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Jahiliyyah, today, is a state of mind ignorant of divine guidance of the Resurrection during Al Qadr (The Night of Power and Destiny)!

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Dear believers of Al Naba (The Great News),


Namaste - i bow to His Ruh (Holy Spirit/Shakti) who resides in you!


Shri Mataji is without question the incarnation of His Ruh (Adi

Shakti) sent to declare and explain in _detail_ the Great News of

the Qur'an, among other things. Never has there been more

enlightenment from an incarnation. Without Her it would have been

impossible for humanity to open their minds to the deepest secrets

of the Holy Scriptures. Even till today the vast majority of human

beings are still trapped by the state of their minds or jahiliyyah.

" Jahiliyyah, al-Jahiliyah or jahalia is an Islamic concept of

" ignorance of divine guidance " or " the state of ignorance of the

guidance from God " [1] or " Days of Ignorance " [2] referring to the

condition Arabs found themselves in pre-Islamic Arabia, i.e. prior to

the revelation of the Qur'an to Muhammad. By extension it means the

state of anyone not following Islam and the Qur'an. " (Wikipedia)


According to Karen Armstrong, Prophet Muhammad " called the prevailing

spirit of his time 'jahiliyyah'. Muslims usually understand this to

mean the " Time of Ignorance, " that is, the pre-Islamic period in

Arabia. " The revelation of the Qur'an gave rise to the rapid spread

of Islam. And except for the theme of monotheism, the Qur'an speaks

more of the coming Qiyamah--also known as the Resurrection, the Day

of Judgment, Day of Gathering, and the Great Announcement--than of

any other topic.


Muslims believe that Islam is a faith that has always existed and

that it was gradually revealed to humanity by a number of prophets,

but the final and complete revelation of the faith was made through

the Prophet Muhammad. Al-Qiyamah is the summum bonum of the Qur'an,

the ultimate importance, the singular and most ultimate end which

human beings ought to pursue. (There is no difference between the

Resurrection of the Old Testament, Bible or Qur'an. The Resurrection

and Last Judgment is a collective central doctrine of Judaism and

Christianity, and Islam.)


But Shri Mataji has on a number of occasions accused the Muslims

(Jews and Christians as well) of being ignorant of the heart and soul

of Islam--The Resurrection. Not only Shri Mataji but the Quran too

warns that Muslims may miss this Great Event, many not even being

aware it is taking place!


But Ye - Ye Were Not Aware!

On the Day that the Hour (of Reckoning) will be established,

The transgressors will swear that they tarried not but an hour:

Thus were they used to being deluded!

But those endued with knowledge and faith will say:

" Indeed ye did tarry, within Allah's Decree, to the Day of


And this is the Day of Resurrection: but ye - ye were not aware! "

So on that Day no excuse of theirs will avail the transgressors,

Nor will they be invited (then) to seek grace (by repentance.)

Verily We have propounded for men in this Qur'an every kind of


But if thou bring to them any Sign, the Unbelievers are sure to say,

" Ye do nothing but talk vanities. "

Thus does Allah seal up the hearts of those who understand not.

So patiently persevere: for verily the promise of Allah is true:

Nor let those shake thy firmness, who have (themselves) no certainty

of faith.


surah 30:55-60 Al Rum (The Romans)

(Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, Amana Corporation, 1989.)



" I have such respect for so many of them (Muslims). I wish they could

accept that this is not Jihad time anymore but Qiyamah Time, the

Resurrection Time, the Blossom Time. Are they going to miss it? "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" We are now in the Blossom Time, as I call it, because many flowers

are born and they are to become the fruits. This is the Resurrection

Time, which is described in all the scriptures. But it's not like

this, the way they had described us. Something wrong with them that

all the dead bodies who are in the graves will come out of the

graves. I mean, how much is left out of them, God knows. Must be some

bones or maybe some skulls there. So they'll come out of the graves

and they will get their Resurrection!!!? This is a very wrong idea.


Once I happened to meet a fellow, a Muslim from Bosnia and he told

Me, " I want to die for my religion, for God's sake. " I said, " But

why? Who told you to die? " He said, " Now, if I die in the name of

God, I'll be resurrected. " I said, " It's all wrong. That's not the

way it is going to work out. Resurrection is going to work out this

way that at this time, all these souls will take their birth. All

these souls will take their birth and they will be resurrected. As

human beings they'll have to come. "


That's why we find all kinds of funny people these days, all kinds of

cruel, criminal, all kinds of idiotic, stupid, I mean very queer,

weird, funny ideas which find such, such a variety of people and such

a tremendous population that we should understand they have to have

their chance of Resurrection. But how many will come? That's the

point. How many are going to come? "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Philadelphia, USA — October 15, 1993


Jahiliyyah is " ignorance of divine guidance " or " the state of

ignorance of the guidance from God " . So 'jahiliyyah', the Age of

Ignorance, still lingers on 14 centuries for Muslims in particular,

and humanity in general. Jahiliyyah is a state of mind ignorant of

the Resurrection, even unaware that it is taking place as these lines

are read (Quran 30:55). Only those endowed with knowledge and faith

[of the Resurrection] (Quran 30:55), and strengthened with a Spirit

(Ruh) from Himself [sibghatu ‘I-Lah or Baptism of Allah Quran 2:138]

will be admitted to Gardens, beneath which Rivers flow, to dwell

therein forever (Quran 58:22). Jahiliyyah, today, is a state of mind

ignorant of divine guidance of the Resurrection during Al Qadr (The

Night of Power and Destiny)!


regards to all,




1. Qutb, Milestones, p.11, 19

2. G.S.P. Freeman-Grenville, Islam: An Illustrated History, p. 27

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