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The Time has come that Jerusalem is to be established!

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The Time has come that Jerusalem is to be established!


Whatever the Christians know about Lord Jesus Christ is on account of the Bible.

This book is very enigmatical. It is so deep and profound that many persons have

not been able to understand the hidden meaning of the Truth embodied therein.

The Bible says " I will come to thee as tongues of flames " . Israeli people

explained this to mean that, " When the Lord would incarnate, He would be

emitting flames of fire and therefore, they would not be able to witness Him " .

The real meaning of this is that " you would witness Me in the Sahasrara Chakra " .

You will find many references to the Kundalini Shakti and Sahasrara in the

Bible, but only a brief reference is possible here.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Shri Kundalini Shakti and Shri Jesus Christ, Bombay

India, 26 September, 1979



What have we given to God, so far? We have been extracting all His energies, we

have been extracting the Mother Earth. From the sun we are getting this [energy]

for everything and we are creating problems for Him. We are troubling Him so

much that He has to solve our problems. So let us be surrendered to Him. So that

is His Will that He wants us to be the Spirit - so let us be the Spirit. This is

the greatest importance of getting Self-realization.


But if you cannot stay to that state and you come down at a human level, then I

can write a book saying that: " Self-realization is very important because

without Self-realization in these days of turmoil and all kinds of problems,

there is no solution - the man has to be transformed. "


But God has no problems. He has no problems if you do not want to get to

Self-realization. He solves the problem just like that. He has many quick

methods by which He can just solve all His problems. So, in a nutshell one

should understand that the importance of this has to be because God wants it and

otherwise He might be doing something else. So better get to it!


This understanding is that of a child who surrenders to his mother, knowing that

the mother is doing everything for his good.


With your brain if you start thinking about the importance [of Self-realization]

your brain will give you the other side of it also and will start telling you

that: 'If you get Self-realization then you'll have to surrender to God. Then

there wouldn't be any individual[ity] left; you will all have to move in the

[same] buses, in the [same] dust. Wherever God takes you you'll have to go there

and live with great discomfort. You may have to hug people who may apparently

not be that sophisticated. And you may have to lead a style of life which is not

suitable to a sophisticated western personality....all these problems would

arise. And when such problems arise your brain will have no way to answer it.

All importance will be finished.


So it is best just to say in a surrendering way: " If the important thing is to

establish my Spirit then I will do it. " Because when you are on the brain level

you are always in a relative state. Everything has a double thing. I mean you

talk to anyone----The other day I was talking to somebody about the Israelis

being cruel to PLOs. So they said: " What about PLOs? They have been cruel. " I

said, " But where to end it? " He said, " It can be ended later on when PLOs are

finished. " I said, " Everything has a second thing! Whatever you may say it has a

second idea because this brain has a great capacity to produce waves on both

sides because it lives in a relative terminology. "


To overcome this, there is only one way; it is that you forget this and that and

you just say, " IT IS " . Then only will you know the importance of it. Because any

number of importance I may give you; you'll neutralise it. That's why Sahaja

Yogis fizzle out. You've seen that. Why [do] Sahaja Yogis get realization and

everything, still they fizzle out one by one? Why? Because their brain has a

great capacity to produce anti-Sahaja Yoga understanding. So what importance

should I tell you which is absolute for your brain? I just don't understand!

Because you are very clever, and you will find out an anti-dote of that also!

