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Shri Mataji: I was the White Buffalo Calf Woman

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Dear All,


Sometime back i wrote about Shri Mataji telling a room full of yogis that She

was the White Buffalo Calf Woman:


" i heard about the White Buffalo Calf Woman from Shri Mataji at Sydney,

Australia. i can't recall the exact date or venue, but i believe it was one of

the two " main times " i saw Her. By " main time " i mean those times when we also

attended a Weekend Camp of 2-3 days with Shri Mataji. However i still clearly

remember the day when Shri Mataji talked about the 'White Buffalo Calf'! It was

during a Talk when Shri Mataji touched on many topics, as is Her wont to do. She

started to talk about this 'White Buffalo Calf Woman' which i believe was being

reported about on the news, that it was of significance to the indigenous people

of America. The ears of the Sahaja Yogis of course 'perked up'. Most of us had

never heard of any prophecy related to a White Buffalo Calf Woman before!


Shri Mataji talked for about 15-20 minutes, recounting lovingly how this 'White

Buffalo Calf Woman' had come to the Native People and given them cleansing

rituals for purification, and that the use of smoke, was one of these cleansing

rituals. Shri Mataji recounted how this Woman taught them the sacred dances,

which if done to the Great White Spirit would 'rain down on them' the love, joy,

protection and blessing of the Almighty, the Great White Spirit. Shri Mataji

stated that this Woman sorted out some 'specific relationship issue' between men

and women which would allow relationships to continue in a dharmic way within

the whole group or nation. Shri Mataji talked about this Woman introducing the

Peace Pipe Ceremony, which was to 'make peace' among themselves and other

neighbouring indigenous nations. i believe that Shri Mataji mentioned that this

Woman gave the indigenous people seven sacred ceremonies in all, but i am not

sure if my memory recall is exactly right on that count of '7'. (i seem to have

difficulty recalling numbers and dates). However, Shri Mataji said that this

'White Buffalo Calf Woman' had promised the indigenous people, that She would

return some day, and She had left them a pouch with sacred things in it, among

them, the Peace Pipe!


As already stated, Shri Mataji recounted all this in a very loving manner. We

had no idea as to what Shri Mataji was 'leading up to'. Then, in a very relaxed

loving manner with radiating joy on Her Face, Shri Mataji said:


" I was the White Buffalo Calf Woman! " .


i think we Sahaja Yogis were all shocked and stunned into Silence! Most had not

even heard about any 'White Buffalo Calf Woman' before, although as already

mentioned, i believe it had started to come out in the news, that this special

white buffalo calf had been born. However, we did not know that the birth of a

'white buffalo calf' was going to be connected to a prophecy relating to Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi, our spiritual Mother!!!


After all, it is not everyday that prophecies are fulfilled, lets face it! Even

when Shri Mataji said it, we could not really fathom its immensity. Human beings

are not used to prophecies being fulfilled in front of their eyes! i think it is

only now that we are beginning to truly understand the immensity of all that

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the 'White Buffalo Calf Woman' has taught and told us,

over the last thirty years or so!!!


i am sure it is a Seed that will grow into a Great Tree and unite us all, the

indigenous and non-indigenous!!! "






i mention this article as it was repeated in a blog in March 2008, with 15

resulting responses. Here they are:



15 Responses to " " I was the White Buffalo Calf Woman! " "



John Noyce Says:

March 13, 2008 at 5:48 am


This is from deep within someone's imagination.

Shri Mataji has never spoken publically on this prophecy, in either Australia or

North America.






Peter Says:

March 13, 2008 at 8:43 am


There are a lot of stories about Shri Mataji. Please accept this as a story not

as a lecture.

You have vibrations and you can verify as well. For me this story is true.







John Noyce Says:

March 13, 2008 at 8:46 pm


hello Peter

You can believe what you wish.

But readers should note that the events described in your post did NOT happen.

I repeat, it has come from someone's imagination.






Peter Says:

March 14, 2008 at 9:42 am


John thanks for your comment.

I believe in vibrations /Chaitanya/.


I have a question for you.

Do you thing that the power of Adi Shakti has incarnated as White Buffalo Calf







who cares what you think Says:

May 28, 2008 at 11:13 pm


you all need to seace this action now!;She is another charleton. a fraud.

someone useing our religeion and culture to entertain you. to ecerpt money from

you. because you are week in spirit , you seek answers from a fraud without

seeing the truth! white buffalo calf woman is a legend of our people not for you








Peter Says:

May 29, 2008 at 3:07 pm



if you have a connection with Wakan Tanka you can ask the question and hopefully

you will get the answer.


Who knows, may be in my previous lives I was Native Indian as well.


I believe in all religions and White buffalo calf woman is part of it as well.







John Noyce Says:

June 10, 2008 at 11:00 am


As the writer of comment no.5 rightly points out, the legend of the White

Buffalo Calf Woman is for Native Americans, NOT for the white-faces, the

westerners, and that is precisely why Shri Mataji has never spoken about this

legend to the Sahaja Yogis.

So I say again, the text that Peter has reproduced in the original post is a

figment of someone's imagination.






Britney Says:

September 25, 2008 at 3:34 pm


this is totaly false!! you talk about indians like you are 1 but you are not you

are just a white guy!!






Peter Says:

September 26, 2008 at 11:06 am


May be in may last life I was Indian.







Joseph Says:

September 27, 2008 at 12:06 am


May be she wants to reclaim America , because she is goddess of native American

.. Well does she eat smoked pork ? Well guess what Native Americans love em






Eagle Arrow Says:

October 31, 2008 at 3:54 am


Joseph,the Sioux eat dogs as well as smoked pork.

Would you like to come visit camp for dinner?

In the old days we chippewa chased the sioux all the way to the bad lands where

nothing grows and nothing lives;

nothing for them to survive on.

The end of the line for the sioux.

Lesson be told..do not mess with the mighty Annishinabek.

Pogok Migizi (Eagle Arrow)






James Says:

November 3, 2008 at 12:14 am


Dear brothers and sisters,

H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the White Buffalo Calf Goddess and we know that

She never took any money for Her teachings. Wishing you all the best, especially

our native aboriginal brothers and sisters. We have much to learn from each


Peace be with you.






James Says:

November 3, 2008 at 1:07 am


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Met with Chiefs and Members of the Gabrielino/Shoshone

and Tongva Nations in 1993


" The bureaucracy has to be challenged, " said Shri Mataji, looking directly at

the guests, " the people in America are all immigrants. This is your land, you

are the native peoples. The issue should be made global, brought to the notice

of the United Nations. "


Follow useful links (above on the right): enlightened warriors

then click June 2006 archive (bottom right) or copy paste:







Black Wolf Says:

November 30, 2008 at 4:11 pm


This woman are crazy�






Peter Says:

December 1, 2008 at 4:49 am


Hi Blacky,


I think you've got the wrong answer.







Folks, i have a few things to say regarding these responses:


1. John Noyce is totally wrong in his assumption that:


" This is from deep within someone's imagination. Shri Mataji has never spoken

publically on this prophecy, in either Australia or North America. "



2. Shri Mataji did speak openly to a room full of yogis at Sydney, Australia,

and said: " I was the White Buffalo Calf Woman. "



Be happy and know that Shri Mataji was the White Buffalo Calf Woman, because She

said so!!!


Who is John Noyce to argue with Her anyway?


