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Baptism (Sibghatu `I-Lah/Atma Sakshatkar) by the Holy Spirit (Ruh Allah/Adi Shakti) of God Almighty

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" The Self is the Spirit. This Spirit resides in the heart of every

human being and is in a witness-like state. The Spirit is the

projection of God Almighty, while the Kundalini is the projection of

the power of God, of His desire which is the Primordial Mother, or

you can call it Adi Shakti, Holy Ghost or Athena.


So the Kundalini is the projection of the Holy Ghost, while the

Spirit is the projection of God Almighty. The All-pervading Power of

love is the power of the Primordial Mother, which creates and

evolves, and does all the living work. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


The promises of God for the last days: the forgiveness of sins

through baptism in the name of Jesus and the outpouring of the Holy

Ghost on all flesh.[Acts 2:38]

" The spiritual baptism is the direct work of God Himself... Muslims

believe that Allah does it directly and no intermediary needed. "

Shri Mataji: " The last breakthrough is the actualisation of the

baptism (Sibghatu `I-Lah/Atma Sakshatkar) as one feels the cool

breeze of the Holy Ghost (Winds of Qiyamah/Mother Kundalini) emitting

out of one's fontanel bone area (Sahasrara). "


The Baptism by the Holy Spirit of God Almighty

Meaning and effects of baptism


There are differences in views about the effect of baptism for a

Christian. Some Christian groups assert baptism is a requirement for

salvation and a sacrament, and speak of " baptismal regeneration " .

This view is shared by the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox

traditions, and by Churches formed early during the Protestant

Reformation such as Lutheran and Anglican. For example, Martin Luther



To put it most simply, the power, effect, benefit, fruit, and purpose

of Baptism is to save. No one is baptized in order to become a

prince, but as the words say, to " be saved " . To be saved, we know, is

nothing else than to be delivered from sin, death, and the devil and

to enter into the kingdom of Christ and live with him forever.


– Luther's Large Catechism, 1529


Much later Restorationist Churches such as the Churches of Christ and

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints also espouse baptism

as necessary for salvation.


For Roman Catholics, baptism by water is a sacrament of initiation

into the life of children of God (Catechism of the Catholic Church,

1212-13). It configures the person to Christ (CCC 1272), and obliges

the Christian to share in the Church's apostolic and missionary

activity (CCC 1270). The Catholic Tradition holds that there are

three types of baptism by which one can be saved: sacramental baptism

(with water), baptism of desire (explicit or implicit desire to be

part of the Church founded by Jesus Christ), and baptism of blood.


By contrast, most Reformed (Calvinist), evangelical, and

fundamentalist Protestant groups recognize baptism as an act of

obedience to and identification with Jesus as the Christ. They say

that baptism has no sacramental (saving) power, and only testifies

outwardly to the invisible and internal operation of God's power,

which is completely separate from the rite itself…


The liturgy of baptism in the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Lutheran,

Anglican, and Methodist traditions makes clear reference to baptism

as not only a symbolic burial and resurrection, but an actual

supernatural transformation, one that draws parallels to the

experience of Noah and the passage of the Israelites through the Red

Sea divided by Moses. Thus, baptism is literally and symbolically not

only cleansing, but also dying and rising again with Christ…


Ecumenical statements


In 1982 the World Council of Churches published the ecumenical paper

Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry. The preface of the document states:


Those who know how widely the churches have differed in doctrine and

practice on baptism, Eucharist and ministry, will appreciate the

importance of the large measure of agreement registered here.

Virtually all the confessional traditions are included in the

Commission's membership. That theologians of such widely different

traditions should be able to speak so harmoniously about baptism,

Eucharist and ministry is unprecedented in the modern ecumenical

movement. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that the Commission

also includes among its full members theologians of the Roman

Catholic and other churches which do not belong to the World Council

of Churches itself. " [113]


A 1997 another document, Becoming a Christian: The Ecumenical

Implications of Our Common Baptism, gave the views of a commission of

experts brought together under the aegis of the World Council of

Churches. It states:


…according to Acts 2:38, baptisms follow from Peter's preaching

baptism in the name of Jesus and lead those baptized to the receiving

of Christ's Spirit, the Holy Ghost, and life in the community: " They

devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the

breaking of bread and the prayers " [Acts 2:42] as well as to the

distribution of goods to those in need.[Acts 2:45]


