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After showering the first few raindrops i know She will continue till the monsoon ends

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Dear devotees of the Great Mother,


Namaste - i bow to the Divine Feminine who resides in you!


i am posting a few articles by Shambhavi Chopra, the author of " Yogic

Secrets Of The Dark Goddess " . The key to understanding the first



" Vedic philosophies of Samkhya, Yoga and Vedanta emphasize

discrimination between Purusha, the pure consciousness or spirit, and

Prakriti, the great Nature or matter, or the Self and not-Self as the

key to liberation. In principle, the Purusha is symbolically male and

Prakriti is symbolically female.


Yet liberation can only be realised through Chit-Shakti, the power of

consciousness, or the power of perception, which in its reality is

the higher form of the Devi or Goddess. "


Discrimination between Purusha, the pure consciousness or spirit, and

Prakriti, the great Nature or matter can only be very slowly and

incrementally attained after years of sustaining Silence on Self. It

is a very, very long process especially in these modern times with all

its materialistic and hedonistic distractions.



the doctrine that pleasure or happiness is the sole or chief good in life


Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary


So when any religious or spiritual organization, including Sahaja

Yoga say they are giving Self-realization regard it as the first

raindrop of the monsoon or snowflake of winter. Only fools will claim

or believe anything more than this ........... and today we have

tens of thousands of SYs doing just that!


i realized this disturbing defect and dilemma many years ago as i

struggled with my conscience and consciousness in SY collectives.


Today i stand on all i have realized because of nearly a decade away

from SYs and their SYSSR. i know the Devi had to shield me from such

ignorance and negativity to make me realize that She is me. Tat tvam

asi - That Thou Art too!


After showering the first few raindrops i know She will continue till

the monsoon ends, and all the millions of tiny streams and turbulent

tributaries of random thoughts flow into the organized Silence of

countless rivers that finally merge and rest in the Ocean of Self ...

.................. and that is Eternity!


But yet i am only a tiny stream and have a long, long way to go.


regards to all,








By Shambhavi Chopra


The Devi is twofold in her aspect as Saguna or Nirguna, with or

without qualities. The Goddess, as Supreme Absolute Brahman, can be

expressed with form and attributes in the manifest realm (Saguna) or

without form in the unmanifest (Nirguna). Saguna Devi, we could say,

is Prakriti or Lakshmi, while Kali is Nirguna Devi. Since Kali, the

Dark Goddess is the formless Nirguna Devi, she is usually the most

unapproachable and unfathomable of the Goddesses.


Deeper jnana is through unique distinctiveness not by any consent or

concurrence. As the sadhaka's thought-waves mature, the being moves

into the higher Self or Atman placing the mind at rest. Enriching the

inner yogic experiences one leaves behind the name and forms,

searching out the void of the Dark Goddess.


Lakshmi holds the most desired qualities and is outwardly beneficent

in offering us all that we desire as beauty, prosperity and

happiness, which is why people prefer to seek her blessings. Kali's

benefic mantras cherish and fulfill all one's desires and worldly

wishes, much like Lakshmi, yet also directing us beyond.


Aim Hrim Shrim Klim


Kalike Klim Shrim Hrim Aim!


Kali and Lakshmi, the two Goddesses work together as a single energy

to guide the human soul through its cycle of Mahamaya, the cosmic

mirage of dream and illusion. They allow us to experience the fruits

that result from our actions, which carry us through the bedlam of

human incarnations to the ultimate reality.


The play between dharmic goodness and sensual carnal delights, the

forces of light and darkness, is revealed through the Dark Goddess,

who herself is beyond all duality, allowing us the freedom of choice.

Kali stands at the doorway to all dharmic values with her ever

watchful eye, rendering her boons and blessings for those who choose

the higher truth. The lure of her noose, trapping our negativities,

unfolds our true nature at the given time of worldly experiences.


Yet Kali also appears most terrifying as the face of death and

destruction, using her sword when we deviate from our true path.

