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Principles of Self-Realization

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Principles of Self-Realization


We are more than our bodies, ego or personality. Inwardly we are

eternal spiritual beings that are already, on its own level, perfect

and one with God.


We are therefore multilevel beings, with each layer consisting of a

conglomeration of attitudes, beliefs and feelings. The aim of Self-

realization is to clear the outer layers so that one's inner or

higher Self may manifest and express itself without distortion.


Everything real already exists within. This inner reality is not

affected by what we do.


Some universal qualities or characteristics of one's inner

Self/spirit are: love, peace, joy, light, power, will, beauty,

energy, purpose, knowing, infinity, creation, movement, unity and



Realizing one's Self requires that we stop blocking it and surrender

to the promptings of the spirit and the longings of the heart that

opens to and allows an experience of these impulses -- love, joy,

peace, light, etc.


Realizing one's Self entails letting go: of fears; of assumptions of

separation, lack and special needs; of negative judgments and

preconceptions; of guilt, self-doubt and pride.


Our minds are part of One Whole Mind that is interwoven with all

creation. However, because we hold a perception of separation and

fragmentation we therefore experience things this way.


As we change our minds, our world and experience will also change

because what we inwardly hold to (not just on a conscious level), we

will create and experience in our lives.


Our experience in the world allows us to recognize what we assume to

be real.


Creating our reality begins with our choice in how we perceive our

experience. The aspect that we focus on and identify with is



Everything that we seem to experience outside of ourselves in the

world is really contained within the Self. (Negativity has no

substantial reality but rather is a denial of spiritual reality.)


What we are unconscious of in ourselves we will experience as

projections on to others and events happening to us that seem out of

our control or will.


What we judge against in others, we judge against in ourselves.

Conversely, what we forgive and accept in others we forgive in



Pain and suffering come from the instinctive tendency for the ego to

become attached to and identified with things that it believes we

need and are.


Choosing values and beliefs which are out of accord with the truth of

our Self entails pain and suffering. Integrating the Self's qualities

and purposes releases the distortion causing the pain.


Every pain therefore contains some gift if it is utilized-- some

awareness, Self-knowledge and realization.


Choosing integrity and authenticity means ultimately bringing our

personality into alignment with our inner Self so that we may become

outwardly what we already are spiritually.


Love and sexual attraction outwardly reflects the inner process of

becoming whole, by integrating the ego with the inner Self. What we

seek to unite with in another is our Self.


Therefore, the purpose of relationship is not to get but to share and

gain awareness -- by expressing ourselves we realize who we really

are and fulfill the intention of the Self.


Desire, which becomes attached to sense objects, ultimately derives

from and can be redirected to the urge to reunite consciously with

one's source or inner being.


Love acknowledges the essential unity of all life and the urge to

realize this oneness.


Violence in the world is an expression of negativity associated with

Self denial.


Fear results from identifying with the body and not understanding the

nature of reality -- there is ultimately nothing to fear.


It is not the ego that becomes self-realized, rather identification

with the ego is released as we live from a deeper place of wholeness

and affirmation. "



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