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Divine Incarnations: God's Emissaries - Discourse 1, Part 5

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Dear All,


In Note [2] appended, it says:


The original Greek in which this Gospel [of John] was composed used 'kosmos';

the King James version translates it as " world " instead of in its broader sense

as " the universal order. "


Divine incarnations did not just speak in terms of " the World " but in terms of

the Cosmos/the Universe/Brahmanda. The reality of the Cosmos/the

Universe/Brahmanda is to be found through the Inner Man, through Kundalini



" Adi Shakti is Trigunatmika. After Shri Mahakali and Mahasaraswati, the third

shakti is Shri Mahalakshmi. She is known as the Redeemer in the Bible, and She

pours Her blessings when we start seeking. But to rise on the central channel,

on the path of Mahalakshmi, is very difficult; the mind takes us to the left and

to the right. Only with the awakening of the Kundalini can we remain in the

centre. Mahalakshmi builds the bridge over the Void and after crossing this

bridge, when Kundalini ascends and breaks the Brahmarandhra, She unites us with

the Brahmanda (the Cosmos). After this happens, the Trigunatmika together help

us. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Adi Shakti Puja, Jaipur, India - December 10, 1994



" The time is so important. You have come here at a time where certain things are

working out very well. The cosmos is very helpful. Yesterday, I just raised the

Pingala Nadi and it became warmer. See it's quite warm today. It was very cold

two days back so it has become warmer. So the whole Cosmos is trying to help

you. Everybody is trying to help you. But if you still remain in the same static

stage or into the same lethargic stage, they'll also give up. So please

see--compete in getting up earlier, compete in finishing bath earlier, compete

in putting everything neatly. All of you should put everything neatly. Be smart

and be quick.


Then you shouldn't do all these things outside, should not pay attention to

nonsensical things. You have to improve your attention. Try to put your

attention while walking, or anywhere, on the Mother Earth. It's better. Better

keep your attention on the Mother Earth. There are thoughts that are coming to

you. All right. You just see that you stop the thoughts. Even now I see some of

the ladies and men have wobbly eyes. That's very wrong. You can't afford to do

that in Sahaja Yoga. If it is so, try to put down your eyes because these eyes

cannot allow your Kundalini to rise. You have to have innocent eyes without any

lust and greed.


If the Kundalini has to rise make your attention in the center. Don't allow it

to go this time or that time. You have come here with great difficulties, and

now don't waste your time! There's nothing to look outside; everything is

inside. All right? So please don't put your attention on the sides. Just try to

pull it inside. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Christmas Puja, (First Pune Talk, Christmas Eve) -



Here now, is Discourse 1, Part 5.









Divine Incarnations: God's Emissaries - Discourse 1, Part 5


(p.21)'That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the

world' (John 1:9).


(p.22) In the fourth verse it was said and explained: " In him was life; and the

life was the light of men. " Now this ninth verse is a restatement of the same

concept. In pragmatic or entertaining literature, redundancy is considered

boring, even irritating, impeding the flow of thought. But repetition of truth,

as evidenced in scriptural writings, is good, even necessary, for moral

perception and spiritual assimilation, bringing out the meaning clearly. Truth

is a living entity; familiarity with its principles through frequent contact

makes it a faithful, supportive companion.


The light of the cosmic energy flowing out of the cosmic consciousness of God

is the life that informs all beings and lights their consciousness, as a dynamo

sends electricity into the bulbs of a city. It is the omnipresence of that light

of God that supports the grand illusion of an infinitude of forms and their

wondrous portrayals of individuality. That light is the true light because it is

infinite and everlasting, while man only borrows from it his temporary mortal

existence from one life to the next. Yoga teaches how to join the immortals by

contacting that light and realizing the unity of human consciousness with " the

true light, which lighteth every man. "


The Second Coming of Christ (The Resurrection of the Christ Within You) Volume

I, Discourse 1, pg. 21-22

Paramahansa Yogananda

Printed in the United States of America 1434-J881







(p.22) 'He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew

him not' (John 1:10).


The words " he " and " him, " though ambiguous at first reading, refer, in

continuity of the preceding verses, to the Light, or omnipresent creative

manifestation of God " in the world. " [1] The " world " means not just this little

earth, but the entire cosmos. (p.23) (It is a translation in the Bible that

should be changed, as also many other words that have been misunderstood.) [2]


" The world was made by him " means the whole cosmos was evolved from that

cosmic light, not just this little planet, which is nothing but a grain of sand

on the seashore of time.


" And the world knew him not " : That " true light " was kept hidden by delusion,

unseen by sentient beings.


The Second Coming of Christ (The Resurrection of the Christ Within You) Volume

I, Discourse 1, pg. 22-23

Paramahansa Yogananda

Printed in the United States of America 1434-J881







[1] Many scholars have puzzled over why, in the original Greek of the Gospel,

the masculine pronouns " he " and " him " are used to refer to the neuter noun

" light " ('phos')--even though grammatically the masculine pronoun does not agree

with this neuter noun. Biblical historian and linguist Charles H. Dodd writes in

'The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel' (Cambridge University Press, 1968):

" There seem to be two possibilities: either (a) the propositions in question

really refer to the masculine 'logos', here considered in its aspect as light;

or (b) the thought of incarnation is already in the evangelist's mind, and the

propositions of verses 9-12 refer to Christ as incarnate. " As church doctrine

evolved over the centuries it became common to presume the latter. However, the

question is resolved in favor of the first of these possibilities when one

realizes, as is clear from Paramahansa Yogananda's commentary, the relationship

of " light " and " word " ('logos') in this context--primal expressions of God's

cosmic vibratory energy in creation. See also footnote on page 9. ('Publisher's



[2] The original Greek in which this Gospel was composed used 'kosmos'; the King

James version translates it as " world " instead of in its broader sense as " the

universal order. "

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