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The Divine Mother conveyed the Id Al-Adha greetings to Prophet Muhammad in Arabic

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Eid Al-Adha Of 1994


On that holy day of Id-Adha 1994 Kash was told to send greetings to

Prophet Mohammed. This day is celebrated by Muslims worldwide to mark

the culmination of the pilgrimage to Mecca, and is one of the holiest

in the Islamic calendar.


Kash sat in meditation and immediately surfaced through the celestial

clouds, his meditating self momentarily suspended in midair. Slowly

he floated down and merged into his spirit-body.


The Clear White Light shone ever so brilliantly from behind the

Eternal Throne as Al-Muntazar (The Hidden Imam Mahdi) sat in Bliss

and Joy. He greeted and told Her of his desire to see Prophet



She agreed and immediately levitated him a few inches above the soft

bed of clouds that stretched infinitely in all directions. They then

voyaged across the inner spiritual universe, just as Prophet Muhammad

had done on the Buraq more than 14 centuries ago.


When they reached their destination the Ruh of Allah introduced Kash

to Nabi Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah.


Prophet Muhammad was invisible but Kash could feel him through

vibrations flowing from his hands, as if they were 'talking' to him.

He knew exactly where Prophet Muhammad was sitting and what was His

form, just as he had detected the invisible Shri Buddha.


Kash bowed down to the Prophet of God Almighty and conveyed greetings

of Id Al-Adha in English. The Ruh of Allah Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,

who could see Prophet Muhammad, translated Kash's greetings into



Prophet Muhammad returned the greetings in Arabic. Shri Mataji then

translated the greetings into English, and replied that Prophet

Muhammad also thanked him for sending the Id-Adha greetings. The

three of them then raised their Kundalinis and meditated together.


When it was over Kash again bowed to Rasul Allah and paid his

respects. He then left with Al-Muddaththir (The Enfolded) back to the

Land of Al Nur where he asked permission for departure.


As he closed his spiritual eyes he began descending through the

heavenly clouds, returning to this blind world of scriptural

distortion and religious fundamentalism.


Praise be to Allah

The Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds;

Most Gracious, Most Merciful: Master of the Day of Judgement.

Thine do we worship, and Thine aid we seek.

Show us the straight way, the way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed

Thy Grace,

Those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray.


surah I:1-7 Al Fatihah (The Opening)

(Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, Amana Corporation, 1989.)



" The truth does not necessarily come from priests, or from the

superstitions of whole peoples. It come from Allah, and where there

is direct revelation, there is no room for doubt. "


Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an

(Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, Amana Corporation, 1989, p.




" Revelation is not a mere chance or haphazard thing. It is a real

blessing — among the greatest that Allah has bestowed on man. By

meditation on it in an earnest spirit man may learn of himself, and

his relation to nature around him and to Allah, the author of all.

Men of understanding may, by its help, resolve all genuine doubts

that there may be in their minds, and learn the true lessons of

spiritual life. "


Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an

(Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, Amana Corporation, 1989, p.




" The divine attributes of knowledge, power, life and so on were real;

they had belonged to God from all eternity. But they were distinct

from God's essence, because God was essentially one, simple and

unique. He could not be regarded as a complex being because he was

simplicity itself; we could not analyze him by defining his various

characteristics or splitting him up into smaller parts. Al-Ashari

refused any attempt to resolve the paradox: thus he insisted that

when the Koran says that God " sits on his throne, " we must accept

that this is a fact even though it is beyond our understanding to

conceive of a pure spirit " sitting. " "


Karen Armstrong, A History of God

(Karen Armstrong, A History of God, Ballantine Books, 1993, p. 166.)


Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God, 1999, pages 2606-7



A year later on May 10, 1995, at 7:35 a.m. Kash was again told to send greetings

to Prophet Muhammad. It was Id Al-Adha again.


He meditated and met Shri Mataji in the Niche of Light. The Supreme

Light shone ever so brilliantly from behind the Eternal Throne of the

Great Formless Mother as She sat in Bliss and Joy. The Universal

Beings were all already there and sitting in a semi-circle; Shri

Krishna and Shri Radha, Shri Shiva and Shri Parvati, Shri Vishnu and

Shri Lakshmi, Shri Sita and Shri Rama, Shri Brahma and Shri

Saraswati, Shri Jesus, Prophet Mohammed, Shri Buddha, Guru Nanak and

others. Kash bowed to all of them and exchanged greetings.


He then told Shri Mataji of his desire to see Prophet Muhammad and

extend season greetings on this auspicious day. The Spirit of the

Living God got down from the Highest Throne and asked him to follow

Her as She walked towards a gap in the semi-circle of the Divine

Messengers. Al-Muzzammil (The Enwrapped) Shri Nirmala Devi did not

tell him where Prophet Muhammad was sitting or ask him to use his

vibrations, as was normally the case, but went along instead as She

knew that Kash could not speak Arabic and thus would not be able to

greet Nabi Muhammad.


