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Shri Mataji: I wish they could accept that this is not Jihad time anymore but Qiyamah Time,

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> All Muslims/non-Muslims who deny/defy Allah's (SWT) Call and Great

> News are kafirs


> Note: All webpages of www.al-qiyamah.org and www.adishakti.org/

> qiyamah.org will from today carry this appendage:






I do call to witness the Resurrection Day;

And I do call to witness the self-reproaching Spirit.



Concerning what are they disputing?

Concerning the Great News. [5889]

About which they cannot agree.

Verily, they shall soon (come to) know!

Verily, verily they shall soon (come to) know!


surah 78:1-5 Al Naba' (The Great News)


" 5889. Great News: usually understood to mean the News or Message of

the Resurrection. "


Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, Amana Corporation, 1989.



Types of Kufr (Disbelief) — Adapted from 'Tafseer ibn Katheer'


1. Kufrul-'Inaad: Disbelief out of stubbornness;

2. Kufrul-Inkaar: Disbelief out of denial;

3. Kufrul-Kibr: Disbelief out of arrogance and pride;

4. Kufrul-Juhood: Disbelief out of rejection;

5. Kufrul-Nifaaq: Disbelief out of hypocrisy;

6. Kufrul-Kurh: Disbelief out of detesting any of Allah's commands;

7. Kufrul-Istihzaha: Disbelief due to mockery and derision;

8. Kufrul-I'raadh: Disbelief due to avoidance;


In Abdullah Yusuf Ali's commentary Kufr, Kafara, Kafir, and

derivative forms of the word imply a deliberate rejection of faith,

revelation and truth of the Holy Qur'an: " The culmination of Allah's

Revelation is in the Qur'an, which confirms previous scriptures,

corrects the errors which men introduced into them, and explains many

points in detail for all who seek right worship and service to Allah—

whether they inherit the previous Books or not. It is a universal

Message ... The worst and most hardened sinner is the man to whom

Allah's Signs are actually brought home and who yet prefers Evil and

turns away from the Light of Allah. The Signs may be in the words and

guidance of a great Teacher or in some sorrow or warning, but from

which he deliberately refuses to profit. The penalty—the Nemesis—must

necessary come eventually. "


According to Ibn Taymiyah (January 22, 1263 – 1328) " not believing in

God and His Messenger, whether that is accompanied by denial or it is

not accompanied by denial but rather doubt, or turning away from

faith out of jealousy or arrogance, or because one is following whims

and desires that prevent one from following the message. So kufr is

the attribute of everyone who rejects something that God has

commanded us to believe in, after news of that has reached him,

whether he rejects it in his heart without uttering it, or he speaks

those words of rejection without believing it in his heart, or he

does both; or he does an action which is described in the texts as

putting one beyond the pale of faith. "


Therefore most of the Al-Kufr ul Akbar (major disbeliefs) are

applicable to the rejection or disbelief of Allah's (SWT) Sure Signs

and surahs upholding the collection, promulgation, recital,

explanation and warning of the following:


i) His Call to witness Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection);

ii) His Call to witness His Ruh (self-reproaching Spirit);

iii) His Call to heed Al Naba (The Great News);

iv) His Call to participate in Al Qadr (The Night of Power and



It is a universal Message for all humanity. Thus kaffir (non-

believer) here is specifically applied to all, both Muslim and non-

Muslim, who reject the Call that God has commanded us to believe in

after news of Al Naba (The Great News) has reached us. The Qur'an

clearly warns that many will disbelief, even mock, the Great News and

Sure Signs of Al-Qiyamah.


So be forewarned, and in the Hereafter never deny the deliverance,

eschatological fulfillment and clear Warning of the glorious Holy

Qur'an: " O ye assembly of Jinns and men! came there not unto you

messengers from amongst you, setting forth unto you My signs, and

warning you of the meeting of this Day of yours? " Qur'an 6.130


And to all those still rejecting, hesitant or unable to make up their

minds Allah (SWT) questions: " Are they waiting until the Hour comes

to them suddenly? All the Signs thereof have already come. Once the

Hour comes to them, how will they benefit from their message? " " Why

do they not study the Quran carefully? Do they have locks on their

minds? " Qur'an 47:18-24


Note: The last paragraph is yet another warning from Allah (SWT) that

prior to the Wrath of the End (Al Qariah) humans are offered the

Mercy of the Resurrection (Al Qadr). And once the Hour of Al Qariah

comes to them, how will they benefit from their (messengers from

amongst you) message of Al Qadr?


Only now in this modern age of universal education and publishing

technology—after 14 centuries and unlike the past—is it possible for

them to own and be sufficiently literate to " study the Quran

carefully " in languages they understand best.* And just in case they

start studying the entire Qur'an, it must be stressed that Allah

(SWT) is referring specifically to those eschatological Signs and

surahs upholding His Call to bear witness of the Resurrection! They

must thoroughly understand all the Signs thereof that have already

come, and set forth by messengers from amongst themselves.


