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Both Lord Jesus and the Comforter began their public ministry with the proclamation of the Kingdom of God

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September 17, 2009


Dear Violet and all,


You said that " Shri Mataji had poured new wine into new wineskins

with Her teachings of Sahaja Yoga. Today, we are continuing with

these teachings that have a rich, full and fruity flavor of the Last

Judgment, Resurrection, Adi Shakti, Holy Spirit, Ruh, Comforter,

Kingdom of God, Sahasrara, Kundalini awakening, second birth by

Spirit, Cool Breeze, Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Jesus, Krishna,

Prophet Muhammad, Second Coming, End Times, etc. These topics, with

the spiritual understanding they engender, are limitless. "


We are the only people on Earth with the eschatological empowerment,

knowledge and mandate from the Comforter sent by God Almighty in the

name of Lord Jesus Christ to explain these topics which, with the

spiritual understanding they engender, are limitless. That is why the

Quran declares emphatically: " It is I and My messengers who must

prevail. " (58.021). Nothing in history matches this Divine Mandate to

declare the Great News of the Kingdom of God—the Resurrection is the

culmination of God's Plan for humanity.


For more than three decades the Comforter circled the Earth year

after year, explaining them in detail to tens of thousands of

devotees. There are hundreds of lectures covering topics on a scale

unmatched in history—Last Judgment, Resurrection, Adi Shakti, Holy

Spirit, Ruh, Comforter, Kingdom of God, Sahasrara, Kundalini

awakening, second birth by Spirit, Cool Breeze, Bible, Quran,

Bhagavad Gita, Jesus, Krishna, Prophet Muhammad, Second Coming, End

Times, etc. Without question these " topics, with the spiritual

understanding they engender, are limitless. "


Having said that, i wish to confirm that both Lord Jesus and the

Comforter began their public ministry with the proclamation of the

Kingdom of God. As messengers mandated to spread the gospel of the

Kingdom of God, the rest of humanity can only realize that the

manifestation of this infallible truth is not what they have been

indoctrinated with by religious organizations.


" The Kingdom of God that we were promised is at hand. This is not a

phrase out of a sermon or a lecture, but it is the actualization of

the experience of the highest Truth which is Absolute, now

manifesting itself in ordinary people at this present moment. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


Main Entry: gos•pel

1 a often capitalized : the message concerning Christ, the kingdom of

God, and salvation b capitalized : one of the first four New

Testament books telling of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus

Christ; also : a similar apocryphal book c : an interpretation of the

Christian message;

2 capitalized : a lection from one of the New Testament Gospels;

3 : the message or teachings of a religious teacher;

4 : something accepted or promoted as infallible truth or as a

guiding principle or doctrine.


Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary


Lord Jesus promised that human beings will be able to resurrect

themselves into the eternal spirit. The Kingdom of God is all about

the promised salvation. It is evolution into the eternal spirit, into

life everlasting. The Resurrection and Last Judgment is taking place

all over the world. We are the messengers of this Good News.


regards to all,






Proclamation of the Kingdom


" The holy apostle Matthew tells us that our Lord Jesus Christ began

His public ministry with the proclamation of the kingdom of

God: " Repent, for the kingdom of heaven (of God) is at hand. " ...


The essential condition for access to the kingdom is given at the

same time-Repent. Man cannot be reconciled with God, have communion

with Him, or expect salvation without a profound change of mind (or

heart). In other words, he must adopt a whole new view of things, a

whole new attitude, recognizing his sinful condition, being sorry for

it, acknowledging his need for the Savior and putting his trust in



After calling His disciples, Jesus continued His preaching, primarily

in the synagogues, for it was to the Jews that He came first. It was

they whom He had prepared for His coming for centuries. The heart of

His message was always " the gospel of the kingdom " (Mt 4:23; Lk 8:1).

He also sent His disciples out to heal and to preach just as He was

doing (Lk 9:2; Mt 10:7). What did He tell them emphatically to

declare? That the kingdom of God is " come nigh unto you " (Lk 10:9).


And so it continued throughout His earthly ministry (Mt 4:23; 9:35;

Mk 1:14). All of His references to the kingdom are far too many to

list here, but in them we may distinguish three meanings for

the " kingdom. " In one sense, it is life in God a following of God's

commandments and His righteousness (Mt 6:33; Lk 12:31). This is the

idea of so many of the parables, in which He says that the kingdom of

heaven is like (among other things) a grain of mustart seed, leaven,

treasure hid in a field, and a merchant seeking fine pearls (Mt 13).

In the Beatitudes, we see that the kingdom is attained by poverty of

spirit and by suffereing persecution for righteousness' sake (Mt 5:3,

10). And perhaps most important of all is His declaration that the

Kingdom of God is within you (Lk 17:21).


The kingdom also comes to man directly through God's intervention in

the world. We begin to understand that God is establishing a society

in the world separate from the world. It was to His disciples that He

said, " Fear not, little flock: for it is your Father's pleasure to

give you the kingdom " (Lk 12:32). Jesus had set up His kingdom among

men by revealing to them what the real life of man was to be

according to the will of God. It is clear also that He regarded those

who were His followers as constituting a kingdom distinct from the

world around it. St. John records Jesus' answer to Pilate with regard

to His kingship: " My kingdom is not of this world; if my kingdom were

of his world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be

delivered to the Jews; but my kingdom is not form hence. " ...


