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Shri Mataji: I am the one about which Christ has talked.

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Dear devotees of the Comforter,


Namaste – I bow to the Paraclete who resides in you!


After more than 15 years of examining hundreds of Shri Mataji's

quotes/lectures, i have finally found a priceless pearl:


" Normally I don't tell about Myself but today he exposed me. As soon

as I came I had to tell because it's not tactful. It's not tactful to

say anything. It's better that you discover Me than I tell you

because Christ was crucified, everybody was tortured. I do not want

to hamper My work because it makes no difference by telling you

anything before Realization. It's better to tell you after

Realization that I am the Holy Ghost – no doubt. I am the one about

which Christ has talked.


I have told them. I had never said this on from a platform and I

told. They have been telling Me, " Mother, You must say that once. " I

said, " In America I'll declare it. " So today I declare that: " I am the

Holy Ghost. I am the Holy Spirit who has incarnated on this Earth for

your realization. " "


Shri Mataji

New York, USA 30 September 1980


i consider this post " I am the one about which Christ has talked " to

be one of the most important ever written. The reason is that it is

the very ground on which Shri Mataji stood for nearly four decades,

exalting and glorifying Christ, and never budged an inch. It takes

immense courage, fortitude and faith to state and defend a most

audacious claim that must be backed by the Holy Scriptures; one of

the many truths She has publicly declared loud and clear since the

70s. So please read it with full attention and deep introspection.


Of even greater significance is the fact that this claim is the

culmination of eschatology, fulfillment of salvation and entry into

the Kingdom of God, the very ground on which Jesus also stood.

Without question Jesus has now fulfilled the promise made 2,000 years

ago that He will send the Comforter (Paraclete) in the name of God

Almighty; one of the many truths He publicly declared loud and clear

2000 years ago. Again, please read it with full attention and deep



By bearing witness and defending the claims of both Jesus and the

Comforter, we are also standing on the same ground. Jesus never

budged. Shri Mataji never budged. Under no circumstance whatsoever

will we budge even though the entire SY organization of 80,000 so-

called Self-realized souls have long abandoned and fled those sacred

ground. We must unconditionally discharge our duty to both the

Saviour and the Holy Spirit, and defend the ground they stood on. Few

are willing to join us because it takes immense courage, fortitude

and faith to state and defend Shri Mataji's declaration that " I am

the one about which Christ has talked " .


But unlike WCASY and their SY organization peddling the SYSSR, we

have all the eschatological evidence of Jesus and the Paraclete to

openly declare Her Advent and Divine Message to humanity. " Who is the

Counselor? " is but one of the many pieces of eschatological evidence.

That is why only a few of us are sufficient to complete the very task

given decades ago to SY leaders and tens of thousands SYs who had been

telling Shri Mataji, " Mother, You must say that once. "


And when She finally declared that in 1980 they just fled in droves.

The SYSSR (Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion) was invented by these

cowards, a blatant corruption to replace a most sacred declaration by

Shri Mataji that She is " the one about which Christ has talked. "


But we will triumph over these cowards, liars, hypocrites and their

SYSSR. It is only a matter of time now. Everything else is in place.


Regards to all,





" Who is the Counselor?


Ar 7.45 a.m. on May 23, 1995, Kash was told to ask Shri

Adhiparasakthi Shri Nirmala Devi's permission to see Shri Jesus in

order to inquire about the Counselor which He had promised to send.

One and one half years had passed and his father knew without doubt

that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was the Comforter. He thought that by

getting another confirmation from Shri Jesus, it would lend

additional weight to Her Revelations.


Kash agreed and went into his room to meditate. He found the Divine

Unity already sitting in a circle, ready for meditation. He then

bowed to the Great Universal Mother and inquired whether he could ask

Shri Jesus a question.


Without even asking what was it, the Great Holy Spirit told him that

it would not be proper to ask that question. She had already heard

what his father had told him to enquire about. He had put forward a

superficial question that lowered the dignity of the Celestial Court,

and did not deserve an answer — even at the expense of Truth coming

forth directly from Shri Jesus Himself for the benefit of humanity,

which was the intent of his father in the first place.


