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Question about SY center attendance?

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Jai Shri Mataji!


I've just experienced the Sahaja Yoga self-realization, and I have a question

about attendance at local Sahaja Yoga centers


Is it necessary to attend a local center, or are Sahaja Yogis able to practice

by themselves? I personally feel called to stay on my own, practicing Sahaja

Yoga, because of practicality and that the closest center is quite out of the

way for me.



But also, I raise this question because it also occurs to me that some people

have a phobia of either going outside their house (Agoraphobic) or have social

phobias. Also, there would be some people who experience Sahaja Yoga over the

internet--like myself-- who gain self-realization, and do not live near a



So does Shri Mataji teach anything about this, or is there a general rule

amongst Sahaja Yogis?


Thanks very much for any help you can give, and JSM! =]

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, " sam.honner " <dont.be.afraid



> Jai Shri Mataji!


> I've just experienced the Sahaja Yoga self-realization, and I have a question

about attendance at local Sahaja Yoga centers


> Is it necessary to attend a local center, or are Sahaja Yogis able to practice

by themselves? I personally feel called to stay on my own, practicing Sahaja

Yoga, because of practicality and that the closest center is quite out of the

way for me.



> But also, I raise this question because it also occurs to me that some people

have a phobia of either going outside their house (Agoraphobic) or have social

phobias. Also, there would be some people who experience Sahaja Yoga over the

internet--like myself-- who gain self-realization, and do not live near a



> So does Shri Mataji teach anything about this, or is there a general rule

amongst Sahaja Yogis?


> Thanks very much for any help you can give, and JSM! =]



Just get the Cool Breeze activated and continue on your own


It must be made clear again that except for quotes and images of Her incarnation

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi this site is almost entirely about the Divine Feminine

(Devi/Holy Spirit/Ruh/Tao/Aykaa Mayee/Mother). There is no hidden agenda and

this site contains all the knowledge and evidence required to re-establish the

faith, belief and conviction in the Divine and the promised Resurrection to

evolve into the eternal spirit - 3000 pages and counting. The mystical Kingdom

of God (Sahasrara) is within your being. There is thus absolutely no need for

any external religious/spiritual organizations, dogmas, rituals, worship of

images/idols, or any human intermediary whatsoever.


There is even no need to join any Sahaja Yoga organization as you can receive

Self-realization online, although you may need to do so initially in order to

establish the all-important Cool Breeze and learn the technique of triggering it

in others. After establishing it you can easily continue on your own or with

family, free to even form your own collective or organization based on your

religious background and pass on this power to trigger the Cool Breeze of the

Holy Spirit (Mother Kundalini) that verifies the promised spiritual rebirth and

resurrection based on the Holy Scriptures. So please just learn how to activate

the Cool Breeze and disregard all subtle system advice, rituals and treatments

that may be suggested at these Sahaja Yoga centers. Just get the Cool Breeze

activated (as some chakras may be damaged or obstructed by certain life styles)

and continue on your own. This is most important to understand





Now place both hands with palms open on lap/knee and meditate between 15-30



Repeat the same procedure after finishing meditation.


Please do not be concerned or feel guilty that you are not following proper

procedure or making 'mistakes' as all human rules, shortcomings, and

conditioning become useless rituals as the thoughtless state attunes to the

Cosmic Silence. Maintaining the Silence is the most important objective.


After Self-realization meditate twice daily on the Shakti (Holy Spirit/ Ruh/

Tao/ Shekinah/ Divine Mother/ Eykaa Mayee) within yourself and begin purifying

your mind, body and soul. There is no need to join any Sahaja Yoga organization

or attend collective meditations, unless you want to. That is all it takes to

participate in the Last Judgment and Resurrection, the promised evolution of

physical humans into the eternal spirit and everlasting life as promised by each

and every religion, holy scripture and messenger of God Almighty. Over a

sustained period of daily meditation the Divine Wind (Breath of God/ Ruach/

Prana/ Qi/ Prana/ Ruh/ Pneuma) will begin to flow daily from the palm of your

hands and top of the head, especially during meditation. Eventually it may even

flow on a 24/7 basis after a year or two of daily meditation. This Cool Breeze

(Breath of God/Ruach/ Prana/ Qi/ Prana/ Ruh/ Pneuma) is the sure sign that you

are indeed taking part in the Last Judgment and Resurrection preordained for all

humanity — you will self-certify this truth.