Jai Shri Mataji,



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, " Violet " <violetubb wrote:


> Dear All,


> Sometime back i wrote about Shri Mataji telling a room full of yogis that She

was the White Buffalo Calf Woman:


> " i heard about the White Buffalo Calf Woman from Shri Mataji at Sydney,

Australia. i can't recall the exact date or venue, but i believe it was one of

the two " main times " i saw Her. By " main time " i mean those times when we also

attended a Weekend Camp of 2-3 days with Shri Mataji. However i still clearly

remember the day when Shri Mataji talked about the 'White Buffalo Calf'! It was

during a Talk when Shri Mataji touched on many topics, as is Her wont to do. She

started to talk about this 'White Buffalo Calf Woman' which i believe was being

reported about on the news, that it was of significance to the indigenous people

of America. The ears of the Sahaja Yogis of course 'perked up'. Most of us had

never heard of any prophecy related to a White Buffalo Calf Woman before!


> Shri Mataji talked for about 15-20 minutes, recounting lovingly how this

'White Buffalo Calf Woman' had come to the Native People and given them

cleansing rituals for purification, and that the use of smoke, was one of these

cleansing rituals. Shri Mataji recounted how this Woman taught them the sacred

dances, which if done to the Great White Spirit would 'rain down on them' the

love, joy, protection and blessing of the Almighty, the Great White Spirit. Shri

Mataji stated that this Woman sorted out some 'specific relationship issue'

between men and women which would allow relationships to continue in a dharmic

way within the whole group or nation. Shri Mataji talked about this Woman

introducing the Peace Pipe Ceremony, which was to 'make peace' among themselves

and other neighbouring indigenous nations. i believe that Shri Mataji mentioned

that this Woman gave the indigenous people seven sacred ceremonies in all, but i

am not sure if my memory recall is exactly right on that count of '7'. (i seem

to have difficulty recalling numbers and dates). However, Shri Mataji said that

this 'White Buffalo Calf Woman' had promised the indigenous people, that She

would return some day, and She had left them a pouch with sacred things in it,

among them, the Peace Pipe!


> As already stated, Shri Mataji recounted all this in a very loving manner. We

had no idea as to what Shri Mataji was 'leading up to'. Then, in a very relaxed

loving manner with radiating joy on Her Face, Shri Mataji said:


> " I was the White Buffalo Calf Woman! " .


> i think we Sahaja Yogis were all shocked and stunned into Silence! Most had

not even heard about any 'White Buffalo Calf Woman' before, although as already

mentioned, i believe it had started to come out in the news, that this special

white buffalo calf had been born. However, we did not know that the birth of a

'white buffalo calf' was going to be connected to a prophecy relating to Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi, our spiritual Mother!!!


> After all, it is not everyday that prophecies are fulfilled, lets face it!

Even when Shri Mataji said it, we could not really fathom its immensity. Human

beings are not used to prophecies being fulfilled in front of their eyes! i

think it is only now that we are beginning to truly understand the immensity of

all that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the 'White Buffalo Calf Woman' has taught and

told us, over the last thirty years or so!!!


> i am sure it is a Seed that will grow into a Great Tree and unite us all, the

indigenous and non-indigenous!!! "







> i mention this article as it was repeated in a blog in March 2008, with 15

resulting responses. Here they are:



> 15 Responses to " " I was the White Buffalo Calf Woman! " "


> 1.

> John Noyce Says:

> March 13, 2008 at 5:48 am


> This is from deep within someone's imagination.

> Shri Mataji has never spoken publically on this prophecy, in either Australia

or North America.



> Reply


> 2.

> Peter Says:

> March 13, 2008 at 8:43 am


> There are a lot of stories about Shri Mataji. Please accept this as a story

not as a lecture.

> You have vibrations and you can verify as well. For me this story is true.

> :-)



> Reply


> 3.

> John Noyce Says:

> March 13, 2008 at 8:46 pm


> hello Peter

> You can believe what you wish.

> But readers should note that the events described in your post did NOT happen.

> I repeat, it has come from someone's imagination.



> Reply


> 4.

> Peter Says:

> March 14, 2008 at 9:42 am


> John thanks for your comment.

> I believe in vibrations /Chaitanya/.


> I have a question for you.

> Do you thing that the power of Adi Shakti has incarnated as White Buffalo Calf




> Reply


> 5.

> who cares what you think Says:

> May 28, 2008 at 11:13 pm


> you all need to seace this action now!;She is another charleton. a fraud.

someone useing our religeion and culture to entertain you. to ecerpt money from

you. because you are week in spirit , you seek answers from a fraud without

seeing the truth! white buffalo calf woman is a legend of our people not for you





> Reply


> 6.

> Peter Says:

> May 29, 2008 at 3:07 pm


> Dear,

> if you have a connection with Wakan Tanka you can ask the question and

hopefully you will get the answer.


> Who knows, may be in my previous lives I was Native Indian as well.


> I believe in all religions and White buffalo calf woman is part of it as well.




> Reply


> 7.

> John Noyce Says:

> June 10, 2008 at 11:00 am


> As the writer of comment no.5 rightly points out, the legend of the White

Buffalo Calf Woman is for Native Americans, NOT for the white-faces, the

westerners, and that is precisely why Shri Mataji has never spoken about this

legend to the Sahaja Yogis.

> So I say again, the text that Peter has reproduced in the original post is a

figment of someone's imagination.



> Reply


> 8.

> Britney Says:

> September 25, 2008 at 3:34 pm


> this is totaly false!! you talk about indians like you are 1 but you are not

you are just a white guy!!



> Reply


> 9.

> Peter Says:

> September 26, 2008 at 11:06 am


> May be in may last life I was Indian.

> ;-)



> Reply


> 10.

> Joseph Says:

> September 27, 2008 at 12:06 am


> May be she wants to reclaim America , because she is goddess of native

American . Well does she eat smoked pork ? Well guess what Native Americans love




> Reply


> 11.

> Eagle Arrow Says:

> October 31, 2008 at 3:54 am


> Joseph,the Sioux eat dogs as well as smoked pork.

> Would you like to come visit camp for dinner?

> In the old days we chippewa chased the sioux all the way to the bad lands

where nothing grows and nothing lives;

> nothing for them to survive on.

> The end of the line for the sioux.

> Lesson be told..do not mess with the mighty Annishinabek.

> Pogok Migizi (Eagle Arrow)



> Reply


> 12.

> James Says:

> November 3, 2008 at 12:14 am


> Dear brothers and sisters,

> H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the White Buffalo Calf Goddess and we know

that She never took any money for Her teachings. Wishing you all the best,

especially our native aboriginal brothers and sisters. We have much to learn

from each other.

> Peace be with you.



> Reply


> 13.

> James Says:

> November 3, 2008 at 1:07 am


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Met with Chiefs and Members of the

Gabrielino/Shoshone and Tongva Nations in 1993


> " The bureaucracy has to be challenged, " said Shri Mataji, looking directly at

the guests, " the people in America are all immigrants. This is your land, you

are the native peoples. The issue should be made global, brought to the notice

of the United Nations. "


> Follow useful links (above on the right): enlightened warriors

> then click June 2006 archive (bottom right) or copy paste:

> http://sye-w.blogspot.com/2006_06_01_archive.html



> Reply


> 14.

> Black Wolf Says:

> November 30, 2008 at 4:11 pm


> This woman are crazy�



> Reply


> 15.

> Peter Says:

> December 1, 2008 at 4:49 am


> Hi Blacky,


> I think you've got the wrong answer.








