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Prof. R. Panikkar Man is not capable of living and breathing on such heights.”

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The Guru Puja


" In Sahaja Yoga the Guru Puja has a very different significance from

any other Guru Puja. When you worship your Guru, you are also

worshiping the Guru within you...


The quality of a Guru first and foremost is that he makes you meet

God. It means he raises the Kundalini and establishes the relation

between the All-Pervading Power. As your Guru is the Adi Shakti, we

make that person also meet the Adi Shakti. Then you have another

advantage that when you give them Realization you not only make them

feel the union with the Divine Power, but you can also make them meet

the Divinity itself, the Source of Divine Power. "


Shri Astami-chandra-vibhrapadalika-sthala-sobhita Shri Nirmala Devi

Detachment, Guru Puja, Avignon, France — July 8, 1990



" Now the Time has come to start talking, announcing, telling about it

to everyone. Otherwise the world would say that we never knew about

it. "


Shri Nistraigunya Shri Nirmala Devi


The Canadian Guru Puja of 1994 was held at Camp Interval in Quebec on

June 24 and organized by SY Robert and Lisa McNeil. This was a very

beautiful setting beside a large lake against a backdrop of hills,

about two hours drive from Montreal. Sahaja Yogis from America and

Canada attended this three-day event, including Kash and his family.


Before leaving the whole family meditated and invited the Spirit of

the Living God and Her Heavenly Hosts to witness the Puja. This was

the first time the Great Adi Shakti within was requested to be

present at Her own Puja on Earth, though by now it was clear that She

witnessed all from within the Thousand-Petalled Lotus.


Kash also meditated and after reaching Shri Mataji in his Sahasrara,

bowed in Namaskar. She requested Kash to meditate. When it was over

Shri Maha Shakti informed him that She would come with Her Deities to

witness the Guru Puja at Camp Interval, the first time that the Great

Supreme Mother informed that She would do so.


Kash informed his father what Shri Mataji had told him. It was an

extremely joyous moment, and very humbling at the same time. Humbling

because the highest manifestation of God Almighty agreed to come down

to Earth to witness the Puja. It was indeed difficult to fathom that

the Great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi will be coming to Val

David, Canada. (A few times Kash's father did think that perhaps She

was just trying to please him by saying so, but will not come from

the Kingdom of God down to this Earth? But it didn't matter. He was

just blissed out by Her reply and kind gesture.)


The family then left for Val-David.


The next day a trekking event was organized to the nearby mountain. A

number of Sahaja Yogis participated, but most dropped back along the

long, exhausting, winding path. The few physically fit reached the

summit, rested for a while, and then decided to meditate. The Divine

Cool Wind blew all around as the meditation progressed.


Kash then felt the presence of Shri Adhiparasakthi Shri Nirmala Devi

and Shri Shiva sitting and meditating close-by. Though invisible, he

picked their exact sitting positions and identity through the

vibrations flowing from his hands. Shri Shiva was sitting and

meditating in front of him and the Great Adi Shakti, who was emitting

different vibrations, was sitting and meditating on his left. Kash

was very sure of this Reality as he had used these vibrations in his

Sahasrara a number of times to identify the invisible Spirit Beings.

He was very sure that his vibrations, like his other physical senses,

were telling him the Truth. The presence of Shri Shiva and Shri Adi

Shakti confirmed that She had kept Her word to the family. She was

indeed there in the physical world!


Note On September 2, 1998 at 6.45 a.m., more than four years after

this incident, Kash was again asked what transpired. His father was

slightly puzzled: If Kash was meditating in the Sahasrara with Shri

Mataji and the Deities then how was it that She was also sitting

beside him on this mountain with Shri Shiva? He wanted to know if

Shri Mataji came out of his Sahasrara on that day, i.e., he did not

see Her within. (The physical Shri Mataji was at this time in

Cabella, Italy to perform the same Guru Puja.)


Kash explained that he did not meditate — " My eyes were open " — but

sat right in front of the group, admiring the elevated panoramic view

of the picturesque valleys below and the clouds above. His physical

eyes could not see the form of Shri Adi Shakti and Shiva in the form

of Spirit, but his vibrations detected them.


Others in the group meditated and Kash remembered one Sahaja Yogini

asking if anyone felt the presence of Shri Shiva! (Kash's father also

remembers SY Sanjeev [Paul] telling him, after the group returned,

that he felt Shri Shiva's presence.)


