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Jesus and other incarnations and saints were attracted to Mother India

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Dear All,


India is a place that attracted many saints and incarnations through the

ages--including Shri Jesus, whose arrival in India is described in the Puranas.








Jesus and other incarnations and saints were attracted to Mother India


" According to Kersten, the Bhavishyat Maha Purana - the 9th of 18 ancient

narratives of the Hindus known as the Puranas - asserts that Israelites settled

in India, and in verses 17-32, describes the arrival of Jesus thus:


One day, Shalivahana, the chief of the Shakas [shaktas?], came to a snowy

mountain (assumed to be in the Indian Himalayas). There, in the Land of the Hun

(= Ladakh, a part of the Kushan empire), the powerful king saw a handsome man

sitting on a mountain, who seemed to promise auspiciousness. His skin was like

copper and he wore white garments. The king asked the holy man who he was. The

other replied: 'I am called Isaputra (son of God), born of a virgin, minister of

the non-believers, relentlessly in search of the truth.'


O king, lend your ear to the religion that I brought unto the non-believers ...

Through justice, truth, meditation, and unity of spirit, man will find his way

to Isa (God, in Sanskrit) who dwells in the centre of Light, who remains as

constant as the sun, and who dissolves all transient things forever. The

blissful image of Isa, the giver of happiness, was revealed in the heart; and I

was called Isa-Masih (Jesus the Messiah).' "





" All the religions from ancient times have said that a man or a woman has to

cleanse their mind through religious activity, with righteous thinking. The aim

of every religion was to establish balance in every way to make way for the

ascent of the seeker. The second birth, walihood, selfhood, Buddha's state,

Jaini state, Gnostic, or Atmasakshatkar, are all names for self-realisation. It

was all right in the olden days, where people wanted to be good and to ascend.

They obeyed and tried to do whatever was asked for by the saints, prophets or



In India, in the sixteenth century, we had many great saints who were poets.

Even in the twelfth century, we had some very great writers about spiritual

life. The main theme of all these saints was that we must cleanse ourselves for

our ascent. We must purify ourselves. So the greatest thing we have to achieve

is our second birth, our self-realisation, the salvation.


I have read a book about Jesus coming to India in Kashmir and meeting one of the

Kings of Shalivahana. The meeting is quoted from an ancient book of Puranas, in

Sanskrit, which perhaps, the writer doesn't know. It is written that Shalivahana

King asked Jesus his name, and he said his name was Isa Masih and he asked him:

'Why are you here in this country?' He said: " I have come from a country where

people are 'Mlecchas'. Mlecchas are the people who have a desire to be only

filthy or to be vulgar and immoral. " In those days, foreigners were all called

'Mlecchas " in India because Indians believed that they had no idea of

purification or transformation. Whatever may be the case, this was the

conversation between Shalivahana and Lord Jesus Christ. So Shalivahana asked

him: " Why you do not go back and cleanse these people and teach them

about-Nirmal Tattwa? " (means the principle of cleansing). Thus, I think Christ

went back and was crucified within three and a half years by the Romans who were

not keen about their salvation. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, book/Meta Modern Era, Chapter 6 'Religions'- 29/09/95



" You must have felt the vibrations of this place, that are tremendous. And that

you come here after so many years, nearly, is surprising. This place has a great

connection with me as such, because my forefathers ruled in this place and this

was the capital of Shalivahan called as 'Pratishatha' and they made it easier

[to say it] as 'Paithan'. There were rulers for thousands of years, and one who

started this 'Shalivahan Dynasty'--as they [were also] called 'Satvahan', i.e.,

'Seven Vahanas' and they represented as 'Seven Vahanas', [the] Seven Chakras.

[it is] surprising how [this is so] in Sahaja.


After that there were great poets [that came]. As you know 'Ganeshwara' came

here and he was born very close to this place. He was here for quite sometime.

There was one fellow who was a very supra-conscious person, who challenging

(Ganeshwara) there, was a 'Chandev'. So he, (Chandev), said that 'What do you

have with you to show that you have got it?' There was a male buffalo, male

buffalo which was just walking on the road. Ganeshwara made that buffalo to say

the main mantras - and Chandev tried to show some tricks. Ganeshwara with his

brothers and sisters and the rest, were sitting on a broken wall and he made the

wall move with all of them in the air. Then he (Chandev) realised that this is

some sort of incarnation.


Apart from that, [there was] another great poet called Eknath

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eknath who wrote lots of books, songs, like

'Namadeva' describing Sahaja Yoga (Union With The Divine), so this place had

some sort of attractive focus of vibrations for all these great saints to come

and settle down. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Puja Talk, Paithan, India - 11/01/87



Aurangabad Puja Synopsis


Aurangabad is a special place for Sahaja Yoga. First of all, Shri Mataji's

forefathers (the Shalivahan dynasty) come from a region very close to Aurangabad

- called " Paithan " today. The name of this place in ancient times was

" Pratishthan. "


Pratishthan was also the place where Valmiki received his realization from Shri

Vishnu. Living in the lush forest that once covered this area, Valmiki had

initially been a plunderer. But the saint Narada made him realize his mistakes

and advised him to perform penances while meditating on Shri Rama.


Later Valmiki composed the " Ramayana. " Lava and Kusha, the sons of Shri Sita,

stayed in Valmiki's ashram across the Godavari River for 12 years after their

birth, learned the song of the Ramayana and later went to Ayodhya to sing it to

Shri Rama. After singing the Ramayana, Lava and Kusha went to Valmiki's ashram

in Nepal where Shri Sita was staying. Shri Sita, after Her stay in Nepal,

returned to this area. It was through Shri Sita that the culture of Maharashtra

was taken to Nepal. Lava went to Russia and was the father of the Slavic people,

while Kusha went to China to start another line.


Shri Mataji also explained that this area had been, in ancient times, the scene

of a mighty struggle of evolution between the large animals such as the mammoth

and the smaller, clever and swift-moving animals. The large animals were being

defeated. One day, the king of elephants, Gajendra, was drinking water from the

Godavari River and a crocodile caught hold of him, preparing to destroy the

whole genus of elephants. Shri Vishnu appeared and saved Gajendra. The elephant

is the only surviving species of those large animals.


These stories and characters and are woven into the lives of Maharashtrians.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marathi_people The people of Maharashtra are very

God-fearing and know how to appreciate saints. They have tremendous confidence

in their virtues and enjoy them. Though they may not have finesse, they do not

cultivate artificiality. They follow the culture of the Spirit; their behavior

and customs reflect their attention on the Spirit. For example, they don't say

" Thank you " or " Sorry, " and women won't normally fold their hands to men to say

" Namaskar. " They only fold their hands to God.


Shri Mataji said She hopes we will all understand that by concentrating on the

comfort of the Spirit, we will be enlightened by it and develop different

attitudes toward life.


- by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Aurangabad Puja Synopsis, Aurangabad, India - 18

December, 1989

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