> Folks, i have a few things to say regarding these responses:


> 1. John Noyce is totally wrong in his assumption that:


> " This is from deep within someone's imagination. Shri Mataji has never spoken

publically on this prophecy, in either Australia or North America. "



> 2. Shri Mataji did speak openly to a room full of yogis at Sydney, Australia,

and said: " I was the White Buffalo Calf Woman. "



> Be happy and know that Shri Mataji was the White Buffalo Calf Woman, because

She said so!!!


> Who is John Noyce to argue with Her anyway?


> Jai Shri Mataji,


> violet





Dear All,


i would like to comment on the (relevant) of the 15 responses:



> 15 Responses to " " I was the White Buffalo Calf Woman! " "


> 1.

> John Noyce Says:

> March 13, 2008 at 5:48 am


> This is from deep within someone's imagination.

> Shri Mataji has never spoken publically on this prophecy, in either Australia

or North America.


[How can John say it came from someone's imagination when Shri Mataji said it

out loud to a room full of yogis and i was one of them. Also, John cannot say

that Shri Mataji never spoke it as he is not in the physical presence of Shri

Mataji at all times. If i did not know it before, i now know that John makes

things up to suit some kind of purpose of his own that also includes a huge need

to control others.]



> Reply


> 2.

> Peter Says:

> March 13, 2008 at 8:43 am


> There are a lot of stories about Shri Mataji. Please accept this as a story

not as a lecture.

> You have vibrations and you can verify as well. For me this story is true.

> :-)


[Peter is able to discern the truth through his vibrational awareness and

therefore can simply say: " For me this story is true " .]



> Reply


> 3.

> John Noyce Says:

> March 13, 2008 at 8:46 pm


> hello Peter

> You can believe what you wish.

> But readers should note that the events described in your post did NOT happen.

> I repeat, it has come from someone's imagination.


[Peter has very simply told John that through his vibrational awareness, he

knows the recounting to be true. John takes no account and tells Peter that:

" You can believe what you wish " . But it was not about Peter 'believing

anything'. Peter had checked the vibrations and knew the recounting to be the

truth. John mustn't be understanding the difference between 'vibrations' and

'belief' in Sahaja Yoga--in that 'vibrations' will actually show up 'a wrong

belief', which is what happened. In this case, Peter showed up John's 'wrong

belief'. That is the power and comfort of vibrational awareness and why Sahaja

Yogis cannot be fooled by baseless arguments.]



> Reply


> 4.

> Peter Says:

> March 14, 2008 at 9:42 am


> John thanks for your comment.

> I believe in vibrations /Chaitanya/.


> I have a question for you.

> Do you thing that the power of Adi Shakti has incarnated as White Buffalo Calf



[That was a good question. And Peter shows he is a confident SY too!]



> Reply


> 5.

> who cares what you think Says:

> May 28, 2008 at 11:13 pm


> you all need to seace this action now!;She is another charleton. a fraud.

someone useing our religeion and culture to entertain you. to ecerpt money from

you. because you are week in spirit , you seek answers from a fraud without

seeing the truth! white buffalo calf woman is a legend of our people not for you




['Who cares about what you think' says " you all need to seace [cease] this

action now " . 'Him' even being there and making that statement doesn't make

sense, when you read further on that he thinks Shri Mataji 'is another

charlatan'. If that is how he feels, why would he give two hoots if Peter and

John are disagreeing on the truth of the recounting. Why is he even there? Could

he be one of John's famous 'sidekicks' to help John out in a tight spot? i guess

we will never know. But this 'Who cares about what you think' sounds about as

fishy and phony as they can possibly come.]



> Reply


> 6.

> Peter Says:

> May 29, 2008 at 3:07 pm


> Dear,

> if you have a connection with Wakan Tanka you can ask the question and

hopefully you will get the answer.


> Who knows, may be in my previous lives I was Native Indian as well.


> I believe in all religions and White buffalo calf woman is part of it as well.



[Nicely stated.]



> Reply


> 7.

> John Noyce Says:

> June 10, 2008 at 11:00 am


> As the writer of comment no.5 rightly points out, the legend of the White

Buffalo Calf Woman is for Native Americans, NOT for the white-faces, the

westerners, and that is precisely why Shri Mataji has never spoken about this

legend to the Sahaja Yogis.

> So I say again, the text that Peter has reproduced in the original post is a

figment of someone's imagination.


[so the 'writer' that calls himself 'Who cares what you think' does help John

Noyce out. John says with the quote by 'Who cares what you think'-- " As the

writer of comment no.5 rightly points out, the legend of the White Buffalo Calf

Woman is for Native Americans, NOT for the white-faces, the westerners... " . But

John and 'Who cares what you think' are both wrong! First of all, the White

Buffalo Calf Woman is not just a legend! She came to the Native Americans and

helped them, and She has now come again to help us all! Any prophecy is for

everyone, regardless of their cultural background, as it increases the faith of

'The All'. And that is why Shri Mataji did mention to Sahaja Yogis about Herself

being the White Buffalo Calf Woman in another incarnation. It is 'informative'

how John is capable of 'twisting and turning' things to say the opposite of what

Shri Mataji has said and done.]



> Reply


> 8.

> Britney Says:

> September 25, 2008 at 3:34 pm


> this is totaly false!! you talk about indians like you are 1 but you are not

you are just a white guy!!


[in reality, 'We Are All One'. Britney still has to find this out.]



> Reply


> 9.

> Peter Says:

> September 26, 2008 at 11:06 am


> May be in may last life I was Indian.

> ;-)



> Reply


> 10.

> Joseph Says:

> September 27, 2008 at 12:06 am


> May be she wants to reclaim America , because she is goddess of native

American . Well does she eat smoked pork ? Well guess what Native Americans love




> Reply


> 11.

> Eagle Arrow Says:

> October 31, 2008 at 3:54 am


> Joseph,the Sioux eat dogs as well as smoked pork.

> Would you like to come visit camp for dinner?

> In the old days we chippewa chased the sioux all the way to the bad lands

where nothing grows and nothing lives;

> nothing for them to survive on.

> The end of the line for the sioux.

> Lesson be told..do not mess with the mighty Annishinabek.

> Pogok Migizi (Eagle Arrow)



> Reply


> 12.

> James Says:

> November 3, 2008 at 12:14 am


> Dear brothers and sisters,

> H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the White Buffalo Calf Goddess and we know

that She never took any money for Her teachings. Wishing you all the best,

especially our native aboriginal brothers and sisters. We have much to learn

from each other.

> Peace be with you.


[Well said.]



> Reply


> 13.

> James Says:

> November 3, 2008 at 1:07 am


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Met with Chiefs and Members of the

Gabrielino/Shoshone and Tongva Nations in 1993


> " The bureaucracy has to be challenged, " said Shri Mataji, looking directly at

the guests, " the people in America are all immigrants. This is your land, you

are the native peoples. The issue should be made global, brought to the notice

of the United Nations. "


> Follow useful links (above on the right): enlightened warriors

> then click June 2006 archive (bottom right) or copy paste:

> http://sye-w.blogspot.com/2006_06_01_archive.html








i hope that has clarified some things. Shri Mataji has said that the worst

negativity of all is spiritual ignorance. i feel that wherever we can, we have

to try and dispel spiritual ignorance, wherever we find it.


love to all,



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Dear Violet and all,


Many SYs in North America believe Shri Mataji is the White Buffalo

Woman. They even had a play during one of the N.A. Puja's for Shri

Mataji titled " White Buffalo Woman " . In the play i was a Native Chief

and we renacted the story of the White Buffalo Woman. The climax was

the presentation of the Sacred Pipe to Shri Mataji, the White Buffalo

Woman ....... and it was me who did so. So John Noyce cannot claim it

was a figment of my imagination, or a delusion of the N. American SYs

to produce a play honoring Shri Mataji as the White Buffalo Woman.


