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Meditation and experiencing the Winds of Qiyamah is key to taking part in the Resurrection during Al Qadr (The Night of Power and Destiny).

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Dear Believers of the Resurrection,


Namaste - i bow to His Ruh (Holy Spirit/Adi Shakti) who resides in you!


Prophet Muhammad was meditating, not sleeping in the cave. This

fact must be established as daily meditation is absolutely required

for those wishing to take part in the present Al-Qiyamah. Meditation,

the innermost intimacy with God Almighty (Silence on Self), must now

blossom into the future model for both Muslims and non-Muslims alike:


" In the historical context, it is well known that the Prophet

Muhammad received his initial revelation in a cave on Mt. Hira where

he used to retire for meditation. It was in the solitude of this

place that he was blessed with the first auditions which forced him

to go into the world and preach what he had learned: the constant

change between the khalwa, the lonely place of meditation in the dark

cave, undisturbed in his concentration upon God, and the jilwa, the

need and duty to promulgate the Divine word that he had heard, was to

remain the model for the Muslims—a spiritual movement of whose

necessity Iqbal reminds the believers of our time…


The Prophet's example of retiring into the cave was imitated by a

number of mystics who lived for long periods in caves. The extremely

narrow cave in which Sharafuddin Maneri of Bihar (d. 1381) spent

several decades of his life is only one of the numerous examples of

this pious custom; Muhammad Ghawth Gwaliorf (d. 1562) also belongs to

the Sufis who, year after year, performed their meditation in a cave,

to emerge in the end filled with an overwhelming spiritual energy.

The experience of the arba'in, chilla, khalwat, forty days'

meditation in a narrow, dark room or a subterranean place, belongs

here as well. The intimacy of the experience of God's proximity in

such a khalwa could lead the pious to address Him in prayer as `On

Cave of them that seek refuge!' " (Deciphering the signs of God: a

phenomenological approach to Islam, Annemarie Schimmel, pages 48-9)


Note: i consider this correction crucial for Muslims understanding

that the present Al Qadr (Night of Power Destiny) is rooted in

meditation. Only in meditation can one feel the Winds of Qiyamah

issuing from within themselves, and know for a surety that the body

is daily undergoing a very subtle resurrection. Those surrendering to

His Call are empowered to resurrect themselves, and that is why the

Night of Power is better than a thousand months wherein come down the

angels and the Spirit by Allah's permission, on every errand.


However, this experience of the Winds of Qiyamah (Islam) or being

born of the Holy Spirit during the Last Judgment (Christianity) have

been reduced to just Cool Breeze by the Sahaja Yoga organization.

Thus over the decades the overwhelming majority have had no idea what

the Cool Breeze is all about, and have left almost immediately.


" Introduction


One spring afternoon in 1992, a Norwegian friend who was living in my

village for a year whilst he completed a Master of Business

Administration at Bath University dropped over for coffee. After

exchanging the usual set of pleasantries about the weather and a few

comments about the local primary school, he introduced a new topic

into the conversation. Knowing my interest in new religions, he said,

was I aware that some people in the next village were 'giving cool

breezes'? I confessed my ignorance and pressed him for details. One,

a woman called Jane, he continued, had given him a sort of massage

and as a result he had felt a cool breeze on the top of his head. " I

really did, you know! " he went on, looking slightly uncomfortable, as

he did not quite believe it himself. " What's it all about? "


This book is my attempt, as a sociologist of religion, to answer the

question raised by my friend that day. It is about Sahaja Yoga, the

new religious movement (NRM) whose member was responsible for

the 'cool breezes' which he felt...


Making Contact with Mother

Cool Breezes


The result, in all three settings, is that many people do feel a cool

breeze. The coolness which is felt is usually associated with other

sensations, as well. Typically, the pupils of the eyes can be

observed to dilate and the person will feel very relaxed and

`centered'. However, it is notable that, despite the very similar

ways in which individuals `get their realisation' – and even in the

same setting – not everybody feels exactly the same thing. Sri Mataji

teaches that the vibrations of kundalini can be felt as a cool breeze

on the palms of the hands and above the head. Sometimes breezes, in

line with the teachings, are felt on the hands and head specifically.

