destroy all the rest of the people because they don't belong

to that race or maybe that religion. All such fixed ideas constitute a grave

threat to peace in any country and indeed to global peace.


For example, the Muslims believe in a formless God. It is a religion which

teaches absolute detachment from worldly things. But what are they doing? They

are fighting for a piece of land here and there, and troubling everyone and

torturing so many. They themselves are also being tortured. They call this Jihad

and they believe quite stupidly that by getting killed in a Jihad, they will get

their resurrection.


All these fixed ideas can be neutralised only through

Self-Realization, because through Self-Realization one knows the

reality. The reality, the truth is that this world is One, that

nothing belongs to anyone in particular, and that there is no need

to fight for any territory or for land whatsoever.


Of course, for protection from aggressive nations, people should form boundaries

around their country and try to protect themselves. It would be unwise to ignore

the fact that there are so many aggressive people who are trying to destroy the

peace of the world. We must be vigilant against them. But that is no reason for

promoting quarrels and fights everywhere.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, book 'Meta Modern Era', Chapter 8, World

Peace, 29/09/95


" We have had enough of fights, we have had enough of nonsense. See now what's

happening is this: the Israelis are killing the P.L.O.s and all this. Do you

think by killing them, are you going to achieve God? These false ideas all have

to go. We have to become universal beings--'become'--we have to 'become' that.

Whether somebody's a Muslim or a Hindu or Christian or anything, when you become

a universal being, you can feel the person where he is on your fingers.


Christ has said your hands will speak, 'your hands will speak'. We don't have to

challenge any scriptures, we have to see the inner light in all what is

described. [That] which is making us separated is actually the uniting factors.


The diversity has such a beautiful unity within us, but that only can be seen by

the raising of the Kundalini. There's no way out, because when the Kundalini

rises the integration takes place and you start seeing it as an actual



I hope you have understood what I am saying. But arguments are not going to give

you realisation. It has to happen. It doesn't matter, you may be the crown

prince or you may be the king or you may be anything, makes no difference. It's

your individual happening that has to take place. This is your individual mother

within you, this is the Ruh I am talking about. Just by ritualism you cannot

achieve God. You have to be connected with God. For all the people of the world

who understand and who came, it is important to know that there must be a truth

which we can actualise. It has been promised in all the religions and scriptures

and it has to happen... "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 'Confusion the Subtle Slavery' - Dr. Johnson's

House,Birmingham, England, 09/07/82


" Even Muhammad Sahib has said that at the Time of Resurrection your hands will

speak. Exactly this happens that when you get your Realization, when the

Kundalini comes up, and She touches the seat of God here. Immediately in your

heart the reflection of God starts emitting cool vibrations from your hands

also. When it starts happening you are amazed that all around you feel the

subtle Power of God, the Power of His Love, what we call the All-Pervading

Brahma, what we call the Chaitanya. "


Kalanatha Shri Nirmala Devi

Cardiff, U.K. — August 8, 1984



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