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Talmud and Torah, Bible and New Testament, Koran and Hadith offer insufficient g

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> i have now a book backlog that needs to be synthesized so that the

> external gates and walls of religious institutions can be battered

> down, and their prisoners freed to the direct, inner and personal

> experience of the Divine and the Resurrection. The religious

> institutions, masses and fanatics must be challenged to defend the

> indefensible (primordial couple, 4000-year-old earth etc.) and flee

> the multi-pronged charge against their most prized, sacred and

> protected bastion (Eschatology of the Last Judgment)! They must be

> confronted to embrace the most ridiculous, and defy/deny the most

> obvious and revered i.e., the Great News and Sure Signs of the

> Resurrection, the heart and soul of their religion.


> " In Defense of Atheism: The Case Against Christianity, Judaism and

> Islam " is one gigantic battering ram, a most welcome means to

> accelerate that process. The religious elite should begin to realize

> that the sun is now setting on their evening empires which are

> crumbling into sand, and from those ruins is breaking the Dawn of

> the Divine Feminine that will awaken the human race from their long

> spiritual slumber.




Talmud and Torah, Bible and New Testament, Koran and Hadith offer

insufficient grounds for the philosopher to choose between Jewish,

Christian or Muslim misogyny.


" While September 11, 2001, as seen by the United States and therefore

by the West, calls upon everyone to choose sides in the religious war

that supposedly pits Judeo-Christianity against Islam, we might

prefer to avoid choosing either side and opt instead for a

Nietzschean position. That position would be neither Judeo-Christian

nor Muslim, for the very good reason that these belligerents are

continuing the religious war that began with the Torah bidding the

Jews to do battle with their enemies. The book of Numbers, chapter

21, verse 14, refers to the " book of the wars of the Lord. " The

justification for bloody battle against one's enemies is an important

part of the Torah. And the Koran is infused with recurrent variations

on the same theme: slaughter of the enemy. In other words, nearly

twenty-five centuries of calls by both sides to acts of crime!

Nietzsche's lesson: we can choose not to choose. And a decision not

to side with Israel and the United States does not automatically mean

that one is a fellow traveler of the Taliban.


Talmud and Torah, Bible and New Testament, Koran and Hadith offer

insufficient grounds for the philosopher to choose between Jewish,

Christian or Muslim misogyny. Or to opt against pork and alcohol but

in favor of the veil or the burka, to attend the synagogue, the

temple, the church, or the mosque, all places where intelligence is

ailing and where, for centuries, the faithful have practiced

obedience to dogma and submission to the Law—and therefore obedience

and submission to those who claim to be the elect, the envoys, and

the word of God...


Thirty centuries, from the earliest texts of the Old testament to the

present day, teach us that the assertion of one God, violent,

jealous, quarrelsome, intolerant, and bellicose, has generated more

hate, bloodshed, deaths, and brutality than it has peace ... There is

the Jewish fantasy of a chosen people, which vindicates colonialism,

expropriation, hatred, animosity between peoples, and finally an

authoritarian and armed theocracy ... There is the Christian image of

the Temple moneylenders, or of a Pauline Jesus claiming to have come

bearing a sword. This justifies the Crusades, the Inquisition, the

French Religious Wars, the Saint Bartholomew's Day massacre of

Paris's Protestants, the stake, the Index, but also worldwide

colonialism, North American ethnocides, support for twentieth century

fascists movements, and the centuries-long temporal hold of the

Vatican over the smallest detail of daily life ... And there is the

clear exhortation on almost every page of the Koran to destroy

unbelievers—but also the Jews and Christians of the book—their

religion, their culture, their civilization, all in the name of a

merciful God! So many pathways to entrench the idea that precisely

because of God's existence everything is permitted—in him, through

him, and in his name, without the slightest objection by believers,

clergy, the masses, or the ruling spheres.


If the existence of God, independently of its Jewish, Christian, or

Muslim form, had given us at least a little forewarning against

hatred, lies, murder, rape, pillage, immorality, embezzlement,

perjury, violence, contempt, swindling, false witness, depravity,

pedophilia, infanticide, drunkenness, and perversion, we might not

have seen atheists (since they are intrinsically creatures of vice)

but rabbis, priests, imams, and with them their faithful, all their

faithful (which amounts to a great many) doing good, excelling in

virtue, setting an example, and proving to the godless and perverse

that morality is on their side. Let their flocks scrupulously respect

the Commandments and obey the dictates of the relevant suras, and

thus neither lie nor pillage, neither rob nor rape, neither bear

false witness nor murder—and still less plot terrorist attacks in

Manhattan, launch punitive raids into the Gaza strip, or cover up the

deeds of their pedophile priests. Then we would see the faithful

converting their neighbors right, left, and center through the

example of their shining conduct. But instead ... "


Michel Onfray, In Defense Of Atheism: The Case Against Christianity,

Judaism And Islam, pages 34-43

Penguin Canada (APB) (Jan 22 2008)

ISBN-10: 0143050575

ISBN-13: 978-0143050575


Product Description

Book Description


In the twenty-first century, religion is making a comeback, bringing

in its wake extremism of all kinds. From Christian anti-abortion

campaigns to suicide bombers claiming the righteousness of Islam, we

are witnessing a resurgence of fundamentalism. In this seminal work,

Michel Onfray exposes the destructive history of organized religion

and the fiction that is God while presenting a new, authentic atheism

that celebrates life and humanity.


Onfray goes back to the origins of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism

to show how their scriptures have been dissected and altered,

censored and rewritten by their religious leaders and zealots to suit

their particular agendas. Using both historical records and religious

texts, he reveals how each of these religions has fostered hatred

towards women, reason, the human body, sexuality, pleasure, and

individual freedom, and argues that the incalculable damage that

religious intolerance has been responsible for is an abuse of power

that we simply cannot endure any longer.


A book that is bound to provoke debate, this European bestseller is

indispensable reading for anyone concerned with the role of religion

in society today.


About the Author

Michel Onfray was born in 1959. He is the author of over thirty

books. A high-school philosophy teacher for twenty years, he resigned

from the state education sector and in 2002 set up the free

University of Caen. He divides his time between Normandy and Paris.

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