After some time you will be able to meditate anywhere by putting your attention

on His Shakti (Holy Spirit/ Ruh/ Tao/ Shekinah/ Divine Mother/ Eykaa Mayee) in

your heart and mind, without even the need to follow above instructions of 1-6

i.e., just keep your palms open (upwards) for the Divine Wind (Breath of God/

Ruach/ Prana/ Qi/ Prana/ Ruh/ Pneuma) to flow out, and meditate. Shri Mataji is

only the initial catalyst for your second spiritual birth (kundalini awakening/

Baptism of Allah) to take place. After that we continue on our own.


Within you is your Spirit (Shakti/ Ruh/ Tao/ Shekinah/ Divine Mother/ Eykaa

Mayee) that begins to nourish and cleanse you in mind, body and soul. Only your

own Spirit (Shakti/Ruh) will confirm whether you have been spiritually reborn of

the Spirit (kundalini awakening/ Baptism of Allah) by giving forth the Divine

Wind (Breath of God/ Ruach/ Prana/ Qi/ Prana/ Ruh/ Pneuma) especially from your

hands and head.


Important Reminder: Daily meditation—the innermost intimacy with God Almighty

(Silence on Self)—and experiencing the Divine Wind (Breath of God/ Ruach/ Prana/

Qi/ Prana/ Ruh/ Pneuma) is key to participating in the Last Judgment. There is

absolutely no need for any existing religious ritual or practice. Please do not

corrupt this purity and sacredness with any human innovation. His Holy Spirit

(Shakti/ Ruh/ Tao/ Shekinah/ Divine Mother/ Eykaa Mayee) within will perfect you

for the eternal Paradise. You will bear witness to your own resurrection and

your own self-reproaching Spirit. The Last Judgment and Resurrection must thus

never be contaminated with human novelties! All you need is just keep your palms

open (upwards) for the Divine Wind (Breath of God/ Ruach/ Prana/ Qi/ Prana/ Ruh/

Pneuma) to flow out, and meditate. So please help guard its utmost sanctity.





" The Self is the Spirit. This Spirit resides in the heart of every human being

and is in a witness-like state. The Spirit is the projection of God Almighty,

while the Kundalini is the projection of the power of God, of His desire which

is the Primordial Mother, or you can call it Adi Shakti, Holy Ghost or Athena.

So the Kundalini is the projection of the Holy Ghost, while the Spirit is the

projection of God Almighty. The All-pervading Power of Love is the power of the

Primordial Mother which creates and evolves, and does all the living work. " -

Shri Mataji Nirmal Devi



Question: How does one discard all the organization and useless activities (of

Sahaja Yoga) and seek her (Holy Spirit/Adi Shakti) only in the Sahastrara

(Kingdom of God)?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I am still unable to rid myself of catches and other chakra problems

despite years of daily (Sahaja Yoga) footsoaking and treatments. What do I do



Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I am far from a Sahaja Yoga collective. How do I continue practicing

Sahaja Yoga?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: My collective leader has told me to leave Sahaja Yoga due to some

personal problems. What do I do now?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: Despite being years in Sahaja Yoga I do not agree with what our

leaders are doing. I am thinking of leaving my collective. Can you suggest

something that will help me continue on my own?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I am a Muslim who absolutely am against worshipping of any idol or

image. How then is Sahaja Yoga and Shri Mataji compatible with Islam?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: We are devout Christians who are very uncomfortable with Hindu

rituals, and see the same in Sahaja Yoga. Is there any way we can do without

such rituals?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: You loudly claim on your website that all religions and holy

scriptures preach the same message. I don't see such evidence. What have you got

to say?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I do not want to meditate on anything non-Christian but agree that the

Holy Spirit is feminine. How do I only worship the Holy Spirit but not the Adi



Answer: Silence on Self



Question: My parents and husband are against worshipping Shri Mataji. How can I

solve this serious family problem but still continue to practice Sahaja Yoga

without their knowledge?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I completely agree with your belief that if you have to take a single

step in any direction to seek the Divine you are going the wrong way. How and

why did you reach this incredible conclusion only now despite spending so many

years meditating, checking the scriptures and listening to Shri Mataji's



Answer: Silence on Self



Question: How can we spread Shri Mataji's message successfully? So many have

failed all these years and Sahaja Yoga is very slow. Most of the seekers have

never heard of Shri Mataji. Other than Her Divine Message what can we teach new

seekers that will attract them?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I do not want to follow any religious organization or yoga teacher but

still am interested in spirituality. You think that is possible?