It was about proper protocol. After all, he knew very well that Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi was the Redeemer, a fact firmly established after

hundreds of daily encounters of his son with Her and the Heavenly

Hosts. Kash had seen Shri Jesus and other Messengers of God

meditating on the Spirit of the Living God every day. On Earth his

family had heard Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi proclaiming that She was

the Comforter. To deliberately ask a well-known fact from such a

divine personality as Shri Jesus would be frivolous and belittling,

to say the least. Why enquire about a fact firmly established and

absolutely believed through sustained Revelation? Why pretend to be

ignorant of Absolute Truth?


Kash thanked Her and walked toward his spiritual body meditating

beside the Eternal Throne, and sat into it. All the Spirit People

then raised their Kundalinis in unison and started meditating. When

it was over, he paid his respects to all of them and bowed to the

Great Holy Spirit again. He then descended through the clouds of

Heaven, returning to this sick world of Jonestowns* and Littletons.** "


Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God, 1999, page 1554


* Thirty years ago, 909 Americans were led to their death by the Rev.

Jim Jones in a mass murder-suicide pact in a South American jungle,

shortly after Jones' gunmen killed a visiting U.S. congressman and

four others at a nearby airstrip.

** On April 20, 1999, in the small, suburban town of Littleton,

Colorado, two high-school seniors, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris,

enacted an all-out assault on Columbine High School during the middle

of the school day. The boys' plan was to kill hundreds of their

peers. With guns, knives, and a multitude of bombs, the two boys

walked the hallways and killed. When the day was done, twelve

students, one teacher, and the two murderers were dead.



" It states that the Fourth Gospel does not narrate Jesus' baptism but

explains its significance. Since the Holy Spirit descended and

remained on Him, He is singled out as the Son of God who will baptize

with the Holy Spirit (John 1:32-34.) His teachings direct to rebirth

through the Spirit where a new state of being is attained by the

grace of the Spirit — this is the only way of entering the Kingdom of

the Spirit. Water is associated with the Spirit (John 3:5-8; cf

1:13.) However, this salvation of humankind through rebirth can only

take place after His death and exaltation (cf 3:14.) Therefore this

promise of the coming Spirit points to the future: " Now this he said

about the Spirit, which those who believed in him were to receive;

for as yet the Spirit had not been given [or, Spirit was not yet],

because Jesus was not yet glorified " (7:39.) The discourses following

Last Supper hold the key to the narration of the Spirit. It is

referred to as the " paraclete " (Counselor) or " advocate " ,

" intercessor " or more appropriately the Spirit of paraclesis i.e. the

declaration of the comfort and encouragement of the gospel in the

coming age that would fulfill this promise. With these terms and the

use of masculine instead of neuter pronouns, the concept of the

Spirit attains a more personal nature than at any other point in the

Bible. "


Dictionary of the Bible, [Edited by James Hastings],

Charles Scribner's Sons, 1963, p. 393.)



Jesus didn't leave his disciples on their own

By Robert Creech

University Baptist Church-Clearlake, Houston


" How will Jesus' disciples survive in his absence?


That question troubled them as Jesus announced his imminent

departure. Their anxious glances and serious expressions conveyed the

emotional darkness engulfing them. Jesus countered that gloomy

atmosphere with his teaching. He left them with a legacy of

instruction that would enable them to live successfully as his

followers, even after his departure.


This legacy included teaching about prayer, obedience, peace,

experiencing the Father's love, abiding in Christ and living in

community with other believers. In addition, he taught them about

living in relationship with the Holy Spirit, who would continue to

provide an experience of Jesus' own presence with his friends.


He described the Spirit with three titles. In 14:26, Jesus simply

calls … " the Holy Sprit. " This title appears again in 20:22. Three

times in Jesus' final discourse he identifies … as " the Spirit of

Truth " (14:17; 15:26; 16:13), a title that occurs outside the fourth

gospel only in 1 John 4:6. Four times Jesus uses the distinctive

title " parakletos " to describe the Spirit (14:16, 26; 15:26; 16:7).

