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Presenting the full message of Sahaja Yoga upfront

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Dear Gerlinde, Jagbir, Violet and All,


Your spreading of SY experience is stunning!

Thanks for sharing it with us, and for lifting up

our courage to follow you.

Self confidence is something we all need in order

to spread Shri Mataji's messages in full. This is what

many of us literally lost after going through challenges

in the local collectives, caused by ego driven

leaders and their closest entourage.

Having your enlightened practices of spreading Sahaja Yoga

openly is a real treasure for us.

The fact it can work in North America without any modifications

of the Truth is very important.

Deep seekers of Absolute Truth do not need twisted Truth,

on the contrary they can be attracted only by sincerity and pure divine


It is a hot topic we can continue distributing very explicitly.

Moreover, we can start sharing spreading of Sahaja Yoga in full

experiences, help and support each other in doing it.

This is what our Divine Mother will be glad to see:



Frank approaches

Presenting The Truth in full

Performing with unconditional love

Showing compassion

Divine Will oriented behavior


Nobody wants to be in touch with those who hide and twist The Truth,

or try to dominate and put down others for human ego and superego reasons!

This is what all Sahaja Yogis have to realize, and have to rise above their ego

and superego, to connect with The Truth which is above Dharma, and which is

greater than Dharma, as our Divine Mother has taught us.


We do live in the times of our evolutionary ascend, and

all spiritual seekers are seriously seeking because of that.

They should be told The Truth as it is, and only The Truth

can help them evolve. Otherwise they can get easily lost in illusions, like

many Sahaja Yogis who have not accepted

The Truth as it is, and who have been serving blindly

their ego and the ego of the others.

It is time to evolve after all, and we all have to focus on ascend.


With unconditional love,






> Dear Gerlinde, Violet and All,


> i congratulate you on your courage in presenting the full message of

> Sahaja Yoga upfront to the public. It was your conscience and

> consciousness that led you to solutions, a firm belief that has been

> tested by me many times over i.e., the Holy Spirit/Devi will always

> find solutions for you if your desire is pure. Thus this makes

> perfect sense to me:


> " Internally I soon began chafing at the implied, restrictive

> expectations I felt within the collective and with the discovery of

> adishakti.org I realized my uneasiness was well-founded. "


> as i had _always insisted_ that we, as Self-realized souls, must be

> honest upfront ........ a tenacity that first irritated and then

> angered the local collective and world leaders as well.


> Then in December 1999, at the eve of the millennium, i decided to go

> ahead and put the entire SHRI ADI SHAKTI: THE KINGDOM OF GOD online.

> The uproar and fear among leaders (most of whom are/were in WCASY)

> shocked me. i became speechless, ashamed and weakened by the tsunami

> of ignorance, cowardice and negativity (in that corresponding order

> i.e., speechless=ignorance). All i saw around me was a spiritual dump

> no different from the religious wastelands.


> i decided not to budge but fight tooth and nail ...... and the Holy

> Spirit/Devi was more than willing to help. Today we have the best

> sites proclaiming the Advent and Divine Message of Her incarnation.

> We also have Shri Mataji's 2008 Guru Puja explicit and unprecedented

> freedom to spread Sahaja Yoga as we see fit, even having our own

> organizations!


> Thus i am also interested as to how you go about convincing seekers

> to get their Self-realization in public, which i believe is the more

> crucial and difficult of the task. This is an area i am unfamiliar

> with and wish to get more details so that others can also use your

> method and materials. If you need help in scanning and putting them

> online i am sure " sahaja_joga " <pure.faith108, who too

> wants to help spread the full message of Sahaja Yoga upfront, will be

> more than willing to help you.


