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Divine Incarnations: God's Emissaries - Discourse 1, Part 6

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Dear All,


In the Christian religion it is said: " Believe in Jesus and you will be saved " ,

but to receive Christ requires more than the outer ritual of 'acknowledging

Jesus as one's savior' or becoming a member of the church:


" To receive Christ is not accomplished through church membership, nor by outer

ritual of acknowledging Jesus as one's savior but never knowing him in reality

by contacting him in meditation. To know Christ signifies to close the eyes,

expand the consciousness and so deepen the concentration that through the inner

light of soul intuition one partakes of the same consciousness that Jesus had.

(p.27) Saint John and other advanced disciples of Jesus who truly " received him "

felt him as the Christ Consciousness present in every speck of space. A true

Christian--a Christ-one--is he who frees his soul from the consciousness of the

body and unites it with the Christ Intelligence pervading all creation. "


Paramahansa Yogananda, The Second Coming of Christ (The Resurrection of the

Christ Within You) Volume I, Discourse 1, pg. 26-27.



Many Saints came and taught people everything they needed to know for their

salvation. Different religions were formed around these Saints' teachings. A

collective ignorance developed in the religions formed around a particular

Saint's teachings. People started to claim that 'their' religion was the best

one and that they were the only 'saved' ones, therefore. That is not what any of

the Saints had intended, for all the Saints are of One Spirit, teaching the same

truths that lead to salvation:


" Of course, so many Saints came who talked of nobility, of forgiveness, of

unity, of oneness; everything they said. Seers were born, they also reached that

point, talked about it. But still, people were not prepared so much. Gradually,

I think their teachings and all that started working individually. But the

biggest problem with these so-called religions that they started is that all

religions got debased and they formed a kind of produce, you see: Muslims here,

Christians there, Hindus there, this is this, this is this. So you really needed

this Giver of Life to fill you up and make all this produce, to make them One!

It is complete ignorance, it is such stupidity, to think that one human being is

higher than another one. You can only say one thing, that at a different state

some are at a higher state, but in general you cannot condemn somebody that he

is no good, that this society is not good in general. Individually you can say.

In general you cannot say. But this ignorance was so dark because it became

collective. It's a collective ignorance--'collective ignorance'. They all join

hands together, collectively, to say that 'this is the religion that is the

best', 'we are the only ones which are saved ones'. And others say: 'no, no, no,

these are absolutely condemned people', 'we are the best'. And under the name of

religion and under the name of God Almighty, they started this nonsense! "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella, Italy - 06/06/93


Here now, is Part 6 of Divine Incarnations: God's Emissaries.









Divine Incarnations: God's Emissaries - Discourse 1, Part 6


(p.23) 'He came unto his own, and his own received him not' (John 1:11)


He was omnipresently immanent in creation, all things ( " his own " ) having been

made or materialized from the cosmic light issuing from God's cosmic

consciousness, His own Self.


God objectified Himself as matter, life, and mind. His spirit is thus reflected

in " his own, " since matter, life, and mind are direct manifestations of Spirit,

just as man's soul has manifested itself into body and mind imbued with life.

Although these physical instrumentalities belong to the soul, and are indeed

manifestations of the soul, the limitations imposed on the body and mind by

delusion prevent man from knowing his ever perfect, blissful soul, his true

Self. He rather thinks of himself as a form, name, and specific characteristics

subject to worries, troubles, and other afflictions of delusion.


So it is said in this verse that the spirit of God came into " his own, " that is,

became manifested in matter and life and His conscious process in human beings;

and " his own received him not " ; that is, through the intervention of cosmic

delusion, matter, life, and mind do not fully and truly reflect and express

( " receive " ) the Divine Immanence.



(p.24)'But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of

God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor

of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God' (John 1:12-13).



Everyone who clarifies

his consciousness to

receive God's light

can be like Jesus



The light of God shines equally in all, but because of delusive ignorance all do

not receive, reflect, it alike. Sunlight falls the same on a lump of coal and a

diamond, but only the diamond receives and reflects the light in brilliant

splendor. The carbon in the coal has the potential to become a diamond. All it

requires is conversion under high pressure. So it is said here that everyone can

be like Christ--whosoever clarifies his consciousness by a moral and spiritual

life, and especially by the purification of meditation in which rudimentary

mortality is sublimed into the soul's perfection of immortality.


To be a son of God is not something one has to acquire: rather, one has only to

receive His light and realize God has already conferred on him, at his very

inception, that blessed status.


" Even to them that believe on his name " : When even the Name of God rouses one's

devotion and anchors one's thoughts in Him, it becomes a door to salvation. When

the mere mention of His name sets the soul afire with love for God, it will

start the devotee on his way to liberation.



" Believe on his name " :

communion with holy

Cosmic Vibration



The deeper meaning of " name " is a reference to Cosmic Vibration (the Word,

'Aum', Amen). God as Spirit has no circumscribing name. Whether one refers to

the Absolute as God or Jehovah or Brahman or Allah, that does not express Him.

