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Mool Mantar - The true Guru has made available (for me) the glimpse of this truth.

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The Mool Mantar


Ik Onkaar - The One God, the Absolute Reality

Satnaam - Whose name is Truth

Kartaa - The Creator

Purakh - Present in all creation

Nirbhau - Without Fear

Nirvair - Without vengence or anger

Akaal Moorat - of Eternal Form

Ajuni – Unborn

Saibangh - self-Illumined

Gurparsaad - Attainable through the Grace of the Guru


" The Mool Mantar (also spelt Mul Mantra) is the most important

composition contained within the Sri Guru Granth Sahib, the holy

scripture of the Sikhs; it is the basis of Sikhism. The word " Mool "

means " main " , " root " or " chief " and " Mantar " means " magic chant "

or " magic portion " .


Together the words " Mool Mantar " mean the " Main chant " or " root

verse " . It's importance is emphasised by the fact that it is the

first composition to appear in the holy Granth of the Sikhs and that

it appears before the commencement of the main section which

comprises of 31 Raags or chapters.


The Mool Mantar is said to be the first composition uttered by Guru

Nanak Dev upon enlightenment at the age of about 30. Being the basis

of Sikhism it encapsulates the entire theology of Sikhism. When a

person begins to learn Gurbani, this is the first verse that most

would learn.


It is a most brief composition encompassing the entire universally

complex theology of the Sikh faith. It has religious, social,

political, logical, martial and eternal implication for human

existence; a truly humanitarian and global concepts of the Supreme

power for all to understand and appreciate.


This Mantar encompasses concepts which have been evaluated and proven

over many eras (or yugs) and known to be flawless beyond any

ambiguity what so ever. The rest of Japji Sahib that follows this

mantar is said to be a elaboration of the main mantar and that the

rest of the Guru Granth Sahib totalling 1430 pages, is a detailed

amplification of the Mool Mantar.


This is the verse that all beginners to Sikhism have to learn and

repeat over and over again until it becomes an automatic process.

After learning this short verse and its full meaning, it is common

for beginners to awake early in the morning, wash and sit and mediate

on the Mantar for 10 to 20 minutes focussing on the sound and meaning

of each word.


It is said that the rest of the Guru Granth Sahib is an elaboration

of the Mool Mantar and that this Mantar itself is an explanation and

amplification of the single phrase – Ek Oankaar, which is the first

entry in the holy Granth. "


SikhiWiki, the Sikh Encyclopedia





Dear devotees of the Aykaa Mayee,


Namaste - i bow to the Divine Mother who resides in you!


Bhai Gurdas Ji was a respected man of wide learning especially in

ancient texts and philosophy, and devoted his exceptional talents to

preaching the Sikh faith. When Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji compiled the Adi

Granth, he chose Bhai Gurdas Ji to inscribe the entire text. Bhai

Gurdas Ji also composed Vaars which are valued for their vivid

exposition of the teachings of the Gurus. Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji put

his seal of approval on them by designating them as the " key " to the

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. In Vaar 39 (see below), Bhai Sahib gives an

explanation of the complete Mool Mantar, confirming once again that

it ends with Nanak hosi bhi such


" That homogenous supreme reality (God) first was written as numeral

one (in mool mantar)and then He was incribed as Ura syllable of

Gurmukhi, further pronounced as Oangkar. Then He was called Satnam,

the truth by name Kartapurakh, the creator Lord, Nirbhau, the

fearless one, and Nirvair, without rancour. Then emerging as the

timeless Akal Moorat to be called as unborn and self-existent.

Realised through the grace of the Guru, the divine preceptor, the

current of this primeval truth (God) has continuously been moving

since before the beginning and throughout the ages. He is verily the

truth and will continue to be the truth forever. The true Guru has

made available (for me) the glimpse of this truth. One who merging

his consciousness in the Word establishes a relationship of Guru and

disciple, only that disciple devoting himself to the Guru and

progressing from worldiness attunes his consciousness in and with the

Lord. The gurmukhs have had a glimpse of imperceptible Lord who is

the fruit of delights. " (www.khalsanet.org)


It is this Aykaa Mayee within and Her incarnation Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi without who have given the Sacred Knowledge of the Mool Mantra.

It is the Divine Mother who--by manifesting the eschatological heart

and soul of Judaism, Christianity and Islam--has made available the

Sacred Knowledge, knowledge that is beyond the grasp and challenge of

Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and all

others. The Gurparsaad of the true Guru has made available (for me)

the glimpse of this truth, the End of Sacred Knowledge that towers

far over and above all religious and spiritual organizations.


" Gur " meaning Guru, and " Parsaad " meaning blessing. By this

attributes God Almighty is reached by the Guru's Blessing. The Guru

or 'Teacher' removes that darkness of ignorance as not only do we not

recognize the Truth, but we are not even aware that we are ignorant.

So the all-compassionate Mother in Her supreme kindness has manifested

Herself as the Guru to inspire, guide and reveal to us Her true

nature and liberate us from the bondage of samsaara. Therefore we

say, " Guru Brahmaah, Guru Vishnuh, Guru Devo aheshwarah, Gurureva

Param Brahma, Tasmai Shri Gurave Namah. " Guru is the Creator, Brahma.

