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Vision of a yogi in Feb 2008 in Washi

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from Krishna (Kyyan) <krishna.deha

to Violet <violetubb,

Jagbir Singh <s.jagbir

date Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 2:17 AM

subject 2012: a wonderful Vision (http://adishakti.org/pdf_files/vision.pdf)


Dear Brother and Sister,


JSM! I just received this wonderful account of a vision one yogi had

while spending time at the Vashi Health Center last year regarding



To me, this is something amazing, as I've had discussions with other

yogis previous, and this exact idea has come up in some degree or



Whatever the case, the PDF won't allow me to copy and paste the text

directly to the forum, so i've sent it attached to this email for

your viewing pleasure.


I look forward to your responses.





One last thing to add.....of course Im sure you will use your

discretion, as I have, but the possibilities are tremendous and had

me thinking that we really got to go out and be upfront in a serious

way, otherwise how?




Take care






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Dear Krishna and All,


Thank you for this article and it is appended in bigger print. i am particularly

interested in Jeff's description of this 'wave of transformation' as it reminds

me of a mystical experience i had (taken from Post #9867):


" i know that sahaja yogis (born of the Spirit persons) have had their kundalini

awakening, and that kundalini awakening happens in the twinkling of an eye. But

i have also had a premonition of a future event where the whole of the humanity

is raised together in the twinkling of an eye, and they enter a heavenly state

together, a higher dimension if you like.


i wonder if a crysallis wouldn't have a few anxious moments as it starts to

realise a powerful surge that it knows is going to break it free from the

comfort and confines of its encasing. i also wonder if it experiences a

wonderful moment beyond measure, when it realises that it has become a beautiful

creature, a butterfly, that can fly and roam free. i wonder if a baby wouldn't

have a few anxious seconds as it realises a powerful labouring force that it

senses is going to thrust it from its safe and comfortable womb, with a feeling

of: " Here goes, this is it! " But what wonder can be seen in a baby's eyes when

it focuses on its mother's eyes, and the love that is seen there, and when the

baby realises an expanding freedom of movement and a new life.


All the above feelings and emotions, i experienced in this premonition. i have

had spiritual mountaintop experiences, and i have experienced a collective puja

event where i could not feel my physical body anymore, but this experience,

which i feel is a future event yet to overtake humanity, has all those elements

and more in it. In it, the whole of humanity seemed to be born into another

dimension, that was without time and space as we know it. i experienced the

physicality of it, if you can call it that. In other words, i experienced it

physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, all together. Like a

crysallis or a baby, i felt the initial shock of the drawing or labouring power,

and then the amazing unprecedented transformation of all of us. And i could see

us there, all together, though individuals.


i don't know exactly how much time elapsed when i had this experience since a

few seconds or minutes felt like they expanded into the standing still of time.

All i know is that while i was standing up in my physical body in the day-time,

this experience consumed my complete attention and nothing else existed. In it,

some inexorable labouring power drew our collective attention and was raising

the whole of the humanity. The raising felt physical, cellular, and

consciousness-raising, all in one, within and without. The power was so strong,

like i have never experienced in my normal every-day life. It seemed to involve

absolutely every cell in my body, consciousness, and spirit, which seemed to be

taken up, and everything expanded into one integrated world - shining, luminous,

silent, and utterly harmonious.


Then i experienced and saw us all in a different state than what we were before.

We were still individuals but much more collective, like swimming in an ocean

together. The bliss was totally encompassing, like swimming in an ocean of love.

There was no experience of separation there, though we were individuals. The

frame of mind was so illumined and all knowing, not a mental knowing, but

knowledge itself. Then i could see that we were going to have a different,

better life. A new life. A life that is unsurpassable - like a crysallis

becoming a butterfly. There may be more to this " Eternal Female raising us " than

we envisage. We are in Her Body and She is raising us. When She gives birth to

all of us, what will we be? "






Vision of a yogi in Feb. 2008 in Washi


A conversation with Dr. Bohdan Shehovych with Jeff Englebrecht


Jeff is an incredible guy, he came up with some fabulous solutions to problems

in the Australian ashram which saved the collective some $60,000. He'd been

working hard on three projects including Balmoral, and he thought that was

something wrong with his heart. He had the angiogram, his physical heart was

okay, but he had obviously been overworking, he was feeling pain and so on. So

he went to Vashi. To get his visa he went to the Indian consulate in Sydney, a

very small office, much smaller than is needed these days. The place is

overflowing, there are people out in the corridors, because you can't open

windows everyone is getting grumpy, the air-conditioning is not coping and it

takes two hours. You take an electronic ticket and wait your turn. He'd got a

ticket, number 81, he looked up at the board which was showing number 40, so he

was there for a couple of hours. Two minutes later, a little Indian was tugging

his sleeve on this guy said, " Can I have your ticket? " Jeff looked at the

Indians ticket, it was number 41 and the electronic board said number 40. Jeff

said well why do you want my ticket my ticket number 80 something and yours is

the next in line. The Indians said well actually I've come to collect my things

and if I go now, they won't be ready, they'll give me another number, 120

something and I'll be here all day. So I prefer to take your 80. Sure enough

they called up Jeff next and he was out of there in three minutes.


