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i wanted to give them a panoramic view of the Blossom Time

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Dear Gerlinde, Veni, Krishna, Violet and all,


Only today i can truly appreciate how vital it is to have Geerlinde's

religious chart and sahaja yoga pamphlet. (For those of us who know,

it gives a wide-angle view of the religious landscape i.e., how _any_

religious or spiritual person can instantly recognize it, provided he

or she is knowledgeable of the landmarks.) The reason i am saying so

is because 2 people came to me the last few days to learn about Sahaja

Yoga (chakras) and i had a really difficult time trying to make them

visualize that wide-angled view, instead of the severely cropped and

petty subtle system.


It is so important for them to have such a chart as they can research

on their own all the different parts of the religious landscape, a

search that will significantly expand and accelerate their

comprehension of the similarities between their religion and others.

In fact this will be the first time they will have come across

knowledge that unite all religions, knowledge that will comfort and

strengthen their own faith - all they need to do is just read the

articles on the homepage of http://adishakti.org. (That is why i am

paying so much attention to that single page and its links.)


i have posted the link to download these pamphlets sent to me by

" sahaja_joga " <pure.faith108:





i believe we have at our disposal all that is needed to declare and

commence the Blossom Time i.e., the salvation of lost souls. All

seekers need to do is read the websites that give eschatological

evidence and knowledge that the Resurrection has begun. Surely

Lord Jesus has kept His promise and granted us all that is necessary

bring about the greatest miracle of all. This is most important to

understand--since we desired to spread the Divine Message in all its

entirety, no matter what the consequences, we have now at our disposal

the very eschatological evidence and knowledge absolutely necessary

for that miracle to manifest in future! All we need are disciples

humbly and earnestly willing to collectively work with us to spread

the Blossom Time.


" The philosophical implication is that the ultimate criterion of

truth is experience. We hear a lot of things and they may sound good.

But until and unless we experience something, we refuse to be

convinced completely. We may give brilliant discourses on God, on the

Absolute, on the higher self. They may be intellectually stimulating,

but our mind may be filled with skepticism and assailed with doubts.

In the absence of any personal experience or realization, this is

just high-sounding talk.” - Dr. Haridas Chaudhuri


My question is if we can make improvements and enhance the pamphlets.

My desire to give seekers a panoramic view of the Blossom Time,

perhaps a small pocket-sized booklet that can be easily distributed.

My recent experience with the two seekers, after a 10-years absence,

brought home the acute need to give information/knowledge based on

Gerlinde's pamphlet. They really do not know what they should be

looking for. The yoga-for-health/peace/wellness spiritual masses must

be given the basic assurance/knowledge/direction/site as to how they

can go far beyond. The religious masses must be pointed the same

direction, and that requires knowledge of the Holy Scriptures .......

knowledge that the spiritual masses are already familiar with. It is

more than a win-win situation, given the deep divisions among all.


A small, well-made and attractive pocket-sized booklet will have a

multiplier effect - it may be kept by them, viewed by family members,

or passed along to friends. We must always keep in mind that any one

of them can try Self-realization online, and links are there on the

www.adishakti.org homepage.


And Gerllinde, " sahaja_joga " <pure.faith108 has asked:


" Regarding pamphlets, please give me more info, do u need this in a

special format A4? And in pdf or jpg? "


regards to all,




Note: i have to add that my recent experience with the two seekers

was in the presence of another SYogini living nearby, whom i had to

call due to the French-speaking seekers. The fact that the SYogini

was explaining the whole thing in the SYSSR context, while i was

insisting they must know about the Resurrection, brought home the

acute need to give information/knowledge based on Gerlinde's pamphlet.

It was quite confusing and without that pamphlet a useless exercise.

i wanted to give them a panoramic view of the Blossom Time which they

could repeatedly view and find out in greater detail on their own. An

informative and well-made pamphlet is thus indispensable.



, " magdca " <gerlindesattler



> Dear Veni, Krishna, Violet, Jagbir and All,


> In response to Jagbir and Violet's requests below, I'll attempt to share some

insights I've learned through Sahaja Yoga presentations to both more structured

school classes and with the random public addressed individually, in two's or

three's, or sometimes small groups growing into quite spontaneous little dramas.


