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The final events in history, Resurrection and the souls that are making their way to God

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> But we have with us the Devi and all Her indisputable proof,

> detailed facts and divine Sure Signs about the very heart and soul

> of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The latest update declares

> that, and should further strengthen our resolve, desire and

> determination to carry the battle to the very gates of these

> religious fortresses!



" After exchanging greetings all of them sat down. Kash then asked the

Spirit of the Living God again if he could ask Shri Jesus some

questions. The Great Holy Spirit smiled and told him to go ahead.

Kash first posed this question to Shri Christ, " Lord Jesus, who is

your Father? " Shri Jesus immediately replied, " The Spirit is My

Father. "


Kash then asked Shri Jesus if it would be all right to convince the

pope of these Revelations. For the first and only time Kash saw both

the Great Adi Shakti and Shri Jesus being taken aback for some

reason. Both visibly reacted the very instant the word pope was

mentioned, as if it was a name that should not be uttered in the

Sacred Sanctuary of His Kingdom. They actually moved backwards as the

force of the name hit them like a curse. It was as if the word had

defiled the immaculate purity, the utter holiness of Heaven itself.

It was as if it had the essence of Evil. "


Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God, 1999, page 1565



The M+G+R Foundation

The Papacy In Historical Perspective

The Seldom Told History




The M+G+R Foundation commissioned this document from Lee Penn, a

Christian journalist and the author of False Dawn. Miguel de Portugal

vouches for this document, which brings into sharp focus one of the

central messages that Miguel must convey to all - believers and non-

believers alike: Accept no man-made substitutes for the true Christ.




Catholic apologists magnify the Pope and the Papacy, saying: " The

Pope is the flesh-and-blood reminder " of the " Church and its

teachings. He personifies Catholicism – and for some this is

personally offensive. " [1] Leaving aside the bait-and-switch tactic

(why would the Pope – not Christ – personify Catholicism?), to exalt

the person of the Pope ignores history. The Popes of the

20th Century were, for the most part, virtuous in their personal

lives. Many who preceded them were quite otherwise.


We would not bring these historical events to light except for the

fact that, in keeping with the End of These Times and in preparation

for the manifestation of the False Christ, the Papacy and the Popes

are being exalted by the Vatican's Media Machinery to a level that we

will not tolerate - equality with God.


The M+G+R Foundation



> i want to know about Shri Mataji's Blossom Time--the final events in

> history, Resurrection, fulfillment of a divine plan for humanity,

> and the immortality of the human soul. i want to thoroughly

> comprehend the eschatology that binds Judaism, Christianity and

> Islam as one, and how it is harmoniously and collectively fulfilled

> by Devi. i want to be comforted in heart, mind and soul that i am

> within reach of immortality. i want to declare loud and clear that

> my faith is not blind as it is based on the heart and soul of the

> Holy Scriptures. i want the world to know about the Mahadevi and

> Her incarnation, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the Divine Feminine

> entrenched in all the Holy Scriptures. i want to know the Divine

> Message of the Comforter sent by Lord Jesus. i want to know the

> Truth that Jesus promised will set me free. i want to know all that

> is not found in Sahaja Yoga!



Text of the Third Fatima Secret





The third part of the secret revealed at the Cova da Iria-Fátima, on

13 July 1917.


I write in obedience to you, my God, who command me to do so through

his Excellency the Bishop of Leiria and through your Most Holy Mother

and mine.


After the two parts which I have already explained, at the left of

Our Lady and a little above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in

his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though

they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with

the splendour that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand:

pointing to the earth with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a

loud voice: 'Penance, Penance, Penance!'. And we saw in an immense

light that is God: `something similar to how people appear in a

mirror when they pass in front of it' a Bishop dressed in White 'we

had the impression that it was the Holy Father'. Other Bishops,

Priests, men and women Religious going up a steep mountain, at the

top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-

tree with the bark; before reaching there the Holy Father passed

through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting

step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the

corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on

his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of

soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way

there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and

women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and

positions. Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels

each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which they gathered

up the blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were

making their way to God.



" The Message of Fatima " from the Vatican



Note: Please read the notes in yellow on the side of this PDF




to get a true picture of the converging End Times!


" And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven

mountains, on which the woman sitteth. "


Book of Revelation 17:9


This is an exhortation preparing for the readers in the same

argument, as that of Christ " He that hath ears to hear let him hear " .

But here it requires more than just ears. It needs a wise mind to

understand facts and events that the ordinary masses cannot perceive,

even when presented with clear facts and evidence.


When John wrote these things, Rome had rule over the kings of the

earth. Since just one city in the world was called the city of seven

mountains (septem montes) in John's time the reference is to Rome and

the Vatican. However, the connection between mountains and kings must

be deeper than the mere outward fact to which incidental allusion is

made that Rome, already a world renowned city, is on seven hills. The

seven heads can hardly be at once seven kings or kingdoms, and seven

geographical mountains.


Only the mind that has wisdom and intellect can comprehend the events

and prophecies that have unfolded since the advent of Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi on this Earth on March 21, 1923.


Pius XI 12.02.1922 - 10.02.1939


The seven heads are the remaining popes who will reside in Septem

Montes, the City of Seven Mountains.


