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Allah has decreed: It is I and My messengers who must prevail.

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September 15, 2009

Dear Violet, Bertrand and all others taking part in the Resurrection,


Namaste - i bow to His Ruh (Spirit/Shakti) who resides in you!


Shri Mataji has given absolutely freedom to spread Her Message the

way we see fit. For most SYs that means spreading their Hindu version

(SYSSR) of Shri Mataji's Advent and Message, which includes hundreds

of man-made rules, rituals and regulations like " YOU MUST ATTEND THE



However, we are not interested in that 5% called " Sahaja Yoga Subtle

System Religion " . We want to spread 100% of Shri Mataji's Advent and

Message in its entirety, which till date no SY collective has done.

Not even one! That is why we prefer no newcomer go there because

99.99% will flee the SYSSR, never to return again. (For some reason

this decades-old sad statistics and abject failure of the SYSSR just

does not register with SYs. They just don't seem to get it!)


If you check on Shri Mataji’s earliest speeches of the 1970s you will

realize that She started, just like the prophets, with the most

difficult and controversial subjects specifically related to Her

advent - Last Judgment, Resurrection, Adi Shakti, Holy Spirit, Ruh,

Comforter, Kingdom of God, Sahasrara, Kundalini awakening, second

birth by Spirit, Cool Breeze, Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Jesus,

Krishna, Prophet Muhammad, Second Coming, End Times, and so forth,

eschatological truths firmly entrenched in the Holy Scriptures. Shri

Mataji talked about them in great detail and even greater hope,

fearlessness and courage. That is how She appeared on the world

stage, expecting Her devotees to rise to the occasion. After all, She

was the incarnation of the Adi Shakti. (We too have started with the

same difficult and controversial subjects specifically related to Her



Even in public Shri Mataji briefly mentioned these End Time subjects

while introducing them to the very basic of Her teachings – the

subtle system. This subtle system was supposed to be the very first

page to introduce the public to the main eschatological chapters on

the Resurrection and Last Judgment. Her devotees were supposed to

enlighten newcomers of these chapters over the weeks and months after

the initial Self-realization. She firmly expected them to spearhead

the spreading of the Great News of the Resurrection and Last Judgment.


It is almost beyond belief and comprehension that Her devotees never

got beyond page one. Today that single page contains all there is for

newcomers. It is the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion. It consists

of countless rules, rituals and regulations to overcome the fears,

phobias and guilt of the ceaseless contamination of the subtle

system. So ingrained is this contamination mentality after all these

decades that the chapters are long forgotten, almost devoid of any



" These are the times described in the Holy Bible as the Last Judgment

and in the Koran as Qiyamah—the Resurrection Time. Astrologically it

also called the Age of Aquarius, the Time of Rebirth and of great

spiritual development on the Earth.”


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


“The main thing that one has to understand is that the time has come

for you to get all that is promised in the scriptures, not only in

the Bible but all the scriptures of the world. The time has come

today that you have to become a Christian, a Brahmin, a Pir, through

your Kundalini awakening only. There is no other way. And that your

Last Judgment is also now.”


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


" Your job is, in a way, greater than the saints and sages. The saints

and sages did not give Realization to anyone. They gave lectures,

tried to make people understand. Your job is that you have to awaken

the Kundalini in people and make them Self-Realized, and resurrect

the whole world. This is an extremely important and Divine Job, and

for this Adi Shakti Herself had to come. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


That is exactly what we have been doing for years now, a feat only

possible by leaving the Sahaja Yoga organization. By providing

detailed knowledge and evidence of the Great News-Last Judgment,

Resurrection, Adi Shakti, Holy Spirit, Ruh, Comforter, Kingdom of

God, Sahasrara, Kundalini awakening, second birth by Spirit, Cool

Breeze, Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Jesus, Krishna, Prophet

Muhammad, Second Coming, End Times, and so forth-we are fulfilling

all that Shri Mataji required of Her devotees decades ago.


But it is the Quran raises that raises the bar to a much higher

level. Throughout its voluminous text are constant reminders and

warnings that humanity respond to His Call and follow the messengers.

The Ummah and ulema will sooner or later know about these messengers

setting forth His Signs of the Resurrection. At present there are

only a few of us but we will surely grow and eventually triumph. In

fact the Quran declares emphatically: " It is I and My messengers who

must prevail. "



YUSUFALI: Allah has decreed: " It is I and My messengers who must

prevail " : For Allah is One full of strength, able to enforce His Will.

