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Evolution: Comparing Darwin's theory with Vishnu`s incarnations

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> The Aykaa Mayee requires nothing for Herself, and the greatest

> offering one can make to one's Guru is to abide in the Knowledge

> given by the Teacher. In this way one can fulfill the purpose of

> human existence, which is a rare form of life attained after

> experiencing millions of life forms.


> manamukh firehin chaethehi moorrae lakh chouraaseeh faer paeiaa

> The self-willed manmukhs wander around, and they do not remember the

> Lord; the fools are consigned to the cycle of 8.4 million

> incarnations.

> Page 434 Guru Nanak Dev


> lakh chouraaseeh maedhanee ghattai n vadhhai outhaahi

> They will pass through 8.4 millions species; this number does not

> decrease or rise.

> Page 936 Guru Nanak Dev


> chouraaseeh narak saakath bhogaaeeai

> The faithless cynic has to endure 8.4 million hellish incarnations.

> Page 1028 Guru Nanak Dev


> bhram bhram ddolai lakh chouraaseeh

> People wander lost, staggering and stumbling through 8.4 million

> incarnations.

> Page 1344 Guru Nanak Dev


> regards to all,



> jagbir



" The Death of God?


By the beginning of the nineteenth century, atheism was definitely on

the agenda. The advances in science and technology were creating a

new theory of autonomy and independence which led some to declare

their independence of God. This was the century in which Ludwig

Feuerbach, Karl Marx, Charles Darwin, Friedrich Nietzsche and Sigmund

Freud forged philosophies and scientific interpretations of reality

which had no place for God. Indeed, by the end of the century, a

significant number of people were beginning to feel that if God was

not yet dead, it was the duty of rational, emancipated human beings

to kill him. The idea of God which had been fostered for centuries in

the Christian West now appeared disastrously inadequate, and the Age

of Reason seem to have triumphed over centuries of superstition and

bigotry... Many of the ideologies which rejected the idea of God made

good sense. The anthropomorphic personal God of Western Christendom

was vulnerable. Appalling crimes had been committed in his name. Yet

his demise was not experienced as a joyous celebration but attended

by doubt, dread and, in some cases, agonizing conflict. Some people

tried to save God by evolving new theology to free him from the

inhibiting systems of empirical thought, but atheism had come to

stay. "


Karen Armstrong, A History of God

(Karen Armstrong, A History of God, Ballantine Books, 1993, p. 346.)



" Darwin has said little in The Origin about the human race; his The

Descent of Man came out twelve years later. That was after evolution

had gained considerable acceptance and eight years after books by

Thomas Huxley (1825-95) and Charles Lyell (1797-1875) had explored

what it meant for a view of humankind. In The Descent, Darwin

stressed the continuities between animal and human development, with

attention to the detailed similarity of their bodily organs. The

human brain is not exempt from such continuity; for Darwin, all its

intellectual activity, including language and social morality, is the

adaptively advantageous product of natural selection.


Thanks to Darwin's theories, we are more cognizant of our kinship

with the animals, not only in medical and biological research but in

our concern for a viable ecological future. In this century, modern

Christian theologians assessing the place of human life in the

universe have tended to shift the locus of human distinctiveness from

special physical creation to a unique intellectual and spiritual

capacity for transcendence. It is not so much human descent in the

past but human ascent in the future that has become the agenda for

religious thinkers persuaded by Darwin's discoveries. "


Willard G. Oxtoby, World Religions; The Christian Tradition

(Willard G. Oxtoby, World Religions: The Christian Tradition, Oxford

University Press Canada, 1996, p. 322.)



" Really big numbers are part and parcel of modern science; but I

don't want to leave the impression that they were invented in our



Indian arithmetic has long been equal to large numbers. You can

easily find references in Indian newspapers today to fines or

expenditures of lakh or crore rupees. The key is: das = 10; san =

100; hazar = 1,000; lakh = 105; crore = 107; arabh = 109; carabh =

1011; nie = 1013; padham = 1015; and sankh = 1017. Before their

culture was annihilated by the Europeans, the Maya of ancient Mexico

devised a world timescale that dwarfed the paltry few thousand years

that the Europeans thought had passed since the creation of the

world. Among the decaying monuments of Coba, in Quintana Roo, are

inscriptions showing that the Maya were contemplating a Universe

around 1029 years old. The Hindus held that the present incarnation

of the Universe is 8.6 X 109 years old — almost right on the

button. "


Carl Sagan, Billions & Billions

(Carl Sagan, Billions & Billions, Ballantine Books, 1997, p. 11-2.)



" A hundred years ago, the subject of the origin and evolution of

living systems became the battleground of history's greatest

collision between science and religion. Darwin's theory of evolution

shook the foundations of Christian doctrine and, more than any other

pronouncement since Copernicus placed the sun at the centre of the

solar system, brought home to ordinary people the far-reaching

consequences of scientific analysis. Science, it appeared, could

change man's entire perspective and his relation to the universe...


The Bible states quite explicitly that life is the direct result of

God's activity; it did not arise naturally as a result of ordinary

physical processes established after the creation of heaven and

Earth. Instead God chose to produce, by divine power, first the

plants and animals, then Adam and Eve. Of course, the vast majority

of Christians and Jews now concede the allegorical nature of Genesis,

and make no attempt to defend the biblical version of the origin of

life as a historical fact...


Did God literally manipulate molecules of no-living matter in

violation of the laws of physics and chemistry to produce,

miraculously, the first living thing? Did he further manipulate the

genetic structure of some ape-like creature thousands (or millions)

of years ago to produce man? Or is life the result of pure natural,

if complex, physical and chemical activity, and man the end product

of a long and convoluted evolutionary development? "


Professor Paul Davies, God and the New Physics

(Professor Paul Davies, God and the New Physics, Simon and Schuster,

1983, p. 58-9.)


The Primordial Human Evolution

No. Incarnation: Physical - Conscious evolution:


1. Matsya-avtar or Fish: Water borne life — amoebae or primeval


2. Kurmavtar or Turtle: Water/Land borne life — amphibians.

3. Varahavtar or Boar: Land borne life — mammals.

4. Narshinghavtar or Human-lion: Semi-human — primates.

5. Vamanavtar or Dwarf: Homo erectus — primitive human.

6. Parshuram or Divine Seeker: Homo sapiens — conscious human.

7. Ram or Perfect Human: Homo sapiens — God conscious human; outer


8. Krishna or Supreme Yogi: Homo sapiens — Self-conscious human;

inner awareness.

9. Buddha or Consciousness: Homo sapiens — Self-Realization; inner


10. Kalki (Christ) or Spirit Being: Homo spiritus — God-Realization;

Resurrection (en masse spiritual evolution.)


What is seen is the development of species right from the first signs

of carbon life in the oceans billions of years ago to the present

still evolving Homo sapiens. All these 10 incarnations of Shri Vishnu

fit into the scientific chronology of the creation and evolution of

the universe, but yet ahead of all modern meticulous minds as they

also reveal the evolution of humans into spiritual beings and

Afterlife in Spirit Worlds many light-years away from Earth. All

humans — repeat: all humans — have taken countless rebirths spanning

billions of years and reached this priceless human form, the highest

evolved life in the eyes of the Universal Soul. The final

metamorphosis or evolution is that into spiritual beings. The human

species is now in the last stage of physical evolution — the

Resurrection — to become the Spirit, the final goal of life that all

Holy Scriptures expound and the only reason we are here.


Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God, 1999, pages 2327-29

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