Hers is a school of intense discipline, guiding us to integrate all

dualities in achieving the non-dual state. She takes on the mantle of

the Mother, who in a family guides its members, especially her

children to higher values conducive to love and peace. In this

regard, Kali plays the role of Rudrani, the consort Devi of Rudra,

the powerful or fierce aspect of Shiva Maheshvara.


Saguna Devi is Prakriti or the material nature in all her abundant

potentials for the physical being, the mind and its emotions, playing

out life's drama. Prakriti offers us the blessings of Lakshmi through

boons of personal, devotional and family happiness. As the Shakti of

the outer nature, which is ultimately inert or jada, Lakshmi's power

rests upon the Nirguna Shakti of Kali beyond all duality.


Nirguna Devi is the Para Prakriti or the higher nature of Brahman,

which is, concentrated bliss without any deviation or diminution.

Kali is the Shakti of Brahman as Chit Shakti, the power of

consciousness, the secret power through which Prakriti works. She

unfolds the highest potentials of Prakriti and takes us beyond their

boundaries as well.


The movement of all spiritual practice or sadhana begins with the

blessings of the manifest, more discernible qualities of Saguna

Devi, eventually taking us to the realisation of the unmanifest or

Nirguna Devi. It is not merely a movement from Prakriti to Purusha or

from Anatman (not-Self) to the Self or Atman. It is a conscious

movement from Saguna Shakti to the Nirguna Shakti.


The Rishis and sages in ancient Hindu traditions realized that saguna

and nirguna are not separate identities. In saguna one has to bring

the Devata into a form and in relating to their energies with

devotion, one moves beyond all human notions into the void of

nirguna. Rituals, murti (idol) puja allows us to move out of our self

image and become receptive to the energies and grace of the Devatas.

Everybody uses a form to represent one's faith. God is formless yet

we have given him a personality of love, anger, wrath and peaceful



Vedic philosophies of Samkhya, Yoga and Vedanta emphasize

discrimination between Purusha, the pure consciousness or spirit, and

Prakriti, the great Nature or matter, or the Self and not-Self as the

key to liberation. In principle, the Purusha is symbolically male and

Prakriti is symbolically female.


Yet liberation can only be realised through Chit-Shakti, the power of

consciousness, or the power of perception, which in its reality is

the higher form of the Devi or Goddess. Through discrimination

between the lower and higher aspects of the Goddess herself, between

Prakriti and Kali, we can understand and realise the higher truth.

Kali is the non-dual Devi who carries both Brahman and Prakriti as

the higher and lower sides of herself.


Accessible only by the knowledge beyond the gunas and beyond duality,

O Kali, You are the unity realized in the form of the Supreme



Sudhadhara Kali Stotra


The most important worship of Kali is in her Nirguna or formless

aspect, particularly through meditating upon her as infinite space

and eternal time. She is Prakata-kriti Devi, `the one who makes

known', whose formless energy manifests in the shape of the entire

universe. Kali provides the inner knowledge to exist in all time

(Kaal) and in every form (Kalaa).


Once we realise this essential truth we are able to evolve into

higher fields of consciousness. We discover the wonder of our being

in the form of an ever new light. To worship Kali we must unfold the

nakedness of our true selves before the Absolute truth.


One must learn to dance in Kali's steps of sheer abandonment,

allowing our heart its expression of sacred delight and abounding

peace. We must fill the boundless space of Kali's void with our

spirit of joy and happiness. In the empty space where there is no

face or form, we must discover the dance of Kali. We touch the

faceless expansion of her joyousness in relaxing our hold on all that

we would wish to control or possess.


We realise the beauty of Kali in forgetting all that we presume to

know and understand. We feel and experience the magic of Kali in

detaching ourselves from all emotional reactions of love and hate,

pleasure and pain. This state of clarity, balance and grace of

Nirguna Kali unfold in the form of Shambhavi, which holds the

blessings of the Absolute.


Jai Kali! Sarva-mangala Devi!


To the Dark Goddess who Possesses All That is Most



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Dear Jagbir and all,


Thank you for this beautiful article and your comments are enlightening too.