For others, the experience is more generalized:


The experience was extremely timeless, because I felt that it only

lasted for about five minutes but somebody came behind me and

said " would you like a cup of tea? " and I thought, " this is silly,

what's all this about tea? " But it turned out that it was about three

quarters of an hour later. And I felt a strong cool breeze. I was

actually told " you will probably feel some coolness or some nice

feelings inside " but I felt coolness not just in my hands, where I

was told it would be, but all over and I felt incredibly peaceful.


Generally, the feeling of coolness on `realisation' seems to be

discernible, but relatively weak. As with Kakar's description of his

own `realisation', many newcomers are left with the feeling that they

felt something but they are not sure what:


Mataji grandly announced, " He is realized " … " Sit in meditation for

some time " she told me as I sat up. " Do you feel a cool breeze on the

top of your head and on your palms? " indeed I did, though I could not

distinguish the coolness due to kundalini from the gusty breeze

coming from the sea. I felt well, though, calm and deeply relaxed.

(Kakar 1984, 195-6) [Kakar is a trained Jungian psychologist, having

witnessed Shri Mataji's delivery of `realisation' both en masse and

on a one-to-one basis.]


A few, however, have an extremely strong experience. One such

incident was described by one of the participating Sahaja Yogis:


He felt really cool, not just on his hands but all over. He said:

`This isn't a breeze, it's a wind.' We all felt it really strongly

too. Then we picked up Mother's photograph and held it in front of

him and he felt loads of vibrations coming from that. But I think the

whole thing was so strong that it frightened him. He was very high

and positive for two days, he brought us some flowers, and then he

became very wary and never came to [the ashram] again.


Others still, in contrast, do not feel much, if anything, on their

first session. This lack of feeling on their part, however, may not

be shared by the Sahaja Yogis `working on them', who may remark

enthusiastically about how cool the individual feels, and may be at

odds with the view of Shri Mataji herself. Here is the description of

his initial contact with Sahaja Yoga by one such follower. He first

went to a meeting at which Shri Mataji gave `realisation' en masse,

but felt nothing. Nevertheless, he was persuaded to go to a smaller

workshop a few days later:


I really didn't feel anything there at all either but I was told by

Mataji herself – she said " Who hasn't felt it yet? " and I put my hand

up with a few others. Mataji said " Come forward " and then she said to

me " You've got it, you know " , and I said " Have I? " and she said " Yes,

go through to that room and ask some Sahaja Yogis to work on you " . So

that was my introduction to Sahaja Yoga.


It was only with repeated sessions that he developed the ability to

feel a cool breeze. There are also those, a few, who may feel more

calm, possibly as a result of sitting quietly for some time, but

otherwise feel no different and never feel any sort of breeze. This

is often explained by Sahaja Yogis as being because the chakras have

been too badly damaged by negativity in the past (Rajasekaran and

Venkatesan 1992, 98). "


Judith Coney, Sahaja Yoga, Introduction and pages 55-7

RoutledgeCurzon; 1 edition (May 24 1999)

ISBN-10: 0700710612

ISBN-13: 978-0700710614


Note: Judith Coney's book has been rejected by the Sahaja Yoga

organization for, among other reasons, portraying the movement in a

negative image. On a positive note the Sahaja Yoga organization has

finally, albeit only recently, inserted this note onto one of their

web pages:


" From the Islamic scriptures


The Koran mentions the cool breeze in connection to the

Resurrection: " It is Alah Who sends the winds... As such (will be)

the Resurrection. " ( " The Noble Quran " 35.9, Hilal Publishing House,

Istanbul, 1994, p.700).


At the time of Kiyama (Resurrection Time) " we shall seal up their

mouths and their hands will speak to us, and their legs will bear

witness to what they used to earn " (ibid. 36.65, p.713). This is

precisely what happens in Sahaja Yoga, when our entire inner system

can be felt on our fingertips. Everything that we do which goes

against our Spirit manifests on our chakras, and can be felt on our

palms after we get our Self Realization. The Koran (ibid. for

instance: 2.87; 42.52 etc.) also makes many references to the Ruh (or

Ruah), the Breath of God, which is the same as the All Pervading

Power in Hinduism and the Holy Spirit in Christianity. Its reflection

in the human being is the Kundalini.


