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Rejoicing in the Voice of the Bridegroom - Part 3

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Rejoicing in the Voice of the Bridegroom - Part 3


" Voice of the Bridegroom " :

cosmic sound of Aum


(p.290) When John spoke of his rejoicing in the Bridegroom's voice, he was

referring to the Cosmic Sound of 'Aum' (Amen), the active vibration that is the

voice or " witness " of the inherent Christ Intelligence. [1] That voice of Cosmic

Vibration can be heard through practice of a specific Self-Realization

Fellowship method of yoga meditation [2] John had heard the Cosmic Sound and

perceived the Christ Intelligence in it, but it was on Jesus that he focused

attention as the one who had penetrated beyond the Cosmic Sound and Nature

vibration into the pure realm of Christ Intelligence contained within them. John

contrasted himself as having had glimpses of the omnipresent wisdom of Christ,

whereas the infinite consciousness of Jesus actually felt itself as the Christ

in every unit of vibrating space in all creation.


The advancing yogi first 'listens' to the Cosmic Sound within his body, and then

becomes able to hear it in any part of creation. Next, he 'feels' the Christ

intelligence throughout creation. John refers to himself as " the friend of the

bridegroom, which standeth and heareth him....this my joy therefore is

fulfilled. " He had heard the Cosmic Sound and indirectly felt the presence of

Christ Intelligence in it. He rejoiced at being in the company of Jesus who as

the divine Bridegroom, one with the Spirit as the positive reflection of

omnipresent Christ Consciousness, had won as his Bride the Universal Spirit

manifesting as Universal Nature. (p.291) He who perceives Spirit as both

transcendental and immanent is one with Spirit as the Bride, God's consciousness

omnipresent in and as Cosmic Mother Nature (Maha-Prakriti), as well as one with

Spirit as transcendent consciousness in creation as Christ Consciousness and

beyond manifestation as Cosmic Consciousness, the Absolute.


In his reference to Jesus, John extols Christ-illumined souls, those whose

consciousness is not actuated by downward-pulling earthly desires but by the

uplifting Cosmic Consciousness from above: " He that cometh from above. "

Body-bound souls, being identified with earthly things, focus their attention

exclusively matterward: " He that is of the earth is earthly. " Spiritually

awakened souls, attuned with and guided by Cosmic Consciousness, are thus said

to " come from heaven " and are " above " all others; they have ascended higher on

the ladder of evolution and enjoy the transcendent awareness of the supernal

heavenly kingdom within.


John further points out that divine souls do not speak from book knowledge or

from intellectual imagination that fancies its own realisms and absolutes; they

speak only the truth that they hear, perceive, and see through the all-knowing

power of soul intuition. No mortal man, who depends on the testimony of his

limited senses, can grasp the depth and magnitude of truth perceived by persons

of Self-realization; but uplifted souls who develop their intuition by

meditation can not only comprehend the truth declared by prophets, but prove it

to themselves. Through their own experience, they authenticate with the

unchallengeable " seal " of intuitional conviction the seer's ecstatic

proclamation that God is the only true Eternal Substance, and that all phenomena

of Nature are but waves of Spirit playing on the Infinite Bosom.


The words of guidance of a true messenger of God come forth only according to

what God speaks through him. On such souls God bestows His wisdom not in

proportion to the caliber of their acquired intellectual powers, but with the

outpouring of measureless grace that characterizes an all-loving Father. Those

that are one with God are God themselves.


As the only reflected Intelligence of transcendental God the Father in vibratory

creation, the Son or Christ Intelligence has control over all matter--God " hath

given all things into his hand. " Christ Consciousness is God's Divine Love-- " the

Father loveth the Son " --reflected in creation and in liberated saints in all its

purity, coaxing created beings with its magnetic attraction back to blissful

unity in Spirit. (p.291) Any devotee who believes in, and gradually becomes one

with, this immutable Immanent Intelligence--by merging with the Cosmic Sound of

'Aum' heard in meditation--shall receive the everlasting life of Christ.


The Second Coming of Christ (The Resurrection of the Christ Within

You) Volume 1, Discourse 16, pg. 290-292

Paramahansa Yogananda

Printed in the United States of America 1434-J881






[1] " These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning

of the creation of God " (Revelation 3:14).


[2] See page 1575.

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