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Shri Mataji: Your job is, in a way, greater than the saints and sages.

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> The Blossom Time is the heart and soul of the Holy Scriptures and

> every human must be given its message in its entirety i.e.,

> complete, detailed knowledge of the many tributaries, streams and

> rivers that finally flow into the Ocean of the Self. The evidence

> of this collective crime against humanity is also nailed on the

> front door of http://www.sahajayoga.org/ ........ and the decades

> of collective silence of thousands of so-called 'self-realized' SYs

> is defeaning! The negativity within the organization is so strong

> that it has even overwhelmed and diseased their desire and

> conscience to break free from years of this collective conspiracy

> of silence.



" Your job is, in a way, greater than the saints and sages. The saints

and sages did not give Realization to anyone. They gave lectures,

tried to make people understand. Your job is that you have to awaken

the Kundalini in people, and make them Self-Realized, and resurrect

the whole world. This is an extremely important and Divine Job, and

for this Adi Shakti Herself had to come. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


Note: That is why the eschatology that binds Judaism, Christianity

and Islam as one—final events in history, Resurrection, fulfillment

of a divine plan for humanity, and the immortality of the human soul—

so harmoniously and collectively fulfilled by Devi, must be upheld

and declared without any fear as Shri Mataji Herself has been doing

so for more than three decades. Resurrection, without question, is

evolution into the eternal spirit. It is a word easily understood by

more than half of humanity (Jews, Christians, Muslims). It is also

more easily understood by the rest (Hindus, Buddhist, Sikhs) than

" kundalini awakening " . Moreover, the General Resurrection is promised

by the Holy Scriptures. Not only that, but proof of resurrection has

already been dramatically demonstrated by Lord Jesus for all humanity.

The fact that you can verify and experience your evolution by the

daily Cool Breeze (Breath of God/born of the Spirit/Winds of Qiyamah)

is beyond words! It is not a blind faith and the evidence, both

scriptural and personal experience, is overwhelming!


Shri Mataji tells that our " job is that you have to awaken the

Kundalini in people, and make them Self-Realized, and resurrect the

whole world. " That requires the following:


i) awakening the kundalini, the most easiest requiring only a few


ii) making them Self-realized, a long process requiring much

knowledge and years of meditation;

iii) resurrect the whole world, a most difficult undertaking over

decades that, first and foremost, requires the battering down the

very gates of these religious fortresses!


We have to usher the Blossom Time unto human consciousness, which is

a very detailed and sustained undertaking requiring knowledge of its

many tributaries, streams and rivers. Without question that job is,

in a way, greater than the saints and sages. That is why the Great

Mother's incarnation, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, had to come on Earth.

We are the most blessed to have taken birth together with Her, most

blessed because all of us here are now spearheading Her Blossom Time!


regards to all,







Without the many tributaries, streams and rivers of the Blossom Time

it will be almost impossible for humanity to know/realize what the

Ocean of Self is all about



> The evidence is nailed on the front door of www.sahajayoga.org/


> The collective claim of the SY organization that Self Realization is

> Kundalini awakening is so simplistic that it defies logic and common

> sense. This ignorance is the very reason they believe that all they

> need is awaken the kundalini, thus instantly making the person self-

> realized!!! Despite that claim, hundreds of thousands have walked

> away from Sahaja Yoga despite the so-called bestowing of 'self-

> realization'; despite having attained the same self-realization that

> SYs have; despite feeling the same Cool Breeze. Only SYs think they

> are self-realized all the time, the proof being the Cool Breeze.


> But the Cool Breeze is evidence of second birth by the Spirit, not

> realization of that Spirit! This was only realized by me after years

> away from the collective, away from all their ignorance and rituals.

> You cannot realize your Spirit (Self) in Sahaja Yoga because of the

> collective mindset--chakras, kundalini, nadis, etc., (SYSSR)--and

> the constant, compulsive need of treatments to keep them clean.


> So why should i ever want to go back to the SY collective? i want

> to realize the Self (Spirit) and the profound truth and wisdom

> behind such realization:


> " The Self is the Spirit. This Spirit resides in the heart of every

> human being and is in a witness-like state. The Spirit is the

> projection of God Almighty, while the Kundalini is the projection of

> the power of God, of His desire which is the Primordial Mother, or

> you can call it Adi Shakti, Holy Ghost or Athena. So the Kundalini

> is the projection of the Holy Ghost, while the Spirit is the

> projection of God Almighty. The All-pervading Power of love is the

> power of the Primordial Mother, which creates and evolves, and does

> all the living work. " - Shri Mataji Nirmal Devi


> i want to know about Shri Mataji's Blossom Time, the final events in

> history, Resurrection, fulfillment of a divine plan for humanity,

> and the immortality of the human soul. i want to thoroughly

> comprehend the eschatology that binds Judaism, Christianity and

> Islam as one, and how it is harmoniously and collectively fulfilled

> by Devi. i want to be comforted in heart, mind and soul that i am

> within reach of immortality. i want to declare loud and clear that

> my faith is not blind as it is based on the heart and soul of the

> Holy Scriptures. i want the world to know about the Mahadevi and

> Her incarnation, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the Divine Feminine

> entrenched in all the Holy Scriptures. i want to know the Divine

> Message of the Comforter sent by Lord Jesus. i want to know the

> Truth that Jesus promised will set me free. i want to know all that

> is not found in Sahaja Yoga!