It's impossible to convince certain people, but one thing one should know [is

that] God Almighty is an Absolute Power. It will do what it likes. So better be

surrendered to it! That's what a Mother can tell to the children, that this

power of Love and Beauty is to be surrendered to.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 'Our Goal is to be the Spirit - nothing but the

Spirit', Delhi India, 08/02/83

Now you may say, " Mother how can that be so so simple? " I mean many people say,

" Mother you are too simple. " How can that be? I just don't understand! What,

should I have two horns or something to make it complicated? Everything that is

living is the simplest thing. That's the sign of the living. Have you seen the

flower? How simple it is to grow a flower, it just works; you just get some

seeds, sow them and you get the plants. How simple it is! Do we ever think how

it works out? [it] looks very complicated. It is if you start thinking about it;

you will go mad if you start analysing it. But it's so simple. In the same way

this happening is also a very, very simple thing. It is called 'Sahaja'. Sahaja

has two meanings: Sahaja means simple; it also means the thing that is born with

you. 'Sahaja' is a simple thing because it is born with you. I mean, your nose

is born with you. It's a simple thing; you basically don't have to do anything

but to breathe. It is there in the same way within you; it is just there. To Me,

it is absolutely simple and to you it will be simple also, as soon as you get


It is so simple because it is so vital; it is so important. All vital things are

simple and easily available, like your own breathing. For that, if you have to

do something special then this breathing is not [going to be] possible--how many

people are going to survive? Now, this simple thing, this simple method, is the

method of the all-pervading divine power, the Holy Ghost. This all-pervading

Divine power is the Shakti, the primordial power which works it out. Do we

realise how this shakti worked? [stated] otherwise, are we ever watching a

flower becoming a fruit? Who does that? Not one flower, but you must have seen

millions and billions and billions of these flowers turning into fruits. And

'who does that' we never think; we take it for granted. [Living] things are only

done by this divine power; human beings cannot do anything that is 'Living'.

What they can do is 'dead work' like making a table or chair from a tree - and

this 'dead work' can dominate us because we form habits - we gain habits. The

habits sit on our head and the Spirit which is the vibrant thing, which is the

Source, which is the controlling thing, becomes dormant. This dormant force

somehow becomes enlightened and our attention becomes enlightened. We become a

different person; we become a Yogi. We become a person who is united with God.

What is there to tell? I mean once you have found it, once you have seen the

light, you are not bothered. Supposing you see [what looks like] a rope [in the

dark]. You might be frightened, thinking it's a snake, because there's no light

and you can't see. You might be running helter-skelter and the whole house might

be upside-down but once you have a light you say: " Oh, it's a rope! Alright!

So all the fears drop out because you have seen it. All the pressures drop out,

all the hang-ups drop out, whatever is abnormal drops out and you become an

absolutely normal person - an absolutely normal person. That's what it is that

you become. But it is much more than that. It is not only that you get your

physical fitness; many people have been cured. Yes cured - many diseases are

cured, mental cases are cured; if you have been to horrible gurus you get cured

- all these things happen. But that's not the end of it; this is just the

redeeming part of it. The redeeming part of it is that you are redeemed of all

these physical, mental and emotional problems. But the other part of it is that

you yourself get the power; you become prophets.

" Men of God will become Prophets " ; that is what the great poet William Blake has

said. The Men of God will become Prophets and they will have power to make

others Prophets. This is the Sign; he has given you the Sign. You become

Prophets. That means you get the power to do all this, yourself. That means

every individual can do it, even small children can do it. When you become the

Prophet you also know everything about it; what you are doing, how you have to

do it to raise the Kundalini, how to cross all the different centres, how to

keep it there. You become absolutely the master.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 'Confusion the Subtle Slavery', Dr. Johnson's House,

Birmingham England, 09-07-82

" Jews the world over intone the words, " And to Jerusalem, Your city, may You

return with compassion, " and " Show favor O Lord toward Your people Israel and

their prayer and restore the service of the Holy of Holies of Your Temple, "

three times a day. "

The Complete Idiot's Guide to The Talmud, Chapter 24, pg. 300

Rabbi Aaron Parry

Printed in the United States of America

International Standard Book Number: 1-59257-202-2

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2004103224

Now, the Prophets like William Blake was a Prophet alright; he was a seer - he

saw this future. He's mentioned everything that was going to happen to you; of

Sahaja Yoga--no doubt! I don't know how many are aware of it, but most of them

thought he was a lunatic. They couldn't believe him when he talked of all these

things; that Jerusalem is going to be established in England's Pastured Land.