It is common knowledge that John Noyce was not there when the Divine

Mother created the Universe. Since he was not given the honor to

witness that--just as his presence was not sought when Shri Mataji

spoke about the White Buffalo Woman in Australia--he can argue

otherwise. He is capable of dismissing much as not true on the

slightest of technicality eg., a misplaced word or missing comma. In

his mind the grammatically incorrect sentence, not the substance, has

altered the meaning and not met his exacting standard of TRUTH! You

can argue yourself blue in the face but he won't budge as his

rendered judgment is always final. And in case you do not accomodate

his views he will threaten you with legal action (remember wikipedia).


John Noyce is a freak who actively seeks the slightest reason to

dissent, and i am getting a headache writing about him. Can we dump

him into the rubbish heap of history, and landscape it with a lovely

garden to bury this tormentor for good? i really do not want to talk

about him as there are so many far better topics to read about on

this forum.


regards to all,





, " Violet " <violetubb wrote:


> , " Violet " <violetubb@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> > Sometime back i wrote about Shri Mataji telling a room full of yogis that

She was the White Buffalo Calf Woman:

> >

> > " i heard about the White Buffalo Calf Woman from Shri Mataji at Sydney,

Australia. i can't recall the exact date or venue, but i believe it was one of

the two " main times " i saw Her. By " main time " i mean those times when we also

attended a Weekend Camp of 2-3 days with Shri Mataji. However i still clearly

remember the day when Shri Mataji talked about the 'White Buffalo Calf'! It was

during a Talk when Shri Mataji touched on many topics, as is Her wont to do. She

started to talk about this 'White Buffalo Calf Woman' which i believe was being

reported about on the news, that it was of significance to the indigenous people

of America. The ears of the Sahaja Yogis of course 'perked up'. Most of us had

never heard of any prophecy related to a White Buffalo Calf Woman before!

> >

> > Shri Mataji talked for about 15-20 minutes, recounting lovingly how this

'White Buffalo Calf Woman' had come to the Native People and given them

cleansing rituals for purification, and that the use of smoke, was one of these

cleansing rituals. Shri Mataji recounted how this Woman taught them the sacred

dances, which if done to the Great White Spirit would 'rain down on them' the

love, joy, protection and blessing of the Almighty, the Great White Spirit. Shri

Mataji stated that this Woman sorted out some 'specific relationship issue'

between men and women which would allow relationships to continue in a dharmic

way within the whole group or nation. Shri Mataji talked about this Woman

introducing the Peace Pipe Ceremony, which was to 'make peace' among themselves

and other neighbouring indigenous nations. i believe that Shri Mataji mentioned

that this Woman gave the indigenous people seven sacred ceremonies in all, but i

am not sure if my memory recall is exactly right on that count of '7'. (i seem

to have difficulty recalling numbers and dates). However, Shri Mataji said that

this 'White Buffalo Calf Woman' had promised the indigenous people, that She

would return some day, and She had left them a pouch with sacred things in it,

among them, the Peace Pipe!

> >

> > As already stated, Shri Mataji recounted all this in a very loving manner.

We had no idea as to what Shri Mataji was 'leading up to'. Then, in a very

relaxed loving manner with radiating joy on Her Face, Shri Mataji said:

> >

> > " I was the White Buffalo Calf Woman! " .

> >

> > i think we Sahaja Yogis were all shocked and stunned into Silence! Most had

not even heard about any 'White Buffalo Calf Woman' before, although as already

mentioned, i believe it had started to come out in the news, that this special

white buffalo calf had been born. However, we did not know that the birth of a

'white buffalo calf' was going to be connected to a prophecy relating to Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi, our spiritual Mother!!!

> >

> > After all, it is not everyday that prophecies are fulfilled, lets face it!

Even when Shri Mataji said it, we could not really fathom its immensity. Human

beings are not used to prophecies being fulfilled in front of their eyes! i

think it is only now that we are beginning to truly understand the immensity of

all that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the 'White Buffalo Calf Woman' has taught and

told us, over the last thirty years or so!!!

> >

> > i am sure it is a Seed that will grow into a Great Tree and unite us all,

the indigenous and non-indigenous!!! "

> >

> >



> >

> >

> > i mention this article as it was repeated in a blog in March 2008, with 15

resulting responses. Here they are:

> >

> >

> > 15 Responses to " " I was the White Buffalo Calf Woman! " "

> >

> > 1.

> > John Noyce Says:

> > March 13, 2008 at 5:48 am

> >

> > This is from deep within someone's imagination.

> > Shri Mataji has never spoken publically on this prophecy, in either

Australia or North America.

> >

> >

> > Reply

> >

> > 2.

> > Peter Says:

> > March 13, 2008 at 8:43 am

> >

> > There are a lot of stories about Shri Mataji. Please accept this as a story

not as a lecture.

> > You have vibrations and you can verify as well. For me this story is true.

> > :-)

> >

> >

> > Reply

> >

> > 3.

> > John Noyce Says:

> > March 13, 2008 at 8:46 pm

> >

> > hello Peter

> > You can believe what you wish.

> > But readers should note that the events described in your post did NOT


> > I repeat, it has come from someone's imagination.

> >

> >

> > Reply

> >

> > 4.

> > Peter Says:

> > March 14, 2008 at 9:42 am

> >

> > John thanks for your comment.

> > I believe in vibrations /Chaitanya/.

> >

> > I have a question for you.

> > Do you thing that the power of Adi Shakti has incarnated as White Buffalo

Calf Woman?

> >

> >

> > Reply

> >

> > 5.

> > who cares what you think Says:

> > May 28, 2008 at 11:13 pm

> >

> > you all need to seace this action now!;She is another charleton. a fraud.

someone useing our religeion and culture to entertain you. to ecerpt money from

you. because you are week in spirit , you seek answers from a fraud without

seeing the truth! white buffalo calf woman is a legend of our people not for you



> >

> >

> > Reply

> >

> > 6.

> > Peter Says:

> > May 29, 2008 at 3:07 pm

> >

> > Dear,

> > if you have a connection with Wakan Tanka you can ask the question and

hopefully you will get the answer.

> >

> > Who knows, may be in my previous lives I was Native Indian as well.

> >

> > I believe in all religions and White buffalo calf woman is part of it as

well. :-)

> >

> >

> > Reply

> >

> > 7.

> > John Noyce Says:

> > June 10, 2008 at 11:00 am

> >

> > As the writer of comment no.5 rightly points out, the legend of the White

Buffalo Calf Woman is for Native Americans, NOT for the white-faces, the

westerners, and that is precisely why Shri Mataji has never spoken about this

legend to the Sahaja Yogis.

> > So I say again, the text that Peter has reproduced in the original post is a

figment of someone's imagination.

> >

> >

> > Reply

> >

> > 8.

> > Britney Says:

> > September 25, 2008 at 3:34 pm

> >

> > this is totaly false!! you talk about indians like you are 1 but you are not

you are just a white guy!!

> >

> >

> > Reply

> >

> > 9.

> > Peter Says:

> > September 26, 2008 at 11:06 am

> >

> > May be in may last life I was Indian.