> Gerlinde, i also wish to draw your attention on the latest web

> rankings of 20 March 2009:


> Adishakti.org has a traffic rank of: 260,076 (Previous 625,303)


> Adishakti.org users come from these countries:

> United States 40.7%

> India 21.8%

> Canada 4.7%

> Indonesia 3.5%

> Philippines 1.9%


> http://www.alexa.com/data/details/main/adishakti.org


> Canada, Indonesia and Philippines are among the top five. i am sure

> your contributions count. But how did Indonesia and Philippines, with

> so little internet penetration, register that high? There have to be

> others working quietly behind the scene in these countries, and

> presenting the full message of Sahaja Yoga upfront. Maybe they can

> make further gains from your presentations. Thanks.


> The latest web rankings is evidence that the upfront approach by a

> handful of us is working much better than the collective effort of

> tens of thousands trying to spread their SYSSR. The few approaching

> the public with the full message are also experiencing the same

> positive results. Gerlinde, we should also not forget that

> www.adishakti.org encourages/insists that seekers continue on their

> own after establishing the Cool Breeze. Today we are setting a trend

> that is years/decades ahead!


> " Jesus solemnly assures the disciples that they will, in the future,

> perform even greater miracles than He. By this He means to say that

> through the power of the Holy Spirit, they will bring about the

> greatest miracle of all – the salvation of lost souls. He promises

> them that whatever they ask for, in connection with their ministry of

> bringing the miracle of salvation to lost men, will be granted them. "


> It is all going to work out as was eschatologically promised! The

> greatest miracle of all is nothing but human evolution. We are years

> /decades ahead in declaring a future trend and accepted knowledge!


> regards to all,


> jagbir



> --


> Dear Gerlinde and All,


> I am absolutely thrilled with everything you describe and the

> response you have received is fantastic! i love the natural way in

> which you are presenting the full message of Sahaja Yoga, with the

> use of various items of interest displayed on your table which

> become 'talking points' leading to Self-realization if the person in

> their freedom wishes to have it. i like the fact that there is no 'pat

> formula' but that you are just giving it from your Self.


> The pamphlets of Shri Mataji's words, and of the different religions,

> and the chart you have made up are, i believe, just what's needed for

> others to see a way forward to giving the full message of Sahaja Yoga

> upfront. Would you be willing for these to be put on the forum

> somewhere where others could have access to them and print them off

> for their use, also?


> Could you please describe how you go through the giving of the Self-

> realization, that is, how do you do it for a Group as compared to

> giving Self-realization to the individual person lined up at a Trade

> Fair, for example.


> Thank you so much for all your innovations that you have shared with

> us! i hope it results in many more having the confidence to give the

> full message of Sahaja Yoga upfront in their local community.


> Warm regards,


> violet



> , " Violet " <violetubb@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Gerlinde (and All),

> >

> > i hear that you are successfully giving Self-realization in your local area

while at the same time giving the full message of Sahaja Yoga upfront. Would you

please share with us how you are doing it, as i am sure this would encourage

others to do likewise. It would be helpful to know what kind of an approach you

are using. i am sure there are many Sahaja Yogis who would be more than willing,

if they could see their way forward, to present the full message of Sahaja Yoga

upfront and in person in their own local area.

> >

> > Warm Regards,

> >

> > violet



> Dear Violet and All,


> I'd like to share a brief background here of my own journey to 'presenting the

full message of Sahaja Yoga upfront'.


> Even before my 'unexpected, accidental' discovery of the adishakti.org site, I

had always felt the strong desire to spread Sahaja Yoga. My participation in

giving Self-Realization within the collective format gave me some basic

grounding, but I soon wanted to spread this to more people within expanded

venues. I began, so to speak, to test the public waters for myself.


> So, in order to see how giving Self-Realization by myself would work, I tried

it on my own at first on a one-on-one basis. For me the difficult aspect was to

find a way to initiate a conversation and to move it towards actually giving

Self-Realization. I soon found many things could begin a connection: a candle,

symbol such as a spiral, a picture book about travel... Often my attention would

also be drawn to someone and I soon understood that that happened for a reason.


> Once my confidence became more established I wanted to connect with groups of

people - common interest groups - health, crafts, service groups, Senior

Citizens in Retirement Homes, schools teaching World Religions, Native groups

and so on...