Shambhavi Chopra has a gift for expressing a clear understanding of Kali, who

takes us beyond all duality. i was reading only yesterday where Mahesh was

berating you for not concentrating on Saguna Shakti--and what you say here is

the truth:


> So when any religious or spiritual organization, including Sahaja

> Yoga say they are giving Self-realization regard it as the first

> raindrop of the monsoon or snowflake of winter. Only fools will

> claim or believe anything more than this ........... and today we

> have tens of thousands of SYs doing just that!


SYs and others who have not yet experienced the Nirguna Shakti, have only

understood half of what Shri Mataji has been telling them, and Shambhavi Chopra

beautifully describes this movement from Saguna Shakti to the Nirguna Shakti:


> The movement of all spiritual practice or sadhana begins with the

> blessings of the manifest, more discernible qualities of Saguna

> Devi, eventually taking us to the realisation of the unmanifest or

> Nirguna Devi. It is not merely a movement from Prakriti to Purusha

> or from Anatman (not-Self) to the Self or Atman. It is a conscious

> movement from Saguna Shakti to the Nirguna Shakti.


Sahaja Yogis should know that their 'Saguna Shakti', Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,

has been leading them to the knowledge of their Individual Mother Within, their

'Nirguna Shakti'. And even when we have the conscious inner movement from Saguna

Shakti to Nirguna Shakti, as you say Jagbir, we are only at the beginning of the

full monsoon, spiritually speaking.


regards to all,








> By Shambhavi Chopra


> The Devi is twofold in her aspect as Saguna or Nirguna, with or

> without qualities. The Goddess, as Supreme Absolute Brahman, can be

> expressed with form and attributes in the manifest realm (Saguna) or

> without form in the unmanifest (Nirguna). Saguna Devi, we could say,

> is Prakriti or Lakshmi, while Kali is Nirguna Devi. Since Kali, the

> Dark Goddess is the formless Nirguna Devi, she is usually the most

> unapproachable and unfathomable of the Goddesses.


> Deeper jnana is through unique distinctiveness not by any consent or

> concurrence. As the sadhaka's thought-waves mature, the being moves

> into the higher Self or Atman placing the mind at rest. Enriching

> the inner yogic experiences one leaves behind the name and forms,

> searching out the void of the Dark Goddess.


> Lakshmi holds the most desired qualities and is outwardly beneficent

> in offering us all that we desire as beauty, prosperity and

> happiness, which is why people prefer to seek her blessings. Kali's

> benefic mantras cherish and fulfill all one's desires and worldly

> wishes, much like Lakshmi, yet also directing us beyond.


> Aim Hrim Shrim Klim


> Kalike Klim Shrim Hrim Aim!


> Kali and Lakshmi, the two Goddesses work together as a single energy

> to guide the human soul through its cycle of Mahamaya, the cosmic

> mirage of dream and illusion. They allow us to experience the fruits

> that result from our actions, which carry us through the bedlam of

> human incarnations to the ultimate reality.


> The play between dharmic goodness and sensual carnal delights, the

> forces of light and darkness, is revealed through the Dark Goddess,

> who herself is beyond all duality, allowing us the freedom of choice.

> Kali stands at the doorway to all dharmic values with her ever

> watchful eye, rendering her boons and blessings for those who choose

> the higher truth. The lure of her noose, trapping our negativities,

> unfolds our true nature at the given time of worldly experiences.


> Yet Kali also appears most terrifying as the face of death and

> destruction, using her sword when we deviate from our true path.

> Hers is a school of intense discipline, guiding us to integrate all

> dualities in achieving the non-dual state. She takes on the mantle of

> the Mother, who in a family guides its members, especially her

> children to higher values conducive to love and peace. In this

> regard, Kali plays the role of Rudrani, the consort Devi of Rudra,

> the powerful or fierce aspect of Shiva Maheshvara.