An interesting reference can be found in the " Shorter Encyclopaedia

of Islam " which describes the Mahdi - the Twelfth Imam who was

predicted to come in the times of Kiyama: " To believe in His as the

Second or the Promised Messiah is an article of faith, because first

of all His coming early in the 14th century of the Hidjra was

predicted by Muhammad " (H.A.R. Gibb, J.H. Kramers, " Shorter

Encyclopaedia of Islam " , E.J. Brill, Leiden 1953, p.24). Or, Hidjra

(Hegira), the starting point of the Islamic period was towards the

end of the year 622, which sends us to the end of the year 1922 maybe

the beginning of the year 1923. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was born the

21st of March, 1923.




However, their explicit Hindu rituals, mantras and chakra-cleansing

obsession will disgust most Muslims. i assure the Ummah that all they

need is to learn how to trigger the Winds of Qiyamah online and

return to their own communities and meditate. Daily meditation--the

innermost intimacy with God Almighty (Silence on Self)--and

experiencing the Winds of Qiyamah is key to participating in the

Resurrection during Al Qadr (The Night of Power and Destiny). There

is absolutely no need for any SY rituals, mantras or chakra-cleansing.

Allah's Ruh within will perfect you for the eternal Paradise.


regards to all,




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> Dear Believers of the Resurrection,


> Namaste - i bow to His Ruh (Holy Spirit/Adi Shakti) who resides in you!


> Prophet Muhammad was meditating, not sleeping in the cave. This

> fact must be established as daily meditation is absolutely required

> for those wishing to take part in the present Al-Qiyamah. Meditation,

> the innermost intimacy with God Almighty (Silence on Self), must now

> blossom into the future model for both Muslims and non-Muslims alike:


> " In the historical context, it is well known that the Prophet

> Muhammad received his initial revelation in a cave on Mt. Hira where

> he used to retire for meditation. It was in the solitude of this

> place that he was blessed with the first auditions which forced him

> to go into the world and preach what he had learned: the constant

> change between the khalwa, the lonely place of meditation in the dark

> cave, undisturbed in his concentration upon God, and the jilwa, the

> need and duty to promulgate the Divine word that he had heard, was to

> remain the model for the Muslims—a spiritual movement of whose

> necessity Iqbal reminds the believers of our time…


> The Prophet's example of retiring into the cave was imitated by a

> number of mystics who lived for long periods in caves. The extremely

> narrow cave in which Sharafuddin Maneri of Bihar (d. 1381) spent

> several decades of his life is only one of the numerous examples of

> this pious custom; Muhammad Ghawth Gwaliorf (d. 1562) also belongs to

> the Sufis who, year after year, performed their meditation in a cave,

> to emerge in the end filled with an overwhelming spiritual energy.

> The experience of the arba'in, chilla, khalwat, forty days'

> meditation in a narrow, dark room or a subterranean place, belongs

> here as well. The intimacy of the experience of God's proximity in

> such a khalwa could lead the pious to address Him in prayer as `On

> Cave of them that seek refuge!' " (Deciphering the signs of God: a

> phenomenological approach to Islam, Annemarie Schimmel, pages 48-9)


> Note: i consider this correction crucial for Muslims understanding

> that the present Al Qadr (Night of Power Destiny) is rooted in

> meditation. Only in meditation can one feel the Winds of Qiyamah

> issuing from within themselves, and know for a surety that the body

> is daily undergoing a very subtle resurrection. Those surrendering to

> His Call are empowered to resurrect themselves, and that is why the

> Night of Power is better than a thousand months wherein come down the

> angels and the Spirit by Allah's permission, on every errand.


> However, this experience of the Winds of Qiyamah (Islam) or being

> born of the Holy Spirit during the Last Judgment (Christianity) have

> been reduced to just Cool Breeze by the Sahaja Yoga organization.

> Thus over the decades the overwhelming majority have had no idea what

> the Cool Breeze is all about, and have left almost immediately.


> " Introduction


> One spring afternoon in 1992, a Norwegian friend who was living in my

> village for a year whilst he completed a Master of Business

> Administration at Bath University dropped over for coffee. After

> exchanging the usual set of pleasantries about the weather and a few

> comments about the local primary school, he introduced a new topic

> into the conversation. Knowing my interest in new religions, he said,

> was I aware that some people in the next village were 'giving cool

> breezes'? I confessed my ignorance and pressed him for details. One,

> a woman called Jane, he continued, had given him a sort of massage

> and as a result he had felt a cool breeze on the top of his head. " I

> really did, you know! " he went on, looking slightly uncomfortable, as

> he did not quite believe it himself. " What's it all about? "


> This book is my attempt, as a sociologist of religion, to answer the

> question raised by my friend that day. It is about Sahaja Yoga, the

> new religious movement (NRM) whose member was responsible for

> the 'cool breezes' which he felt...


