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Divine Incarnations: God's Emissaries - Discourse 1, Part 4

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Dear All,


Shri Mataji mentioned numerous times about this all-pervading power of the

universe. Scientists have confirmed about this power, this energy:


" Indeed, calculations of the quantity known as the zero-point energy suggest

that a single cubic centimeter of empty space contains more energy than all of

the matter in the known universe, " states Will Keepin, Ph.D., in " Lifework of

David Bohm: River of Truth " ('ReVision' magazine, Summer 1993). Keepin writes

that for Bohm, who is regarded as one of the twentieth century's greatest

physicists, " this enormous energy inherent in 'empty' space can be viewed as

theoretical evidence for the existence of a vast, yet hidden realm....The vast

physical universe we experience is but a set of 'ripples' on the surface of the

implicate order. The manifest objects that we regard as comprising ordinary

reality are only the unfolded projections of the much deeper, higher dimensional

implicate order, which is the fundamental reality. " ('Publisher's Note')


(Excerpt from Note 1; appended.)



Shri Mataji says that we are the channels for this all pervading power, which

She says, cannot work out the spiritual evolution of humanity, unless we are its

conduits. That is an amazing thing to know--is it not!:


" You are the channels, without the channels this all pervading power cannot work

out, That's the system. If you see the Sun, its light spreads through its

rays-from your heart the blood flows, through arteries, they become smaller and

smaller. You are the arteries which is going to flow this blood of my love to,

all the people. If arteries are broken the blood will not reach the people. That

is why you are so important. The bigger you become, the bigger, the arteries

become. Then you encompass more people, by that you are more responsible. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Advice on Guru Purnima Day

London, England

29 July, 1980



" We should understand that sincerity can only come if we raise our Kundalini

again and again and open our brahmarandra. Then our hearts will rise and we can

jump into doubtless awareness. Shri Mataji said that we can then separate

ourselves from the body. Once we have separated from the body, all the barriers

of ego and superego will fall apart....All this, only by raising our kundalini

and breaking the brahmarandra. The greatest achievement we have gotten is that

we can break the brahmarandra and connect the Kundalini with the all pervading

power of God. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Birthday Puja

Sydney, Australia

21 March, 1990









Divine Incarnations: God's Emissaries - Discourse 1, Part 4




'And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not (John




How the darkness of

delusion blinds man

to the light of God's

presence in creation


Darkness means delusion, ignorance. In the Sanskrit scriptures the concepts in

Saint John's esoteric verses are explained very thoroughly. (p.19) When

interpreted with the illumination provided by the masters of India, these truths

will be found to be universal and scientific. Spiritual laws defining the

workings of the universe and man's place in it are the highest science,

underpinning all scientific discoveries; but since scientists depend more on

effects than ultimate causes, spiritual pronouncements of the sages are largely

dismissed as superstition. By a gradual pace of broadened understanding,

however, spiritual science and material science find they are standing on common



There are two manifestations of the darkness of delusion: one is 'maya',

cosmic delusion, " that which measures the Infinite " ; and the other is 'avidya',

which means ignorance or individual illusion.


If someone sees an elephant moving around in the air, it would be said that

what he is seeing is an illusion or hallucination; but to him the perception is

real. 'Maya' is the mass hypnosis of God by which He makes every human being

believe in the same illusory " reality " of creation as perceived by the senses;

'avidya' gives individuality of form, experience, and expression (it supports

the ego or I-consciousness).


The light that " shineth in the darkness " of the delusion of creation is the

light of God. God is light. In the First Epistle of St. John (1:5) we read:

" This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that

God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. "


In the intelligent creative Cosmic Vibration that went forth from the cosmic

consciousness of God were His first two expressions in manifested creation:

sound (the holy 'Aum' or Amen) and light ( " In the beginning....God said, 'Let

there be light' " --Genesis 1:1,3). Units of divine light, finer than electrons

and other subatomic particles, are the bricks of which matter is composed. All

things seen on the screen of the universe are differentiated currents of the

cosmic light and the shadows or " darkness " or delusion.


The light of God shines within the darkness of cosmic delusion, but man, the

perceiver, suffers from two blinding maladies: the limitation of his senses, or

individual delusive ignorance, and the cosmic delusion, combined.


Because of the limitation of the senses, man does not perceive the full

spectrum of even material manifestations. If the power of vision were increased,

one could see all kinds of lights--atoms, electrons, photons, vibratory

auras--dancing around him. (p.20) If the power of hearing were sufficiently

increased, man could hear the hum of the atoms, the planets in their course

around the sun, the explosion of stars, making a tremendous rumbling throughout

the universe. One would sense the whole universe throbbing with life. But none

of the finer and higher vibrations can be sensed except to a limited degree with

the aid of delicate supersensory instruments. " Darkness " denotes that

limitation, because it produces the illusion of confinement of consciousness.