Answer: Silence on Self



Question: My mother-in-law is totally against Shri Mataji and regards Her as

just another false guru. But I know Shri Mataji is the Adi Shakti and want to

continue. However, i do not want to antagonize my mother-in-law. Any



Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I am a Sikh. I am completely against any Hindu ritual or worshipping

of their idols and gods. Sikhism is completely against such practices. But

Sahaja Yoga is also so full of such rituals and gods. What have you got to say,

being a Sikh yourself?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I am getting somewhat ridiculed for my own spiritual experiences

regarding the crown chakra and the divine feminine. People think I'm weird by

emphasizing that the Devi is the true nature of brahman and it is creating doubt

about my path (despite my own experiences). Should I continue with my

meditations and ignore them or try to explain to them? What do you suggest?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: There is so much information about yoga and meditation. I am so

confused and do not know which path to take. What then is the truth? How do I

attain it?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I have been in Sahaja Yoga for years but still do not know what is

Self-realization. Can you tell me in detail what you understand by it?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I have been a SY for many years and some of us find shoe- beating and

some rituals quite absurd. You also are against them. How then can we solve our

subtle system problems without such treatments?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I am a Muslim living in Pakistan who want to practice Sahaja Yoga. But

there are no centers here. How can I continue?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: What will happen after Shri Mataji passes away? Will She still be in

the photograph? Where will the vibrations come from then?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I have just started meditating on Shri Mataji in the Sahasrara but

find it very difficult. Is there a better way?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I do not want to join Sahaja Yoga but believe in a number of Shri

Mataji's teachings. Can you help me?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I am an established SYogini who am concerned at the way the

organization is heading. However, I still want to spread Shri Mataji's

teachings. What do you suggest I tell others?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I want to practice meditation but find it impossible to stop the

thoughts. I value you opinion. If you don't mind my asking, but how do you do



Answer: Silence on Self



Question: What is the shortest and surest route to realize God?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: Some religions claim that humans are divine in nature and that

liberation is from within. Can you tell me how all this is realized in such a

hectic and materialistic world?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: As a SY I am concerned that after Shri Mataji takes Mahasamadhi there

will great grief and sense of loss. How can I cope with this eventuality and

continue my faith and devotion? Do I continue to meditate on Her photo even

though She is not physically present anymore?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: Jagbir, you are already telling us to discard Shri Mataji's photo and

meditate on Her is the Sahasrara. A number of SYs have been offended by this and

have left the forum. What makes you so sure you are right?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: What is the most profound and deepest enlightenment you have

discovered after all these years, based on the teachings of Shri Mataji? She

also claims that all religions teach the same truth about the spirit. How is

that so given all the religious differences and centuries-old rivalry?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: Hi, man-made religions, sects and denominations are wide spread. So

much misdeeds and divisions are committed and blood is shed in the name of God

and religion. Is there a way to make humans realize that they are all

worshipping the One and same Creator, no matter how different religious

organizations have made God to be?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: It seems that religions are all preaching about a God that is to be

found only in their organizations. Why then is it that the Divine can only be

realized through one's own experience? What and where is God then?


Answer: Silence on Self




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Re: Question about SY center attendance?



> , " sam.honner " <dont.be.afraid@>



> Jai Shri Mataji!


> I've just experienced the Sahaja Yoga self-realization, and I have

a question about attendance at local Sahaja Yoga centers


> Is it necessary to attend a local center, or are Sahaja Yogis able

to practice by themselves? I personally feel called to stay on my

own, practicing Sahaja Yoga, because of practicality and that the

closest center is quite out of the way for me.



> But also, I raise this question because it also occurs to me that

some people have a phobia of either going outside their house

(Agoraphobic) or have social phobias. Also, there would be some

people who experience Sahaja Yoga over the internet--like myself--

who gain self-realization, and do not live near a center.


> So does Shri Mataji teach anything about this, or is there a

general rule amongst Sahaja Yogis?