And there are seven kings; five are fallen, and one is, and the other

is not yet come; And when he cometh, he must continue a short space.


Book of Revelation 17:10


In other words, since Her birth only seven popes (seven heads) will

remain in Rome (seven hills) where the seat of papacy (woman)

resides. Only the wise will be able to understand what is being

revealed during this Resurrection and Last Judgment prior to the

Second Coming.


Pius XII [E. M. Giovanni Pacelli] 2.03.1939 - 9.10.1958

John XXIII [A. Giuseppe Roncalli] 28.10.1958 - 3.06.1963

Paul VI [G. Battista Montini] 21.06. 1963 - 6.08.1978

John Paul I [Albino Luciani] 26.08.1978 - 28.09.1978

John Paul II [Karol Wojtyla] 16.10.1978 - 2.04.2005

Pope Benedict XVI [Joseph Ratzinger] 24.04.2005 -


This beast with seven heads has a double signification, i.e., the

seven mountains or hills on which Rome stands; and seven kings or

popes who will remain after the advent of the Great Adi Shakti on

Earth. Five of them have already been crowned popes, one is short

listed and is on the way.


This is most significant: " Five of them have already been crowned

popes, one is short listed and is on the way. " The prophecy _only_

makes sense during a narrow window of time - the opening of the

Sahasrara (Kingdom of God) 5.5.1970 that commences the Comforter's

universal declaration of the Resurrection against the instalation of

John Paul II as pope on 16.10.1978. Between 5.5.1970 till 16.10.1978

John Paul II is the one short listed!


Today Pope Benedict XVI [Joseph Ratzinger] is pope, the second-last

of the seven. We have no idea how long his reign will be.


The last will only reign a short while and the papacy will come to a

tumultuous end. The Catholic Church is destined for divine

destruction and no force on Earth will be able to prevent it.


As i said only the mind that has wisdom and intellect can comprehend

the events and prophecies that have unfolded since the advent of Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi on this Earth on March 21, 1923. This particular

prophecy claims that only seven popes will reign after Her birth.

Pius XI [Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti] was installed on 12.02.1922

i.e., prior to Her birth, and ruled till 10.02.1939.


regards to all,






ST. MALACHY the last popes and the end times.


St. Malachy, (d. 1148) Irish Bishop and Seer, produced an accurate

list of future popes which began with Pope Celestine II in the year

1143. His list consists of a single line which gives a clue to the

characteristics of each pope. From this list of 112 popes there are

to be just 2 more after Pope John Paul II who passed away on 2 April

2005. His predictions regarding the popes have been for the most

part pretty accurate regarding the identifying characteristics that

each line reveals. St. Malachy doesn't give any predictions or

information about what happens after the last pope. According to

some other seers, we will have arrived at the end times.


Here are the previous five popes from Malachy's list.


106. Pius XII 1939 - 1958 Eugenio Pacelli

Pastor Angelicus (An angelic shepherd)


107. John XXIII 1958 - 1963 Angelo Gueseppe Roncalli

Pastor Et Natua (Pastor and mariner)


108. Paul VI 1963 - 1978 Giovanni Battista Montini

Flos Florum (Flower of flowers)


109. John Paul I 1978 - 1978

De Medietate Lunae (Of the half moon)


Note: This pope who was unpopular with the curia, lasted only 34 days

(which is about one moon cycle) and died suddenly of unknown causes.

His body was cremated within one day without an autopsy. This was and

still is controversial, since popes are usually buried within the

walls of the Vatican and are never cremated. The suddenness of this

action has led to much speculation about a political conspiracy.


There are 3 quatrains found in Nostradamus Prophecies that fit the

circumstances surrounding the death of this pope


110. John Paul II 1978 - Died April 2, 2005 Karol Josef Wojtlya

De Labore Solis (From the toil of the sun)


This pope has been identified with unceasing hard work, having

visited practically every country in the world. He has traveled in

access of 3/4 million miles in promoting the faith. He was the first

non-Italian pope in 450 years. John Paul II is responsible with

bringing an end to the communist regime in Poland. This initiated a

domino effect within other eastern European communist controlled

nations which quickly followed shortly after. No longer able to

sustain itself, the Soviet Union fell away from the negative and

inefficient economic structure of Communism and we have what is now

Russia, the Ukraine and other nations that are independent and mostly



The Current Pope


111. Benedict XVI - The New Pope Joseph Ratzinger was elected the

265th pope on April 19, 2005 a few days after his 78th birthday.

(The glory of the olive)


The olive branch represents peace. Will he play a role in bringing

the religions together and furthering tolerance during his office?

Within 24 hours of his election, Islamic and Jewish religious leaders

suggested just such a role for him. Hopefully, he can lead the

religious world to recognize and focus upon the commonality of their

belief in the same God rather than their differences


Perhaps through the implementation of tolerance we can look to a

future where people stop justifying the killing of one another in the

name of God. Let us see what the future will bring.


In the future


112. The LAST POPE!

(Peter the Roman) " In extreme persecution, the seat of the Holy

Roman Church will be occupied by Peter the Roman, who will feed the

sheep through many tribulations, at the term of which the city of

seven hills will be destroyed, and the formidable Judge will judge

the people. The End. "



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