> Making Contact with Mother

> Cool Breezes


> The result, in all three settings, is that many people do feel a cool

> breeze. The coolness which is felt is usually associated with other

> sensations, as well. Typically, the pupils of the eyes can be

> observed to dilate and the person will feel very relaxed and

> `centered'. However, it is notable that, despite the very similar

> ways in which individuals `get their realisation' – and even in the

> same setting – not everybody feels exactly the same thing. Sri Mataji

> teaches that the vibrations of kundalini can be felt as a cool breeze

> on the palms of the hands and above the head. Sometimes breezes, in

> line with the teachings, are felt on the hands and head specifically.

> For others, the experience is more generalized:


> The experience was extremely timeless, because I felt that it only

> lasted for about five minutes but somebody came behind me and

> said " would you like a cup of tea? " and I thought, " this is silly,

> what's all this about tea? " But it turned out that it was about three

> quarters of an hour later. And I felt a strong cool breeze. I was

> actually told " you will probably feel some coolness or some nice

> feelings inside " but I felt coolness not just in my hands, where I

> was told it would be, but all over and I felt incredibly peaceful.


> Generally, the feeling of coolness on `realisation' seems to be

> discernible, but relatively weak. As with Kakar's description of his

> own `realisation', many newcomers are left with the feeling that they

> felt something but they are not sure what:


> Mataji grandly announced, " He is realized " … " Sit in meditation for

> some time " she told me as I sat up. " Do you feel a cool breeze on the

> top of your head and on your palms? " indeed I did, though I could not

> distinguish the coolness due to kundalini from the gusty breeze

> coming from the sea. I felt well, though, calm and deeply relaxed.

> (Kakar 1984, 195-6) [Kakar is a trained Jungian psychologist, having

> witnessed Shri Mataji's delivery of `realisation' both en masse and

> on a one-to-one basis.]


> A few, however, have an extremely strong experience. One such

> incident was described by one of the participating Sahaja Yogis:


> He felt really cool, not just on his hands but all over. He said:

> `This isn't a breeze, it's a wind.' We all felt it really strongly

> too. Then we picked up Mother's photograph and held it in front of

> him and he felt loads of vibrations coming from that. But I think the

> whole thing was so strong that it frightened him. He was very high

> and positive for two days, he brought us some flowers, and then he

> became very wary and never came to [the ashram] again.


> Others still, in contrast, do not feel much, if anything, on their

> first session. This lack of feeling on their part, however, may not

> be shared by the Sahaja Yogis `working on them', who may remark

> enthusiastically about how cool the individual feels, and may be at

> odds with the view of Shri Mataji herself. Here is the description of

> his initial contact with Sahaja Yoga by one such follower. He first

> went to a meeting at which Shri Mataji gave `realisation' en masse,

> but felt nothing. Nevertheless, he was persuaded to go to a smaller

> workshop a few days later:


> I really didn't feel anything there at all either but I was told by

> Mataji herself – she said " Who hasn't felt it yet? " and I put my hand

> up with a few others. Mataji said " Come forward " and then she said to

> me " You've got it, you know " , and I said " Have I? " and she said " Yes,

> go through to that room and ask some Sahaja Yogis to work on you " . So

> that was my introduction to Sahaja Yoga.


> It was only with repeated sessions that he developed the ability to

> feel a cool breeze. There are also those, a few, who may feel more

> calm, possibly as a result of sitting quietly for some time, but

> otherwise feel no different and never feel any sort of breeze. This

> is often explained by Sahaja Yogis as being because the chakras have

> been too badly damaged by negativity in the past (Rajasekaran and

> Venkatesan 1992, 98). "


> Judith Coney, Sahaja Yoga, Introduction and pages 55-7

> RoutledgeCurzon; 1 edition (May 24 1999)

> ISBN-10: 0700710612

> ISBN-13: 978-0700710614


> Note: Judith Coney's book has been rejected by the Sahaja Yoga

> organization for, among other reasons, portraying the movement in a

> negative image. On a positive note the Sahaja Yoga organization has

> finally, albeit only recently, inserted this note onto one of their

> web pages:


> " From the Islamic scriptures


> The Koran mentions the cool breeze in connection to the

> Resurrection: " It is Alah Who sends the winds... As such (will be)

> the Resurrection. " ( " The Noble Quran " 35.9, Hilal Publishing House,

> Istanbul, 1994, p.700).