> > ;-)

> >

> >

> > Reply

> >

> > 10.

> > Joseph Says:

> > September 27, 2008 at 12:06 am

> >

> > May be she wants to reclaim America , because she is goddess of native

American . Well does she eat smoked pork ? Well guess what Native Americans love


> >

> >

> > Reply

> >

> > 11.

> > Eagle Arrow Says:

> > October 31, 2008 at 3:54 am

> >

> > Joseph,the Sioux eat dogs as well as smoked pork.

> > Would you like to come visit camp for dinner?

> > In the old days we chippewa chased the sioux all the way to the bad lands

where nothing grows and nothing lives;

> > nothing for them to survive on.

> > The end of the line for the sioux.

> > Lesson be told..do not mess with the mighty Annishinabek.

> > Pogok Migizi (Eagle Arrow)

> >

> >

> > Reply

> >

> > 12.

> > James Says:

> > November 3, 2008 at 12:14 am

> >

> > Dear brothers and sisters,

> > H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the White Buffalo Calf Goddess and we know

that She never took any money for Her teachings. Wishing you all the best,

especially our native aboriginal brothers and sisters. We have much to learn

from each other.

> > Peace be with you.

> >

> >

> > Reply

> >

> > 13.

> > James Says:

> > November 3, 2008 at 1:07 am

> >

> > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Met with Chiefs and Members of the

Gabrielino/Shoshone and Tongva Nations in 1993

> >

> > " The bureaucracy has to be challenged, " said Shri Mataji, looking directly

at the guests, " the people in America are all immigrants. This is your land, you

are the native peoples. The issue should be made global, brought to the notice

of the United Nations. "

> >

> > Follow useful links (above on the right): enlightened warriors

> > then click June 2006 archive (bottom right) or copy paste:

> > http://sye-w.blogspot.com/2006_06_01_archive.html

> >

> >

> > Reply

> >

> > 14.

> > Black Wolf Says:

> > November 30, 2008 at 4:11 pm

> >

> > This woman are crazy�

> >

> >

> > Reply

> >

> > 15.

> > Peter Says:

> > December 1, 2008 at 4:49 am

> >

> > Hi Blacky,

> >

> > I think you've got the wrong answer.

> >

> >



> >

> >

> >

> > Folks, i have a few things to say regarding these responses:

> >

> > 1. John Noyce is totally wrong in his assumption that:

> >

> > " This is from deep within someone's imagination. Shri Mataji has never

spoken publically on this prophecy, in either Australia or North America. "

> >

> >

> > 2. Shri Mataji did speak openly to a room full of yogis at Sydney,

Australia, and said: " I was the White Buffalo Calf Woman. "

> >

> >

> > Be happy and know that Shri Mataji was the White Buffalo Calf Woman, because

She said so!!!

> >

> > Who is John Noyce to argue with Her anyway?

> >

> > Jai Shri Mataji,

> >

> > violet





> Dear All,


> i would like to comment on the (relevant) of the 15 responses:



> > 15 Responses to " " I was the White Buffalo Calf Woman! " "

> >

> > 1.

> > John Noyce Says:

> > March 13, 2008 at 5:48 am

> >

> > This is from deep within someone's imagination.

> > Shri Mataji has never spoken publically on this prophecy, in either

Australia or North America.


> [How can John say it came from someone's imagination when Shri Mataji said it

out loud to a room full of yogis and i was one of them. Also, John cannot say

that Shri Mataji never spoke it as he is not in the physical presence of Shri

Mataji at all times. If i did not know it before, i now know that John makes

things up to suit some kind of purpose of his own that also includes a huge need

to control others.]



> > Reply

> >

> > 2.

> > Peter Says:

> > March 13, 2008 at 8:43 am

> >

> > There are a lot of stories about Shri Mataji. Please accept this as a story

not as a lecture.

> > You have vibrations and you can verify as well. For me this story is true.

> > :-)


> [Peter is able to discern the truth through his vibrational awareness and

therefore can simply say: " For me this story is true " .]



> > Reply

> >

> > 3.

> > John Noyce Says:

> > March 13, 2008 at 8:46 pm

> >

> > hello Peter

> > You can believe what you wish.

> > But readers should note that the events described in your post did NOT


> > I repeat, it has come from someone's imagination.


> [Peter has very simply told John that through his vibrational awareness, he

knows the recounting to be true. John takes no account and tells Peter that:

" You can believe what you wish " . But it was not about Peter 'believing

anything'. Peter had checked the vibrations and knew the recounting to be the

truth. John mustn't be understanding the difference between 'vibrations' and

'belief' in Sahaja Yoga--in that 'vibrations' will actually show up 'a wrong

belief', which is what happened. In this case, Peter showed up John's 'wrong

belief'. That is the power and comfort of vibrational awareness and why Sahaja

Yogis cannot be fooled by baseless arguments.]



> > Reply

> >

> > 4.

> > Peter Says:

> > March 14, 2008 at 9:42 am

> >

> > John thanks for your comment.

> > I believe in vibrations /Chaitanya/.

> >

> > I have a question for you.

> > Do you thing that the power of Adi Shakti has incarnated as White Buffalo

Calf Woman?


> [That was a good question. And Peter shows he is a confident SY too!]



> > Reply

> >

> > 5.

> > who cares what you think Says:

> > May 28, 2008 at 11:13 pm

> >

> > you all need to seace this action now!;She is another charleton. a fraud.

someone useing our religeion and culture to entertain you. to ecerpt money from

you. because you are week in spirit , you seek answers from a fraud without

seeing the truth! white buffalo calf woman is a legend of our people not for you




> ['Who cares about what you think' says " you all need to seace [cease] this

action now " . 'Him' even being there and making that statement doesn't make

sense, when you read further on that he thinks Shri Mataji 'is another

charlatan'. If that is how he feels, why would he give two hoots if Peter and

John are disagreeing on the truth of the recounting. Why is he even there? Could

he be one of John's famous 'sidekicks' to help John out in a tight spot? i guess

we will never know. But this 'Who cares about what you think' sounds about as

fishy and phony as they can possibly come.]



> > Reply

> >

> > 6.

> > Peter Says:

> > May 29, 2008 at 3:07 pm

> >

> > Dear,

> > if you have a connection with Wakan Tanka you can ask the question and

hopefully you will get the answer.

> >

> > Who knows, may be in my previous lives I was Native Indian as well.

> >

> > I believe in all religions and White buffalo calf woman is part of it as

well. :-)


> [Nicely stated.]



> > Reply

> >

> > 7.

> > John Noyce Says:

> > June 10, 2008 at 11:00 am

> >

> > As the writer of comment no.5 rightly points out, the legend of the White

Buffalo Calf Woman is for Native Americans, NOT for the white-faces, the

westerners, and that is precisely why Shri Mataji has never spoken about this

legend to the Sahaja Yogis.

> > So I say again, the text that Peter has reproduced in the original post is a

figment of someone's imagination.


> [so the 'writer' that calls himself 'Who cares what you think' does help John

Noyce out. John says with the quote by 'Who cares what you think'-- " As the

writer of comment no.5 rightly points out, the legend of the White Buffalo Calf

Woman is for Native Americans, NOT for the white-faces, the westerners... " . But

John and 'Who cares what you think' are both wrong! First of all, the White

Buffalo Calf Woman is not just a legend! She came to the Native Americans and

helped them, and She has now come again to help us all! Any prophecy is for

everyone, regardless of their cultural background, as it increases the faith of

'The All'. And that is why Shri Mataji did mention to Sahaja Yogis about Herself

being the White Buffalo Calf Woman in another incarnation. It is 'informative'

how John is capable of 'twisting and turning' things to say the opposite of what

Shri Mataji has said and done.]