> " Thus i am also interested as to how you go about convincing seekers

> to get their Self-realization in public, which i believe is the more

> crucial and difficult of the task. This is an area i am unfamiliar

> with and wish to get more details so that others can also use your

> method and materials. If you need help in scanning and putting them

> online i am sure " sahaja_joga " <pure.faith108, who too

> wants to help spread the full message of Sahaja Yoga upfront, will be

> more than willing to help you. " (Jagbir)


> " Thanks, Gerlinde,... We have covered quite a bit of practical material, tips

and methods. Now--would you please describe your basic routine with regard to

(a) a group and (b) an individual lined up at a Trade Fair, for example. As we

are learning a new approach, how do you pass on the gift of Self-Realization.

Could you please describe that part, especially. Thanks for all your help!]



> At my table people do not line up because they're not waiting for a chance to

be 'worked on' vibrationally as in other collective efforts. I just connect as

well as I can with anyone whose interest is piqued, who stops to listen/speak

and then progresses on to Self-Realization, full disclosure and further queries.


> So, although it's a bit more of a challenge to interest individuals to

actually stop, be drawn in and listen to the presenter without the prospect of

being 'worked on', Jagbir's pricelass quote, however, gives us the true

perspective and encouragement to the sometimes daunting challeges we feel

internally as we embark on this crucial and joyful opportunity we've been

afforded - to bring 'the miracle of salvation to lost men.':


> " Jesus solemnly assures the disciples that they will, in the future,

> perform even greater miracles than He. By this He means to say that

> through the power of the Holy Spirit, they will bring about the

> greatest miracle of all – the salvation of lost souls. He promises

> them that whatever they ask for, in connection with their ministry of

> bringing the miracle of salvation to lost men, will be granted them. "


> In the local yearly World Religions Conference or public Wellness Fairs,

Multicultural Fairs... where there is often much to distract the seekers'

attention, I definitely try to be aware of even furtive glances toward Shri

Mataji or even towards something on the table which has caught someone's

attention. This is one way I become aware of a likely seeker so that some kind

of connection - perhaps via eye contact, a smile, noticing a spiral pattern on a

dress, or a spontaneous comment, - can be initiated with the seeker.


> " Interested in knowing more about yoga? meditation? the lady in the picture?

Buddha? how religions are connected? a spiritual Mothering energy within

everyone? a powerful spiritual Mothering energy you can actually feel when She's

awakened? " or anything else relevant that comes to mind, could be used.


> Such brief questions can obviously be answered by a " No " or " Yes " , but the

question gives the person casually walking by with others in tow or anxious to

see more of other things going on all around them the control they usually like

to have to answer according to their wishes and not feel they're being coerced.

But I find that often they do become intrigued, even if remaining a bit dubious,

hesitant or sceptical, if they are searching at some level. If the interest is

not there, just give your attention to the next person.


> Personally I've learned it's best to get into the experience of

Self-Realization quite soon after someone pauses in response, for example, to

" Interested in knowing more about yoga? " Connecting with 'yoga' you might say,

" You know, the original meaning of 'Yoga' is actually 'union or connection with

the Divine'. This connection is achieved nowadays with the awakening of a

spiritual mothering energy found in EVERYONE at the base of the spine, in the os

sacrum. Os sacrum - that means sacred bone - and in that sacred bone is a sacred

energy that's awakened and FELT and needs only your DESIRE to actually

experience and FEEL Her awakening. If you'd like to experience that awakening,

you just put out your hands like this, (demonstrating how) and INSIDE, quietly,

within yourself, say, 'Mother, please give me my Spiritual Birth.'


> The conversation might go on about Shri Jesus (and others) saying " You must be

born again. " or other aspects of Sahaja Yoga, but again, I try to get back to

experiencing their Self-Realization because then they know that they ARE feeling

something and all the other points about Identitiy and full message can be

addressed in the natural flow of conversation.

> Even if SR is not desired I still try to give the full message, unless it's

not wanted. Then nothing is forced on them. If the pamphlet is accepted, more

info is available from the adishakti.org URLs. So far, this has happened very



> Once Kundalini Awakening occurs and is felt, most people want to know more.


> This is not in any way to be considered the only way - each person and

situation is different. There have been times where as I'm beginning to talk

with one person, others move towards us to listen in, and all can be waved in to

be included in the beginning, middle or end of the process. Sometimes people

show an interest when others are in the process of asking for their second birth

or feeling the vibrations above the head. Even then one can quietly include them

and have them put out their hands right then!