> At the time of Kiyama (Resurrection Time) " we shall seal up their

> mouths and their hands will speak to us, and their legs will bear

> witness to what they used to earn " (ibid. 36.65, p.713). This is

> precisely what happens in Sahaja Yoga, when our entire inner system

> can be felt on our fingertips. Everything that we do which goes

> against our Spirit manifests on our chakras, and can be felt on our

> palms after we get our Self Realization. The Koran (ibid. for

> instance: 2.87; 42.52 etc.) also makes many references to the Ruh (or

> Ruah), the Breath of God, which is the same as the All Pervading

> Power in Hinduism and the Holy Spirit in Christianity. Its reflection

> in the human being is the Kundalini.


> An interesting reference can be found in the " Shorter Encyclopaedia

> of Islam " which describes the Mahdi - the Twelfth Imam who was

> predicted to come in the times of Kiyama: " To believe in His as the

> Second or the Promised Messiah is an article of faith, because first

> of all His coming early in the 14th century of the Hidjra was

> predicted by Muhammad " (H.A.R. Gibb, J.H. Kramers, " Shorter

> Encyclopaedia of Islam " , E.J. Brill, Leiden 1953, p.24). Or, Hidjra

> (Hegira), the starting point of the Islamic period was towards the

> end of the year 622, which sends us to the end of the year 1922 maybe

> the beginning of the year 1923. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was born the

> 21st of March, 1923.


> http://www.sahajayoga.org/propheciesfulfillments/default.asp


> However, their explicit Hindu rituals, mantras and chakra-cleansing

> obsession will disgust most Muslims. i assure the Ummah that all they

> need is to learn how to trigger the Winds of Qiyamah online and

> return to their own communities and meditate. Daily meditation--the

> innermost intimacy with God Almighty (Silence on Self)--and

> experiencing the Winds of Qiyamah is key to participating in the

> Resurrection during Al Qadr (The Night of Power and Destiny). There

> is absolutely no need for any SY rituals, mantras or chakra-cleansing.

> Allah's Ruh within will perfect you for the eternal Paradise.


> regards to all,



> jagbir




, " adishakti_org "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> However, their explicit Hindu rituals, mantras and chakra-cleansing

> obsession will disgust most Muslims. i assure the Ummah that all they

> need is to learn how to trigger the Winds of Qiyamah online and

> return to their own communities and meditate. Daily meditation--the

> innermost intimacy with God Almighty (Silence on Self)--and

> experiencing the Winds of Qiyamah is key to participating in the

> Resurrection during Al Qadr (The Night of Power and Destiny). There

> is absolutely no need for any SY rituals, mantras or chakra-cleansing.

> Allah's Ruh within will perfect you for the eternal Paradise.



Dear Jagbir, Krishna and all,


Krishna has kindly given me permission to post the appended excerpt of an email

he sent me, which i believe speaks for itself.


regards to all,





On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 5:30 AM, Krishna (Kyyan) Volk <krishna.deha



I just wanted to say that this journey is such an interesting thing. Just when I

think a huge change and unfolding is happening in my life it's not, and when I

let go suddenly it is. I have been cleaning myself religiously since I returned

from India (6 months now) day and night, schedules and everything. I have had

many cool things happen..such as candle flames on the alter that suddenly

stretch 4-5 inches in height with a steady stream of black smoke trailing off

into the air, sometimes for nearly a minute straight then suddenly back to

normal. All sorts of Bhoots and possessions and whatever else pop off on the

candle flames, dreams with Mother in them that seem very significant, sometimes

(very rarely) very deep meditations or states of awareness that simply happen

without any mantras or anything, just the raising of my kundalini can do it.