> > Reply

> >

> > 8.

> > Britney Says:

> > September 25, 2008 at 3:34 pm

> >

> > this is totaly false!! you talk about indians like you are 1 but you are not

you are just a white guy!!


> [in reality, 'We Are All One'. Britney still has to find this out.]



> > Reply

> >

> > 9.

> > Peter Says:

> > September 26, 2008 at 11:06 am

> >

> > May be in may last life I was Indian.

> > ;-)

> >

> >

> > Reply

> >

> > 10.

> > Joseph Says:

> > September 27, 2008 at 12:06 am

> >

> > May be she wants to reclaim America , because she is goddess of native

American . Well does she eat smoked pork ? Well guess what Native Americans love


> >

> >

> > Reply

> >

> > 11.

> > Eagle Arrow Says:

> > October 31, 2008 at 3:54 am

> >

> > Joseph,the Sioux eat dogs as well as smoked pork.

> > Would you like to come visit camp for dinner?

> > In the old days we chippewa chased the sioux all the way to the bad lands

where nothing grows and nothing lives;

> > nothing for them to survive on.

> > The end of the line for the sioux.

> > Lesson be told..do not mess with the mighty Annishinabek.

> > Pogok Migizi (Eagle Arrow)

> >

> >

> > Reply

> >

> > 12.

> > James Says:

> > November 3, 2008 at 12:14 am

> >

> > Dear brothers and sisters,

> > H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the White Buffalo Calf Goddess and we know

that She never took any money for Her teachings. Wishing you all the best,

especially our native aboriginal brothers and sisters. We have much to learn

from each other.

> > Peace be with you.


> [Well said.]



> > Reply

> >

> > 13.

> > James Says:

> > November 3, 2008 at 1:07 am

> >

> > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Met with Chiefs and Members of the

Gabrielino/Shoshone and Tongva Nations in 1993

> >

> > " The bureaucracy has to be challenged, " said Shri Mataji, looking directly

at the guests, " the people in America are all immigrants. This is your land, you

are the native peoples. The issue should be made global, brought to the notice

of the United Nations. "

> >

> > Follow useful links (above on the right): enlightened warriors

> > then click June 2006 archive (bottom right) or copy paste:

> > http://sye-w.blogspot.com/2006_06_01_archive.html

> >

> >

> >





> i hope that has clarified some things. Shri Mataji has said that the worst

negativity of all is spiritual ignorance. i feel that wherever we can, we have

to try and dispel spiritual ignorance, wherever we find it.


> love to all,


> violet


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Dear Jagbir and all,


i am thrilled that you were in the North American play of " White Buffalo Woman "

and were the one to pass the Peace Pipe to Shri Mataji, on behalf of the Sahaja

Yogis! How symbolic was that!


i am happy to as you describe, " dump him into the rubbish heap of history, and

landscape it with a lovely garden to bury this tormentor for good! " (i was also

getting a headache writing about him.) As you say, there are far better subjects

to write about.


regards to all,





, " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org



> Dear Violet and all,


> Many SYs in North America believe Shri Mataji is the White Buffalo

> Woman. They even had a play during one of the N.A. Puja's for Shri

> Mataji titled " White Buffalo Woman " . In the play i was a Native Chief

> and we renacted the story of the White Buffalo Woman. The climax was

> the presentation of the Sacred Pipe to Shri Mataji, the White Buffalo

> Woman ....... and it was me who did so. So John Noyce cannot claim it

> was a figment of my imagination, or a delusion of the N. American SYs

> to produce a play honoring Shri Mataji as the White Buffalo Woman.


> It is common knowledge that John Noyce was not there when the Divine

> Mother created the Universe. Since he was not given the honor to

> witness that--just as his presence was not sought when Shri Mataji

> spoke about the White Buffalo Woman in Australia--he can argue

> otherwise. He is capable of dismissing much as not true on the

> slightest of technicality eg., a misplaced word or missing comma. In

> his mind the grammatically incorrect sentence, not the substance, has

> altered the meaning and not met his exacting standard of TRUTH! You

> can argue yourself blue in the face but he won't budge as his

> rendered judgment is always final. And in case you do not accomodate

> his views he will threaten you with legal action (remember wikipedia).


> John Noyce is a freak who actively seeks the slightest reason to

> dissent, and i am getting a headache writing about him. Can we dump

> him into the rubbish heap of history, and landscape it with a lovely

> garden to bury this tormentor for good? i really do not want to talk

> about him as there are so many far better topics to read about on

> this forum.


> regards to all,


> jagbir



> , " Violet " <violetubb@> wrote:

> >

> > , " Violet " <violetubb@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear All,

> > >

> > > Sometime back i wrote about Shri Mataji telling a room full of yogis that

She was the White Buffalo Calf Woman:

> > >

> > > " i heard about the White Buffalo Calf Woman from Shri Mataji at Sydney,

Australia. i can't recall the exact date or venue, but i believe it was one of

the two " main times " i saw Her. By " main time " i mean those times when we also

attended a Weekend Camp of 2-3 days with Shri Mataji. However i still clearly

remember the day when Shri Mataji talked about the 'White Buffalo Calf'! It was

during a Talk when Shri Mataji touched on many topics, as is Her wont to do. She

started to talk about this 'White Buffalo Calf Woman' which i believe was being

reported about on the news, that it was of significance to the indigenous people

of America. The ears of the Sahaja Yogis of course 'perked up'. Most of us had

never heard of any prophecy related to a White Buffalo Calf Woman before!

> > >

> > > Shri Mataji talked for about 15-20 minutes, recounting lovingly how this

'White Buffalo Calf Woman' had come to the Native People and given them

cleansing rituals for purification, and that the use of smoke, was one of these

cleansing rituals. Shri Mataji recounted how this Woman taught them the sacred

dances, which if done to the Great White Spirit would 'rain down on them' the

love, joy, protection and blessing of the Almighty, the Great White Spirit. Shri

Mataji stated that this Woman sorted out some 'specific relationship issue'

between men and women which would allow relationships to continue in a dharmic

way within the whole group or nation. Shri Mataji talked about this Woman

introducing the Peace Pipe Ceremony, which was to 'make peace' among themselves

and other neighbouring indigenous nations. i believe that Shri Mataji mentioned

that this Woman gave the indigenous people seven sacred ceremonies in all, but i

am not sure if my memory recall is exactly right on that count of '7'. (i seem

to have difficulty recalling numbers and dates). However, Shri Mataji said that

this 'White Buffalo Calf Woman' had promised the indigenous people, that She

would return some day, and She had left them a pouch with sacred things in it,

among them, the Peace Pipe!

> > >

> > > As already stated, Shri Mataji recounted all this in a very loving manner.

We had no idea as to what Shri Mataji was 'leading up to'. Then, in a very

relaxed loving manner with radiating joy on Her Face, Shri Mataji said:

> > >

> > > " I was the White Buffalo Calf Woman! " .

> > >

> > > i think we Sahaja Yogis were all shocked and stunned into Silence! Most

had not even heard about any 'White Buffalo Calf Woman' before, although as

already mentioned, i believe it had started to come out in the news, that this

special white buffalo calf had been born. However, we did not know that the

birth of a 'white buffalo calf' was going to be connected to a prophecy relating

to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, our spiritual Mother!!!