Prophet Muhammad was sitting in between Shri Ganesha (left) and Shri

Krishna (right.) Kash then bowed to Him, hands folded in obeisance,

and conveyed his Haj greetings. Prophet Muhammad replied, " Thank you

very much " in Arabic. (Shri Adhiparasakthi Shri Nirmala Devi

translated the reply into English for the benefit of Kash.)


They then walked back to their original places.


The Ruh of Allah then sat on the Golden Throne and invited everyone

to begin meditation. All the Divine Beings in unison raised their

Kundalinis, did the Bandhan, and went in deep meditation.


When the meditation was over Al-Muddaththir (The Enfolded) Shri

Nirmala Devi awakened Kash. He requested for leave, bowed to Her, and

wished the Divine Messengers again. He then slowly descended through

the clouds and returned to this scheming world of `chosen people' and

`Allah's Ummah.'


Note: Kash is positive that Prophet Muhammad spoke Arabic as he had

heard the language being spoken before, and it sounded similar. He

explained that it was different, a language that was " spoken from the

throat. "


Months later, on August 29, 1995, at 12:35 p.m., he was again asked

how he knew that Shri Mataji spoke in Arabic. Again he told that the

language was different from the one the Great Sacred Mother normally

spoke to the Divine Messengers (including Shri Buddha and Guru

Nanak), that is, Sanskrit and Gurumkhi. He was sure it was Arabic due

to its guttural tone. He then explained that he had heard this

language being spoken on Channel 24 of Vidéotron, the ethnic cable

television of Quebec (Canada), which has a fair share of Middle East

slots. This evidence could not be disputed and the issue was settled.

The Divine Mother conveyed the Id Al-Adha greetings to Prophet

Muhammad in Arabic — This Revealed Truth is Absolute.


This conversation of Allah's Ruh with Prophet Mohammed in Arabic

clearly establishes the fact that there is much more to the Single

Source and Primordial Origin of God and His Messengers than

previously known or admitted by the false preachers of

institutionalized religion. Since Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi and

Prophet Mohammed conversed in Arabic, this has not only narrowed down

but in fact pinpointed the Source of His Spirit in all Messengers. If

Prophet Muhammad was heard speaking to the Great Divine Mother in

Arabic, then who is She? If the All Pervading Consciousness was seen

and heard conversing to Rasul Allah in Arabic, then who She really

is? She is the Holy Spirit of God, the Ruh of Allah, the Adi Shakti

of Sadashiva, who resides in every human being!


The essence of the above statements were already confirmed earlier on

August 6, 1994, when Kash inquired about the number of languages She

spoke. The Great Primordial Spirit told him, " I know all languages. "

To truly comprehend the magnitude and essential quality of this

Eternal Truth requires deep introspection. Only the All-Knowing Allah

knows all languages — This Revealed Truth is Absolute.


Allah, through His Spirit, has to know what every human being is

talking, thinking or hearing and, in extremely rare instances,

communicate back. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has openly declared to

humankind that She is the One, the Ruh of Allah, in a human form who

has come to this Earth to announce His Call for Resurrection. Since

She is speaking the Truth we have to declare it to all nations

because the pursuit of Allah demands the pursuit of Truth. Shri

Adhiparasakthi Shri Nirmala Devi is the manifestation of the Spirit

of Allah residing in every human being! Shri Majja-Samstha Shri

Nirmala Devi is the Caller from a Place quite Near in the Qur'an who

announces Qiyamah. She is Al-Muntazar, The Hidden Imam Mahdi

prophesied to lead the final Mighty War (Battle of Qa'im) against the

Evil Forces. She is the Messiah that all Holy Scriptures prophesied.


" That divine Message is summed up in the gospel of Divine Unity, on

which the greatest emphasis is laid: " verily, verily your God is

One. " It is a fact intimately connected with our own life and

destiny... There is complete harmony and unity in heaven and you have

to put yourselves into unison with it — by discipline in ranks, by

unity of plan and purpose in repelling evil, and by concerted action

in promoting the Kingdom of God. Here is the mystery of the manifold

variety of creation pointing to the absolute Unity of the Creator. "


Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an

(Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, Amana Corporation, 1989, p.



" The various religions are but the different languages through which

God has spoken to the human heart. `Truth is one: sages call it by

different names.' It is possible to climb life's mountain from any

side, but when the top is reached, the pathways merge. As long as

religions remain in the foothills of theology, ritual or church

organization, they may be far apart. Differences in culture, history,

geography, and group temperament make for different starting points...

But the goal beyond these differences is the same goal.