Without question, to " study the Quran carefully " means using one's

own mental faculties, not those of the ulema (Muslim clergy) who have

for centuries put " locks on their minds " and are the very reason for

the Ummah's present predicament i.e., their kaffir-like mindset,

reaction, rejection and mocking of His Call, Signs and Great News of

the Resurrection. They must know that during Al Qadr no 'graves are

going to open up' as this is His Night of Mercy and Compassion.

So " Peace!... This until the rise of the morn! " (surah 97:5)


" There is so much blind faith, there is so much of wrong ideas, so

much of organizational fortresses they have built. All kinds of

nonsensical things are going on in this world, but they'll all be

finished. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Vienna, Austria, 8 June 1988


So Peace to all Believers bearing witness to the Resurrection (Al-

Qiyamah)! So Peace to all Believers bearing witness to His self-

reproaching Spirit (Ruh)! So Peace to all Believers resurrecting

themselves during this blessed Night of Power and Destiny (Al Qadr)!

So Peace to all Believers of the Great News (Al Naba)! So Peace until

the dreadful morn of the Great Calamity, the Striking Day (Al Qariah)

against the Unbelievers (Al-Kafirun)!


Last, but not the least, the Qur'an insists that ample warning is

mandatory and must be delivered by His messengers:


" That is because thy Lord would never destroy the cities unjustly,

while their inhabitants were heedless. " (surah 6.131);

" Never did We destroy a population, but had its warners - By way of

reminder; and We never are unjust. " (surah 26:208-209);

" And never did Thy Lord destroy the townships, till He had raised up

in their mother-town a messenger reciting unto them Our revelations. "

(Surah 27:59);


This cardinal rule has been expressly complied with and Warning of

the impending Great Calamity repeatedly announced and fearlessly

upheld by the incarnation of His Ruh for more than three decades

until Her retirement in 2008 at the age of 85. (As the Sign of the

Hour [surah 43:61], She also glorified Jesus and His Message of the

Last Judgment and Kingdom of God.)


" I should do something to bring sense to these people (humanity).

Something should happen to them otherwise what I see is a complete

disaster. It is going to happen. I do not want to frighten you like

Mrs Thatcher does about the Russians. That might be imaginary. But

this is real. I am warning you that the Disaster is going to come as

destruction itself. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

London, UK, 6 June 1983


" The Last Judgment has started. We are facing the Last Judgment

today. We are not aware of it. And all the satanic forces have come

out like the wolves in sheep's clothes. And they are trying to

attract you and you do not judge them. You only sit down and judge

the Reality. It has started! It is a fact! It has started! "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Kingston, UK, 6 November 1980


" I have such respect for so many of them (Muslims). I wish they could

accept that this is not Jihad time anymore but Qiyamah Time, the

Resurrection Time, the Blossom Time. Are they going to miss it? "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



— " Muslim illiteracy worldwide stands at about 51 percent for all age

groups over fifteen. Despite a rapid increase in primary school

enrollment, only 45 percent of Muslim children aged six to eleven

attend primary school. An even larger gap exists at higher levels of

research. " - Martin S. Kramer, Arab awakening and Islamic revival,

1996, page 280;

— " The vast majority of Muslims do not speak Arabic as their native

tongue " - Christine Huda Dodge, The everything understanding Islam,

2003, page 21;

— " The degree of knowledge of Arabic determines a person's

understanding of the Islamic creed. The Quran, the Hadith and Sira

traditions (Prophetic sayings and actions), and the writings of the

early Islamic scholars and jurists were in Arabic. Imam Shafei (767-

820), the founder of the Shafei School of Sunni jurisprudence,

advocated that every Muslim should learn Arabic, at least to the

point of reciting the Quran (Hourani 1991, 68). Most non-Arab Muslims

do not understand Arabic. " - Elie Elhadj, The Islamic Shield, 2006,

page 22;

— " If your mother tongue is not Arabic, Satan (or his troops) will

encourage you to read the Quran in Arabic. Why does he do that?

Because he knows that you will not understand enough of it. The

majority of those who learn Arabic to study the Quran do not excel

enough to understand the implication or interpretation of certain

words when used in a special way in the Arabic language. They will

have a lot of shortcomings. Many Pakistani and Indian Muslims are

forced as children to read the Quran in Arabic and still as adults

read the Quran in Arabic but they do not understand a single word of

what they read... The Quran is a message, not just another beautiful

language book. If you cannot read it in Arabic do not wait until the

day you excel in your Arabic language, because this day may never

come. Trust God and know that He is the teacher of the Quran. He will

teach in any language and to any nationality, He created all things.

Read your Quran today, (do not wait any longer,) in any language that

you can understand and master and leave the rest to God.” Dr. Rashad

Khalifa, Ph.d.

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