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Without question the Holy Quran is a living, breathing book of eschatological evolution and supreme guidance!

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Dear Believers of the Great News,


Namaste - i bow to the Ruh (Holy Spirit/Shakti) who resides in you!


For the past few weeks i have been working on Al-Qiyamah again after a

long absence. The last article " Baptism (Sibghatu `I-Lah/Atma

Sakshatkar) by the Holy Spirit (Ruh Allah/Adi Shakti) of God

Almighty " is based on the following:


" The promises of God for the last days: the forgiveness of sins

through baptism in the name of Jesus and the outpouring of the Holy

Ghost on all flesh.[Acts 2:38] " - Christianity

" The spiritual baptism is the direct work of God Himself... Muslims

believe that Allah does it directly and no intermediary needed. " -


" Kundalini is the cosmic power in individual bodies. It is not a

material force like electricity, magnetism, centripetal or

centrifugal force. It is a spiritual potential Sakti or cosmic power.

In reality it has no form. " - Hinduism

" The last breakthrough is the actualisation of the baptism (Sibghatu

I-Lah/Atma Sakshatkar) as one feels the cool breeze of the Holy

Ghost (Winds of Qiyamah/Mother Kundalini) emitting out of one's

fontanel bone area (Sahasrara). " - Shri Mataji


i just completed surah 75:14-15 (Al-Qiyamah):




and have to admit that submission to the supreme Holy Quran is the

only option for me. Without question the Holy Quran is a living,

breathing book of eschatological evolution and supreme guidance! The

Holy Quran, more than any scripture or even all combined, also

confers divinity and authority upon Shri Mataji to emancipate

humanity on a breath and scale that i am only now beginning to

fathom. The fact that the Divine Feminine spoke Arabic while

conversing with Prophet Muhammad will be of tremendous significance

and solace for Muslims. The flawlessness and universality of Allah's

Plan for humanity will destroy any lingering doubt in the heart of

the believer of any religious background, provided he or she reads

the entire http://adishakti.org/al-qiyamah.htm site. Islam, especially

its mystical beating heart, is not what the ulema (Islamic clergy)

have made it to be. Far from it! (These facts will be all the more

apparent when the sites are completed.)


The Holy Quran has come alive during this blessed Night of Destiny as

the incarnation of the Ruh of Allah, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

collected, promulgated, recited and explained the manifested Signs

and surahs upholding the commencement of Al-Qiyamah! Her Advent and

Message is for the benefit and emancipation of all human beings.


More than 14 centuries ago the Quran's stern tone of warnings and dire

consequences was necessary to subdue into submission the vulgar,

violent and warring desert inhabitants. The very nature of these

illiterate, stone-worshipping and fetus-killing tribes required

repeated warnings to fear God as the Resurrection will take place.

They had to be told in the easiest of terms that one day in the far

future when the Hour nears, they will take birth again as human beings

to face it - " Does man think that We cannot assemble his bones?

Nay, We are able to put together in perfect order, the very tip of

his fingers. " The Holy Quran had to be revealed in the most simplistic

of words and parables possible to make it comprehensible to the

overwhelmingly uneducated, doubting masses of Jahiliyyah, the dark

Age of Ignorance.


Today the nature of most Muslims--benevolent, liberal, modest,

forbearing, patient, enduring, frugal, sincere, straight-forward,

decent, lovers of peace and truth, and, above all, trusting in one

God and submitting to His will--is a far cry from their distant

ancestors and inhabitants of Jahiliyyah. The Ummah is now able to

understand the collection, promulgation, recital and explanation of

surahs upholding Allah's Command to witness the Resurrection promised

to them 14 centuries ago .... and able to make an informed judgment

of the consequences of rejecting the Warners!