> Although initially my main emphasis was to give Self-Realization, I also

wanted people to understand Sahaja Yoga in greater depth. Internally I soon

began chafing at the implied, restrictive expectations I felt within the

collective and with the discovery of adishakti.org I realized my uneasiness was



> The next big challenge was to present Shri Mataji's Identitiy and full message

and see what reactions resulted from this disclosure coming from a solitary

local individual.


> One of the first venues for this 'experiment' was at a University Student

Women's Club. One response to the full disclosure was from a young student who

said with emotion that she knew, as soon as Shri Mataji started speaking on the

Self-Realization tape that I played that day, that She was someone



> Another young World Religions high school student came up to me shyly after

class and with her teacher standing next to me, said, " That was AWESOME! "


> And after discovering the connection of the White Buffalo Calf Woman and Shri

Mataji and getting her Self-Realization, the young Native Woman I met at my

second Pow Wow burst into tears and hugged me.


> Just recently I had the occasion to present Sahaja Yoga for the fourth year at

a University's Wellness Fair. This was the third year for full disclosure there

- six hours sped by, busy with many interactions, discussion, meditation basics,

and Self-Realization for people of different faiths. A few weren't interested

and merely shrugged and declined.


> My table is replete with a picture of Shri Mataji (to which the attention is

drawn), pamphlets with four Shri Mataji quotes and the adishakti.org URLs,

together with sample material from Taoism, Buddhism, The Advent and/or Meta

Modern Era, Search for the Divine Mother, a large picture of Kuan Yin with a

feminine form shown at Sahasrara - something I point out when time permits to

people who've just felt the vibrations at Sahasrara.


> Available too is a chart I've put together of some religions together with

interconnecting headings such as the Divine Feminine/Mother, Union with the

Divine, Kingdom of God, The Age, Tree of Life, Proof of one's awakening as in

'wind, breath'... This can all be seen very easily at one glance for those who

like to see an overview of Sahaja Yoga/Divine Feminine and the religions'

interconnections. I've used this also in World Religions classes, since it also

has brief quotes/explanations at the bottom section.


> In conclusion, I've used these past several years to present Shri Mataji's

message and Identity in full wherever I can and have overall found a decidedly

positive reaction. Anyone who is disinterested is free to decline. In a class,

for example, I always say that participation is entirely voluntary, since

everyone's freedom is respected.


> After speaking of the general overall success of presenting a full disclosure,

I would like to share with you my observation of an overriding challenge

regarding what may also be required to direct the public's attention towards

Shri Mataji.


> It is that, after the full disclosure has been presented and Self-Realization

has been given and a brief discussion follows, except for connecting again with

the inner circle, so to speak, of the adishakti.org internet sites, these newly

Realized souls never hear or see another word about WHO Shri Mataji is, WHAT HER

complete message IS from an outside independent venue of newspaper, magazine,

> radio, TV, talk show, film etc.


> As a direct result of this lack of confirmation or even discussion of the

importance and relevance of what has just been experienced, I'm wondering how

many people just forget about this experience and become reinvolved in the

mundane world.


> In general, there's little in the illusory outside world which draws the

attention again to Shri Mataji, the Holy Spirit, and the Resurrection Time,

Salvation via the media of film, newspaper, magazine, radio, talk shows, or

interviews as a necessary independent announcement/backup/discussion of the

Truth that has just been presented.


> With each yogi(ni) beginning and continuing to present Shri Mataji's full

message individually as well as collectively, however, it will certainly be ever

more likely that this vital knowledge and experience may indeed come to the

attention of the vast public, not only through the hugely accessible and vitally

important internet's adishakti.org sites but also through other powerful media

that the public accesses daily such as radio, TV.


> In closing, I'd like to say that it's been an outstanding, reaffirming

experience for me to have met so many seekers who have been told the full Truth

- a wonderful experience for all of us to continue to look forward to.


> Warm regards,

> Gerlinde


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