My point is, vibrations have been usually hot or nothing at all with all fingers

catching, though people working on me can feel them very strongly as cool. Same

thing happened at Vashi while I was there-I felt great inside, felt " normal " but

could not feel vibrations. The last month and some has been so difficult for me

in so many ways and the last week I got to the point where I was sick and tired

of the way I have been approaching SY and living my life since SY, especially

since my return. Since I started SY I have gained many, many great

understandings and my behaviors that were self destructive have receded to a

near 100% reduction, but in that I also become extremely conditioned by SYSSR

but more so by the conditionings of fear of getting caught up, or possessed, of

treatments, of all those sorts of things and they took the joy out of my life. I

was scared to do anything and everything was hampered by these ideas. For

example I was interested in studying spa therapy and massage therapy as a career

since I'm interested in it and it pays really well, but talking to other yogis

and the fear of getting caught up because of massaging people basically came

into play. Options for career paths became next to nothing because I was totally

taken over by the fear of not wanting to get caught up and I no longer knew what

I wanted to do because every option had a negative side. Basically I had become

sub human and stopped enjoying my life or knowing how to enjoy it because of

these conditionings, both pertaining to people I would meet and career paths.


In the last month or so I have been watching non realized souls and seeing that

they thoroughly are enjoying their lives and living like normal people, albeit

some of their activities and ideas are of course a-dharmic, but that aside, they

are doing the things in life they enjoy doing and are interested in, not huddled

away, timid, scared of everything or fearful of unnecessary things. I began

thinking.....Mother always has said that self realization should give you the

ability to truly enjoy your life, and truly be free to do that (true freedom

comes from within) and I began to look at my life and how I have been living it

since I first start SY and came on the Adishakti.org forum (a time that although

I was adharmic and such, my personality was still intact and my life was not

subject to such nonsense and I felt free), and clearly saw something was not

right in my life and in my mind; I was miserable. So with all these

realizations mounting over the last week, I decided to experiment and do what

Jagbir suggested on the Self Realization portion of Adishakti.org and just raise

your kundalini, take bandhan and then just sit with both hands open; no mantras,

no clearing, no affirmations, just allowing yourself to be still and try to let

go of everything. Although I never went thoughtless I found eventually my eyes

could remain closed on their own, and I felt different inside. This to me

spelled out that there is truly something to this just meditation on the divine

feminine within and not any of the other excess stuff.


This brief background story brings me to the point of my email. Last night I was

feeling anything but well and decided I would just have a simple foot soak, not

take any mantras and not even balance my right or left, just sit and close my

eyes, letting whatever happens happen. So I did that, and wow. Not thoughtless

by any chance but I started feeling vibrations like I have never experienced

them before. I had made sure to close the window and the door to my room, as I

usually like to see if the candle will do something interesting and to make sure

if I am lucky enough to feel vibrations it's not from a draft. So Sitting there

I felt a few catches and just gave bandhans to them and they became hot and

eventually went away, but this time there were only like 2 not 500 and both went

away. But before that and even afterwards it felt like I was sitting in front of

a fan. It started on my right side on the hands and then became both hands and

then my whole body seemed to be engulfed in this cool breeze. It was blowing on

my face and my whole body. I opened my eyes to see if the candle was blowing or

if the curtains in my room were moving due to a draft coming in from under the

door, but they were all completely still. So i tried to put my attention on the

top of my head. When I put in effort and did that I didn't feel any vibrations,

so I decided to stop trying to put my attention anywhere specific and just sit

there. As soon as I let go and stopped trying, the same vibrations started again

and covered my whole body, blowing into my face for more then 30 minutes. It was



What I realized, which I'm sure you have already grasped from what I've written

above, is that I just have to stop trying so damn hard and simply let go as much

as is possible and anytime I can and everything will work out. Anytime I try to

do anything or put any effort into anything nothing really works out. So with

that in mind it's like a new leaf has turned over for me. I'm learning to just

become normal and live my life as I want to live it, doing the things I want to

do and depending on my own discretion and not others ideas to do that. In

meditation i've decided for a few weeks to just do as Jagbir has stated and

allow Mother to do what she will.


I feel like this has changed something in my awareness that I can't really

express in words and a new leaf has been turned over in my life.


Just wanted to share that with you. Also the fact that simplicity and letting go

is the key, it seems so funny because I was trying way to hard which was

actually counter productive.



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