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In the words of Walter Mercado, “before it comes, the old must be purged.”

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Dear devotees of the Great Mother,


Namaste – i bow to the Primordial Mother who resides in you!


During the Dark Age, when mobs of righteous, ritualistic SYs roamed

the countryside looking for heretics like Deepak Chopra, Walter

Mercado and others, i had the misfortune of being a conscientious

objector in their company.... till fortune--confirming that i had

experienced enough ignorance and repulsion to most happily leave the

Montreal collective and forever wander alone--cast Her Eye of

Compassion that mercifully isolated and insulated me from the mobs of

presiding priests of the InquiSYtion (WCASY).


This is a post for those who still do not have that consciousness or

courage to be conscientious objectors. It is about the heretic Walter

Mercado, which the righteous homophobic mob —goaded by the frenzy of

supreme self-realization —wanted to be burnt at the stake as they

believed he was gay (as Deepak was straight). May it prick their

conscience and remind them that the Dark Age still lingers in SY,

even though a decade has passed since humanity entered the Third

Millennium. (2000-2009 = 10 years)


But the Divine Message of the Blossom Time must succeed and enter the

collective human consciousness. In the words of Walter Mercado,

" before it comes, the old must be purged. The only way it will be

purged is through a washing away of the sins of the past and thinking

of the past, to open the way for what is to be. And as many devout

believers in scripture say, those times are already upon us. " If only

they knew that Jesus Christ--by sending the Comforter to explain in

detail His core message and teaching, and initiate the Age of the Last

Judgment and Resurrection--kept His promise of universal salvation

and evolution into the eternal spirit!








" That major religions would be facing such challenges to their basic

structures and doctrines is reflective of the increasing energy of

the New Age affecting their flocks. The New Millennium opens an era

of renewed and individual spirituality, in which we will no longer

seek interpretations of the scriptures from others, but will connect

directly with the universal spirit and understand the meaning of the

holy works ourselves.


But we must first pass through the final days of the dying era,

which, as all eras before it, will burst forth in a concentration of

negative energy, some of which we are already witnessing.


In the Book of Revelation, the Bible speaks in apocalyptic terms of

blood, pestilence, suffering, and violence—all the horrors to be

rained down on humanity before the chosen stand beside God in the

millennium of peace that reigns thereafter. Many interpret this to

mean the end of the world. But it is not the end of the world, it is

the end of the past. These are not contradictory concepts. In the

symbolism of the Bible verses, the world as we know comes to an end

and all humanity unites in peace to bring the way of Christ to all

the Earth, to bring the spirit of Christianity out of the Book and

into our lives. This is the very spirit of the New Age, of compassion

and caring for our fellows on Earth, of fraternity and unity and

peace. But before it comes, the old must be purged. The only way it

will be purged is through a washing away of the sins of the past and

thinking of the past, to open the way for what is to be. And as many

devout believers in scripture say, those times are already upon us….


In the Age of Aquarius, we break from the past to invent the future

we desire in our society and in our person. The answers we find will

be wholly new ones, totally original ones, but they require a

thorough examination of what has been and what we wish to come. All

our institutions as we know them must adapt to this new reality.


All of our institutions as we know them must adapt to this new

reality. The time is not just for the integration of humanity, but

for the integration of all its codes, canons, and concepts. We are

not just reinventing ourselves, but all of our systems of society.

The rules that bind, the laws that chain, the edicts that keep us in

constant conflict with ourselves, all come crashing down.


The Bible speaks of the Second Coming of Christ, of a millennium of

peace that comes when Jesus returns anew and all of us join together

universally. The time is at hand. Christ is coming, but not

physically, spiritually. The Bible spoke in many metaphors. The

Spirit of Christ is what comes now in our souls, in our awakened

spirituality. The cosmic inner Christ is coming. It is time to

realize that we are all the " children of God, " and that the " Son of

God " came to show us the way to unite with that divine universal



It is Christ's message now that is awakened and becomes a reality. We

do unto others and have compassion for all. Now is the time to put

Christ's message and Buddha's message of love into practice, to take

them from the level of mere words and turn them into action. Too many

people make a show of going to church. They go not seeking, but to be

seen. They go to church but the Church does not go in them. They make

an act of presence, repeating rituals mechanically, without feeling,

failing to grasp the meaning. Or they go begging. Ungrateful for what

they have, wishing it were more, they go asking for more. That is not

they way, nor the purpose of religion. Aquarius is an age of

gratefulness. We must get up every morning thankful for yet another

day of light, of love, of opportunities and possibilities. The

affirmation of every day should be, " I feel good. I feel loved by

nature, by the wind, by the universe and everything in it. "