He came back a week later to collect his visa and he thought will it couldn't

happen again. His ticket was 90 something in the electronic box was showing 30,

so he was in for another long wait in these hot conditions. All of a sudden, the

electronic board went brbrbrbrbr to 91 his ticket. He got up, went to the

counter and the Indian lady said no it's not your turn. He said look at the

board, she did and was totally surprised and said, " O my goodness, 91, will

we'll have to something about it. Please give me your ticket and he was out of

there in five minutes.


Now to Vashi hospital there seems to be a pattern in the first week you're

really clearing out, in the second week you go into a really deep cleansing

process. In the third week, you enjoy the aftermath of it all. Jeff said the

first week went really well, he was saying mantras, ice on the liver, doctors,

but in the second week he went really deep, deeper than he'd ever gone before.

He said he was feeling pain in all his body, collapsing, asking the doctors what

was going on, falling about. All of a sudden, all of this was turned off, like a

tap being turned and he found himself lying there completely cleared out as he'd

never experienced before. He said in this situation you just lie in your bed at

night, not wanting to sleep because your left side is so cleared out, you're

just enjoying the silence. He was lying there about 2AM and all of a sudden, he

had a vision. It was like talking to Mother but not talking to mother. He said

my understanding will [with] also vision was, you see something on a screen, a

part of the future play out in front of you. But he said, that's not a vision

I'll tell you what a vision is. He said it's like looking at a watch; it's 10

minutes to four. In a vision, you look at the watch, the big hand is on 10, the

little hand is on four, you not only see that, but you look into the watch and

see the workings, the little tumblers and gearings, plus, you understand the

concept of time. And you also understand the man who made the watch. So

basically, in a vision, you know everything about everything to do with that



Jeff is a very practical guy, he's been in charge of $100 million projects,

these are not small things.


So here's his vision, all of a sudden Mother turned something long and he was in

it for about an hour. He said Mother communicated to me, to say talked would not

be accurate. Mother communicated to me that Ritumbrapragya, (the divine

consciousness of God), will come down on this world at the end of 2012. The

whole process will go on until around Mother's birthday on March 21, 2013. When

it comes time, the living attention of God Almighty, it scans everybody, and if

they have had their realization, there is some sort of click in their DNA that

enables the divine attention to recognize that this person has become realized,

and then this attention, this Ritumbrapragya, goes around the whole world, and

collects them and makes them one. In reality they become one. It just lifts

everyone into that state of oneness. He said this is around late December 2012.


This is very interesting because it's not part of the vision, but there are many

scriptures that talk about this time as a special time. 2012 is when the Mayan

calendar ends, for all time. Look it up on Google, there is so much written

about 2012. The Mayan calendar goes on for 10s of thousands of years, it's not

like the Gregorian calendar, the Mayans new about eclipses to the very minute.

Which means that after that is a whole new era for the world.


Jeff said have you ever been in the stadium where everyone is doing the Mexican

wave, you see it in soccer matches. This is the way it will happen and it needs

a certain number of people. After this, as a realized soul, you will know

everything you put your and [own] attention to. In fact, you will be able to be

in three or four places at once. Because you will actually be everywhere, you

will be at one with the consciousness of God Almighty. This will come down us

and we will be part of it.


Now he said, this will need a certain number of people and the number of the

Mother quoted was 300 million. And Bohdan thought, my goodness we've been at

this for over 30 years and we've only got about 80,000. If you think about it

we've got about 40,000 in India, maybe 10,000 in Russia, maybe 5000 in Ukraine,

and the rest, maybe 80,000 if you really push it.


Bohdan thought, I've got to stop going to work, I've got to help in the process

in a big way. Jeff said no, be cool about it Bohdan, be in the zone, it's

already done. We will in fact be able to go backwards and forwards in time if we

wish to, for we will be beyond time. We will inhabit these bodies, which will be

re-invigorated because with the Ritumbrapragya coming down, it will change our

DNA. It will lock into this first key, which is our realization, and then, like

a Rubik's cube he mentioned, going click, click, click, click and all of a

sudden it will all be sorted out and solved.


He also spoke about the famous Einstein equation e=mc squared, where energy

equals mass times the speed of light squared. That's what the atom bomb was made

of, which is not what Einstein wanted, he was trying to delve into truth. Jeff

said we will become part of that equation, consciousness, all that energy, mass

etc., are one thing. We will be that. Now, if we make a bandhans, things happen.