> Thanks very much for any help you can give, and JSM! =]




Dear Sam,


" If you have to take a single step in any direction to seek the

Divine you are going the wrong way " . So why should you walk to any SY

center, a Church, Temple, Mosque or Gurdwara? Why seek the advise of

ignorant humans without when the Inner Guru within will guide, heal,

transform and evolve you into a better being in Silence?


In the end you will realize that only Silence on Self enlightens ....

you may take this advise now in this life or finally surrender to it

after countless rebirths. The choice is yours.


And Shri Mataji never told anyone that they must join a SY center to

meditate etc. That rule have been invented by SYs who continue to

corrupt Her teachings. If you can learn any more than 5% from SY

centers i will most willingly bake my turban and eat it with chicken

curry. And don't forget that that 5% is mainly about the subtle

system, obsessive cleansing rituals, fear of 'catching' ('dirtying

the chakras'), phobias ....... i can go on and on with the corruption

of Her teachings. You will flee from this 5%, as 99.99% have over the

decades. You are far, far better off on your own. Definitely!





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Dear Jagbir / Sam


I would not like to comment on 5% or anything else...since i dont know that.


But Shri Mataji in one of her speech had emphasiszed on attending the SY center once a week. She had requested Sahaj yogis to make sure to attend the any centre (which is near to them or they are comfortable with) atleast once a week.....






--- On Sat, 9/12/09, adishakti_org <adishakti_org wrote:

adishakti_org <adishakti_org Re: Question about SY center attendance? Date: Saturday, September 12, 2009, 5:17 PM

Re: Question about SY center attendance? > adishakti_sahaja_ yoga@ .com, "sam.honner" <dont.be.afraid@ >wrote:>> Jai Shri Mataji!>> I've just experienced the Sahaja Yoga self-realization, and I have a question about attendance at local Sahaja Yoga centers>> Is it necessary to attend a local center, or are Sahaja Yogis able to practice by themselves? I personally feel called to stay on my own, practicing Sahaja Yoga, because of practicality and that the closest center is quite out of the way for me.>>> But also, I raise this question because it also occurs to me that some people have a phobia of either going outside their house (Agoraphobic) or

have social phobias. Also, there would be some people who experience Sahaja Yoga over the internet--like myself-- who gain self-realization, and do not live near a center.>> So does Shri Mataji teach anything about this, or is there a general rule amongst Sahaja Yogis?>> Thanks very much for any help you can give, and JSM! =]>>Dear Sam,"If you have to take a single step in any direction to seek theDivine you are going the wrong way". So why should you walk to any SYcenter, a Church, Temple, Mosque or Gurdwara? Why seek the advise ofignorant humans without when the Inner Guru within will guide, heal, transform and evolve you into a better being in Silence?In the end you will realize that only Silence on Self enlightens ....you may take this advise now in this life or finally surrender to itafter countless rebirths. The choice is yours.And Shri

Mataji never told anyone that they must join a SY center to meditate etc. That rule have been invented by SYs who continue to corrupt Her teachings. If you can learn any more than 5% from SY centers i will most willingly bake my turban and eat it with chicken curry. And don't forget that that 5% is mainly about the subtle system, obsessive cleansing rituals, fear of 'catching' ('dirtyingthe chakras'), phobias ....... i can go on and on with the corruption of Her teachings. You will flee from this 5%, as 99.99% have over the decades. You are far, far better off on your own. Definitely!regards,jagbir

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Dear Ajay and all,


Since Shri Mataji gave us the power to form our own organisations, we can help

people the way we choose to. We do not have to send them to SY Centers. We can

send them to the Center of their Being instead. Shri Mataji has also said that

we only need to give them their self-realization and She will take care of them.

(That means that She will take care of them - " from within " ). The Divine Mother

is within each of us. i heard Her Voice before i ever knew about Sahaja Yoga. It

was because i was a seeker that i found Her. Then i found out about Sahaja Yoga,

and learned about Shri Mataji's teachings.


If you put EVERYTHING together that Shri Mataji has said, you will see that NOT

EVERYTHING is confined to the SY Centers. But EVERYTHING IS within the organism

of Sahaja Yoga in the deepest sense or meaning of the word.