Those who heard, who were baptized and entered the community's life,

were already made witnesses of and partakers in the promises of God

for the last days: the forgiveness of sins through baptism in the

name of Jesus and the outpouring of the Holy Ghost on all flesh.[Acts

2:38] Similarly, in what may well be a baptismal pattern, 1 Peter

testifies that proclamation of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and

teaching about new life[1 Pet. 1:3-21] lead to purification and new

birth.[1 Pet. 1:22-23] This, in turn, is followed by eating and

drinking God's food,[1 Peter 2:2-3] by participation in the life of

the community—the royal priesthood, the new temple, the people of God

[1 Peter 2:4-10]—and by further moral formation.[1 Peter 2:11 ff.] At

the beginning of 1 Peter the writer sets this baptism in the context

of obedience to Christ and sanctification by the Spirit.[1 Peter 1:2]

So baptism into Christ is seen as baptism into the Spirit.cf. [1

Corinthians 12:13] In the fourth gospel Jesus' discourse with

Nicodemus indicates that birth by water and Spirit becomes the

gracious means of entry into the place where God rules. [John 3:5]






The Sibghatu `I-Lah by the Ruh of God Almighty


" The Baptism of God, and who is better than God to baptize? Him do we

worship " (chap. ii). this is the translation from the Quran… The

spiritual baptism is the direct work of God Himself. As a fuller or a

laundress washes the linen or any other object with water; as a dyer

tints the wool or cotton with a tincture to give it a new hue; and as

a baptist blots out the past sins of the true penitent believer, so

does God Almighty baptize, not the body, but the spirit and the soul

of him whom He mercifully directs and guides unto the Holy Religion

of Islam. This is the " Sibghatu `I-Lah, " the Baptism of Allah, which

makes a person fit and dignified to become a citizen of the Kingdom

of Allah and a member of His religion. "


Encyclopaedia of Islam, Mufti M. Mukarram Ahmed, page 214


" Not only this, but we Muslims also believe in a ritual purification

with water (ghusl) upon conversion. But I think that we Muslims

differ on the fact that the Christians say that a priest or another

religious person must do it...whereas the Quran says that Allah does

the best baptism. In other words, it's probably a reflection of shirk

to necessitate another person to do the washing. Muslims believe that

Allah does it directly and no intermediary needed. "





The Atma Sakshatkar by the Mother Kundalini/Shakti of God Almighty


" The Mysterious Kundalini


Manastvam Vyoma tvam Marudasi Marutsarathirasi,

Tvamapastvam Bhumistvayi parinatayam nahi param,

Tvameva Svatmanam parinamayitum visvavapusha

Chidanandakaram haramahishi-bhavena bibhrushe.


" O Devi! Thou art the mind, the sky, the air, the fire, the water,

and the earth. Nothing is outside Thee on Thy transformation. Thou

hast become Siva's consecrated queen to alter Thy own blissful

conscious Form in the shape of the world " .


Kundalini, the serpent power or mystic fire, is the primordial energy

or Sakti that lies dormant or sleeping in the Muladhara Chakra, the

centre of the body. It is called the serpentine or annular power on

account of serpentine form. It is an electric fiery occult power, the

great pristine force which underlies all organic and inorganic matter.


Kundalini is the cosmic power in individual bodies. It is not a

material force like electricity, magnetism, centripetal or

centrifugal force. It is a spiritual potential Sakti or cosmic power.

In reality it has no form. The Sthula Buddhi and mind have to follow

a particular form in the beginning stage. From this gross form, one

can easily, understand the subtle formless Kundalini. Prana,

Ahamkara, Buddhi, Indriyas, mind, five gross elements, nerves are all

the products of Kundalini.


It is the coiled-up, sleeping Divine Sakti that lies dormant in all

beings. You have seen in the Muladhara Chakra that there is Svayambhu

Linga. The head of the Linga is the space where Sushumna Nadi is

attached to the Kanda. This mysterious Kundalini lies face downwards

at the mouth of Sushumna Nadi on the head of Svayambhu Linga. It has

three and a half coils like a serpent. When it is awakened, it makes

a hissing sound like that of a serpent beaten with a stick, and

proceeds to the other Chakra through the Brahma Nadi, which is also

called Chitra Nadi within Sushumna. Hence Kundalini is also called

Bhujangini, serpent power. The three coils represent the three Gunas

of Prakriti: Sattva, Rajas and Tamas, and the half represents the

Vikritis, the modification of Prakriti.


