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Divine Incarnations: God's Emissaries - Discourse 1, Part 7

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Divine Incarnations: God's Emissaries - Discourse 1, Part 7


'And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the

glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth' (John



The Word, the creative energy and sound of Cosmic Vibration, like the sound

waves of an unimaginably powerful earthquake, went out of the Creator to

manifest the universe. That Cosmic Vibration, permeated with Cosmic

Intelligence, was condensed into subtle elements--thermal, electric, magnetic,

and all manner of rays; thence into atoms of vapor (gases), liquids, and solids.

The " Word was made flesh " means the vibratory energy producing that cosmic sound

was condenses into matter. [1]


(p.28) All matter is " flesh " because it is all living; even the stone has life.

Professor Jagadis Chandra Bose, founder of the Bose Research Institute in

Calcutta, India, engaged in remarkable experiments in which he proved that even

a piece of tin responds favorably to stimuli that are pleasurable and contrarily

to others it dislikes; and that its life vibrations can be poisoned and killed.



" And dwelt among us " : The Cosmic Vibration, which was materialized into physical

creation, including man's body, provided a circumambient universe observable to

sentient souls.


Man is a threefold being: physical, mental, and spiritual--a unique combination

of forces and consciousness capable of fully cognizing Divinity in himself and

in the universe conceived for his appreciation. He is the soul, the Self, made

in the image of God (an individualized reflection of God), which expresses

itself in the manifested universe through the instrumentality of a body and a

mind. The bodily instrument is a collective vibration of grossly stirring atoms,

electromagnetic waves, and intelligent life force (subtle vital energy, finer

than electrons). The mental faculty consists of both sensory instruments (of

perception and action) and discriminative intelligence (which interprets sensory

information and makes determinations regarding knowledge and action). (p.29) The

soul, while dwelling within the body, becomes identified with its physical and

mental experiences and forgets its divine nature; it masquerades instead as the

body-circumscribed ego, the pseudosoul. Scientific yoga techniques of meditation

enable the soul to regain the memory of its oneness with the omniscient,

omnipresent Spirit.


" And we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father. " " We "

means advanced souls who have reclaimed their sonship with God, and who

experience the Holy Ghost Cosmic Vibration and the innate cosmic Christ

Intelligence--the only begotten of God the Father in all creation. The

Christ-imbued Word, " full of grace and truth, " is the replete repository of the

universal principles and laws of natural righteousness, the " truth " that upholds

the order of the world and governs man's duty to God, nature, and his fellow



The glory of the magnitude of the Light of Cosmic Vibration is coming like a

great comet of life from God, surrounding matter and secreted just beneath its

grossness. " We beheld...the glory " of the Cosmic Light and " of the only

begotten " Intelligence of God that guides the Cosmic Light or Vibration and

gives grace and beauty and true substance to all matter. Without " the glory as

of the only begotten of the Father, " there would be no matter at all.


The entire creation of matter, Holy Ghost or Holy Energy; and the only begotten,

only reflected intelligence of God in matter, receive their grace and truth, the

glory of their manifestation, from God, who is the Father-Creator of all.


The Second Coming of Christ (The Resurrection of the Christ Within You) Volume

I, Discourse 1, pg. 27-29

Paramahansa Yogananda

Printed in the United States of America 1434-J881






[1] " The creation myths of almost every culture show sound as the mechanism by

which Spirit gives birth to the physical world, " write Robert Gass and Kathleen

Brehony in 'Chanting: Discovering Spirit in Sound' (New York: Broadway Books,

1999). " The New Testament tells us: 'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word

was with God, and the Word was God.' Since the original Greek word 'logos' (here

translated as 'word') also means 'sound,' it would be also accurate for this

famous passage to read: 'In the beginning was the Sound, and the Sound was with

God, and the Sound was God.' "


Gass and Brehony quote the Greek philosopher Pythagoras as saying " A stone is

frozen music, frozen sound. " Recent data collected by astrophysicists correlates

remarkably with what the ancient seers perceived. In 'Mind Over Matter:

Conversations With the Cosmos' (New York: Harcourt, 2003) K.C. Cole reports that

in 2000 a team of astronomers led by Andrew Lange of the California Institute of

Technology " published the most detailed analysis yet of the cosmos's primordial

song: a low hum, deep in its throat, that preceded both atoms and stars. It is a

simple sound, like the mantra 'Om.' But hidden within its harmonics are details

of the universe's shape, composition, and birth. "


Those harmonic " notes, " reported 'The Independent', London, April 30, 2001,

" rang out like a bell in the first fractions of a second after the Big Bang.

Cosmologists believe these minute ripples of sound became the " seeds " of matter,

which eventually led to the formation of stars, galaxies, and planets such as

Earth. "


Through painstaking computer analysis, writes Cole, Lange and his colleagues

produced " graphic depictions of the sound " made by the universe in the first few

hundred thousand years after its creation in the Big Bang. In that primordial

period, the data shows, " nothing existed but pure light, sprinkled with a

smattering of subatomic particles. Nothing happened, either, except that this

light-and-matter fluid, as physicists call it, sloshed in and out of gravity

wells, compressing the liquid in some places and spreading it out in others.

Like banging on the head of a drum, the compression of the 'liquid light' as it

fell into gravity wells set up the 'sound waves' that cosmologist Charles

Lineweaver calls 'the oldest music in the universe.' "


'Scientific American', July 2000, says that as the universe aged those sound

waves " developed on ever larger scales, filling the heavens with a deepening

roar. " About 300,000 years after the Big Bang, the universe cooled down to the

point where electrons and protons condensed into atoms of hydrogen--and

separated from the vibrating light (photons). " The photons went their separate

ways, and the universe abruptly went silent. "


" The rest, " concludes K.C. Cole, " is the history of the universe: The particles

joined each other to form atoms, stars, and everything else, including people. "

('Publisher's Note')


[2] The work of this great Indian physicist and plant physiologist (1858-1937)

is discussed in 'Autobiography of a Yogi', Chapter 8.

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