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Dear all,


Here his the last chapter


Enjoy !


With Love





The Promise an its Fulfilments _ The Temple



" In three days I will destroy the temple, and in three days I will

build it up again " . This was said to his disciples by the son of

Mary, the Essene consecrated as Son of Man, i.e. the spiritual

inheritor of the Word of Moses, of Hermes, and of all former Sons of

God. Has this bold promise, the word of the initiator and initiate,

been realised ? Yes, if consideration be taken of the consequences

which the teaching of the Christ, confirmed by his death and

spiritual resurrection, have had for humanity, and all the

consequences his promise holds over a limitless future. His word and

sacrifice have laid the foundations of an invisible temple, but it is

only continued and brought, to completion in proportion as each

individual, throughout all time, contributes to the work.


What is this temple ? It is of a nature a once moral, social, and

physical, the temple of regenerate humanity.


The oral temple is the regeneration of the human soul, the

transformation of individuals by the human ideal offered as an

example to humanity in the person of Jesus. The wonderful harmony and

plenitude of his virtues make it difficult to define; balanced

reason, mystic intuition, human sympathy, power of word and action;

infinite compassion, love even unto sacrifice, courage unto death; no

experience was unknown to him. There was sufficient soul in every

drop of his blood to make a hero, and yet, what divine gentleness was

his ! The profound union of heroism and love of will and

intelligence, of the Eternal-Masculine with the Eternal-Feminine make

of him the flower of the human ideal. His whole moral teachings,

whose loftiest expression is unending brotherly love and a universal

human alliance, flows naturally from such a mighty personality. The

work of the eighteen centuries which have elapsed since his death

has resulted in the inculcating of this ideal in the consciousness of

all mankind. For there is scarcely a man throughout the civilised

world who does not possess a more or less clear notion thereof.

Accordingly, it may be affirmed that the moral temple desired by the

Christ is, if not finished, at any rate based on an indestructible

foundation at the present day.


It is not so with the social temple. This supposes the establishment

of the kingdom of God or of the providential law in the organic

institutions of humanity; it remains to be constructed from the

foundation. For men still live in a state of warfare under the law of

Force and Destiny. The law of the Christ, which remains in the moral

conscience, has not yet passed into human institutions. I have only

incidentally touched upon questions of social and political

organisation in this book, which is solly intended to throw light on

the philosophical and religious question at its base, through some of

the essential esoteric truths. In these few concluding words I will

not discuss the question any further. It is too vast and complex, and

beyond my power to attempt even to define it within the compass of a

few words. I will merely say that social warfare exists, as a

principle, in all European countries. There are no economic,

religious, or social principles admitted by all classes of society.

The nations of Europe, also, have not ceased existing in a state of

open war or armed peace with one another. They are united by no

common federative principle. Their interests and common aspirations

appeal to no recognised authority, they have no sanction before any

supreme tribunal. If the law of the Christ has penetrated into

individual consciousness and, up to a certain point, into social

life, it is still the pagan and barbarian law which governs our

political institutions. At the present time, political power is

everywhere constituted on insufficient foundations. On the one hand

it emanates from the so-called divine right of kings, which is none

other than military force; on the other from the masses, or mere

average intelligence. A nation is not a number of uniform values or

ciphers; it is a living being composed of organs. So long as national

representation is not the image of this organisation, right from its

working to its teaching classes, there will be no organic or

intelligent national representation. So long as the delegates of all

scientific bodies, and the whole of the Christian churches do not sit

together in one upper council, our societies will be governed by

instinct, by passion, and by might, and there will be no social



Then how comes it that, rising above the Church which is too small to

contain him in his entirety, above politics which deny him, and above

Science which only half understands him, the Christ is fuller of life

than ever ? It is because his sublime morality is the corollary of a

science even ore sublime. Behind him we perceive, contemporary with

and beyond the time of Moses, the whole ancient theosophy of Indian,

Egyptian, and Grecian initiates, of whom he forms a striking

confirmation. We are beginning to understand that Jesus, at the very

height of his consciousness, the transfigured Christ, is opening his

loving arms to his brothers, the other Messiahs who preceded him,

beams of the Living Word as he was, that he is opening them wide to

Science in its entirety, Art in its divinity, and Life in its

completeness. But his promise cannot be fulfilled without the help of

all living forces of humanity. Two main things are necessary nowadays

for the continuation of the mighty work : On the one hand, the

progressive unfolding of experimental science and intuitive

philosophy to facts of psychic order, intellectual principles, and

spiritual proofs, on the other, the expansion of Christian dogma in

the direction of tradition in the direction of tradition and esoteric

science, and subsequently a reorganisation of the Church according to

a graduated initiation; this by a free and irresistible movement of

all Christian churches, which are equally daughters of the Christ.

Science must become religious and religion scientific. This double

evolution, already I preparation, would finally and forcibly bring

about a reconciliation of Science and Religion on esoteric grounds.

The work will not progress without considerable difficulty at first,

but the future of European Society depends on it. The transformation

of Christianity in its esoteric sense would bring with it that of

Judaism and Islam, as well as regeneration of Brahminism and Buddhism

in the same fashion; it would accordingly furnish a religious basis

for the reconciliation of Asia and Europe.


This is the spiritual temple to be constructed, the crowning of the

word intuitively conceived and desired by Jesus. Can his message of

Love form the magnetic chain of Science and Art, of religions and

peoples, and thus become the universal word ?


At the present time the Christ is master of the globe, through the

two youngest and most vigorous races, still full of faith. By way of

Russia he has a foothold in Asia, and through the Anglo-Saxon race he

rules the New World. Europe is older than America, but younger than

Asia. They slander Europe, who believe her destined to an

irremediable decadence. Still, if she continues her internal

struggles, instead of federating beneath the rule of one capable

authority, at once scientific and religious; if, through the

extinction of this faith which is only the love-fed light of the

spirit, she is continuing the preparation for her moral and social

decomposition, her civilisation runs the risk of perishing, first by

social upheavals, and afterwards by the invasion of younger races,

which will seize the torch dropped from her hands.


Surely she has a more glorious part to play, the preservation of the

guiding of the world, by finishing the social work of the Christ,

formulating his complete and perfected thought, and crowning by the

help of Science, Art and Justice, the spiritual temple of the

greatest of the Sons of God.


The End.

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