Numerous passages in the Gospels indicate that the Kingdom of Christ

is not only already begun in this age, but also belongs to the age to

come. Others spoke to Him of the kingdom as a future reality, and far

from rejecting the idea, He shows by His answers that they were not

mistaken. For example, the mother of Zebedee's children asked for

special places for her two sons in His kingdom. Although He predicted

that they would undergo the same suffering as He, He also said: " But

to sit on my right hand, and on my left, is not mine ot give, but it

shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my Father " (Mt

20:21-23). In another case, the wise thief crucified with the Lord

asked Him, " Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. And

Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee. Today shalt thou be with

me in paradise " (Lk 23:42-43).


Jesus also teaches that all those who forsake everything and follow

Him will receive spiritual rewards for their devotion in the present

life and in the world to come. " There is no man that hath left house,

or parents, or brethren, or wife, or children, for the kingdom of

God's sake, who shall not receive manifold more in the present time,

and in the world to come life everlasting " (Lk 8:29-30). "


The Kingdom of God: The Sermon on the Mount

Dmitri Royster, page 15-20

St. Vladimir's Seminary Press (March 1997)

ISBN-10: 0881411167

ISBN-13: 978-0881411164


Note: The heart of the Comforter's message was always " the gospel of

the kingdom " . Shri Mataji also sent Her disciples out to heal and to

preach just as Jesus had done. What did She tell them emphatically to

declare? That the kingdom of God is " come nigh unto you " . And so it

continued throughout Her earthly ministry from May 5, 1970 till July

20, 2008. All of Her references to the kingdom are far too many to

list here, but in them we may distinguish three meanings for

the " kingdom. " In one sense, it is life in God, a following of God's

commandments and His righteousness. And perhaps most important of all

is Her declaration that the Kingdom of God is within you.





" This leaves the problem of how God can be said to be about to preach

the good news to the poor. Whatever weight is placed on the

particular use of at Isa. 61.1, nowhere in the Old Testament is

this verb used with God as its subject, but always of human

proclaimers of (mostly good) news. Added to the fact that Isa 61.1,

which appears to be in view here, speak of one anointed by God's

spirit to perform various actions on God's behalf, the difficulty

seems almost insurmountable. Thus there appears to be an exegetical

deadlock. Every other consideration points to God being the subject

of the verbs in Line 12, and yet the third of these verbs, preaching

the good news, stubbornly resists having God as its subject. " - Eric



" I am here to do the job of God Almighty. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Bordi, India — February 6, 1985



" To know God itself is such a great blessing, because He is the God

Almighty; the God who has all the powers and all the loved ones.


He is our Father, He is waiting for us to enter into His Kingdom, to

enjoy that peace and beauty of His Being, because He has created us

and He wants His creation to come up to that. "


Shri Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi



" Today we are celebrating the resurrection of Christ. With it we also

have to celebrate the resurrection of human beings, of Sahaja Yogis,

who have been resurrected as realised souls. With that we have to

understand that we enter into a new awareness. He had to come down

and again to show to this world that you are the eternal life, that

you lead a life that is spiritual, which never perishes. You have to

rise, into that new realm, which is the Realm of God Almighty, what

you call the Kingdom of God. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

V4 No 23 Sept 84 p4


" I have to warn all the Sahaja Yogis who are here because Sahaja Yoga

is the Last Judgment; not only that you will be judged, that you are

entering into the Kingdom of God, but you become the citizens of God

is correct. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





Interviewer: What does it mean to open the last center (the seventh

Sahasrara chakra)?


Shri Mataji: " The Sahasrara. Last center is the center which is the

limbic area where is the seat of all the seven centers. It's all

integration there. So far, everybody who has come – like, Christ has

come on this center what you call the Agnya Chakra. Or, Krishna has

come on this center which is the Vishuddhi Chakra. Like that, they

have been appearing on every center of ours – giving us a new

dimension to our awareness. And, that's how our awareness has

improved to this extent and now the time is for you to get your

Absolute; to get your Spirit – that your Spirit must shine into your

attention, that you should have your Self-Realization, that you

should have your second birth. That's the time! And, that is only

possible if baptism, the real baptism works out - real. Not

artificial - somebody coming and putting the hand on your head and

saying, " Now, you are baptized. " That's not the way. But it is a real

thing that happens that you start feeling the Cool Breeze of the Holy

Ghost coming out. "


Radio Interview 1983 Oct 01, Santa Cruz USA



" You have to take a stand in your family, in your surroundings, with

your friends, and you have to tell them, " You better all get

realized. " The reason for that is that the Christ who crucified

Himself is going to come back with his Eleven Forces of Destruction.

And when He starts He is not going to ask you to take any

Realization. No one is going to be bothered whether you are going to

hell. He will just sort out. But those who have got Realization will

enter into the Kingdom of God. You have to enter into the Kingdom of

God here, as I say, in the Seventh Chakra. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

The New Age Has Started, Houston, USA — Oct. 6, 1981

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