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FAQ: What does the red dot on the forehead mean ?

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SRH <ghen

FAQ: What does the red dot on the forehead mean ?

" V Desai " <vsraj

Wed, 18 Sep 96 14:42:35 EDT

Resent-Sun, 22 Sep 1996 23:08:17 -0700 (MST)

Resent-Ajay Shah <ajay






The 'Red dot' on the forehead is not always only red and nor is it

always a dot. The dot is called 'Kumkum' or 'Bindi', and when worn by

men it is called 'Tilak' (mark). Usually Hindu women, priests, monks

and worshippers wear it. Men wear it on auspicious occasions such as

Puja (ritual worship), or marriage, or Arati (waving of lights) on

festive occasions such as on Bhaai-duj, Karvaa Chaud or Paadwaa or

Dasshera) or while embarking on, or upon return from a voyage or a

campaign. It is also worn by Jains and Buddhists (even in China).


Like all Hindu symbols,'red dot' has multiple meanings which are all

valid at the same time. Let us explore them :


1. By one simple interpretation it is a cosmetic mark used to enhance



2. In meditation, this very spot between the eyebrows (Bhrumadhya) is

where one focusses his/her sight, so that it helps concentration.

Most images of Buddha or Hindu divinites in meditative pose with

their eyes nearly closed show the gaze focussed between eyebrows

(other spot being the tip of the nose - naasikagra).


3. All Self realized saints from India (such as Saint Jnaneshwar,

Saint Tukaram) as well as West describe their experience of seeing 'a

bright flame (Jyoti)' of the size of a little finger tip at this

spot. They 'see' this jyoti both with their eyelids closed and even

with the eyes open, hence the term 'seer'. This is the mystical

meaning behind Kumkum. 'Siddha Siddhant Paddhati' of Gorakshanath

(circa 11 th century) describes a linga shaped jyoti at the spot.


4. Swami Muktanand writes 'auspicious Kumkum or sandal wood paste is

applied (between the eyebrows) out of respect for inner Guru. It is

the Guru's seat. There is a chakra (center of spiritual energy within

human body) here called Ajna (Aadnyaa) chakra meaning 'Command

center'. Here you receive the Guru's command to go higher in Sadhana

(spiritual practice) to the 'Sahasraar' (seventh and final chakra)

which leads to Self realization. The flame seen at the eyebrow

is called 'Guru Jyoti'. (From Finite to Infinite, by Swami

Muktananda, SYDA Foundation, S.Fallsburg, NY, 1989, pp. 88-89)


5. The encyclopedic dictionary of Yoga informs that this 'Ajna

Chakra' is also called as the 'Third eye'. This center is connected

with the sacred syllable 'Om' and presiding it is 'ParaaShiva'. After

activation of this center, the aspirant overcomes 'Ahamkar' (ego or

sense of individuality), the last hurdle on the path of spirituality.

(Encyclopedic dictionary of Yoga, by Georg Fuerstein, Paragon House

Publ, NY, 1990,p.15).


Thus the monks apply the auspicious mark of Kumkum on the forehead as

an act of worship to the inner Guru to overcome ego. It is also the

same reason why married women wear the 'red dot'. After marriage

Hindu women give up their name. They take the pains of pregnancy and

delivery, yet the child carries father's name. This selfless

sacrifice is done out of love, and for the sake of family and

society. It is for this reason wearing the red dot is considered a

sign of ' Soubhagya (good fortune)', because sacrificing you ego and

performing selfless action out of love is considered a sacred act and

a good fortune.


6. Magsasay Award winning Pandurang Shastry Athawale who is

kindling 'back to Vedic basics' spirit, writes 'Tilak is not a mere

cosmetic adornment, or sign of being religious, it is a symbol of

worship of intellect.


Worship of intellect is trusting your own intellect AND other's

intellect, especially in the fields you do not have enough knowledge.

Intellectual honesty and its worship have been corner stones of Hindu

thought. At the end of Gita (18:63) Bhagwan Krishna asks Arjun

'Vimrushyaita dashesheNa yathechhasi tathaa Kuru' 'Fully THINK

(ponder) on what I said and then do as YOU deem fit'. Indian

scriptures ask 'Drushtipootam nyasetpaadam, vastra pootam pibet

jalam' - Look (think) before you leap (embark on any activity)

and 'filter the water with a cloth before you drink'.


It is this intellectual honesty that made losers in debates such as

Mandan Mishra sincere followers of the victors like Shankaracharya.

Shankaracharya writes 'If Vedas tell that fire is cold, then I will

not accept that. But at the same time I am confident that Vedas will

never tell me such things'.


Kathopanashad calls intellect as the charioteer. Body is a chariot,

Indriyas (sense/conative organs) are horses, mind is the reins to be

used to control them , Atman (Self) is the rider within, and Vishay

(objects of senses) are the tracks on which horses run. (Sanskruti

Poojan, by Pandurang Shastry Athawale, Sadvichar Darshan Trust,

Mumbai, 1988, pp.225-8 in Hindi/Marathi/Gujarati) Shastryji also

mentions tilak as the 'third eye' of Shiva and reminds that Shiva

destroyed Madan (God of desire) by opening the third eye. Thus the

Tilak asks us to not look at women as object of desires, but look

with 'Bhaav'- respect, honor and worship for their sacrifice for the

family and society.


It is intellect worship the Kumkum symbolises. Hence a victor

returning from a campaign is applied a Tilak. It asks us to overcome

the ego, be selfless, yet asks to do all actions/ work/ worship with



FAQ: What does the red dot on the forehead mean ?

" V Desai " <vsraj

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