Here is the other SY Center that Shri Mataji also talked about that people can

attend every day--and not just once a week, which is pretty limited. It is the

SY Center within one's Self:


" I think people don’t even understand the meaning of collectivity, 'where

there's not the other', ananya (Sanskrit –> no other), " where there’s not the

other. " There’s no other personality! These personalities are separated from

you, because of left and right or could be both. But you are yourself fully

[intact and integrated] when you're absolutely detached, and your kundalini is

dancing. [Then] you are alone and never alone! " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Shri

Adi Kundalini Puja - Germany, 11 August 1991)


regards to all,






, Ajay Agarwal <ajay_msh wrote:


> Dear Jagbir / Sam


> I would not like to comment on 5% or anything else...since i dont know that.


> But Shri Mataji in one of her speech had emphasiszed on attending the SY

center once a week. She had requested Sahaj yogis to make sure to attend the any

centre (which is near to them or they are comfortable with) atleast once a




> thanks


> ajay


> --- On Sat, 9/12/09, adishakti_org <adishakti_org wrote:



> adishakti_org <adishakti_org

> Re: Question about SY center attendance?


> Saturday, September 12, 2009, 5:17 PM







> Re: Question about SY center attendance?


> > adishakti_sahaja_ yoga@ .com, " sam.honner "

<dont.be.afraid@ >

> wrote:

> >

> > Jai Shri Mataji!

> >

> > I've just experienced the Sahaja Yoga self-realization, and I have

> a question about attendance at local Sahaja Yoga centers

> >

> > Is it necessary to attend a local center, or are Sahaja Yogis able

> to practice by themselves? I personally feel called to stay on my

> own, practicing Sahaja Yoga, because of practicality and that the

> closest center is quite out of the way for me.

> >

> >

> > But also, I raise this question because it also occurs to me that

> some people have a phobia of either going outside their house

> (Agoraphobic) or have social phobias. Also, there would be some

> people who experience Sahaja Yoga over the internet--like myself--

> who gain self-realization, and do not live near a center.

> >

> > So does Shri Mataji teach anything about this, or is there a

> general rule amongst Sahaja Yogis?

> >

> > Thanks very much for any help you can give, and JSM! =]

> >

> >


> Dear Sam,


> " If you have to take a single step in any direction to seek the

> Divine you are going the wrong way " . So why should you walk to any SY

> center, a Church, Temple, Mosque or Gurdwara? Why seek the advise of

> ignorant humans without when the Inner Guru within will guide, heal,

> transform and evolve you into a better being in Silence?


> In the end you will realize that only Silence on Self enlightens ....

> you may take this advise now in this life or finally surrender to it

> after countless rebirths. The choice is yours.


> And Shri Mataji never told anyone that they must join a SY center to

> meditate etc. That rule have been invented by SYs who continue to

> corrupt Her teachings. If you can learn any more than 5% from SY

> centers i will most willingly bake my turban and eat it with chicken

> curry. And don't forget that that 5% is mainly about the subtle

> system, obsessive cleansing rituals, fear of 'catching' ('dirtying

> the chakras'), phobias ....... i can go on and on with the corruption

> of Her teachings. You will flee from this 5%, as 99.99% have over the

> decades. You are far, far better off on your own. Definitely!


> regards,


> jagbir


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Dear Ajay and All,

It is very simple if you feel that yout still have to visit SY centers then you go, and the day you will realise that you have your own wings well fixed, and that you can now fly on your own then do it.

But what i can understand through the explanation of Jagbir is that going to the centers is just one aspect of the whole dramma. We cannot stick on it eternally. We have to be able to establish our centers within, our kingdom within. When we achieve it then we are completely free, because we are now our own master. And Shri Mataji has set us free since 2008 Guru Puja. You are free do whatever you feel in your heart to do, and donnot feel guilty.

Shri Mataji had certainly advice Sahaja Yogis to visit Centers at least once a week, she also certainly didn't put it as a "must", as a rigid rule that we may be punished because we have not respected. With the divine there is nothing like a rigid rule. Everything is just leela, divine play. Now what we have to do all the time is to ascertain that our kingdom within is established and that we are are sitted comfortably in it.





------------- "...very small and humble, and yet encompassing the world with divinity, was the quiet figure of the great mother."Ben Okri, Astonishing the GodsNigerian Writer--- En date de : Lun 14.9.09, Ajay Agarwal <ajay_msh a écrit :

De: Ajay Agarwal <ajay_mshObjet: Re: Re: Question about SY center attendance?À: Date: Lundi 14 Septembre 2009, 6h42






Dear Jagbir / Sam


I would not like to comment on 5% or anything else...since i dont know that.