> Saguna Devi is Prakriti or the material nature in all her abundant

> potentials for the physical being, the mind and its emotions, playing

> out life's drama. Prakriti offers us the blessings of Lakshmi through

> boons of personal, devotional and family happiness. As the Shakti of

> the outer nature, which is ultimately inert or jada, Lakshmi's power

> rests upon the Nirguna Shakti of Kali beyond all duality.


> Nirguna Devi is the Para Prakriti or the higher nature of Brahman,

> which is, concentrated bliss without any deviation or diminution.

> Kali is the Shakti of Brahman as Chit Shakti, the power of

> consciousness, the secret power through which Prakriti works. She

> unfolds the highest potentials of Prakriti and takes us beyond their

> boundaries as well.


> The movement of all spiritual practice or sadhana begins with the

> blessings of the manifest, more discernible qualities of Saguna

> Devi, eventually taking us to the realisation of the unmanifest or

> Nirguna Devi. It is not merely a movement from Prakriti to Purusha or

> from Anatman (not-Self) to the Self or Atman. It is a conscious

> movement from Saguna Shakti to the Nirguna Shakti.


> The Rishis and sages in ancient Hindu traditions realized that saguna

> and nirguna are not separate identities. In saguna one has to bring

> the Devata into a form and in relating to their energies with

> devotion, one moves beyond all human notions into the void of

> nirguna. Rituals, murti (idol) puja allows us to move out of our self

> image and become receptive to the energies and grace of the Devatas.

> Everybody uses a form to represent one's faith. God is formless yet

> we have given him a personality of love, anger, wrath and peaceful

> benevolence.


> Vedic philosophies of Samkhya, Yoga and Vedanta emphasize

> discrimination between Purusha, the pure consciousness or spirit, and

> Prakriti, the great Nature or matter, or the Self and not-Self as the

> key to liberation. In principle, the Purusha is symbolically male and

> Prakriti is symbolically female.


> Yet liberation can only be realised through Chit-Shakti, the power of

> consciousness, or the power of perception, which in its reality is

> the higher form of the Devi or Goddess. Through discrimination

> between the lower and higher aspects of the Goddess herself, between

> Prakriti and Kali, we can understand and realise the higher truth.

> Kali is the non-dual Devi who carries both Brahman and Prakriti as

> the higher and lower sides of herself.


> Accessible only by the knowledge beyond the gunas and beyond duality,

> O Kali, You are the unity realized in the form of the Supreme

> Brahman.


> Sudhadhara Kali Stotra


> The most important worship of Kali is in her Nirguna or formless

> aspect, particularly through meditating upon her as infinite space

> and eternal time. She is Prakata-kriti Devi, `the one who makes

> known', whose formless energy manifests in the shape of the entire

> universe. Kali provides the inner knowledge to exist in all time

> (Kaal) and in every form (Kalaa).


> Once we realise this essential truth we are able to evolve into

> higher fields of consciousness. We discover the wonder of our being

> in the form of an ever new light. To worship Kali we must unfold the

> nakedness of our true selves before the Absolute truth.


> One must learn to dance in Kali's steps of sheer abandonment,

> allowing our heart its expression of sacred delight and abounding

> peace. We must fill the boundless space of Kali's void with our

> spirit of joy and happiness. In the empty space where there is no

> face or form, we must discover the dance of Kali. We touch the

> faceless expansion of her joyousness in relaxing our hold on all that

> we would wish to control or possess.


> We realise the beauty of Kali in forgetting all that we presume to

> know and understand. We feel and experience the magic of Kali in

> detaching ourselves from all emotional reactions of love and hate,

> pleasure and pain. This state of clarity, balance and grace of

> Nirguna Kali unfold in the form of Shambhavi, which holds the

> blessings of the Absolute.


> Jai Kali! Sarva-mangala Devi!


> To the Dark Goddess who Possesses All That is Most


> Auspicious!





, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> Dear devotees of the Great Mother,


> Namaste - i bow to the Divine Feminine who resides in you!