> > >

> > > After all, it is not everyday that prophecies are fulfilled, lets face it!

Even when Shri Mataji said it, we could not really fathom its immensity. Human

beings are not used to prophecies being fulfilled in front of their eyes! i

think it is only now that we are beginning to truly understand the immensity of

all that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the 'White Buffalo Calf Woman' has taught and

told us, over the last thirty years or so!!!

> > >

> > > i am sure it is a Seed that will grow into a Great Tree and unite us all,

the indigenous and non-indigenous!!! "

> > >

> > >



> > >

> > >

> > > i mention this article as it was repeated in a blog in March 2008, with 15

resulting responses. Here they are:

> > >

> > >

> > > 15 Responses to " " I was the White Buffalo Calf Woman! " "

> > >

> > > 1.

> > > John Noyce Says:

> > > March 13, 2008 at 5:48 am

> > >

> > > This is from deep within someone's imagination.

> > > Shri Mataji has never spoken publically on this prophecy, in either

Australia or North America.

> > >

> > >

> > > Reply

> > >

> > > 2.

> > > Peter Says:

> > > March 13, 2008 at 8:43 am

> > >

> > > There are a lot of stories about Shri Mataji. Please accept this as a

story not as a lecture.

> > > You have vibrations and you can verify as well. For me this story is true.

> > > :-)

> > >

> > >

> > > Reply

> > >

> > > 3.

> > > John Noyce Says:

> > > March 13, 2008 at 8:46 pm

> > >

> > > hello Peter

> > > You can believe what you wish.

> > > But readers should note that the events described in your post did NOT


> > > I repeat, it has come from someone's imagination.

> > >

> > >

> > > Reply

> > >

> > > 4.

> > > Peter Says:

> > > March 14, 2008 at 9:42 am

> > >

> > > John thanks for your comment.

> > > I believe in vibrations /Chaitanya/.

> > >

> > > I have a question for you.

> > > Do you thing that the power of Adi Shakti has incarnated as White Buffalo

Calf Woman?

> > >

> > >

> > > Reply

> > >

> > > 5.

> > > who cares what you think Says:

> > > May 28, 2008 at 11:13 pm

> > >

> > > you all need to seace this action now!;She is another charleton. a fraud.

someone useing our religeion and culture to entertain you. to ecerpt money from

you. because you are week in spirit , you seek answers from a fraud without

seeing the truth! white buffalo calf woman is a legend of our people not for you



> > >

> > >

> > > Reply

> > >

> > > 6.

> > > Peter Says:

> > > May 29, 2008 at 3:07 pm

> > >

> > > Dear,

> > > if you have a connection with Wakan Tanka you can ask the question and

hopefully you will get the answer.

> > >

> > > Who knows, may be in my previous lives I was Native Indian as well.

> > >

> > > I believe in all religions and White buffalo calf woman is part of it as

well. :-)

> > >

> > >

> > > Reply

> > >

> > > 7.

> > > John Noyce Says:

> > > June 10, 2008 at 11:00 am

> > >

> > > As the writer of comment no.5 rightly points out, the legend of the White

Buffalo Calf Woman is for Native Americans, NOT for the white-faces, the

westerners, and that is precisely why Shri Mataji has never spoken about this

legend to the Sahaja Yogis.

> > > So I say again, the text that Peter has reproduced in the original post is

a figment of someone's imagination.

> > >

> > >

> > > Reply

> > >

> > > 8.

> > > Britney Says:

> > > September 25, 2008 at 3:34 pm

> > >

> > > this is totaly false!! you talk about indians like you are 1 but you are

not you are just a white guy!!

> > >

> > >

> > > Reply

> > >

> > > 9.

> > > Peter Says:

> > > September 26, 2008 at 11:06 am

> > >

> > > May be in may last life I was Indian.

> > > ;-)

> > >

> > >

> > > Reply

> > >

> > > 10.

> > > Joseph Says:

> > > September 27, 2008 at 12:06 am

> > >

> > > May be she wants to reclaim America , because she is goddess of native

American . Well does she eat smoked pork ? Well guess what Native Americans love


> > >

> > >

> > > Reply

> > >

> > > 11.

> > > Eagle Arrow Says:

> > > October 31, 2008 at 3:54 am

> > >

> > > Joseph,the Sioux eat dogs as well as smoked pork.

> > > Would you like to come visit camp for dinner?

> > > In the old days we chippewa chased the sioux all the way to the bad lands

where nothing grows and nothing lives;

> > > nothing for them to survive on.

> > > The end of the line for the sioux.

> > > Lesson be told..do not mess with the mighty Annishinabek.

> > > Pogok Migizi (Eagle Arrow)

> > >

> > >

> > > Reply

> > >

> > > 12.

> > > James Says:

> > > November 3, 2008 at 12:14 am

> > >

> > > Dear brothers and sisters,

> > > H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the White Buffalo Calf Goddess and we

know that She never took any money for Her teachings. Wishing you all the best,

especially our native aboriginal brothers and sisters. We have much to learn

from each other.

> > > Peace be with you.

> > >

> > >

> > > Reply

> > >

> > > 13.

> > > James Says:

> > > November 3, 2008 at 1:07 am

> > >

> > > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Met with Chiefs and Members of the

Gabrielino/Shoshone and Tongva Nations in 1993

> > >

> > > " The bureaucracy has to be challenged, " said Shri Mataji, looking directly

at the guests, " the people in America are all immigrants. This is your land, you

are the native peoples. The issue should be made global, brought to the notice

of the United Nations. "

> > >

> > > Follow useful links (above on the right): enlightened warriors

> > > then click June 2006 archive (bottom right) or copy paste:

> > > http://sye-w.blogspot.com/2006_06_01_archive.html

> > >

> > >

> > > Reply

> > >

> > > 14.

> > > Black Wolf Says:

> > > November 30, 2008 at 4:11 pm

> > >

> > > This woman are crazy�

> > >

> > >

> > > Reply

> > >

> > > 15.

> > > Peter Says:

> > > December 1, 2008 at 4:49 am

> > >

> > > Hi Blacky,

> > >

> > > I think you've got the wrong answer.

> > >

> > >



> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Folks, i have a few things to say regarding these responses:

> > >

> > > 1. John Noyce is totally wrong in his assumption that:

> > >

> > > " This is from deep within someone's imagination. Shri Mataji has never

spoken publically on this prophecy, in either Australia or North America. "

> > >

> > >

> > > 2. Shri Mataji did speak openly to a room full of yogis at Sydney,

Australia, and said: " I was the White Buffalo Calf Woman. "

> > >

> > >

> > > Be happy and know that Shri Mataji was the White Buffalo Calf Woman,

because She said so!!!

> > >

> > > Who is John Noyce to argue with Her anyway?

> > >

> > > Jai Shri Mataji,

> > >

> > > violet

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> > i would like to comment on the (relevant) of the 15 responses:

> >

> >

> > > 15 Responses to " " I was the White Buffalo Calf Woman! " "

> > >

> > > 1.

> > > John Noyce Says:

> > > March 13, 2008 at 5:48 am

> > >

> > > This is from deep within someone's imagination.

> > > Shri Mataji has never spoken publically on this prophecy, in either

Australia or North America.

