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The Truth which is beyond Dharma - Part 3

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Dear All,


We concluded Part 2 with the following:


" So now, when we have pure love for someone, we see the whole thing in a

different manner. We see a person in a different manner. And it becomes very

sweet. Otherwise truth can be very bitter, can be very painful, but truth which

is adorned with love is just like a flower without the thorns. It's very

interesting how a person who is pouring with love and is standing on truth.

That's the personality you have to become. Now in the expression of love we can

take an example to understand. Supposing I meet somebody and he is telling all

kinds of horrible things about another person. So I feel tremendous love for him

as well as for the person who he is telling all this things. So now I take to

lie, a complete lie which is the truth also in a way. I tell that person: see

what are you talking. The person about who you are saying all this has been just

praising you all the time, and here you are talking like this. Now this is not

the truth, actually, but you take the help of the lie, the other side of the

truth, to bring out a friendship between the two persons. So this is what is the

work of love. That it tries to bring people closer to each other. To say things

by which they become one, united. So all the divisive methods that we have used

so far just disappear and we try to understand what is the method by which we

can join people's heart. As it is you are in collective consciousness. But this

collective consciousness if it is not superficial you can achieve great results

like as you have done it. Maybe you can build beautiful ashrams, you can do all

this. But when it is filled with love, collective consciousness, then the joy is

complete of collective consciousness. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sahasrara Puja, Cabella, Italy - 04/05/97


Here now, is Part 3.








The Truth which is beyond Dharma - Part 3


Now people talk of peace. You can not have peace without this new awareness, we

call it collective consciousness. But in that also there has to be the main

tattwa, principle of love. For example now, Sahaja yogis say from Germany and

Austria are going to Israel. It's very fulfilling. I was happy that they have

chosen for this Puja people from Israel. And then I found Israelis coming to

Egypt forgetting all that Muslims have done to them. It's really remarkable how

people get attracted towards expression of their love to their fellow men, to

other Sahaja Yogis. And once it starts growing, you will be surprised how we can

change this world. Most of the problems, human problems, are due to hatred. And

it is very commonly used: " I hate, I hate " . It's absurd. It's a sin to hate. Why

do you hate someone? You can hate the sin, you can hate the evil. But you should

not hate people just for hating's sake. This hatred that we have is responsible

for all the problems we have had so far. Because one person becomes very

powerful. By dividing people he becomes very powerful.


And these divisive things have really crushed so many countries. For example,

our country was divided by the British. Now they are having the division. This

doesn't stop. By dividing us what has happened? All the countries who have gone

away from India are suffering very much. Those people who tried to divide the

country thought that they'll become Prime ministers, this, that. Most of them

have been murdered by their own people. You can see clearly how hatred manifests

itself. It starts from a small point and it manifests all over. Very clearly it

can be seen in any country being divided. There is no need to divide any

country. That creates more hatred and more trouble. In the same way in Sahaja

Yoga, we should not think of having divisions.


Now we have got a beautiful land. As you must have heard about, near to [the]

Ganges. Now people are thinking if they can have separate houses, separate

compounds. Why? You know how to live collectively, you enjoy collective life, so

why do you want to have separate houses? What secrets are we going to have from

each other? After all, whatever we do is known on the vibrations, you cannot

hide anything. So why have separate houses?


Why do you want to have some privacy? Because in Sahaja Yoga there is no

privacy. We know about everyone, what are they up to, what are their problems,

what chakras they are catching. Isn't it? So there is no secret about anything

in Sahaja Yoga. Everyone knows about everyone. So what's the use of having

privacy also, I can't understand. It's like this, you see, still the mind is

working like that.


Then they are thinking of inheritance. All right, I was saying that you can have

inheritance, but if your son is not a Sahaja Yogi, what to do? We cannot keep a

culprit there, to trouble everyone. It is not the rules and regulations that are

going to keep you happy and joined together, but it is the pure, collective

consciousness and it's love. Because as you know, we have no proper

organisations, we have no clergy-ship, we have nothing like that. Leaders also

can shift more times than [the] Ganges river can shift its course. So there is

nothing like that. It's all on a shifty sand we are standing, all the time, and

your mother is another one who tries all kinds of tricks. The reason is: " I want

you to stand on the rocks " . And this rock is emitting Love, is emitting divine

Love. And the joy of that Love is really so beautiful.