> i am posting a few articles by Shambhavi Chopra, the author of " Yogic

> Secrets Of The Dark Goddess " . The key to understanding the first



> " Vedic philosophies of Samkhya, Yoga and Vedanta emphasize

> discrimination between Purusha, the pure consciousness or spirit, and

> Prakriti, the great Nature or matter, or the Self and not-Self as the

> key to liberation. In principle, the Purusha is symbolically male and

> Prakriti is symbolically female.


> Yet liberation can only be realised through Chit-Shakti, the power of

> consciousness, or the power of perception, which in its reality is

> the higher form of the Devi or Goddess. "


> Discrimination between Purusha, the pure consciousness or spirit, and

> Prakriti, the great Nature or matter can only be very slowly and

> incrementally attained after years of sustaining Silence on Self. It

> is a very, very long process especially in these modern times with all

> its materialistic and hedonistic distractions.


> he·do·nism

> the doctrine that pleasure or happiness is the sole or chief good in



> Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary


> So when any religious or spiritual organization, including Sahaja

> Yoga say they are giving Self-realization regard it as the first

> raindrop of the monsoon or snowflake of winter. Only fools will claim

> or believe anything more than this ........... and today we have

> tens of thousands of SYs doing just that!


> i realized this disturbing defect and dilemma many years ago as i

> struggled with my conscience and consciousness in SY collectives.


> Today i stand on all i have realized because of nearly a decade away

> from SYs and their SYSSR. i know the Devi had to shield me from such

> ignorance and negativity to make me realize that She is me. Tat tvam

> asi - That Thou Art too!


> After showering the first few raindrops i know She will continue till

> the monsoon ends, and all the millions of tiny streams and turbulent

> tributaries of random thoughts flow into the organized Silence of

> countless rivers that finally merge and rest in the Ocean of Self ...

> ................. and that is Eternity!


> But yet i am only a tiny stream and have a long, long way to go.


> regards to all,


> jagbir



> --------------------



> By Shambhavi Chopra


> The Devi is twofold in her aspect as Saguna or Nirguna, with or

> without qualities. The Goddess, as Supreme Absolute Brahman, can be

> expressed with form and attributes in the manifest realm (Saguna) or

> without form in the unmanifest (Nirguna). Saguna Devi, we could say,

> is Prakriti or Lakshmi, while Kali is Nirguna Devi. Since Kali, the

> Dark Goddess is the formless Nirguna Devi, she is usually the most

> unapproachable and unfathomable of the Goddesses.


> Deeper jnana is through unique distinctiveness not by any consent or

> concurrence. As the sadhaka's thought-waves mature, the being moves

> into the higher Self or Atman placing the mind at rest. Enriching the

> inner yogic experiences one leaves behind the name and forms,

> searching out the void of the Dark Goddess.


> Lakshmi holds the most desired qualities and is outwardly beneficent

> in offering us all that we desire as beauty, prosperity and

> happiness, which is why people prefer to seek her blessings. Kali's

> benefic mantras cherish and fulfill all one's desires and worldly

> wishes, much like Lakshmi, yet also directing us beyond.


> Aim Hrim Shrim Klim


> Kalike Klim Shrim Hrim Aim!


> Kali and Lakshmi, the two Goddesses work together as a single energy

> to guide the human soul through its cycle of Mahamaya, the cosmic

> mirage of dream and illusion. They allow us to experience the fruits

> that result from our actions, which carry us through the bedlam of

> human incarnations to the ultimate reality.


> The play between dharmic goodness and sensual carnal delights, the

> forces of light and darkness, is revealed through the Dark Goddess,

> who herself is beyond all duality, allowing us the freedom of choice.

> Kali stands at the doorway to all dharmic values with her ever

> watchful eye, rendering her boons and blessings for those who choose

> the higher truth. The lure of her noose, trapping our negativities,

> unfolds our true nature at the given time of worldly experiences.


> Yet Kali also appears most terrifying as the face of death and

> destruction, using her sword when we deviate from our true path.

> Hers is a school of intense discipline, guiding us to integrate all

> dualities in achieving the non-dual state. She takes on the mantle of

> the Mother, who in a family guides its members, especially her

> children to higher values conducive to love and peace. In this

> regard, Kali plays the role of Rudrani, the consort Devi of Rudra,

> the powerful or fierce aspect of Shiva Maheshvara.