But Shri Mataji in one of her speech had emphasiszed on attending the SY center once a week. She had requested Sahaj yogis to make sure to attend the any centre (which is near to them or they are comfortable with) atleast once a week.....






--- On Sat, 9/12/09, adishakti_org <adishakti_org@ > wrote:

adishakti_org <adishakti_org@ >[adishakti_sahaja_ yoga] Re: Question about SY center attendance?adishakti_sahaja_ yoga@ .comSaturday, September 12, 2009, 5:17 PM

Re: Question about SY center attendance? > adishakti_sahaja_ yoga@ .com, "sam.honner" <dont.be.afraid@ >wrote:>> Jai Shri Mataji!>> I've just experienced the Sahaja Yoga self-realization, and I have a question about attendance at local Sahaja Yoga centers>> Is it necessary to attend a local center, or are Sahaja Yogis able to practice by themselves? I personally feel called to stay on my own, practicing Sahaja Yoga, because of practicality and that the closest center is quite out of the way for me.>>> But also, I raise this question because it also occurs to me that some people have a phobia of either going outside their house (Agoraphobic) or have social phobias. Also, there would be some people

who experience Sahaja Yoga over the internet--like myself-- who gain self-realization, and do not live near a center.>> So does Shri Mataji teach anything about this, or is there a general rule amongst Sahaja Yogis?>> Thanks very much for any help you can give, and JSM! =]>>Dear Sam,"If you have to take a single step in any direction to seek theDivine you are going the wrong way". So why should you walk to any SYcenter, a Church, Temple, Mosque or Gurdwara? Why seek the advise ofignorant humans without when the Inner Guru within will guide, heal, transform and evolve you into a better being in Silence?In the end you will realize that only Silence on Self enlightens ....you may take this advise now in this life or finally surrender to itafter countless rebirths. The choice is yours.And Shri Mataji never told anyone that they must join a SY center to

meditate etc. That rule have been invented by SYs who continue to corrupt Her teachings. If you can learn any more than 5% from SY centers i will most willingly bake my turban and eat it with chicken curry. And don't forget that that 5% is mainly about the subtle system, obsessive cleansing rituals, fear of 'catching' ('dirtyingthe chakras'), phobias ....... i can go on and on with the corruption of Her teachings. You will flee from this 5%, as 99.99% have over the decades. You are far, far better off on your own. Definitely!regards,jagbir

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Dear Jagbir / VioletSuppose, you have to deal with to construct a high rise building, say of 1000 stories. And, you are alone. You will do it, I am sure, but the time you will take to construct it is an issue.Similarly, without an organization / collectivity......how a 1000 storied building you or one may construct, is a question?This leads us to be collective despite having differences amongst us, and attending CENTER plays a subtle role here. That gives us an idea to go further to spread the divine message and thus to prove us as instruments.And, that is the importance of attending weekly centers.a n i l k u m a r k a n h a u a | tel + 91 94258 06872 | hello_betu__for the most amazing discovery within usplease visit www.sahajayoga.org --- On Mon, 14/9/09, Bertrand Tietcheu <btietcheu wrote:Bertrand Tietcheu <btietcheuRe: Re: Question about SY center attendance? Date: Monday, 14 September, 2009, 5:16 PM



Dear Ajay and All,

It is very simple if you feel that yout still have to visit SY centers then you go, and the day you will realise that you have your own wings well fixed, and that you can now fly on your own then do it.

But what i can understand through the explanation of Jagbir is that going to the centers is just one aspect of the whole dramma. We cannot stick on it eternally. We have to be able to establish our centers within, our kingdom within. When we achieve it then we are completely free, because we are now our own master. And Shri Mataji has set us free since 2008 Guru Puja. You are free do whatever you feel in your heart to do, and donnot feel guilty.

Shri Mataji had certainly advice Sahaja Yogis to visit Centers at least once a week, she also certainly didn't put it as a "must", as a rigid rule that we may be punished because we have not respected. With the divine there is nothing like a rigid rule. Everything is just leela, divine play.. Now what we have to do all the time is to ascertain that our kingdom within is established and that we are are sitted comfortably in it.