Dear All,


i believe i had the most briefest experience and realization of the

Self, and the bliss/ecstasy of that experience lasted for hours!


Late 1994 i went to Malaysia to attend my brother's wedding.


On December 29 i was about to depart back for Canada and went to

meditate at about 6.00 p.m. For the first time and only time the

kundalini jerked my spine straight and made me erect. Then i attained

a state of meditation and bliss that left me in ecstasy for hours.


There was a farewell dinner at my favorite corner Bintang restaurant

at SS3 that still stands till today due to its excellent Chinese

cuisine. But i was in no mood for eating, even talking. The bliss

was just overwhelming and intoxicating.


Later we left for the airport but had to return as the flight was

delayed. That allowed me to meditate again at around 10 p.m. Again i

attained the same high.


After that day i have never attained this state again.


i do not know whatever state that is. All i know is that if that

state is attained and _sustained_ there is just no way i will

function as a human anymore. You do not even need to eat, sleep or

have sex. In fact you just want to remain in that ecstasy and bliss.

It is my believe that the experience was just to give me a fleeting

taste of Divine Nectar, maybe just 1/500,000 part of it. You just

have no idea what this Divine Bliss is all about. Maybe it may give

you an idea of what state of Joy and Bliss liberated souls are

experiencing in the Spirit World.


But since 1994 i have never attained that state again. As i said

before if i can attain and _sustain_ that state again i will cease

functioning. What that state is i will never know nor will there be

anyone to question it's authenticity. i just cannot explain it

better. Perhaps others like Swami Sivananda can give us a advanced

idea of samadhi.


" The state of samadhi is beyond the reach of mind and speech.

Even in worldly experience, you cannot express taste. You cannot

express the taste of an apple to one who has not tasted it, nor can

you explain the nature of colour to a blind man. The state of

samadhi is all joy, bliss and peace; this much only can be said. One

has to feel this for himself.


In samadhi or the superconscious state, the meditator loses his

individuality and becomes identical with the supreme self. He

becomes an embodiment of bliss, peace and knowledge. So much only

can be said. This can be experienced by you through constant



Nirvikalpa samadhi is the state of superconsciousness or godhead.

There is no vikalpa or imagination of any sort in this condition.

This is the goal of life. All mental activities cease now. The

function of the intellect and the ten indriyas (senses) cease



The spiritual aspirant now rests in atman (self). There is no

distinction between subject and object. The world and the pairs of

opposites vanish absolutely. This is a state beyond all relativity -

though it is not a state of inertia. It is a condition of complete,

perfect awareness. It is indescribable. It must be felt and

experienced by the aspirant himself. In this state the triad - the

knower, known and knowable - disappears. Man is now Brahman - there

is no jivahood.


Try to enjoy that sleepless state wherein all senses and mind remain

in a state of quietude and the intellect ceases functioning. The

sleepless sleep is maha nidra (the superconscious state). There is

no waking from this sleep.


In samadhi the yogi gets himself merged in the Lord. All limitations

and differences disappear. The yogi attains highest knowledge and

bliss. This state is beyond description. You will have to realise it



Samadhi is the superconscious state in which the veil of ignorance

is suddenly lifted and the devotee merges in the overwhelming glory

of the one true divine effulgence. In samadhi the soul becomes

loosened from its material prison and is separated from individual

consciousness. An ecstatic feeling of oneness arises and the soul

becomes absorbed in the infinite intelligence from which it emanated.


After attaining samadhi a man, though possessed of great spiritual

powers, does not wish to change the conditions and circumstances in

which he lived before attaining it. In samadhi, ordinary

consciousness has flowered into super­consciousness. The stream of

samsara (the stream of births and deaths) has ceased to flow. "


i believe i did most briefly experience and realize the existence of

Self within me, the evidence being the bliss/ecstasy that lasted for

hours! This is yet another reason i can say with confidence that SYs

are ignorant about the Ocean of Self-realization as they continue

footsoaking on its shore, and believe that is all to it. Without the

many tributaries, streams and rivers of the Blossom Time it will be

almost impossible for humanity to know/realize what the Ocean of Self

is all about. That is why i remarked earlier that so much is at stake

that it defies comprehension!


The Blossom Time is the heart and soul of the Holy Scriptures and

every human must be given its message in its entirety i.e., complete,

detailed knowledge of the many tributaries, streams and rivers that

finally flow into the Ocean of the Self. The evidence of this

collective crime against humanity is also nailed on the front door of

http://www.sahajayoga.org/ ........ and the decades of collective

silence of thousands of so-called 'self-realized' SYs is defeaning!

The negativity within the organization is so strong that it has even

overwhelmed and diseased their desire and conscience to break free

from years of this collective conspiracy of silence.


regards to all,




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