> Saguna Devi is Prakriti or the material nature in all her abundant

> potentials for the physical being, the mind and its emotions, playing

> out life's drama. Prakriti offers us the blessings of Lakshmi through

> boons of personal, devotional and family happiness. As the Shakti of

> the outer nature, which is ultimately inert or jada, Lakshmi's power

> rests upon the Nirguna Shakti of Kali beyond all duality.


> Nirguna Devi is the Para Prakriti or the higher nature of Brahman,

> which is, concentrated bliss without any deviation or diminution.

> Kali is the Shakti of Brahman as Chit Shakti, the power of

> consciousness, the secret power through which Prakriti works. She

> unfolds the highest potentials of Prakriti and takes us beyond their

> boundaries as well.


> The movement of all spiritual practice or sadhana begins with the

> blessings of the manifest, more discernible qualities of Saguna

> Devi, eventually taking us to the realisation of the unmanifest or

> Nirguna Devi. It is not merely a movement from Prakriti to Purusha or

> from Anatman (not-Self) to the Self or Atman. It is a conscious

> movement from Saguna Shakti to the Nirguna Shakti.


> The Rishis and sages in ancient Hindu traditions realized that saguna

> and nirguna are not separate identities. In saguna one has to bring

> the Devata into a form and in relating to their energies with

> devotion, one moves beyond all human notions into the void of

> nirguna. Rituals, murti (idol) puja allows us to move out of our self

> image and become receptive to the energies and grace of the Devatas.

> Everybody uses a form to represent one's faith. God is formless yet

> we have given him a personality of love, anger, wrath and peaceful

> benevolence.


> Vedic philosophies of Samkhya, Yoga and Vedanta emphasize

> discrimination between Purusha, the pure consciousness or spirit, and

> Prakriti, the great Nature or matter, or the Self and not-Self as the

> key to liberation. In principle, the Purusha is symbolically male and

> Prakriti is symbolically female.


> Yet liberation can only be realised through Chit-Shakti, the power of

> consciousness, or the power of perception, which in its reality is

> the higher form of the Devi or Goddess. Through discrimination

> between the lower and higher aspects of the Goddess herself, between

> Prakriti and Kali, we can understand and realise the higher truth.

> Kali is the non-dual Devi who carries both Brahman and Prakriti as

> the higher and lower sides of herself.


> Accessible only by the knowledge beyond the gunas and beyond duality,

> O Kali, You are the unity realized in the form of the Supreme

> Brahman.


> Sudhadhara Kali Stotra


> The most important worship of Kali is in her Nirguna or formless

> aspect, particularly through meditating upon her as infinite space

> and eternal time. She is Prakata-kriti Devi, `the one who makes

> known', whose formless energy manifests in the shape of the entire

> universe. Kali provides the inner knowledge to exist in all time

> (Kaal) and in every form (Kalaa).


> Once we realise this essential truth we are able to evolve into

> higher fields of consciousness. We discover the wonder of our being

> in the form of an ever new light. To worship Kali we must unfold the

> nakedness of our true selves before the Absolute truth.


> One must learn to dance in Kali's steps of sheer abandonment,

> allowing our heart its expression of sacred delight and abounding

> peace. We must fill the boundless space of Kali's void with our

> spirit of joy and happiness. In the empty space where there is no

> face or form, we must discover the dance of Kali. We touch the

> faceless expansion of her joyousness in relaxing our hold on all that

> we would wish to control or possess.


> We realise the beauty of Kali in forgetting all that we presume to

> know and understand. We feel and experience the magic of Kali in

> detaching ourselves from all emotional reactions of love and hate,

> pleasure and pain. This state of clarity, balance and grace of

> Nirguna Kali unfold in the form of Shambhavi, which holds the

> blessings of the Absolute.


> Jai Kali! Sarva-mangala Devi!


> To the Dark Goddess who Possesses All That is Most


> Auspicious!


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