Nobody could believe it. They said he must be mad. But the Time has come;

Jerusalem is to be established.

There's a special thing about England and he saw clearly the whole picture a

hundred years back. But nobody understood he was a Prophet; nobody understood

what he said, but he said it! Those who understood had a sort of academic

interest in him and some people did feel there may be some sort of a truth in

what he said and described. So you are more than a Prophet in a way that you are

not interested in seeing the future but you come in the present--what they

described [as] the future for them, which [present] they did not enjoy. It is

'your present' and you become the master yourself.

All these great Prophets had a big, big problem. I had a discussion with an

ambassador who is a very learned man from India and he was telling me that the

biggest problem was that with rationality, with explanations; how far can we go?

Supposing you said: " There is the all-pervading power. " They are saying: " How

are we to believe it? It's all a cock-and-bull story. Prove it to us! "

By argument of course you cannot do it, but for experiencing also you cannot

prove it; so they used to give up. Like Adi Shankaracharya; at a point he

reached he wrote about The Veda Chouramani and all these Treatises and then he

gave up and he started describing The Mother. He said: " I give up! " That's all -

and they said that he went soft in his head because he couldn't go ahead with

his philosophy, and started praising the Mother. They said: " What's wrong? "

The same thing happens with the Bible, with the Koran, with everything that

people think. Either you follow them with blind faith, don't question anything,

just accept what they are saying, become fanatics, kill each other, die; then

it's alright. Or else you give up, become communists--no God.

If you have to have your brain alive you better give up all these religions; you

should say 'all this nonsense!' Christianity is hopeless because it is churches

and Islam is useless because of fanaticism. Fanaticism is useless. And Hinduism

is another nonsense because at this level, it looks like at this point, it

appears that it has no meaning; it's nonsensical. This blind faith people can't

accept! The scientists say: " What is this blind faith? We went to the moon and

it's all the same. We went to the moon; we never saw God! What are you talking

about God? How are we to believe there is God? "

But we now have to prove the existence, we have to prove the existence of this

all-pervading power. We have to prove the existence of that Spirit within you.

It is to be proved. It is to be actualised so arguments will stop. With

arguments one cannot achieve it. With blind faith one cannot achieve it.

Rationality cannot take it there; neither can emotional adherence take you

there. It's actualisation, it's the happening; the Real makes you that, the

Reality that is actual, expressing within your central nervous system. That is

the one that is going to convince!

But it's all about conviction. For example if you are not convinced, the Divine

is not interested. Like there were people saying, " Mother, by putting up [the

information] these people know about you - that you are there. " That's it.

That's all - that's all! We have told them; you have passed [on] the message.

Now if they come, well and good, that's all. That's our job; to inform. If they

come and if they get their realisation well and good. If these establish

themselves, even better; we'll work hard for that.

But we cannot force it; we cannot force it. We cannot have any artificial ways

of impressing you - like we cannot carry a circus about. You have to have a

sensitivity of your own to understand the importance and your own pure

intelligence must tell you that " this is the thing " . We cannot, otherwise, fall

at your feet and say, " Oh please! "

We cannot blow [with bombast]; neither can we cross your freedom that is given

to you. It's in your own freedom and it's in your own glory that you have to

ascend because you are the epitome; you are the epitome of this creation.

Nobody can force you to do it. If you want to go to hell, alright, take two

running jumps and you can go. If you want to go to Heaven, that's also possible.

So, the time we are here we do not [treat] precarious[ly]. They are vital and

the most important Times for which we are the beginning. The most important

moment in the life of Creation is today when people are seeking and Sahaja Yoga

is manifesting on a mass scale.

This is such a fortunate thing that you are seekers of ages gathered here, in

that Sahaja Yoga ['Union with the Divine'] has come to you as a blessing of the

Divine, because the divine itself is anxious to manifest.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 'Confusion the Subtle Slavery', Dr. Johnson's House,

Birmingham England, 09-07-82

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