What is important now is to seek the true meaning of the message of

the masters. For two thousand years, those messages have been

exploited, used by preachers, pastors and priests to build gleaming

castles, to build treasure troves of riches while the poor starved.

They served as salesmen of paradise and perdition to build palaces.

But few put the message of the masters, the message of love, into

practice. Often, it was just the opposite. Too many have been killed

in the name of God. The Crusades sent army after army to wage war in

the Holy Land. Inquisitors and pious prosecutors sent too many so-

called heretics and witches to their deaths. Now we must renounce all

the venom of the past, release the centuries of anger, and breathe

the peace and love of the Age of Aquarius. We must stop being beggars

seeking salvation or praying for prosperity and become grateful

participants in the order of the universe, in harmony with it "



Walter Mercado, Beyond The Horizon

(Walter Mercado, Beyond The Horizon, A Time Warner Company, 1997 p.



" Like Michelangelo you can say he is a great personality. He has

shown Christ in the real way. If you see the Sistine Chapel that is

the Judgment he has shown so well that is happening today! Christ

standing like a strong man there and not like bones they show in the

Catholic Church. I feel they are sadists always talking about Christ

and putting Christ just like a bone structure. I feel like crying

when I see all this. Can they carry the Cross, any one of them? Like

Christ with that skinny body, would He carry the Cross? He is the One

who has died for our sins and miseries and you want to show Him as

such a miserable person!...


How can you judge Christ? You have no powers to judge Him? First

become the spirit then you will know what He was. But nobody wants to

talk about that... That's why Christ has said in the second verse of

Matthews, He said in the second chapter that, " You will be calling Me

Christ! Christ! and I will now know you. " These are the people and

you don't become one of them. You know Him. You see Him. You will

find Him here (Agnya Chakra) within yourself. Awakened He resides. Be

sensible. Be wise. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Geneva, Switzerland — June 13, 1985




Question: " Shri Mataji, would you say a few words about the Golden

Age, the forthcoming Golden Age?


Shri Mataji: " You see, Aquarius, as they say, Aquarius according to

our astrology is the Kundalini. The Kundalini is Aquarius according

to Indian, I should say, Indian science of Astrology.


And, you see, they, what they say that this age of Aquarius is very

important, because this will change the lives of people. And that is

what they have already described about this, that now there was Kali

Yuga, means the worst possible times. The whole Kali Yuga means the

absolutely the worst and worst possible time for our destruction.

That was over. Then comes Kruta Yuga, I mean, overlapping. Now, in

Kruta Yuga, this all-pervading power, they call it Paramchaitanya,

becomes active. It starts helping people to come along. That also has

been going on some days.


After this, is Satya Yuga. It's the age of truth. But it's a Last

Judgement. If you take to truth, alright, well and good. But if you

don't take to truth you are judged. It's like this. "


Shri Mataji, Press Conference (London '99)

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Dear All,


i have acquired nearly a thousand new images of Shri Mataji, the

first two of which are used at the link above. Most of them are from

the 70s and 80s, the decades when She was at Her very best. It was a

time when She stated the Truth just like Jesus Christ did - without

any fear or favor, and cared the least whether it will be believed or



i know things turned ugly during the 90s and was an utter disaster at

the turn of the millennium. There is now absolutely no hope of Sahaja

Yoga (SYSSR) ever rising again ........... and i am willing to chisel

this too in granite should there be doubts i will deny saying so.


But lets get back to Her photos. They are so, so beautiful!!! i will

slowly put them up over time on articles, specifically those that

uphold Jesus Christ, the Comforter and their Divine Message. We will

ever continue to uphold their Divine Message. Let fools follow and

spread the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion.





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