We won't have to do that we will think of it and it will come our way, we will

want food and some hot [how] it will come our way, technically we won't even

have to work. People will decide to create and give it as a gift to the other

people in that state, out of respect and out of love. He said it's rather like

when a yogi makes something and gives it to Mother she appreciates it much more

because he [she] sees the love of a yogi, rather than something that's bought.

She appreciates the love that's imbued in it as a gift for her.


He said that a lot of things which are very rare now, like putting your hand on

the table and your hand going through that table, will become much more common.

The space between nuclei and electrons is massive but there is a possibility,

albeit extremely rare, that your hand will fall into the space between the atoms

of the table. In this new state all this will become more common even though

currently the authors of that happening are billions and billions to one. In the

new state, when we desire something, in pure desire, it's going to happen. So if

you are walking down the streets of New York and you think I'd really like to

see someone, in the new situation they'll walk around the corner. This will be a

common occurrence. He said let's go back to that electronic box in the consulate

office. Your desire to be out of there, the electrons in that electronic box

suddenly become in synch and they move suddenly from number 32 to number 91. He

says in the new state your consciousness will interface with matter for matter

and energy and your consciousness are one and the same. When Mother says God is

prepared to give you everything, we didn't really understand that. It could be

that in five years Mother at once to give us everything.


At this point he was thinking Mother, let's forget 300 million let's make it 350

million. So Bohdan is thinking I've got to leave everything and focus on giving

realization, Jeff says no, it's done. It's already done. He said when Mother got

`ill' She actually used that time, when the family and the doctors were looking

after her body, She actually receded, went very deep, and fought tremendous

battles so that this whole process could fructify in success. So it's already

been done. She's spent the last five years making sure it will happen and what

She said was (in the vision) that when the realized souls go into that state in

2012, the ones left behind will remain as they always have been, separate. And

for the rest, the ones who enter the new state, like going through a gate or

through a wall, will enter a new reality. He said that we are helping all the

people to rise and to elevate but in the new situation, when we go into the new

state, we will no longer be helping the rest. We'll be in the new state; they'll

be left where they are. The pressure will come off our chakras and the people

left behind will no longer have the benefits of what we have all been doing.


However, what he said was going to happen in the original plan was Armageddon.

Lord Sada Shiva was quickly going to shove the chaff out of circulation. But

because 300 million people are needed, and this is quite a large number, Shri

AdiShakti brokered another agreement as part of the divine play. In his

graciousness, Lord Shiva accepted. The new agreement was that the goal posts

could be lowered. The reason that the new deal was accepted was that it was

understood that the reason we have got so few people was that there is a mental

block generated and caused by the false gurus who've done their job only too

well. This means that whenever we go out, people are scared, they won't come

near Sahaja Yoga, they hold back and so on. Lord Shiva understands that and the

deal that was brokered what was that the 300 million people don't have to be

Sahaja yogis, they just have to have their realization. They don't even have to

know that Mother exists. In his graciousness this is what the Lord Shiva has

allowed. What that means, and you know that for the last five years Shri Mataji

has, just about in every talk, been telling us to go wide and give realization

to people as never before. She hardly talks about anything else. She says all my

powers are with you – go out and give it.


We have screened that talk Freedom and Liberation to lots of people up here on

the coast, outside Sydney, and when people watch it, they get their realization.

When Mother was talking to Jeff, She talked a lot about China and said that when

the Chinese take to Self-realization, there will be no stopping them.


Bogdan was saying that he always wondered whether things would change.




, " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org



> from Krishna (Kyyan) <krishna.deha

> to Violet <violetubb,

> Jagbir Singh <s.jagbir

> date Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 2:17 AM

> subject 2012: a wonderful Vision (http://adishakti.org/pdf_files/vision.pdf)


> Dear Brother and Sister,


> JSM! I just received this wonderful account of a vision one yogi had

> while spending time at the Vashi Health Center last year regarding

> 2012.


> To me, this is something amazing, as I've had discussions with other

> yogis previous, and this exact idea has come up in some degree or

> another.


> Whatever the case, the PDF won't allow me to copy and paste the text

> directly to the forum, so i've sent it attached to this email for

> your viewing pleasure.


> I look forward to your responses.



> Krishna


> One last thing to add.....of course Im sure you will use your

> discretion, as I have, but the possibilities are tremendous and had

> me thinking that we really got to go out and be upfront in a serious

> way, otherwise how?


> Anyways.


> Take care


> Krishna


> http://adishakti.org/pdf_files/vision.pdf

> http://adishakti.org/mayan_end_times_prophecy_12-21-2012.htm


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