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Jesus: Those who lose their life for my sake will find it.’

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Dear devotees of the Great Mother,


Namaste - i bow to the Holy Spirit who resides in you!


i believe this topic is quite important, at least for me personally:


The fine art of editing our lifes



i find this quote of Shambhavi Chopra especially comforting:


" Everyone has a right to encircle their lives with encouraging,

supportive, compliant and loving individuals. The people we surround

ourselves with personally, sometimes are a deeper expression of

ourselves, mirror imaging our own mindsets. "


For me these individuals are those who are daily dedicated to

spreading the Advent and Message of the Divine Mother. All others

must, will and should fade from memory:


" Emotional intelligence and a deep trust in the workings of the

universe, eventually show us the light of a brighter day. Sometimes

removing the channel of slow poisoning is necessary, disassociating

from emotionally draining or toxic situations. The secret key to a

holistic approach in life is to fill our spaces with more sacred,

loving, nourishing and healthy relationships. Relating to an

exceptional person in our lives who guides us in consecrating the

sacred is the most wonderful blessing. "


Thus if we do not edit our lives it will be difficult to rise, as we

must emerge like a lotus from the mud of Maya. We already have the

best of both the material and spiritual worlds, the guidance of Shri

Mataji/Comforter without and the Great Mother/Comforter within. Since

the Savior is central to Her advent we must understand why it is

necessary to edit our lives. i will quote from Deepak Chopra's book,

" The Third Jesus: The Christ We Cannot Ignore " :


" Death and New Life


" Very truly, i tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth

and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears

much fruit. Those who love their life lose it, and those who hate

their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. " (John 12:24-



This passage is about transformation. Jesus tells his disciples that

they must die to an old self in order to attain the new. As so

often, he makes the teaching a matter of life and death, for it was

Jesus's way to be as dramatic as possible. Here he says that if you

are attached to your old way of being, death is inescapable. You must

regard your present self as a seed. Once planted it will die, but

from that extinction emerges the abundant reward of a new life, one

that is beyond death...


The Falseness of Life


" Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have

not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man

against his father, and a daughter against her mother ... one's foes

will be members of one's own household. Whoever loves father or

mother more than me is not worth of me; and whoever loves son or

daughter more than me is not worthy of me.... Those who find their

life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will

find it. " (Matthew 10:34-39)


Here, Jesus labels even the most cherished aspect of material life as

false. We may find it easy to side with him against the rich and

powerful, but here Jesus sides against the family! Not even this

aspect of material life is worthwhile, compared to the life that lies

ahead on the spiritual path....


`If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother

and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own

life, he cannot be My disciple. (Luke 14:26)'


Jesus seems to be ordering his disciples to abandon every cherished

relationship, yet this makes no sense from a teacher who also

commands them to love their enemies. As we've seen so often, Jesus

speaks in absolutes to catch his listener's attention, and here he is

making the sharpest possible distinction between ordinary love and

divine love. " Me " stands for God, and " coming to Me " means entering

the Kingdom of God, which is to say, God's reality. That reality

isn't physical; it isn't found in worldly relationships, even the

most loving ones. If you want to know divine love, you must find it

on its own terms, not the terms you are used to.


Even when phrased more softly, this is a radical teaching. A person

doesn't start with everyday love and then direct that feeling toward

God. A complete reversal of perception is necessary—to dramatize this

reversal, Jesus turns the word love into hate. " (Deepak Chopra, The

Third Jesus, pages 115 and 203-4)


Given the fact that we are participating in the Last Judgment and

Resurrection, without question we have to edit our lives—radically—to

have any chance of entering the Kingdom of the Spirit. That is

why " The fine art of editing our lifes " is so relevant to

understanding Jesus' declaration that " those who lose their life for

my sake will find it.' No aspect of material life on Earth is

worthwhile, compared to the eternal life that lies ahead on the

spiritual path. In a nutshell, you have to sooner or later abandon

every cherished relationship that disbelieves, hinders, ridicules or

insults your faith which, unlike theirs, is not blind or based on the

ignorance of the Holy Scriptures! Those able to follow Jesus' command

will have the abundant reward of a new life, one that is beyond death-

-thus fulfilling His promised eschatological evolution into the

eternal spirit! And all those who edit and dedicate their lives for

His sake--declaring and spreading the Good News of the Resurrection

to enter the Kingdom of God--will find it!


regards to all,




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