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Devi: The one supreme Brahman and pure Consciousness

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action in, 152

Akasha as field of, 87-89, 106, 167, 221, 229

and angels, 161-162

boundaries of, 26

and brain, 226, 241

after brain death, 37, 43

in casual planes, 14

and creation of afterlife, 42, 58

creation within itself, 87, 137

of delogs, 41

devata effect, 164

energy field, 242, 244

evolution of, 76

field of, 247

and Five Koshas, 144-151

and formation of other worlds, 29

at home in, 151-153

in India, 4,5

and knowledge, 30

low ebb of, 75

and meditation, 7

minimal, 62

in near-death experience, 124-25, 126

of physical objects, 126, 127-28

powers of, 114

pure, 126, 127, 129, 135, 136, 141, 144, 149, 151

reality created from, 195

rishis on, 195, 199, 202, 229

Satan as creation of, 75

of subtle objects, 126-37, 141-45, 165

survival after death, 237-38

theory, 204, 263-64

as universal principle, 199



At Home in Consciousness


You and I seem to live primarily in the physical world, yet our

awareness began in pure consciousness, and as we traveled into this

life layer by layer through different dimensions, each one gave us a

new sense of self. We possess an entire self system. The rishis

studied this system and came to various conclusions:


- Pure Consciousness is always present in everything, no matter what

world it occupies or form it takes.

- The physical world has the least amount of pure consciousness

because it is dominated by physical beings and the illusion of


- The closer you get to pure consciousness, the more powerful it


- Changing one's consciousness on subtle level brings change to all

the Koshas at once.


If we follow these principles, we can gain the same mastery enjoyed

by the sages, or at least a fair share of it.


I posted opinions on the Internet to this effect, saying that basing

one's life on consciousness is the best route to mastering the

physical world. Responders were quite sceptical, however. Many said,

in effect, " Talk about consciousness all you want, but we have to get

people to stop destroying this planet. " Or " Consciousness is all well

and good, but it won't end war and terrorism. " Or " Good luck using

consciousness to stop a bullet. " In other words, they were putting

the physical Kosha first, assuming that material things can only be

influenced through direct action.


How can one prove that the best way to change reality is through

consciousness? On the physical level action seems separate from

consciousness. The Buddhist concept of nondoing seems quite mystical

until you realize that it means " action in consciousness. " Action on

consciousness takes many forms. The passive resistance of Gandhi was

an outward form of nondoing that had a huge effect on consciousness;

it brought an entire historical era to an end. Powerful ideas are

also in consciousness, and there is no doubt that have changed the

world, from the Greek invention of democracy to modern theories of

relativity. As we move to subtler Koshas, all action takes place in



Let me simplify things by making some suggestions about action in

each of the five Koshas:


Annamaya Kosha, the physical body: Nourish and respect your body.

Appreciate its incredible inner intelligence. Do not fear it or taint

it with toxins. Take time to really be in your body. Take it outside

and let it play.


Pranamaya Kosha, the vital body: Go out into Nature and sink into the

feeling that this is your home. Respect and nourish the ecosystem. Do

not harm other livings things. See Nature without fear or hostility.

Reverence for life is the key here.


Manomaya Kosha, the mental body: develop positive uses of the mind.

Read and appreciate what is finest in human expression. Become aware

that you are a wholeness, and allow ideas to come in that support

wholeness over separation. Resist us-versus-them thinking. Examine

your automatic reactions and secondhand beliefs. Find every

opportunity to welcome signals from your higher self.


Vigyanmaya Kosha, the ego body: Find a vision; go on a quest. Fit

yourself into the larger pattern of growth. Seek ways to evolve

personally. Celebrate the vast traditions of spirit and wisdom that

unite cultures. Be as humane as you can in every way, following the

dictum " The world is my family. "


Anandamaya Kosha, the body of bliss: develop your own practice for

transcending and finding bliss. You already know the phrase " Follow

your bliss " ; now put it into practice through some kind of " alpha

wave " exercise like meditation and deep relaxation. Devote yourself

to discovering what Samadhi, the silence of deep awareness, is really

like. Experience your own being as a reason to be here.


Deepak Chopra, Life After Death: The Burden of Proof

Harmony; 1 edition (October 17, 2006), pages 151-153

ISBN-10: 0307345785

ISBN-13: 978-0307345783



Dear devotees of the Devi,


Namaste - i bow to the Pratyak-Chiti-Rupa Devi who resides in you!


In the process of answering questions on " Consciousness " i have

appended the first index entry (action in, 152) on that subject from

Deepak Chopra`s " Life After Death: The Burden of Proof " . After reading

this singe entry you will realize that Consciousness is a very deep

and complex subject, quite unlike that understood in the West and

most of the world. But that would be an understatement if pure

knowledge of its true nature, vastness and sacredness--as propounded

by the Holy Scriptures--is taken into account:


" In the Devi Gita the Devi proceeds to describe her essential forms.

The Devi declares that prior to creation, She is the only existent

entity, the one supreme Brahman and is pure consciousness. The Devi

Gita is clear about salvation and attainment of eternal life: " Even

when a person performs bhakti, knowledge need not arise. He will go

to the Devi's Island. Till the complete knowledge in the form of my

consciousness arises, there is no liberation. "


4) Sri Cidagni-Kunda-sambhuta

— Born from the Pit of the Fire of Consciousness.

— Burns out ignorance and confers Immortality.

— She who rose from the fire of knowledge and is the ultimate truth.


68) Sri Chakra-raja-ratha-rudha-sarvayudha-pariskrta

— Mounted on Sri Chakra inside body with all weapons i.e. Powers.

— Enlightens mind to realise Ultimate Reality as an All Pervading-



207) Sri Manonmani

— Highest state of Consciousness.

— Secret name of Sri Durga.


367) Sri Pratyak-Chiti-Rupa

— Inner Consciousness or Knowledge.


404) Sri Bhakta-harda-tamo-bheda-bhanumad-bhanu-santaih

— Effulgence of the Sun; dispels Darkness of Ignorance.

— Giver of the Vision of the Ocean of Consciousness.


573) Sri Prajnana Ghana-rupini

— Supreme Wisdom

— State of Consciousness where nothing else is experienced except


— " Like the taste of salt in the sea (It) is everywhere; Prajnana is

All Pervasive. " Brahadaranyaka Upanisad


669) Sri Annada

— The Giver of Food.

— Sustains Life and Consciousness.


739) Sri Layakari

—The Fifth State beyond Turiya.

—The State where individual and Cosmic Consciousness merge.


807) Sri Param-dhama

— The Ultimate Light.

— The Ultimate Status

— 'Yadgatva na nivartante taddhama paramam mama'

" The State of Consciousness from which there is no return is My

Ultimate State. " (Bha. Gi. 16-6)


854) Sri Gambhira

— The Bottomless Lake.

— " The Ultimate Mother is to be visualised as a great and deep lake

of Consciousness, uncomprehended by Space and Time. " Siva Sutra 1.23


858) Sri Kalpana-rahita

— Pure Consciousness.


907) Sri Tattvamayi

— The Mother of the Ultimate State of Consciousness.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama,

C. S. Murthy, Assoc. Advertisers and Printers, 1989



i am both awed and inspired by the fact that the Devi has declared

that " till the complete knowledge in the form of my consciousness

arises, there is no liberation. " Everything else--seeking, knowledge,

rituals, worship, relationships--pales into insignificance. Indeed

She is the End of Sacred Knowledge that brings so much comfort and

closure to the death, delusion and pettiness of human existence.


regards to all,




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