------------ - "...very small and humble, and yet encompassing the world with divinity, was the quiet figure of the great mother."Ben Okri, Astonishing the GodsNigerian Writer--- En date de : Lun 14.9.09, Ajay Agarwal <ajay_msh > a écrit :

De: Ajay Agarwal <ajay_msh >Objet: Re: [adishakti_sahaja_ yoga] Re: Question about SY center attendance?À: adishakti_sahaja_ yoga@ .comLundi 14 Septembre 2009, 6h42






Dear Jagbir / Sam


I would not like to comment on 5% or anything else...since i dont know that.


But Shri Mataji in one of her speech had emphasiszed on attending the SY center once a week. She had requested Sahaj yogis to make sure to attend the any centre (which is near to them or they are comfortable with) atleast once a week.....






--- On Sat, 9/12/09, adishakti_org <adishakti_org@ > wrote:

adishakti_org <adishakti_org@ >[adishakti_sahaja_ yoga] Re: Question about SY center attendance?adishakti_sahaja_ yoga@ .comSaturday, September 12, 2009, 5:17 PM

Re: Question about SY center attendance? > adishakti_sahaja_ yoga@ .com, "sam.honner" <dont.be.afraid@ >wrote:>> Jai Shri Mataji!>> I've just experienced the Sahaja Yoga self-realization, and I have a question about attendance at local Sahaja Yoga centers>> Is it necessary to attend a local center, or are Sahaja Yogis able to practice by themselves? I personally feel called to stay on my own, practicing Sahaja Yoga, because of practicality and that the closest center is quite out of the way for me.>>> But also, I raise this question because it also occurs to me that some people have a phobia of either going outside their house (Agoraphobic) or have social phobias. Also, there would be some


who experience Sahaja Yoga over the internet--like myself-- who gain self-realization, and do not live near a center.>> So does Shri Mataji teach anything about this, or is there a general rule amongst Sahaja Yogis?>> Thanks very much for any help you can give, and JSM! =]>>Dear Sam,"If you have to take a single step in any direction to seek theDivine you are going the wrong way". So why should you walk to any SYcenter, a Church, Temple, Mosque or Gurdwara? Why seek the advise ofignorant humans without when the Inner Guru within will guide, heal, transform and evolve you into a better being in Silence?In the end you will realize that only Silence on Self enlightens ....you may take this advise now in this life or finally surrender to itafter countless rebirths. The choice is yours.And Shri Mataji never told anyone that they must join a SY center to

meditate etc. That rule have been invented by SYs who continue to corrupt Her teachings. If you can learn any more than 5% from SY centers i will most willingly bake my turban and eat it with chicken curry. And don't forget that that 5% is mainly about the subtle system, obsessive cleansing rituals, fear of 'catching' ('dirtyingthe chakras'), phobias ....... i can go on and on with the corruption of Her teachings. You will flee from this 5%, as 99.99% have over the decades. You are far, far better off on your own. Definitely!regards,jagbir



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Dear Anil,


Recently i tendered a 100000-storied building to honest, upfront

contractors who can read and unconditionally obey the _Instructions_

of my Boss. i assure you that i will finish my job way ahead of that

1000-storied SY building whose foundation was laid way back in the

1970s. It has come to my attention that most of the 80,000 SYs

working on it have given up after 3 floors, and the project is now on

the verge of abandonment.


But don't worry. After completing the 100,000 building i will send

some of my honest contractors over to your side. And we will do it

for free and finish the job in record time.







, Anil Kumar Kanhaua

<hello_betu wrote:


> Dear Jagbir / Violet


> Suppose, you have to deal with to construct a high rise building, say of 1000

stories. And, you are alone. You will do it, I am sure, but the time you will

take to construct it is an issue.


> Similarly, without an organization / collectivity......how a 1000 storied

building you or one may construct, is a question?


> This leads us to be collective despite having differences amongst us, and

attending CENTER plays a subtle role here. That gives us an idea to go further

to spread the divine message and thus to prove us as instruments.


> And, that is the importance of attending weekly centers.


> a n i l    k u m a r    k a n h a u a     |    tel + 91 94258 06872     |

> hello_betu

> __


> for the most amazing discovery within us

> please visit   www.sahajayoga.org



> --- On Mon, 14/9/09, Bertrand Tietcheu <btietcheu wrote:


> Bertrand Tietcheu <btietcheu

> Re: Re: Question about SY center attendance?


