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Divine Incarnations: God's Emissaries - Discourse 1, Part 9

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(p.31)'No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the

bosom of the Father, he hath declared Him' (John 1:18).


Many have been misled due to a wrong reading of these words. If God is

imperceptible, He must be equally unknowable. How frustrating would seem one's

efforts in meditation, or in prayer to such a reclusive God. The meaning is



No mortal can see

God except by lifting

his consciousness to

Christ Consciousness


" No man hath seen God at any time (no mortal under 'time', the relativities of

'maya', can realize the Infinite); the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom

of the Father (the reflected Christ Consciousness or outwardly projected Perfect

Intelligence that, guiding all structural phenomena through 'Aum' vibration, has

issued forth from the 'bosom' or deeps of the Uncreated Divine in order to

express the variety of Unity), he hath declared (subjected to form, or

manifested) Him. "


It is the Christ Intelligence in all creation that has manifested the invisible

God the Father transcendent beyond creation. We would not have seen the beauty

of the flower or responded with love to the sweet life in an infant if that

Christ Intelligence were not present there. We would have had no inkling of God

the Father in His transcendent vibrationless abode beyond the etheric vastness

of creation unless that " only begotten " Intelligence reflected in matter

declared His existence.


The word " seen " has such a provisory connotation. One who is body-bound, whose

consciousness is limited to sensory perceptions and the thought that he is a

mortal being--he cannot see God. But to Jesus, who was in tune with the Infinite

Christ Intelligence, God was no longer an unintelligible mystery. (p.32) With

the all-seeing intuitive perception of his soul he could see God in any aspect,

materialized out of the Vibratory Light, or in divine oneness embrace his Father

as the Formless Absolute. When man has lifted his consciousness from the

ordinary sensory state to receive that only begotten Christ Consciousness, he

also shall see God, not with mortal sight but with divine perception.


When the consciousness is impregnate with the Christ Intelligence, one sees that

Intelligence as the reflection of God manifesting in everything. But when the

Creative Vibration of the outgoing externalization of God's consciousness is

enshrouded in 'maya', the true Essence of manifestation is hidden. It is the

Holy Ghost pure intelligence and its innate undistorted reflection of God as

Christ Consciousness that proclaims the everywhereness of the Divine Presence

and is the stabilizer and magnetic attraction in matter that keeps created forms

linked to their Divine Source, and ultimately pulls them back to God. The nature

of this Christ magnetism is God's Love--His eternal caring and watchfulness of

the greatest and the tiniest of His manifestations, never allowing them to

wander outside of His sheltering presence.


This Omnipresent Love of God is why I consider Bhagavan Krishna and Jesus

Christ, avatars of East and West, as the supreme expressions of the

Krishna-Christ Consciousness (the Universal 'Kutastha Chaitanya'), for in them

was evident in the highest degree the incarnation of God's divine love and

compassion. Krishna's love gave to the world the yoga of liberation from the sea

of suffering through scientific meditation and right action, and the devotional

approach of flinging oneself on the Divine Compassion. Jesus demonstrated in his

every act of ministering to the sick and forsaken, and in the consummate

sacrifice of his body to alleviate the sins of many, the incomparable love of

God that is an infinitude of mercy and forgiveness. The paramount meaning of the

birth of Jesus is the forgiveness of God. Though man cast himself into the

darkest abyss of God-forgetfulness, spurning the Lord in favor of rampant

material gratifications, yet is he ultimately rescued by the pull of God's love

within and around him that aids in a natural upward evolutionary return to God.

This is the world message Jesus the Christ was born to declare, by the hidden

love of God made manifest in the divinity of his life.


The Second Coming of Christ (The Resurrection of the Christ Within You) Volume

I, Discourse 1, pg. 31-32

Paramahansa Yogananda

Printed in the United States of America 1434-J881



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