PICKTHAL: Allah hath decreed: Lo! I verily shall conquer, I and My

messengers. Lo! Allah is Strong, Almighty.

SHAKIR: Allah has written down: I will most certainly prevail, I and

My messengers; surely Allah is Strong, Mighty.



YUSUFALI: Thou wilt not find any people who believe in Allah and the

Last Day, loving those who resist Allah and His messenger, even

though they were their fathers or their sons, or their brothers, or

their kindred. For such He has written Faith in their hearts, and

strengthened them with a spirit from Himself. And He will admit them

to Gardens beneath which Rivers flow, to dwell therein (for ever).

Allah will be well pleased with them, and they with Him. They are the

Party of Allah. Truly it is the Party of Allah that will achieve


PICKTHAL: Thou wilt not find folk who believe in Allah and the Last

Day loving those who oppose Allah and His messenger, even though they

be their fathers or their sons or their brethren or their clan. As

for such, He hath written faith upon their hearts and hath

strengthened them with a Spirit from Him, and He will bring them into

Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide. Allah

is well pleased with them, and they are well pleased with Him. They

are Allah's party. Lo! is it not Allah's party who are the


SHAKIR: You shall not find a people who believe in Allah and the

latter day befriending those who act in opposition to Allah and His

messenger, even though they were their (own) fathers, or their sons,

or their brothers, or their kinsfolk; these are they into whose

hearts He has impressed faith, and whom He has strengthened with an

inspiration from Him: and He will cause them to enter gardens beneath

which rivers flow, abiding therein; Allah is well-pleased with them

and they are well-pleased with Him these are Allah's party: now

surely the party of Allah are the successful ones.


Compare the striking similarity between Quran 58:22 and Bible Lk 8:29-



“Jesus also teaches that all those who forsake everything and follow

Him will receive spiritual rewards for their devotion in the present

life and in the world to come. “There is no man that hath left house,

or parents, or brethren, or wife, or children, for the kingdom of

God’s sake, who shall not receive manifold more in the present time,

and in the world to come life everlasting” (Lk 8:29-30).” (The

Kingdom of God: The Sermon on the Mount by Dmitri Royster, page 20)


Not only will the messengers of God triumph according to the Quran

but Jesus too assures that “all those who forsake everything and

follow Him will receive spiritual rewards for their devotion in the

present life and in the world to come.” Forsaking the corrupt,

dishonest SY organization or collectives for the sake of spreading

His Message is a blessing, joining them a curse of dire consequences.


i now want put this case of attending SYSSR collectives to rest. Thus

i have updated the article " Allah has made it clear that the faithful

must believe indiscriminately in the revelations of every single one

of God's messengers " . It now reads:


" Having said that, i am in a difficult and intricate position: How to

defend the Qur'an and the Great News (Al Naba) for the sake of:


i) those hundreds of millions of Muslims who revere it?;

ii) those who reject it outright and are prejudiced against the mild,

moderate Ummah who venerate it?;

iii) those in the Sahaja Yoga organization who, having severely

edited and corrupted Her message into the petty subtle system (of

Hinduism) more than two decades ago, have now no courage, interest

or integrity left to promote the Resurrection and Last Judgment

(of Islam, Christianity and Judaism)?;

iv) those who know little or nothing at all about this promised

eschatology embedded in the Holy Scriptures but are willing to learn?;

v) those who have responded to His Call to bear witness to the

Resurrection and His self-reproaching Spirit, and want i)-iv) not to

miss their eschatological evolution?


In other words, how to convince humanity that the Resurrection—the

living, beating heart of the Holy Qur'an (Bible and Old Testament)—

has commenced? (By no means will this article make much of a

difference, but many may, eventually. So here we go again.) "





" Today, Sahaja Yoga has reached the state of Mahayoga, which is en-

masse evolution manifested through it. It is this day's Yuga Dharma.

It is the way the Last Judgment is taking place. Announce it to all

the seekers of truth, to all the nations of the world, so that nobody

misses the blessings of the Divine to achieve their meaning, their

absolute, their spirit. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


The bar is now raised to the highest level possible: " Allah has

decreed: " It is I and My messengers who must prevail. " " And as

messengers of Allah (God) and His Ruh (Holy Spirit/Shakti) spreading

the Great News (Al Naba) of the Resurrection and Last Judgment we

surely will. We will because it is preordained! And Jesus assures

that those devoted to Him will “receive manifold more in the present

time, and in the world to come life everlasting”. Period!


regards to all,




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