> One time at a fair, a person was in the process of asking for his SR within,

hands outstretched, and at the same time I was also moving my hand in a circular

motion over his hand but not touching his hand (bandhan). When he opened his

eyes, he stated he felt that internal movement on his hand(s) but even more

amazing was that another man watching all of this and simply observing the

spiral movement of my hand , shared with us the fact that HE HIMSELF felt that

spiral motion on HIS OWN hand, too!


> I recall an experiment I did once long ago, when talking on the telephone with

an acquaintance to whom I wanted to give Self-Realization, providing it was also

her own desire. Over the phone I explained how to obtain this awakening. She DID

and FELT it!

> Shri Mataji's photo does not need to be present as She has also told us, nor

does one even have to be present physically with a person in order to get

his/her Realization! At the time I was totally astonished at this happening as

it was early on in my 'experiments'.


> Imagine how many can be reached at once via the radio, TV, newspaper!


> I've sometimes been surrounded by a circle/group of people, all excited by

what's happening, especially if it's a group of young teens, or children who

feel the 'wind' so readily and excitedly draw their friends, siblings in to

experience it also.


> Other places can be more difficult to draw people in, such as in the last fair

I spoke about in another message. Most students at this University Wellness Fair

were interested primarily in getting to their classes as the fair was basically

in a large corridor-like setting.


> Here I find there's a bit more work to be put into attracting their attention,

since they're not necessarily even really aware/interested/focused on the fair's

participants. One may have to walk out more into the area they are in, pamphlet

in hand, and it's up to you to find the connection as there's no pat answer

here. Or just begin talking to the various presenters at the different booths.


> It does mean some initiative on your part since people are often a bit

reluctant to become involved in something they know nothing about. This type of

scenario can be a challenge but I find that often the right words just come for

the right person. I also find that my attention frequently gets drawn to someone

and I just follow up on that feeling the best way I can. It's also helpful and

even more fun if the short visits with all these new people can contain

light-hearted, spontaneous, joyful moments too.


> Most of these opportunities/challenges are addressed in as many ways as there

are persons. Each person provides a new, often uncharted experience.


> The important thing to rememeber is that, " He promises them that whatever they

ask for, in connection with their ministry of bringing the miracle of salvation

to lost men, will be granted them. "




> The Self-Realization experience itself:


> The time spent with individual people in a fair is usually very short, since

they're often with someone who may not be overly interested, they're interested

in seeing a lot of other things, accompanying children are tired...However,

since SR itself can be experienced very quickly, once that's felt, there is

usually an interest to " hear the rest of the story " , so to speak.


> I find that most of the time now for a person to get SR, that person simply

puts his/her hands, palm upwards, or left hand out with right hand on the heart,

eyes closed, and simply asks from the heart, " Mother, please give me my second

birth, (my birth of the Spirit, my spiritual awakening, my Moksha,

Mukti....according to what comes to you for this person to ask)

> .

> It's highly probable that they'll get the SR right away. Sometimes, however, I

just get a sense that they must also say, " Mother, I am not guilty at all.

Mother, I forgive all others, I forgive myself. Mother, please give me my second

Birth " ...to get the SR and/or to feel vibrations.


> When I notice their closed eyes flickering a lot, I also have them say, " I

forgive, I forgive. Please give me.. "

> Sometimes people will sway a bit to one side and then the other. " I forgive "

also opens up that closed agnya, an agnya which results in that person's swaying

movement or even a slight dizziness. One hand over the Agnya will also usually

alleviate the slight dizziness. An explanation can also be given to the person

as to WHY some swaying or dizzyness was experienced, to comfort them as well as

for their understanding.


> As a last resort, should they not feel anything, focusing on Shri Mataji's

agnya will stop the thoughts and they generally do get the SR and feel too. It

can be addressed simply as, " Focus on Her Agnya and notice for yourself what

happens to your thoughts. Often they'll say in surprise that they were 'blank'.

This observation can then be connected to the fact that this IS MEDITATION - the

state of being thoughtless, but aware. " Be still and know that I am God. "


> Such experiences can be used as moments of real understanding, coming from

their direct experience.


> Lastly, I try never to tell them beforehand what they're likely to feel when

the get SR. I want this to come from their own experience first.


> The joy emanating from giving someone Self-Realization (Kundalini Awakening)

is truly wondrous. And if parents get their Self-Realization first, I always try

to direct them to their children if they're with their little ones, to pass on

this miracle to them also. Parents are awed to feel the 'wind' above their

little ones, too, as they themselves felt it just moments before!


> I'll continue with a class intro to Sahaja Yoga in the next message.


> Warm regards,

> Gerlinde


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