In the late afternoon a video titled " Sahaja Yoga and the American

Experience " was shown. It was an excellent production. The powerful,

searing message of the timeless human struggle for divinity,

equality, justice, peace, hope and freedom, and His Promise of His

Kingdom being fulfilled right before their eyes must have moved many

Sahaja Yogis close to tears, for there was an overwhelmingly

emotional silence all around. They knew that God was carrying out His

Promise! The multi-cultural, multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-

lingual congregation of Self-Realized souls was certain that God

cares, listens, and communicates! They knew that He is not a Hindu

prabhu but His Adi Shakti permeates their scriptures. They were

convinced that He is not a Jewish yahweh but His Shekinah exists in

their Old Testament. They had absolute faith that HE is not a

Christian god but His Holy Spirit is embedded in their Bible. They

had absolute conviction that He is not a Muslim allah but His Ruh is

camouflaged in the Qur'an. They knew that He is God Almighty, the

Supreme Creator far above and absolutely beyond the hypocritical

praise, empty pride, selfish possession and scriptural speculation of

religious fools. fundamentalists, and external Idols. They knew with

their hearts, minds and souls that the Promised Resurrection was

taking place.


Kash, himself on the verge of tears, felt the charged atmosphere and

went into Sahaj Samadhi. Before him sat the Supreme Mater Sanctissima

(Most Holy Mother) Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, with tears of compassion

welling in Her eyes. She also was watching the video and could not

hold back Her feelings, which were being collectively expressed by

Her children. Kash just watched Her and was at a loss for words. It

was the first time that he had seen the Great World Soul with tears

in Her eyes and he could hardly control himself anymore.


(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TZQSDSz83k & feature=related)


He came out of meditation and informed his father standing beside him

about what he had witnessed. There was no reply as his father was

trying his best to contain himself, so intense was the universal

Message for human emancipation.


" I am here to do the Job of God Almighty. And when you are My

children, all right, His Grace will work it out. He will look after

you. He will make you grow...


Today that's the big time that I declare that it is the Universal

Religion, the Nirmala Religion, which is formed out of My teachings

of Love... You are out for a very big work of Virata. How much you

know about the Divine, nobody has known so far!..


My Life, My Mission, My Existence, My Everything is for the purpose

of emancipation of humanity... Please remember you are born of very

brave Mother. Please try to rise. Be proud that you are doing such

tremendous task. Have that feeling of great valor. Then only, then

only can we achieve results. "


Shri Pasa-hasta Shri Nirmala Devi

The Slavery Of Selfishness, Bordi, India — February 6, 1985


Pasa-hasta (810th): Having in Her left upper hand `Pasa', the symbol

of Affection towards Her devotees.


SHRI ADI SHAKTI: THE KINGDOM OF GOD, 1999, page 1002-1008



" Man becomes conscious that he is that pole of the universe which

recognizes itself to be something other than the center. He is not

the real center, for he discovers that reality evolves and moves

around a center that is, by definition, God — whatever this God may

be — and not himself; but he is the epistemological pole (which some

consider to be the ontological one also), for it is he who recognizes

God to be the center of the universe. This discovery gives Man a

special and privileged role, even if the role is merely viewed as one

of listening and of being open to the real center of everything. Even

if we assume the existence of a personal God speaking and revealing

himself, the speaking and revealing must of necessity take place with

reference to Man and in a way that is intelligible and appropriate to

him. Otherwise God's revelation would all be meaningless to him. The

initiative may rest with God, but it is up to Man to " tune in, " to

understand and to accept it. "


Professor Raimundo Panikkar, The Vedic Experience



" This is a forwarded message

Viktor Bondar

" Yura " < inspired

Mon, 6 Mar 2006 17:23:59 +0200

Fw: Hi Viktor


John Noyce of Australia has been keeping a close eye on the

activities of the owner of www.adishakti.org, who used to be in SY

but clearly isn't a Sahaja Yogi now, and is openly critical of all

Sahaja leadership, including, at times Shri Mataji Herself.


He is somewhat eccentric and for example, advocates not using a photo

of Mother when meditating, not footsoaking etc. The owner of this

site, one Jagbir Singh of Canada is on a crusade to spread his own

eccentric, supraconscious view of what Sahaja Yoga is, and where

possible we should advise people not to go there - although of

course, individuals are free to do what they like.


John tells me that the web site http://inspired.kiev.ua/about/ links

to www.adishakti.org


Obviously, I don't know the owner of that web site, Yuriy Linnyk,

whether he is Sahaj or not, but in the event that he is known to you,

is it possible that you might prevail upon him to remove the link as

it contains much erroneous and inaccurate information. Yuriy lists

adishakti.org before the official Sahaj Yoga website.


Much love and best wishes



Jai Shri Mataji " (end)



" The adventure of living starts, according to the Upanishads, with a

twofold discovery, namely, that interiorization is the means of

grasping reality, and that nontemporal reality consists of pure

transcendence. This epoch-making discovery, while it has led some

people to the highest peaks of human experience, has also been the

cause of a strange degeneracy when Man is not capable of living and

breathing on such heights. "


Professor Raimundo Panikkar, The Vedic Experience

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