For example, people would like to have their separate bathrooms, especially

Indians. Suddenly they have become British's and British's have become Indians.

Indians want to have their separate bathrooms, I don't know why. And this is a

very common disease with Indians. And it is also spreading to other people, I

feel sometimes, that they want to have their separate bathrooms. In a collective

life there is no need. You don't even know, I mean if you ask me, I wouldn't

even know if I have been to bathroom or not. I just go there, come

back--finished. I've no time for all that. In the same way you also should have

a concept of a society which is living like an ocean. If ocean rises they rise,

it falls they fall. Just one Unison of Love. I am expecting that kind of a

society at the foothill of [the] Himalayas. And I'm sure you all of you realize

that--Himalayas being the Sahasrara of the world. Luckily, I wanted it to be

done before the Sahasrara Puja, and it is done. With the blessings of Himalayas

I should say.


The Himalayas is also like a Sahasrara where the Kundalini has risen. Where the

vibrations have come out. And in the sky you can see the vibrations. But this

Himalayas is ruled by a wrathful God called Shiva. That's the dangerous part of

it. So we have to be very, very careful. If we try to play around, if we try to

take to hatred among ourselves, take to divisive methods, take to something that

is not Sahaja, this wrathful god is sitting on our head. He is also in Mecca.

This is Maheshwarshiv [1] there. If you try to misbehave, he comes out with his

wrathfulness. Anywhere you are, you have to be very careful that this Shiva is

everywhere. Like one of these lingas of Shiva [2] is in Bellignat, that is in

Maharashtra. Allag Dur [3]. As their people [in Maharashtra] started another

kind of Sahaja Yoga. Also, they were drinking on the day of the Shri Ganesha's

chaturthi [4], so the wrath of Shiva lingam came and there was such a big, huge

earthquake. And many people were lost. But none of the Sahaja Yogis [were lost]

and their centre was saved completely. Now we had a big fire also, as you

know--last time--and nothing happened to you; you are under protection. You are

all the time protected. There was no wrath of Shiva that could work out

anything. Fire could not do anything to you, because you are under protection.

But this protection is your Mother's Love--is not anything else but the Love of

your Mother, which is very powerful and which is protecting you and helping you.

In the same way you develop that kind of love for others, for other Sahaja

Yogis, for other people, for other things, for this mother Earth, for all that.

Your love can not only protect you, but protect others also!


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sahasrara Puja, Cabella, Italy - 04/05/97





[1] About the name 'Maheshwarshiv':


" The name Maheshwar comes from Mahesh, a name for Lord Shiva. The word Maheshwar

in Hindi means abode of Lord Mahesh. "




[2] About, what is a linga of Shiva? (Here is a result from Wikipedia which

should help):


" Apart from anthropomorphic images of Shiva, the worship of Shiva in the form of

a lingam or linga is also important.[39][154][155] These are depicted in various

forms. One common form is the shape of a vertical rounded column. Shiva means

auspiciousness and linga means " genital " , a sign or a symbol. Hence the

Shivalinga is regarded as a " symbol of the great God of the universe who is

all-auspiciousness. " [156] Shiva also means one in whom the whole creation sleeps

after dissolution.[156] Linga also means the same thing--a place where created

objects get dissolved during the disintegration of the created universe. Since,

according to Hinduism, it is the same god that creates, sustains and withdraws

the universe, the Shivalinga, represents symbolically God Himself.[156] Some

scholars, like Monier-Williams and Wendy Doniger also view linga as a phallic

symbol,[157][158] although this interpretation is disputed by others including

Christopher Isherwood,[159] Vivekananda,[160] Swami Sivananda,[161] and

S.N.Balagangadhara.[162] "




[3] About the words 'Allag Dur':


Shri Mataji mentions two words above which are: 'Allag Dur'. All Google results

point to this being an Islamic term. 'Allag Dur' is very close to 'Allah Dur'.

Shri Mataji mentions in relation to Shiva that " He is also in Mecca " . Therefore

'Allag Dur' may be relating to Lord Shiva in Mecca.


[4] About, what does 'Ganesha chaturthi' mean? (Here is a result from Wikipedia

which should help):



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