God the Creator and Father of all vibrates through nature as the eternal life,

and that life has the sound of the great Amen or 'Aum'. That name most

accurately defines God. " Those who believe on his name " means those who commune

with that 'Aum' sound, the voice of God in the Holy Ghost vibration. When one

hears that name of God, that Cosmic Vibration, he is on his way to becoming a

son of God, for in that sound his consciousness touches the immanent Christ

Consciousness, which will introduce him to God as Cosmic Consciousness.


(p.25) Sage Patanjali, [1] India's greatest exponent of yoga, describes God the

Creator as Ishvara, the Cosmic Lord or Ruler. " His symbol is 'Pranava' (the Holy

Word or Sound, 'Aum'). By prayerful, repeated chanting of 'Aum' and meditation

on its meaning, obstacles disappear and the consciousness turns inward (away

from external sensory identification) " ('Yoga Sutras' I:27-29).


The common condition of human beings is that their consciousness is hidebound by

the body. Man's body, being a delimited vibratory expression, existing in but

separated from Cosmic Vibration, similarly circumscribes the consciousness. Yoga

teaches that the spiritual aspirant must retrace the various states of higher

vibrations in order to lift the consciousness from the captive vibrations of

breath, heart, and circulation to the more subtly vibrating sound emanating from

the bodily atoms and life force. By a special technique of meditation on 'Aum',

known to students of the 'Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons', the devotee

becomes aware of his consciousness as limited by the constrictions of the flesh,

evidenced by the sounds of breath, heart, and circulation. And then, by a

deepening of his meditation, he can hear the voice of the great 'Aum' or Amen,

the cosmic sound emanating from all atoms and sparks of cosmic energy. By

listening to this omnipresent sound, and merging in its holy stream, the

consciousness of the body-caged soul begins gradually to spread itself from the

limitations of the body into omnipresence. The mental faculties renounce their

boundaries and, with the all-knowing soul faculty of intuition, tune in with the

Cosmic Mind, the Intelligence immanent in the all-pervasive Cosmic Vibration.


After listening to and feeling oneness with the cosmic sound of the Holy Ghost

emanating from every part and particle of God's material, heavenly, and

ideationally conceived spheres of being, the consciousness of the meditating

devotee will vibrate in all creation as his own cosmic body. When his expanded

consciousness becomes stable in all vibratory creation, he realizes the presence

of the immanent Christ Consciousness. (p.26) Then the devotee becomes

Christlike; his consciousness experiences, within the vehicles of his expanded

Self, the " second coming of Christ " --the presence within him of Christ

Consciousness, even as Jesus felt the Universal Christ expressed in his body and

taught his disciples to do likewise. [2]


When the devotee feels his consciousness one with the Universal Christ, he

realizes that Christ Consciousness is the reflection in his soul and in all

creation of the Cosmic Consciousness of God the Father. The Cosmic Consciousness

(God the Father) existing transcendentally beyond all vibratory (Holy Ghost)

creation and the Christ Consciousness (Universal Intelligence, 'Kutastha

Chaitanya') in all vibratory manifestation are realized as one and the same. The

devotee rejoices in the ultimate joy, as Jesus proclaimed, " I (Christ

Consciousness in creation) and my Father (Cosmic Consciousness beyond creation)

are one. "



All souls are children

of God, made in His




" Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of

man, but of God " : The son of man is the physical body, which comes out of

another human body as a result of human will and sexual union, born of

protoplasm and the bloodline of family or racial heredity. But son of God means

the soul, the inherent divine consciousness of man, born not of man's will or

flesh or sex or family blood or pedigree, but of God. Thus in truth all human

beings are sons of God, children born of God, made in His image.


Essential sons of God, clear reflections of the Father untarnished by delusion,

have become sons of man by identification with the flesh and forgetfulness of

their origin in Spirit. Deluded man is just a beggar on the street of time. But

as Jesus received and reflected through his purified consciousness the divine

sonship of Christ Consciousness, so also every man, by yoga meditation, can

clarify his mind and become a diamondlike mentality who will receive and reflect

the light of God.


To receive Christ is not accomplished through church membership, nor by outer

ritual of acknowledging Jesus as one's savior but never knowing him in reality

by contacting him in meditation. To know Christ signifies to close the eyes,

expand the consciousness and so deepen the concentration that through the inner

light of soul intuition one partakes of the same consciousness that Jesus had.

(p.27) Saint John and other advanced disciples of Jesus who truly " received him "

felt him as the Christ Consciousness present in every speck of space. A true

Christian--a Christ-one--is he who frees his soul from the consciousness of the

body and unites it with the Christ Intelligence pervading all creation.


The Second Coming of Christ (The Resurrection of the Christ Within You) Volume

I, Discourse 1, pg. 23-27

Paramahansa Yogananda

Printed in the United States of America 1434-J881






[1] Patanjali's date is unknown, though many scholars assign him to the second

century B.C. His renowned 'Yoga Sutras' presents, in a series of brief

aphorisms, the condensed essence of the exceedingly vast and intricate science

of God-union--setting forth the method of uniting the soul with the

undifferentiated Spirit in such a beautiful, clear, and concise way that

generations of scholars have acknowledged the 'Yoga Sutras' as the foremost

ancient work on yoga.


[2] That Jesus knew and taught the yoga science of meditation to his close

disciples may be deduced from the highly metaphorical Revelation of St. John and

other Gospel references, as will be noted in the various Discourses throughout

this book.

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