Guru is the Sustainer, Vishnu. Guru is the Destroyer, Shiva. Guru is

the Lord of the Universe. Guru alone is the Absolute Reality, the

Param Brahma. Unto that noble Teacher, my humble prostrations. "


In the Japji Sahib Guru Nanak reveals who this noble Guru (Teacher) is:


" Aadays, tisai aadays. Aad aneel anaad anaahat, jug jug ayko vays.

Obeisance, obeisance to Her, the Primal, the Immaculate, without

beginning, without end, Immutable through all ages.


Aykaa maa-ee, jugat viaaee, tin chalay parvaan.

The Mother was conceived alone in some mysterious way and She

procreated three deities.


Ik sansaaree, ik bhandaaree, ik laa-ay deeban.

One was Creator, one Sustainer, and one Destroyer of the world.


Jiv tis bhaavai, tivai chalaavai, jiv havai phurmaan.

The world moves as She ordains and as She pleases.


Oh vaykahi, onaa nadar na aavai, buhutaa ayho vidaan.

She sees all, but no one sees Her: this is a great wonder. "


Shri Guru Gobind Singh confirms the same Truth in the Jaap Sahib:


" 52. Namo Sustar Anai, namo Atar Manai. Namo Parm Gayata, Namo Lok


Salutations to Thee, Wielder of weapons and Pride of arms, Perfect of

knowledge and Mother of all....

Bhagawati Chhund Tav Parsad (By the Grace of the Divine Mother)

150. Keh Zihr Zhoor Hain, Keh Hazr Hzoor Hain. Hamaisul Salam Hain,

Samstul Kalam Hain.

O Lord, Ever manifest in all Thy splendour, Ever present in all Thy

glory, Thou art the Fount of eternal peace, Thou art the Source of

all scriptures. " (end)


It is the Aykaa Mayee alone who is the one Knower and Revealer of all

the sciences including the knowledge of one's own nature, which

brings about liberation. She is the Aadi Guru, the First Guru. She

alone appears again and again in the form of different Gurus to bless

the seekers. She alone is our Guru.


What can be said about one's Guru? What words can describe Her

Compassion and Grace, Her Parsaad?


A mere side glance of Her can transform a sinner into a saint,

destroy the evil of ignorance, wash away the sins of countless

lifetimes and ends the burning sorrows of samsaara. Her lotus feet

are the one refuge in the many storms of life. They are the mighty

boat, which alone can take us across the samsaara saagara, the ocean

of transmigration. Even the devtas, the heavenly denizens, cherish

the sacred dust of Her feet.


How can one describe or even enumerate the infinite glories of the

Guru? The Vedas become silent in their reverence, the Rishis are

choked with emotion and the poetic saints are at a loss for words.


Shri Kabirdaas once said, " Sub dharti kaagaz karo, lekhan sub ban

rai, saat samudra ki masi karo, Guru gun likheeya na jaee. " If the

entire earth were turned into paper, all the trees in all the world's

forests into pens, and all the seven oceans into ink, still they

would not suffice for me to write about the glories of my Guru. "


The greatest Parsaad or 'Grace' of the Guru is the Supreme Knowledge—

the End of Sacred Knowledge--which reveals to us our true infinite

nature, shows us our identity with God and destroys all our karmas,

the bondage due to the results of actions gathered through millions

of lifetimes.


How can we experience and understand Gur Prasad? Gur Prasad is the

blessing, the grace, the transforming touch of the Guru, the Aykaa

Mayee. Her Grace alone completes our full merger with the Infinite.

This experience is a gift from the Inner Guru.


To surrender in devotion at Her Lotus Feet, is the only one direct

means of salvation.... " Na Guroh adhikam tatvam, na Guroh adikham

tapah, tatva gyaanaat param naasti, tasmai Shri Gurave naamah. " There

is no reality higher than the Guru, there is no tapas or austerity

greater than service to the Guru, there is no knowledge higher than

knowledge of the Truth. To that Teacher who is my all, my humble

prostrations. "


She alone can expound the mysteries enshrined in the Scriptures. She

is that brilliant sun in whose light and warmth the lotus flower of

Knowledge blooms. One who has surrendered to Her and is in the

protection of the Guru shall certainly realize the Truth.


Gurparsaad is what we should seek. In other words, we should seek God

in the form of the compassionate Guru. Surrender to the Divine

Mother, serve Her and open your hearts to Her ever-flowing parsaad or

grace. The greatest service we can render to the Teacher is obedience

to Her instruction, for such instruction is given for our benefit



The Aykaa Mayee requires nothing for Herself, and the greatest

offering one can make to one's Guru is to abide in the Knowledge

given by the Teacher. In this way one can fulfill the purpose of

human existence, which is a rare form of life attained after

experiencing millions of life forms.


manamukh firehin chaethehi moorrae lakh chouraaseeh faer paeiaa

The self-willed manmukhs wander around, and they do not remember the

Lord; the fools are consigned to the cycle of 8.4 million


Page 434 Guru Nanak Dev


lakh chouraaseeh maedhanee ghattai n vadhhai outhaahi

They will pass through 8.4 millions species; this number does not

decrease or rise.

Page 936 Guru Nanak Dev


chouraaseeh narak saakath bhogaaeeai

The faithless cynic has to endure 8.4 million hellish incarnations.

Page 1028 Guru Nanak Dev


bhram bhram ddolai lakh chouraaseeh

People wander lost, staggering and stumbling through 8.4 million


Page 1344 Guru Nanak Dev


regards to all,




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