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You no longer cast a shadow because you do not have a Shadow.

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> The important thing in the process is, as the Bhagavad Gita puts

> it, to " fix your heart on God, " submit your will to the Divine

> Will, and then invoke the Holy Spirit, the Shekinah Glory, the

> Goddess Kundalini, etcetera, as the entry point for your spiritual

> practice. Support that with moral behavior, cultivation of the body

> and mind, works of social goodness and civic responsibility. In

> other words, live a life of integral practice, so that your entire

> being—body, mind, and spirit—is oriented to the attainment of

> enlightenment. God will take care of the rest. Through spiritual

> refinement, the psychophysical dross of your humanity is removed.

> Then you can " cast off " the flesh body through the death process.

> You put on the " seamless robe of light. " You no longer cast a

> shadow because you do not have a Shadow.


> Enlightenment and the Body of Light

> by John White



The Divine Light


Since Self-Realization the Light fascinated Kash. On the very first

day itself he had stood alone on the endless cover of clouds, trying

to understand where was this incredible, utterly peaceful Shangri-La

that he had stumbled upon. There was one distinguishing Reality of

this celestial landscape that held him spellbound — The Light! It was

shining above at a distance he was unable to discern. Kash had kept

gazing at it, spellbound by its indescribable uniqueness and infinite

luminosity. It was an extremely bright globe, much brighter than many

suns. In spite of its dazzling brightness it never ever hurt the eyes.

Since Kash had never seen anything that bright he thought it must be

the sun, but at a much closer proximity. His father, finding no other

logical explanation, also agreed.


After months of meditation it began to slowly dawn that what Kash was

seeing could not possibly be the sun. But Kash kept on insisting that

it had to be as nothing he had seen on Earth shone so bright. He just

thought that he was seeing it from a much closer distance!


Uncertainty came into his father inquisitive mind. He had this

peculiar habit of not believing anything unknown or speculative unless

proven beyond a shadow of reasonable doubt. The sun that his son was

seeing disturbed. Not only was it just above the Great Adi Shakti but

it did not emit heat!


But the lingering question was why was it visible only at Her place

and nowhere else in the Kingdom of the Almighty Creator? If it was

indeed the sun then it had to be seen at all the dwellings of all the

Immortal Messengers that Shri Mataji used to take Kash to.


On September 11, 1994, at 13:05 p.m., after reading the word Shaibhang

(Self-illumined) at the opening stanza of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib,

the consciousness of Self-Realization indicated that there was more to

this Truth than met the mind. If Guru Nanak had described the Divine

World of Reality to be Shaibhang, or Self-Illumined, then the 'very

bright Sun' that Kash spoke about could not be true. If the Spirit of

the Living God was the Ultimate Reality (Al-Haqqah) then this 'Sun' at

Her Abode was an inferior object.


The Divine Light is unlike anything known to man


Moreover, Kash's extraordinary observation of this 'Sun' created more

questions and doubts as he maintained that:


i) This 'Sun' is always behind Her at an angle but is not directly

above, that is, at about 45 degrees.


ii) It did not rise and fall like the earthly sun. The 'Sun' above

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is fixed and stationary.


iii) This 'Sun' illuminates the entire Supreme Abode of the Great

Celestial Mother. Every thing is seen very clearly and in fine detail,

down to the different hues of skin tone. (That is why Kash was

absolutely sure that Shri Jesus had a light brown skin, and wearing

whitish gray clothes stretched taut by the sheer size of His muscular



iv) Kash could not ascertain the exact size and distance of this 'Sun'

despite his numerous visits.


v) In spite of its intense brightness this 'Sun' emitted no heat. On

the contrary, Kash said that the rays are cool!


Then one day he astounded his father by claiming that there are no

shadows from the rays of this 'Sun'! In all his journeys Kash never

saw any shadow in the Kingdom of the Spirit. Though questioned many

times he maintained that this Sun does not produce any shadow,

physical properties that are ubiquitous in our universal sun. Kash was

told by his father to clarify this issue with Shri Viswamata Nirmala

Devi. There was something strange about this 'Sun' that Kash daily



Kash meditated and the Divine Kundalini at the sacrum bone took him up

the Tree of Life into the Bridal Chamber. He burst through the clouds

and reached His Dominion. The Infinite Light shone ever so brilliantly

from above the Eternal Throne of the Great Mater Divinae Gratiae

(Mother of Divine Grace) as She sat in Bliss and Joy. Shri Lok Mata

met him and the question was put forward. The Great Primordial Guru

explained that it was not the sun that he was seeing but the Light.

They then meditated, after which Kash returned back to this

hate-filled world of Louis Farrakhans and Osama bin Ladins.


His Light exists within all human — This Revealed Truth is Absolute.

His Light emits cool rays — This Revealed Truth is Absolute.

His Light cast no shadows — This Revealed Truth is Absolute.

Spirit Beings have no shadows — This Revealed Truth is Absolute.


This Revelation of the Light is the collective truth of the Holy

Scriptures. This Light has been announced by all His Messengers. Since

the dawn of civilization highly evolved souls have been searching

relentlessly for this Light. This is the Light of Shri Krishna. This

is the Light of Shri Jesus. This is the Light of Shri Buddha. This is

the Light of Allah, of Yahweh, of Brahman or any other name that

humans give to Him. God Almighty is Light!


These experiences of His Light are within. This is the Reality of the

Microcosm and the Macrocosm. We all live within God and He lives

within us as The Light.



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