Huston Smith, The Religions of Man

(Source: Jean Hardy, A Psychology with a Soul, Routledge & Kegan Paul

Ltd., 1987, p. 87.)


" Because the point of reference of any experience must be oneself,

this integral vision of reality must first be seen with reference to

oneself, only in the second place with reference to God. Knowledge of

the true self-in-itself precedes knowledge of God: as the Muslims

tradition puts it: `Who knows himself, knows his Lord. "


R.C. Zaehner, BhagavadGita

(R.C. Zaehner, BhagavadGita, Oxford University Press, 1969, p. 235)


When My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them):

I listen to the prayer of every suppliant, when he calleth on Me;

Let them also, with a will, listen to My call, and believe in Me: That they

might walk in the right way.


surah 2: 186 Al Baqarah (The Heifer)

(Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, Amana Corporation, 1989.)


Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God, 1999, pages 2608-10



Why was the Quran revealed in Arabic?


The following reasons have been given in the Qur'an for its

revelation in Arabic language:


1. Arabic was the language of the people where it was revealed


" And thus: We have revealed to you a Qur'an in Arabic so that you may

warn the Foremost of all towns and those who dwell around it, and may

warn of the Day of Gathering, which is beyond all doubt. One group

will be in the Garden, and one group will be in the Flames. " [42:7]


2. To explain it without any want of clarity, distinctness or



" Now if We had made it a Qur'an in a non-Arabic tongue they would

surely have said, " Why is it that its verses have not been made

clear? Why - a foreign tongue and an Arab? " Say, " For those who

accept it, this is a Guidance and medicine for a wholesome life. But

as for those who will not believe (Arabs or non-Arabs), in their ears

is deafness, and so it remains obscure to them. They are like people

who are called to from afar. " [41:44]


3. To make it easy to understand


" Behold, We have sent it down in all clarity, in the Arabic tongue,

so that you might encompass it with your reason. " [12:2]


" Behold, We have made it a Qur'an in clear Arabic language that you

may fully understand. " [43:3]


Arabic was the most advanced and comprehensive language at the time

when Qur'an was being revealed and it still is the most

comprehensive. The terms, concepts and themes would be best clarified

and explained in Arabic language and last but not the least, it was

the language of the people where it was revealed.







Quran, like the Torah and the Gospel, is a book with a great

message, " WORSHIP GOD ALONE " . Thousands of years ago God gave the

Jews the Torah in their own language. The Jews then considered the

Hebrew/ Aramaic as the special (Holy) language of God. Some of their

Rabbis even taught the Jews that praying in any language other than

Hebrew is unacceptable to God and that the angels of God do not

understand the prayers if not read in Hebrew.


Then God gave the followers of Jesus, the Gospel in their own

language and they felt the same way that their language, mainly

Aramaic is the very special language of God.


Then God gave the world the Quran in the Arabic language. And again

history repeats itself and the Arabs thought that Arabic is the

language of God. They never appreciated that God gave His previous

scriptures in other languages, namely Hebrew and Aramaic. They never

appreciated the fact that in all the languages that the scriptures

came down with, the most important single fact is that the message

has been always the same. " WORSHIP GOD ALONE. " They never appreciated

the fact that to God belongs all the languages of the world, He

created them, just like He created us, See 49:13 and 11:118-119.





Why was the last and final revelation of God revealed in Arabic?


1. Arabic: language of the land.


The Glorious Qur’an is the last and final revelation of Almighty God

which was revealed for the whole of humanity. Since it was revealed

in Arabia, the language of the Qur’an had to be the language of the

people of that land i.e. Arabic. Similarly, the other previous

revelations of God like Torah, Zaboor, Injeel, etc. were also

revealed in the language of inhabitants living in that region.


2. Arabic: Muhammad’s (Pbuh) mother tongue.


Since the last and final Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh), unto

whom the Qur’an was revealed, was an Arab, therefore the Qur’an was

revealed to him in his mother tongue which was Arabic. If the Qur’an

was revealed in a language which was not the Prophet’s mother tongue,

the people who knew that language, would surely say, how can you

explain to us the message when we understand it better than you? It

would be like a French man, who explains to an English man regarding

the message given in a book written in English.


3. Arabic: a living language.


Although, Arabic is an ancient language, it is yet a living language

which is spoken by more than 150 million people throughout the world.

The languages of the other religious scriptures like Hebrew, ancient

Greek, Aramaic, etc. are dead languages and can hardly be understood

by a handful of scholars. These languages are not spoken in any

discussions or conversations or not used in written correspondence.

Therefore it is very easy for a person who wants to make any changes

in the religious scriptures in such ancient languages, since the

masses will not realize it - such an eventuality is not possible in

the case of the Qur’an.


Dr. Zakir Naik

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