Kundalini is the Goddess of speech and is praised by all. She

Herself, when awakened by the Yogin, achieves for him the

illumination. It is She who gives Mukti and Jnana for She is Herself

that. She is also called Sarasvati, as She is the form of Sabda

Brahman. She is the source of all Knowledge and Bliss. She is pure

consciousness itself. She is Brahman. She is Prana Sakti, the Supreme

Force, the Mother of Prana, Agni, Bindu, and Nada. It is by this

Sakti that the world exists. Creation, preservation and dissolution

are in Her. Only by her Sakti the world is kept up. It is through Her

Sakti on subtle Prana, Nada is produced. While you utter a continuous

sound or chant Dirgha Pranava ! (OM), you will distinctly feel that

the real vibration starts from the Muladhara Chakra. Through the

vibration of this Nada, all the parts of the body function. She

maintains the individual soul through the subtle Prana. In every kind

of Sadhana the Goddess Kundalini is the object of worship in some

form or the other. "


Kundalini Yoga, Sri Swami Sivananda



" " Saha " means " with " , " Ja " means " born. " " Yoga " means " union with the

All-pervading Power of Divine Love. " This is a very subtle subject,

absolutely valid and can be proved of our ascent into our higher

awareness. At the very outset one has to be a seeker of truth and

with a scientific attitude one should approach the subject. It should

be treated espectfully like a hypothesis and if found by experiments

as truth should be accepted by honest people in the spirit of

honesty. Because this is for one's total benevolence and for the

benevolence of all the world.


This knowledge is of very ancient times and mostly comes from India.

Of course, every religion has talked about our second birth and also

about the tree of life. As the knowledge of science comes from the

West, but is accepted by the East, why should such a knowledge of

reality be denied? Why not at least heed to it seriously, when it is

the knowledge of the roots of all our civilisation and evolution?


The nations have to think why the modern civilisation is killing all

human values. What we need is a careful introspection as to where we

have gone wrong. Where did we miss out on our path of progress? How

has this decadence crawled into our society ? Why are most of us

sick with frustration and insecurity.? Why are some of the people of

the progressive countries succumbing to physical and mental



Science has no answer, so let us take to spirituality. Why not ask a

question? Is there any other power that controls the universe? As

described in all the scriptures there is an All-pervading Power of

God's love (Paramachaitanya). It is a subtle power which does all

living work and which cannot be felt at the level of human awareness.


Sahaja Yoga means that a seeker of truth (Sadhaka) has a birth-right

to get his Self-realisation (Atma Sakshatkar) spontaneously . Self-

realisation or Self-knowledge is the destination of human evolution

and also of all the religions. This is the last breakthrough a human

being has to achieve, for which there is a complete living machinery

placed in the human spinal cord and in the brain. This machinery is

being established step by step during our evolution. This living

machinery works out through its power manifesting the parasympathetic

and both sympathetic nervous systems. Whatever we achieve in evolution

is expressed by our conscious mind through the central nervous system.


To connect us to this subtle energy which permeates into every atom

and molecule, there is also a power of pure desire which is placed in

the sacrum bone of human beings, which is called as Kundalini.

" Kundal " means coils. It exists. in three and a half coils. There is

a Divine mathematical coefficient about three and a half coils. This

triangular bone is called " sacrum " , that means that the people in

Greece in the ancient times knew about this divine sacred power of

Kundalini; that is why they called this bone sacred. This sacrum bone

is placed at the base of the spinal cord and it is triangular in



The Kundalini is like a connecting cord as in every piece of

electrical machinery, which connects the machinery to the main source

of electricity. In the same way, when this energy of Kundalini is

awakened, threads (some of them) rise and ultimately connect the

human being to the All-pervading Power (paramachaitanya).


It is a spontaneous happening, it is a living process. The whole

evolutionary process has been a living process, and now a stage has

come for human beings to have the last state of Spiritual existence

through Self-realisation. Human being can be compared to a seed which

is not active spiritually, and has not started its living process of

growth in Spirituality, but when it is embedded in the Mother Earth,

the Mother Earth has the power, (with the help of water) to sprout

the seed.


In the same way the Kundalini can be awakened spontaneously by the

power of Sahaja Yoga. When this Kundalini rises, a new life process

starts in the human awareness, resulting in the growth of

spirituality. This spiritual life growth is a new state into which a

human being starts growing in his innate Divinity. This nourishes and

enlightens his physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being.


This living process is very clearly described in Indian scriptures

since ancient times. There are 108 Upanishadas in the Sanskrit

language which have exposed the knowledge about Kundalini awakening

and the spiritual ascent. Also it is indicated in other scriptures of

other countries. In the Bible it is called the tree of life and it is

quoted that, " I will appear before you like tongues of flames. " When

the Kundalini rises, She passes through various centres which look

like tongues of flames when enlightened.


The cool breeze of the Holy Ghost of Pentecost is this power that you

can feel in Sahaja Yoga. In the Gospel of St. Thomas, very clearly

describes the Sahaja experience as the ultimate of our religious

life. Also it says we must look after our centres. This Kundalini has

to ascend and pierce through six subtle centres which are placed in

the spinal cord and in the brain. The last breakthrough is the

actualisation of the baptism as one feels the cool breeze of the Holy

Ghost emitting out of one's fontanel bone area. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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