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Pope Benedict XVI: Knowledge of God's Son is obtained through the Holy Spirit.

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The Resurrection of the Christ Within You


" A scripture is mute [unspoken] testimony of spiritual truth; a

divine personage is veritably a living scripture. Like tiny seeds

that produce mighty trees, scriptural truths reveal their power and

wisdom-yielding qualities in the most inspiringly useful way when

manifested in the lives of God-realized souls.


That the eternal verities were embodied in Jesus was declared by him

when he said of his Christ Consciousness, " I am the way, the truth,

and the life. " At once divine and human, Jesus lived among God's

children as a nurturing " big brother, " beloved of the Father of all,

sent on earth to redeem his desire-deluded brothers and sisters by

urging them to become like him. In the Gospel record of his life we

find his path to the kingdom of God taught not only by precept [by

principles given] but by example.


The veracity of the Biblical stories of Jesus is regarded skeptically

by many in the modern age. Scoffing at supernormal capacities that

challenge common prejudices about what is humanly possible, some

staunchly deny that the God-man of the Gospels ever lived. Others

concede a measure of historicity to Jesus, but depict him only as a

charismatic ethical or spiritual teacher. But to the New Testament

account of the Christ of Galilee I humbly add my own testimony. From

personal experience I know the reality of his life and miracles,

for I have seen him many, many times, and communed with him, and

received his direct confirmation about these matters.


He has come to me often as the baby Jesus and as the young Christ. I

have seen him as he was before his crucifixion, his face very sad;

and I have seen him in the glorious form in which he appeared after

his resurrection.


Jesus did not have a light complexion with blue eyes and blond hair

as many Western painters have depicted him. His eyes were dark brown,

and he had the olive-colored skin of his Asiatic heritage. His nose

was a little flattened at the tip. His moustache, sparse beard, and

long hair were black. His face and body were beautifully formed. Of

all the pictures I have seen of him in the West, the rendering by

Hofmann comes closest to showing the accurate features of the

incarnate Jesus. "


The Second Coming of Christ (The Resurrection of the Christ Within

You) Volume I, Introduction-Part 3, pg. xxvi-vii

Paramahansa Yogananda

Printed in the United States of America 1434-J881





The First Sight Of Christ


" The voluntary celebration of Christmas was an expression of inner

Joy in a nation of social security, racial peace, and religious

harmony; even it's coldest nights comforted, warmed and rested the

heart, mind and soul. There was always a sense of peace on Earth, an

atmosphere that remains truly and uniquely Canadian. Again we have to

proclaim: This is indeed a Blessed Land!


Christmas was celebrated for the very first time in 1992 and the

reasons worth repeating: there were no parents, friends or relatives

to ridicule the family, impose culturally correct views, rebuke

religious shortcomings, or engage in collective gossip for observing

the birth of Christ.


A Christmas tree was decorated nearly a month in advance, and the

lights left to twinkle entire nights, a bold statement to all that

the family had accepted the Universal Savior. Christmas carols were

played practically every day and " Silent Night " became everyone's

favorite. A circle of mistletoe was hung on the door. This was the

first Christmas.


It was the Christmas Day of 1993, just weeks after Kash had met the

Great Spirit of The Almighty Creator, that turned out to be the most

special ever. He was told to request Shri Adhiparasakthi Shri Nirmala

Devi if it was possible to visit Shri Jesus and wish Him a Merry



He meditated and the Power of the Holy Spirit (Kundalini) coiled in

his sacrum bone snaked up the Tree of Life into the Kingdom of God.

The Everlasting Light shone ever so dazzlingly from above the Golden

Throne of the Great Celestial Mother as Al-Muntazar (The Hidden Imam

Mahdi) Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi sat in Bliss and Joy.


After the customary greetings he asked if She could fulfill his wish

of visiting Shri Jesus. Shri Adbhutta-caritra Shri Nirmala Devi

replied that of course She would, and got down from Her Throne. She

then stretched Her Hands towards him, with palms facing upwards, and

requested him to do the same just above them, but with palms turned

downwards. He followed Her instructions. Immediately he found himself

being lifted a few inches above the carpet of clouds on which he had

been standing earlier. Both then started traveling at super-warp

speed into the Universe.


Upon reaching Shri Jesus' place they stopped at a short distance

away. The whole area was glowing softly, as if charged by a Divine



Shri Jesus, who was waiting, walked on the soft clouds to greet them.

He was wearing a long, whitish-gray robe that reached His ankles,

with another piece of cloth across His right shoulder and draped

diagonally down to the left waist. He was tall, big boned and

muscular. He had a beard, with wavy hair cascading into curly locks.

The eyes were either dark brown or black. Kash noticed that His skin

was light brown. Jesus Christ looked very fresh and youthful, as if

He had just stepped out of a shower and groomed Himself.


Kash then wished Him Merry Christmas and the same greetings returned

by the Universal Savior. The Great Mater Christi (Mother of Christ)

also conveyed Her season greetings and Shri Jesus bowed to Her with

folded hands in deference.


They then walked back to His place and sat down to meditate. This

time Kash clearly noticed the immense size and strength of Shri

Jesus, for in that squatting position His biceps and thighs really

stretched the fabric taught. There was no doubt that Shri Jesus was

physically a very strong person, a towering hunk of massive



All raised their Kundalinis and went into meditation. When they had

finished Kash bowed with folded hands to the Universal Savior in

obeisance, again wishing Him a 'Merry Christmas,' and left with the

Spirit of the Living God to the Supreme Abode of Truth. He then

requested permission to return. As he closed the eyes of his

spiritual body he left the Templum Spiritus Sanctus within and

returned to this greedy world of consumption conscience and class



Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that thou will

manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world?

Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my


And my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our

abode with him.

He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: And the word which ye

hear is not mine,

But the Father which sent me. These things have I spoken unto you,

being yet present with you.

But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send

in my name,

Shall teach you all things, and bring you all things to your

remembrance, whatsoever I have said to you.


John 14:22-26


" Baptism gives us the grace of new birth in God the Father, through

his Son, in the Holy Spirit. For those who bear God's Spirit are led

to the Word, that is, to the Son, and the Son presents them to the

Father, and the Father confers incorruptibility on them. And it is

impossible to see God's Son without the Spirit, and no one can

approach the Father without the Son, for the knowledge of the Father

is the Son, and the knowledge of God's Son is obtained through the

Holy Spirit. " 3 (3. St. Irenaeus, Dem. ap. 7: SCh 62, 41-42.)


Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Interdicasterial Commission),

Catechism of the Catholic Church, U.S.C.C. Inc., Libreria Editrice

Vaticana, 1994 p. 179.) "


Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God, 1999, page 306-307

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