This word also occurs elsewhere only in 1 John (2:1), where it refers

to Jesus.


" Parakletos, " often printed in English as " Paraclete, " challenges the

translator of John's gospel. Major translations render it

as " Comforter " (KJV), " Helper " (NASB), " Advocate " (NRSV)

and " Counselor " (NIV). The Greek word itself contains all those

meanings, describing one who is summoned to the aid of

another. " Helper " may be the better translation, allowing the context

to describe the specific kind of help being offered (advocacy,

comfort or counsel). Some commentators do not translate the word at

all, simply bringing it into English as Paraclete, as we do with

other Greek words like " baptism " or " deacon. "


In many ways, the role of the Paraclete is to continue the ministry

of Jesus to his disciples. Jesus introduces the Spirit as " another "

Paraclete, implying he himself had been the first (14:16). As Jesus

is the Truth (14:6) and bears witness to the Truth (18:37), the

Paraclete is " the Spirit of Truth " (14:17) who testifies as well

(15:26-27). Just as Jesus is " the Holy One of God " (6:69), the Spirit

is " the Holy Spirit " (14:26).


Jesus has " come into the world " (5:43), and now promises the

Paraclete will come as well (16:8). The Spirit " comes forth " from the

Father (15:26), just as Jesus has come forth from the Father. The

Father gives the Paraclete at Jesus' request (14:16), just as the

Father has given his Son (3:16). The Father who sent Jesus (3:17)

will send the Spirit as well (14:26). Jesus came in the Father's name

(5:43) and the Paraclete comes in Jesus' name (14:26). As Jesus spoke

only what the Father told him (14:10), so the Spirit would reveal

Jesus' words (16:13). Jesus glorified the Father (14:13; 17:4), and

the Paraclete will glorify Jesus (16:14). In many ways, the Paraclete

is to Jesus as Jesus is to the Father.


The Paraclete will play a significant role in the lives of Jesus'

followers. They will be privileged to know the Paraclete, as they

have known Jesus (14:7, 9, 17). The Spirit will be within the

disciples and will remain with them, as Jesus remains in and with his

friends (14:20, 23; 15:4-5; 17:23, 26). The Spirit will guide the

disciples along the way of truth (16:13), even as Jesus is the Way

and the Truth (14:6). Jesus has taught those who would listen (6:59;

7:14, 18; 8:20), and now the Paraclete will do the teaching (16:12-

15). The Spirit will empower disciples to testify to Jesus (15:26-27;



The Spirit also has an important role to play in relation to the

world. The world that did not accept Jesus will not accept the

Paraclete (5:43; 12:48; 14:17). The world that did not recognize

Jesus (7:28; 8:14, 19; 14:7; 16:3) will not recognize his Spirit

either (14:17). Like Jesus, the Paraclete will bear witness in the

context of the world's hatred (7:7; 15:26-27). And the Paraclete

ultimately proves the world wrong concerning its verdict on Jesus

(16:8-11). Jesus' " advocate " will become the prosecuting attorney

bringing the world to trial before the bar of Truth.


Living as Jesus' disciple while he was on earth required knowing him,

loving him, trusting him, obeying him and learning from him. We now

experience his presence with us through knowing, loving, trusting,

obeying, and learning from the Paraclete, the Spirit of Truth.


Jesus describes the Paraclete almost entirely in functional terms. He

tells us what the Spirit will do with and for us…; is God's presence

among us (14:16-17)…; is our personal teacher (14:26; 15:13)…; brings

thing to our minds and helps us understand them (14:26)…; is the

source of our peace (14:27)…; empowers our ministry and witness

(15:26-27)…; comes to us in our sorrow (16:5-7)…; convicts the world

of sin (16:8-11)…; focuses our attention on Jesus, glorifying him

(16:13-14)…; makes spiritual truth clear to us (16:13-15). "


Robert Creech

University Baptist Church-Clearlake, Houston, Texas, USA

December 16, 2002

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