But how can it be claimed that without question the Holy Quran is a

living, breathing book of eschatological evolution and supreme

guidance? i can give many reasons but one question to all the

believers submitting to the Great News should suffice – why are the

Winds of Qiyamah flowing out of our own hands and eyes and feet and

other organs? No ordinary human, other than a Divine Emissary, can

give such answers:


" Muhammad Sahib has written very clearly that when your Resurrection

will take place then your hands will speak and will give witness

against you. That is what that they will tell you what's wrong with

you. Your hands will tell clearly and that to know the Truth you will

feel it in the palm here (pointing to center of palm.) When you ask

the question to the real One you will get your answer here (again

pointing to center of palm.) All these things can only happen in

Sahaja Yoga — in no other way. Whether you are a Christian, Hindu,

Muslim or Jew we have to know that we have to still step one step

forward. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Cabella, Italy — Sep. 15, 1996


" References to Kundalini awakening, also called as Self-Realization,

are seen in many ancient scriptures of all the religions. But the way

in which most great prophets wrote made it hard to understand exactly

what they were writing about. Nothing is blatantly stated and the

Truth can often be ingeniously hidden. Unless one has Self-

Realization this Knowledge of the Divine could be misinterpreted. It

is only with Self-Realization that one can receive the total Joy of a

great soul's prediction of Sahaja Yoga. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" Even Muhammad Sahib has said that at the Time of Resurrection your

hands will speak. Exactly this happens, that when you get your

Realization, when the Kundalini comes up and She touches the seat of

God here. Immediately in your heart the reflection of God starts

emitting cool vibrations from your hands also. When it starts

happening you are amazed that all around you feel the subtle Power of

God, the Power of His Love. what we call the All-Pervading Brahma,

what we call the Chaitanya. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Cardiff, U.K. — Aug. 8, 1984



regards to all,





" The Qur-`an says: " And every man's fate have We fastened about his

neck; and on the day of resurrection will We bring forth to him a

Book [of their own religion]* which shall be proffered to him wide

open: `Read thy book: there needeth none but thyself to make out an

account against thee this day.' For his own good only shall the

guided yield to guidance and to his own loss only shall the erring

fall; and the heavily laden shall not be laden with another's load.

We never punished until We sent a Warner. "


On the day of requital the Judgment shall be passed, not on the

recommendation of any " son of God " sitting on the right hand of God

(THE JUDGE), but on the evidence—truthful and outspoken evidence—of

our own hands and eyes and feet and other organs… The Judgment will

no doubt be coloured with inexhaustible Mercy. We have been assured

that no mother loves her children more than the Creator loves His

creatures. So we can safely expect that the Judgment will be

permeated with the spirit of love. But we must never and never and

never delude ourselves with the idea that the Judgment will lack

justice or be based upon favoritism or canvassing; that any man or

woman will receive unjust commendation; or that any person, even

Christ or Muhammad, will be exempted from full accountability.


The mere fact of our calling ourselves " a believing Muslim, a Jew, a

Christian, or a Sabian " will make not the slightest difference in the

tone or trend of the Judgment. To whatever persuasion we may belong

we must put forward good deeds to get a favourable sentence. Because

of His Mercy the Mighty Judge has shown us the right path through

numerous Prophets—Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, and many

others sent to every people in every country. The RIGHT way that has

been very distinctly and definitely marked down in a manner to be

intelligible to persons of the lowest as well as the highest

intellect in the last and final Guide Book, the indestructible, the

unalterable Qur-`an sent down by God in His Mercy through His Last

Messenger is complete and perfect. The authors of Chamber's

Encyclopaedia have admitted the facts in these words: " That part of

Islam which distinctly reveals the mind of its author is also its

most complete and its most shining part—we mean the ethics of the

Qur-`an. They are not found, any more than the other laws, brought

together in one or two or three Surats, but like golden threads they

are woven into the very fabric of the religious constitution of

Muhammad. Injustice, falsehood, pride, revengefulness, calumny,

mockery, avarice, prodigality, debauchery, mistrust, and suspicion

are inveighed against as ungodly and wicked, while benevolence,

liberality, modesty, forbearance, patience, endurance, frugality,

sincerity, straight-forwardness, decency, love of peace and truth,

and, above all, trust in one God and submitting to His will are the

principle signs of a true believer. "


The Islamic review (1930), Professor 'Abdu '1-Ahad Däwüd,



[of their own religion]* " You are seeking, definitely, Perhaps you do

not know what you are seeking. But one thing is definite. You are

not satisfied with things as they are. There is something beyond

which you have to seek. There is some thing beyond, no doubt, which

has been told to you by all the prophets, by all the scriptures, by

all the incarnations who came on this earth. It has been promised

also that you will be judged one day. But the first judgment will be

your own. You yourself will decide whether you are seeking the

Divine or some frivolous thing. If you are seeking the Reality and

the Truth, then only you are going to be chosen, then only you are

going to be the citizen of God's Kingdom. "


Shri Mataji

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