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Even Shambhavi Chopra pales in comparison as far as inner experience is compared with Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God

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> Dear All,


> i bought " Yogic Secrets of the Dark Goddess " by Shambhavi Chopra at

> the New Delhi Airport on January 7, 2009 on my way back to Canada.

> Earlier i had bought " Life After Death: The Burden Of Proof " by

> Deepak Chopra at the Montreal Airport on my way to India.


> Both books make excellent reading and lay the foundation of faith,

> especially concerning the Divine Feminine who has emerged from

> within with the message of the Resurrection and life eternal. That

> is why this quote make so much sense:


> " Scholars, lacking inner experience, approach Kali with their own

> psychological, sociological and cultural preconceptions that fail to

> recognize her spiritual energy, beauty and majesty. "


> Even Shambhavi Chopra, the author of " Yogic Secrets of the Dark

> Goddess " , pales in comparison as far as inner experience is compared

> with " Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God " . And if we compare the

> decades of enlightenment by Her incarnation Shri Mataji Nirmala

> Devi, Her message of the Resurrection, Her revelations that the

> Mother is entrenched in all Holy Scriptures, any book will easily

> pale into insignificance as none can include and explain the

> diverse topics of various Holy Scriptures. This fact cannot be

> disputed as the Bible and Quran demand precise eschatological

> manifestations and Sure Signs beyond any human manipulation, events

> and revelations that can only be triggered by the Divine! That is

> why we need not budge a single inch or compromise our conscience to

> accommodate any religious group as none will be ever able to

> challenge it, all the more over the years as we add ever more

> evidence of the Great Mother.


> Shambhavi Chopra has produced a great book which will go a long way

> to provide evidence of the Divine Mother who exists within all

> humans, the Divine Feminine whom Kash, Arwinder and Lalita have met

> and meditated with thousands of times from 1993-2007.




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From, Yogic Secrets of the Dark Goddess: Lightning Dance of the

Supreme Shakti, by Shambhavi Chopra. The book was released in August

2007 by Wisdom Tree, www.wisdomtreeindia.com.


What is here, is elsewhere. What is not here, is nowhere.

Visva-Sara Tantra


Rakta Kali, the red tinged vibrant form of Kali, carries the flow of

the eternal Soma in its transformative energy, blood red to my naked

eye, permeating the unfathomable reaches of my very life-force. The

darkness of Kali is merely symbolic of a cavernous profound depth.

Almost impenetrably mysterious are her Devi energies to the

unawakened soul. Truly, what we cannot fathom disturbs our psyche.

And what becomes agitated creates a characteristic sensation of

perturbed emotions.


Her Nila form of blue ambiguouity is incomprehensible if not unknown

to us lesser mortals. The abstruse nature of our experience guides us

to label the Devi as the `Dark Goddess'! The absence of an

intelligible `Light' in our minds creates this seeming fearful

darkness. The Mother's majestic form emits tall shadows of deep blue

hues, highlighting the vague echoes of our superficial lives. The

dark blue is the matrix of all colours resting in the womb.


I was afraid of the dark most of my growing years. The obscurity, the

shadowy play, the mystery of the dark night and dimness of my own

higher mind brought down this veil of darkness upon me. My emotive

self was sometimes clouded, my reasoning questionable, my

imperfections drew me into inertness. These were my fallacies, my

erroneous beliefs, or rather the limitation of my existential maya

jaal, the illusory web of my outer existence.


Ma Kali ever so much is an awesome power to contend with. Her Shakti

energy of the deepest level permeates our inner and outer universe.

Kali loves to stir up a cataclysm in our being, as Ma did in so many

instances of my life. Yet her tremendous push is crucial, keeping

everything in motion towards our inner blossoming. At times, She

would throw me off balance, leaving me floundering for answers to her

imposing secrets and revelations.


Several times through the years of my sadhana, I have experienced my

very head falling under Ma Kali's Khadaka the short dagger of

reality. Her powerful vibrations disturbed my being. Sometimes her

energies became too intense for me to withstand. Yet every time I

decided to withdraw from my sadhana, She would approach me with

gentleness, coercing me back into her fold. There was little else

that sustained my life style or captivated my interests.