> Monday, 14 September, 2009, 5:16 PM







> Dear Ajay and All,

> It is very simple if you feel that yout still have to visit SY centers then

you go, and the day you will realise that you have your own wings well fixed,

and that you can now fly on your own then do it.

> But what i can understand through the explanation of Jagbir is that going to

the centers is just one aspect of the whole dramma. We cannot stick on it

eternally. We have to be able to establish our centers within, our kingdom

within. When we achieve it then we are completely free, because we are now our

own master.. And Shri Mataji has set us free since 2008 Guru Puja. You are free

do whatever you feel in your heart to do, and donnot feel guilty.

> Shri Mataji had certainly advice Sahaja Yogis to visit Centers at least once a

week, she also certainly didn't put it as a " must " , as a rigid rule that we may

be punished because we have not respected. With the divine there is nothing like

a rigid rule. Everything is just leela, divine play. Now what we have to do all

the time is to ascertain that our kingdom within is established and that we are

are sitted comfortably in it.

> Regards


> Bertrand




> ------------ -


> " ...very small and humble, and yet encompassing the world with divinity, was

the quiet figure of the great mother. "


> Ben Okri, Astonishing the Gods


> Nigerian Writer



> --- En date de : Lun 14.9.09, Ajay Agarwal <ajay_msh > a écrit :



> De: Ajay Agarwal <ajay_msh >

> Objet: Re: [adishakti_sahaja_ yoga] Re: Question about SY center attendance?

> À: adishakti_sahaja_ yoga@ .com

> Lundi 14 Septembre 2009, 6h42




Dear Jagbir / Sam


> I would not like to comment on 5% or anything else...since i dont know that.


> But Shri Mataji in one of her speech had emphasiszed on attending the SY

center once a week. She had requested Sahaj yogis to make sure to attend the any

centre (which is near to them or they are comfortable with) atleast once a




> thanks


> ajay


> --- On Sat, 9/12/09, adishakti_org <adishakti_org@ > wrote:



> adishakti_org <adishakti_org@ >

> [adishakti_sahaja_ yoga] Re: Question about SY center attendance?

> adishakti_sahaja_ yoga@ .com

> Saturday, September 12, 2009, 5:17 PM





> Re: Question about SY center attendance?


> > adishakti_sahaja_ yoga@ .com, " sam.honner "

<dont.be.afraid@ >

> wrote:

> >

> > Jai Shri Mataji!

> >

> > I've just experienced the Sahaja Yoga self-realization, and I have

> a question about attendance at local Sahaja Yoga centers

> >

> > Is it necessary to attend a local center, or are Sahaja Yogis able

> to practice by themselves? I personally feel called to stay on my

> own, practicing Sahaja Yoga, because of practicality and that the

> closest center is quite out of the way for me.

> >

> >

> > But also, I raise this question because it also occurs to me that

> some people have a phobia of either going outside their house

> (Agoraphobic) or have social phobias. Also, there would be some

> people

> who experience Sahaja Yoga over the internet--like myself--

> who gain self-realization, and do not live near a center.

> >

> > So does Shri Mataji teach anything about this, or is there a

> general rule amongst Sahaja Yogis?

> >

> > Thanks very much for any help you can give, and JSM! =]

> >

> >


> Dear Sam,


> " If you have to take a single step in any direction to seek the

> Divine you are going the wrong way " . So why should you walk to any SY

> center, a Church, Temple, Mosque or Gurdwara? Why seek the advise of

> ignorant humans without when the Inner Guru within will guide, heal,

> transform and evolve you into a better being in Silence?


> In the end you will realize that only Silence on Self enlightens ....

> you may take this advise now in this life or finally surrender to it

> after countless rebirths. The choice is yours.


> And Shri Mataji never told anyone that they must join a SY center to


> meditate etc. That rule have been invented by SYs who continue to

> corrupt Her teachings. If you can learn any more than 5% from SY

> centers i will most willingly bake my turban and eat it with chicken

> curry. And don't forget that that 5% is mainly about the subtle

> system, obsessive cleansing rituals, fear of 'catching' ('dirtying

> the chakras'), phobias ....... i can go on and on with the corruption

> of Her teachings. You will flee from this 5%, as 99.99% have over the

> decades. You are far, far better off on your own. Definitely!


> regards,


> jagbir




























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