> >

> > [How can John say it came from someone's imagination when Shri Mataji said

it out loud to a room full of yogis and i was one of them. Also, John cannot say

that Shri Mataji never spoke it as he is not in the physical presence of Shri

Mataji at all times. If i did not know it before, i now know that John makes

things up to suit some kind of purpose of his own that also includes a huge need

to control others.]

> >

> >

> > > Reply

> > >

> > > 2.

> > > Peter Says:

> > > March 13, 2008 at 8:43 am

> > >

> > > There are a lot of stories about Shri Mataji. Please accept this as a

story not as a lecture.

> > > You have vibrations and you can verify as well. For me this story is true.

> > > :-)

> >

> > [Peter is able to discern the truth through his vibrational awareness and

therefore can simply say: " For me this story is true " .]

> >

> >

> > > Reply

> > >

> > > 3.

> > > John Noyce Says:

> > > March 13, 2008 at 8:46 pm

> > >

> > > hello Peter

> > > You can believe what you wish.

> > > But readers should note that the events described in your post did NOT


> > > I repeat, it has come from someone's imagination.

> >

> > [Peter has very simply told John that through his vibrational awareness, he

knows the recounting to be true. John takes no account and tells Peter that:

" You can believe what you wish " . But it was not about Peter 'believing

anything'. Peter had checked the vibrations and knew the recounting to be the

truth. John mustn't be understanding the difference between 'vibrations' and

'belief' in Sahaja Yoga--in that 'vibrations' will actually show up 'a wrong

belief', which is what happened. In this case, Peter showed up John's 'wrong

belief'. That is the power and comfort of vibrational awareness and why Sahaja

Yogis cannot be fooled by baseless arguments.]

> >

> >

> > > Reply

> > >

> > > 4.

> > > Peter Says:

> > > March 14, 2008 at 9:42 am

> > >

> > > John thanks for your comment.

> > > I believe in vibrations /Chaitanya/.

> > >

> > > I have a question for you.

> > > Do you thing that the power of Adi Shakti has incarnated as White Buffalo

Calf Woman?

> >

> > [That was a good question. And Peter shows he is a confident SY too!]

> >

> >

> > > Reply

> > >

> > > 5.

> > > who cares what you think Says:

> > > May 28, 2008 at 11:13 pm

> > >

> > > you all need to seace this action now!;She is another charleton. a fraud.

someone useing our religeion and culture to entertain you. to ecerpt money from

you. because you are week in spirit , you seek answers from a fraud without

seeing the truth! white buffalo calf woman is a legend of our people not for you



> >

> > ['Who cares about what you think' says " you all need to seace [cease] this

action now " . 'Him' even being there and making that statement doesn't make

sense, when you read further on that he thinks Shri Mataji 'is another

charlatan'. If that is how he feels, why would he give two hoots if Peter and

John are disagreeing on the truth of the recounting. Why is he even there? Could

he be one of John's famous 'sidekicks' to help John out in a tight spot? i guess

we will never know. But this 'Who cares about what you think' sounds about as

fishy and phony as they can possibly come.]

> >

> >

> > > Reply

> > >

> > > 6.

> > > Peter Says:

> > > May 29, 2008 at 3:07 pm

> > >

> > > Dear,

> > > if you have a connection with Wakan Tanka you can ask the question and

hopefully you will get the answer.

> > >

> > > Who knows, may be in my previous lives I was Native Indian as well.

> > >

> > > I believe in all religions and White buffalo calf woman is part of it as

well. :-)

> >

> > [Nicely stated.]

> >

> >

> > > Reply

> > >

> > > 7.

> > > John Noyce Says:

> > > June 10, 2008 at 11:00 am

> > >

> > > As the writer of comment no.5 rightly points out, the legend of the White

Buffalo Calf Woman is for Native Americans, NOT for the white-faces, the

westerners, and that is precisely why Shri Mataji has never spoken about this

legend to the Sahaja Yogis.

> > > So I say again, the text that Peter has reproduced in the original post is

a figment of someone's imagination.

> >

> > [so the 'writer' that calls himself 'Who cares what you think' does help

John Noyce out. John says with the quote by 'Who cares what you think'-- " As the

writer of comment no.5 rightly points out, the legend of the White Buffalo Calf

Woman is for Native Americans, NOT for the white-faces, the westerners... " . But

John and 'Who cares what you think' are both wrong! First of all, the White

Buffalo Calf Woman is not just a legend! She came to the Native Americans and

helped them, and She has now come again to help us all! Any prophecy is for

everyone, regardless of their cultural background, as it increases the faith of

'The All'. And that is why Shri Mataji did mention to Sahaja Yogis about Herself

being the White Buffalo Calf Woman in another incarnation. It is 'informative'

how John is capable of 'twisting and turning' things to say the opposite of what

Shri Mataji has said and done.]

> >

> >

> > > Reply

> > >

> > > 8.

> > > Britney Says:

> > > September 25, 2008 at 3:34 pm

> > >

> > > this is totaly false!! you talk about indians like you are 1 but you are

not you are just a white guy!!

> >

> > [in reality, 'We Are All One'. Britney still has to find this out.]

> >

> >

> > > Reply

> > >

> > > 9.

> > > Peter Says:

> > > September 26, 2008 at 11:06 am

> > >

> > > May be in may last life I was Indian.

> > > ;-)

> > >

> > >

> > > Reply

> > >

> > > 10.

> > > Joseph Says:

> > > September 27, 2008 at 12:06 am

> > >

> > > May be she wants to reclaim America , because she is goddess of native

American . Well does she eat smoked pork ? Well guess what Native Americans love


> > >

> > >

> > > Reply

> > >

> > > 11.

> > > Eagle Arrow Says:

> > > October 31, 2008 at 3:54 am

> > >

> > > Joseph,the Sioux eat dogs as well as smoked pork.

> > > Would you like to come visit camp for dinner?

> > > In the old days we chippewa chased the sioux all the way to the bad lands

where nothing grows and nothing lives;

> > > nothing for them to survive on.

> > > The end of the line for the sioux.

> > > Lesson be told..do not mess with the mighty Annishinabek.

> > > Pogok Migizi (Eagle Arrow)

> > >

> > >

> > > Reply

> > >

> > > 12.

> > > James Says:

> > > November 3, 2008 at 12:14 am

> > >

> > > Dear brothers and sisters,

> > > H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the White Buffalo Calf Goddess and we

know that She never took any money for Her teachings. Wishing you all the best,

especially our native aboriginal brothers and sisters. We have much to learn

from each other.

> > > Peace be with you.

> >

> > [Well said.]

> >

> >

> > > Reply

> > >

> > > 13.

> > > James Says:

> > > November 3, 2008 at 1:07 am

> > >

> > > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Met with Chiefs and Members of the

Gabrielino/Shoshone and Tongva Nations in 1993

> > >

> > > " The bureaucracy has to be challenged, " said Shri Mataji, looking directly

at the guests, " the people in America are all immigrants. This is your land, you

are the native peoples. The issue should be made global, brought to the notice

of the United Nations. "

> > >

> > > Follow useful links (above on the right): enlightened warriors

> > > then click June 2006 archive (bottom right) or copy paste:

> > > http://sye-w.blogspot.com/2006_06_01_archive.html

> > >

> > >

> > >



> >

> >

> > i hope that has clarified some things. Shri Mataji has said that the worst

negativity of all is spiritual ignorance. i feel that wherever we can, we have

to try and dispel spiritual ignorance, wherever we find it.

> >

> > love to all,

> >

> > violet

> >


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