For Shakti sadhana or Devi spiritual practices one needs to cultivate

the quality of a Vira the heroic, valiant and fearless approach. Only

the courageous soul can perform the internal and external puja or

worship of the Devis, the Goddesses of supreme power. Life plays out

the sacrificial Yajna or ritual with every simple act of worship in

every conscious living moment.


My celestial wanderings reaped several astral treasures for my inner

and outer temples. The descent of the Mother goddess energy released

higher forces for eliminating old samskaras, deep seated conditioning

creating a way for the new and untainted. Maintaining a balance

between my inner and outer world became a great challenge. Life's sea

of forces and my fast expanding inner energies caused a tumultuous

interaction, opening new fields for an altogether different Lila –

the play of the Devas and Devis!


Surely, I have experienced the dark, mysteriously sweet aroma of the

lal gulab, the red, red rose so reminiscent of Kali's maddening

intoxication. Her rudra or rather insistent form is born of ecstasy,

her abundant joy of a passionate nature. Kali's allure was realized

with chanting her mantra Krim Hum Hrim into the essence of red roses,

their deep hues unfolding the magic of her passion and power. As the

divine Mother, the daughter, the quintessential lover or the creatrix

of beauty she manifests in many profound expressions.


Self-realization is not attained by merely human efforts. It is

bestowed upon the seeker by the unconditional grace of the Supreme.

The Devi in her form as Atmananda, the joy of Self-realization,

graces the sadhaka with Rasavati, her powers as the source of the

nectar of bliss. The Upanishads, the prime teachings of Vedanta,

direct us to the state of Brahman as the Absolute. As the vastness of

the ocean holds all its waters, Para Shakti, the Divine Mother,

rooted in the Supreme Brahman, is the source of the elixir of all

life's flavours.


Years of sadhana, holistic practices, a deep love, and a deeper

chahat or innate longing may have created favourble vibrations for

Her playground. Kali made her presence known to me in more ways than

one could imagine. I must surmise that she was shadowing this journey

of holistic passion all the way. The Yogini experiences the inner

divinity in a flash of ecstasy, through the higher grace itself, her

very life reflecting the energies of the Devi Goddess.


Ma Kali brought the fragrance of blood red roses into my life,

showering my being with the sensuousness of their velvet petals. I

was made to feel like a Rani, the reigning queen of all happiness in

the throes of Her ecstasy. My being experienced the slow intoxicating

flow of a thousand streams; the Soma Rasa flooding through the

whirlpools of my mind and being!


Red roses shadowed my existence, their aromas highlighting the

inherent instinctive deeper fragrances of my deeper being. Their

vivid red intensity caught the aspirations of my searching sight. The

Devi was synonymous with my visual delights of the flowers, absorbing

her energies and her sensuous enchantment into the flow of my own



I surrounded myself with symbols of the Devi, allowing their

intangible power to permeate into my life. At my sacred altar the

Devi held her court through her magical representation of the Lotus

flower, rocks and stones from all over the world, the Serpent, the

Trishula, Cowrie- shells and Conch shells. The lotus flowers were

studded with gemstones and gold. The Purna Kumbha represents the

womb of the goddess in the shape of a pot. The pot is decorated with

mango leaves and a coconut depicting the pot of bounty containing

life's sustaining energies. The cowrie and conch shell depict the

generative organ of the mother goddess as well as the powerful flow

of cosmic waters.


Kali's vision filled my world with beatitude, releasing all the knots

of my womanly heart, transforming the inner darkness into rays of

celestial light. For me, Kali embraces the beginning and the grand

finale, integrating everything into the supreme power of Being,

blessing her sadhaka with unlimited contentment, through her

prevailing consciousness.


In the throes of deep elation I made my offering to Her as in the

form of the Goddess of red roses, allowing the beauty of her eternal

presence to be mirrored in my transient existence and through this

grace each experience enriched itself. Her maternal charisma allowed

my thoughts and emotions to find expression in the Divine drama

unfolding the evolution and transformation of all my life



Jai Kali Svayambhu-pushpadharini!


Victory to Kali who carries the spontaneous flowers of the soul!

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