Even the light of the sun is considered darkness, because it is a part of

this physical world of duality; its grossness, also, hides the greater light of

God. Only in spiritually transcendent ecstatic states is there no duality of day

and night, light and darkness, but God's light alone. Just behind the darkness

of closed eyes in meditation shines that radiance of God.


Man is blinded by the relativities of life. Without the aid of physical light

he sees darkness. But beyond that darkness is another light that pervades the

world. Hidden behind the ether of space is the tremendous light of the astral

world, providing the life and energy that sustains the whole universe. [1]

(p.21) The auroral rays of astral lifetrons are a spiritual ectoplasm around the

entire cosmos. Out of the astral light, God is creating planets and universes. I

am in that light all the time; I see everything aglow with that heavenly

essence--all physical manifestation emanates from that astral light, and that

light emanates from the creative manifestation of God as Light.


If you saw God right now, you would see Him as one mass of light

scintillating over the whole universe. As I close my eyes in ecstasy everything

melts into that great Light. It is not imagination; rather, the perception of

the Sole Reality of being. Whatever is seen in that state will happen; that is

the proof of the reality of that Omnipresent Light of all becomings.


Man is so drunk with delusion, it obliterates his true perception so that the

darkness of his ignorance cannot apprehend the light of God vibrating

everywhere. Both cosmic delusion ('maya') and individual illusion or ignorance

('avidya') work together to thus obscure and confound the soul's inherent

intuitive sense of God's omnipresence. In meditation this darkness of sensory

dependence goes away and intuition prevails, revealing oneself as light in the

magnitude of a whole universe of light.


The Second Coming of Christ (The Resurrection of the Christ Within You) Volume

I, Discourse 1, pg. 18-21

Paramahansa Yogananda

Printed in the United States of America 1434-J881







[1] See " ether " in glossary.

The Sanskrit word 'akasha', translated as both " ether " and " space, " refers

specifically to the vibratory element that is the subtlest in the material

world. " Ether-permeated space is the boundary line between heaven, or the astral

world, and earth, " Paramahansaji said. " All the finer forces God has created are

composed of light, or thought-forms, and are merely hidden behind a particular

vibration that manifests as ether. "


Frank Wilczek, Ph.D., professor of physics at the Massachusetts Institute of

Technology, writes in 'Physics Today' (January 1999): " There is a myth, repeated

in many popular presentations and textbooks, that Albert Einstein swept [the

ether] into the dustbin of history....The truth is more nearly the opposite:

Einstein first purified, and then enthroned, the ether concept. As the twentieth

century has progressed, its role in fundamental physics has only expanded. At

present, renamed and thinly disguised, it dominates the accepted laws of

physics. "


Physicists investigating the ether--now also called the quantum vacuum, the

quantum field, and the zero-point field--have realized that " the very

underpinning of our universe [is] a heaving sea of energy, one vast quantum

field, " writes Lynne McTaggart in 'The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of

the Universe' (New York: Harper-Collins, 2002). " What we believe to be our

stable, static universe, " she explains, " is in fact a seething maelstrom of

subatomic particles fleetingly popping in and out of existence....Largely

because of Einstein's theories and his famous equation E=mc2, relating energy to

mass, all elementary particles interact with each other by exchanging energy

through other quantum particles, which are believed to appear out of nowhere,

combining and annihilating each other in less than an instant....The fleeting

particles generated during this brief moment are known as " virtual

particles.'...Every exchange of every virtual particle radiates energy. The

zero-point energy in any one particular transaction in an electromagnetic field

is unimaginably tiny--half a photon's worth. But if you add up all the particles

of all varieties in the universe constantly popping in and out of being, you

come up with a vast, inexhaustible energy source...all sitting there

unobstrusively in the background of the empty space around us. "


" Indeed, calculations of the quantity known as the zero-point energy suggest

that a single cubic centimeter of empty space contains more energy than all of

the matter in the known universe, " states Will Keepin, Ph.D., in " Lifework of

David Bohm: River of Truth " ('ReVision' magazine, Summer 1993). Keepin writes

that for Bohm, who is regarded as one of the twentieth century's greatest

physicists, " this enormous energy inherent in 'empty' space can be viewed as

theoretical evidence for the existence of a vast, yet hidden realm....The vast

physical universe we experience is but a set of 'ripples' on the surface of the

implicate order. The manifest objects that we regard as comprising ordinary

reality are only the unfolded projections of the much deeper, higher dimensional

implicate order, which is the fundamental reality. " ('Publisher's Note')

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